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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Dude, there’s another one!

Zoe Amanda Wilson


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So the situation with 3M is all solved. 3M will produce more and guess what... export their mask! Another Trump shit show where everyone, 3M, Canada and all involved had to stay quiet, make him look like the winner just to make sure he does not do anything really stupid that would hurt everyone.

3M can make more mask thanks to their partner who are now located in many countries.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
The facts are that your beloved president now estimate 100 to 200k death in the next few weeks. After denying everything for 4-5 weeks. If those facts are no important for you sorry but there nothing we can do to help you.

He was in good company with your claimed detail ... Cuomo and de Blasio telling people to go out and enjoy restaurants, ride the subway ... guess they aren't criticized cuz they "relate as liberals" as likely do you ... neither do man-looking mayor of Chi-town and the corrupt Hyatt owner ... wonder how much Gov't stimulus money will line that liberal's pockets!?!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
“Man looking mayor of chi-town”, LOL!!!!

U forgot to mention the NOLA mayor, that chic crazy!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Don't be too surprised if this lasts well into the summer....possibly August or September.

They will completely destroy the economy the likes we never seen before worse then the Great Depression. Even during Wartime commerce continued. Like I said there has to be a balance and I do not think people will accept being locked down in prison when the weather gets nice. We wait one full year for nice summer weather. Got to let herd immunity take its course. Each time there is a virus are we to be locked down in prison each time?


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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..... Got to let herd immunity take its course. Each time there is a virus are we to be locked down in prison each time?

Research has shown that people tend to be against herd immunity when they find out that they won’t be among the survivors. Besides, it’s gonna to be a real turn off to navigate those piles of rotting dead corpses on my way to the Incall.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Besides, it’s gonna to be a real turn off to navigate those piles of rotting dead corpses on my way to the Incall.

If the government keeps up with locking down everyone as prisoners with the "We need to protect you" attitude there probably will be no incall for a year at least maybe even longer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
J'ai lu ce texte sur TVA nouvelles.

Malgré les mesures de confinement, la police a dû intervenir hier soir dans la communauté juive de Kiryas Tosh, à Boisbriand, pour disperser un rassemblement.
Aux alentours de 22h30, l’accès a été refusé à un véhicule au point de contrôle de la communauté ce qui aurait mené à une importante vague de mécontentement et près de 200 personnes se seraient finalement déplacées dans la rue pour faire valoir leur colère.

On n’a pas donné de contraventions, on vise principalement la communication, la collaboration (...) on comprend que ce n’est pas une situation qui est simple, ce n’est pas facile, mais c’est une situation qu’on prend très au sérieux.

La Régie de police Thérèse-de-Blainville a été appelée en renfort et une négociation avec des leaders de la communauté a permis de régler la situation au bout de quelques heures. Le calme est finalement revenu vers 1h du matin.

Poutant la communauté avait demander de l'aide au gouvernement parce qu'il a beaucoup de cas positifs à la COVID-19.

On les aide et ils n'écoutent pas les consignes, ça c'est vraiment frustrant.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The facts are that your beloved president now estimate 100 to 200k death in the next few weeks. After denying everything for 4-5 weeks. If those facts are no important for you sorry but there nothing we can do to help you.

4-5 weeks? More like over 70 days! And now we're learning that his aide Peter Navaro sent a memo back in January warning about the incoming pandemic & literally suggesting that something had to be done a.s.a.p. or else face a catastrophe!

I first learned about the coronavirus back in December. I just shake my head when every day the orange dumbass keeps repeating that 'no one saw this coming'. What a bunch of bullshit!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As I said earlier many medical professionals were saying the same thing back in December: that this was media hype and Coronavirus was not going to be much worse than a bad flu season. I was given this information as a consensus among pulmonologists. So all this finger pointing at people who thought the same is in my opinion bullshit second guessing with the 20/20 hindsight of reality, which serves no purpose. The truth is the vast majority of medical professionals had no fucking clue things would be what they are now. If they did we would have heard about it. And we didn't.

If we all had crystal balls we would all be rich. But we don't and aren't. The people who supposedly "knew" this would happen presumably would have invested heavily in PPE making companies. They didn't.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
In all fairness doc, the buck does stop with him, or maybe Obama (that’s another debate) but every President has eyes and ears in a HHS SECRETARY and CDC director. They failed on this.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Self quarantine and social distancing along with wearing a mask when doing essential tasks is working. Look at New Zealand and its iron fisted leader. She has not only flattened the curve but has pounded it into the week into her 4 week shut down . It works if you give it time, at least a month, and strictly enforce the rules.
If you can believe China then they hadn`t had a death from covid19 yesterday and parts of the country are almost back to normal.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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China has a powerful authoritarian government which makes people do things and shoots them in the head publicly when things are not done correctly. Remember the what happened to the head of the Chinese food and drug Czar after the milk formula issue? Bullet in the back of the head.

In the US and Canada we have weaker democratic governments that spoil citizens with freedoms others do not have. Our governments are not as aggressive in taking away those freedoms. We even see in this thread whiny posts from those who are suffering with the half assed measures that were actually taken. A total lockdown for 1-2 months may have been better, but because we half-assed it, we will not be as quick to recover as the Chinese. Virus pandemics reward authoritarian governments and punish democratic governments that are gunshy about harshly curtailing freedoms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yet another flip-flop from Trump on importing masks (another time among many).

Donald Trump is a very good dancer: a step forward, a step back.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have come to believe that flip-flopping is essential for most politicians. Apart from the fact that one must adapt to the ways in which the winds blow, the information they are collecting or being told changes from day to day. It's not so much that a politician has to flip flop, so much as how he or she executes the flip flop. It is as crucial maneuver in politics as the cross check is in hockey. You just need to be able to get away with it and pull it off. Some politicians are better than others, just like some hockey players cross check the shit out of opponents and don't get called on it.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I don`t know how the stock market predicts the future of the economy usually by 3 to 6 months. Its been on an upward tear in recent days....if it continues upward or just stays even for the next few weeks ...that would be an optimistic signal for the economy rebounding by summer.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Once this is all over, do you think there will be an overload of single moms, students and other ladies offering services to make extra cash? I get the feeling there will be lots of independent ads popping up everywhere, what do you think?
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