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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I agree with you but to add freedom is very important. I know it has risks but what is the point to be locked down and controlled by the government? Let people choose what risks they want to take.

I agree. I'm quite aware of the dangers of spreading the coronavirus and understand why governments are doing what they're doing. Personally i'm considered an essential worker so i continued to work while i fully knew i have the choice to quit and stay home. I'm financially secure for the rest of my life but i love the job i do, i get to meet people & the main reason why i i'm still working is because it kills the boredom. I'm in the most suceptible group (i have two pre-existing conditions) to die from the coronavirus if i get it and the best thing for me right now would be to lock myself up in my house. But i'm willing to make the sacrifice and i want to enjoy the rest of my life as much as possible instead of being locked up like a dog in my house. The beauty of living in a country like Canada is that i still get to chose for myself.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Calling the president a "mass murderer" and that he's been that way for "40 years" is your opinion and fake news.

Your better than that.

Come back to me after Trump's inactions over the past 2-3 months eventually leads to over 1 million American deaths, will ya? Trump & the evil Republicans already have a heck of a lot of blood on their hands!


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Yes, but was appointed by Obama. So who she worked for previously has nothing to do this, does it? Hate the president all you want, just use actual facts to justify what your saying in a coronavirus thread. Calling the president a "mass murderer" and that he's been that way for "40 years" is your opinion and fake news.

Your better than that.

Likely is NOT really ... but to the point, OUR President Trump could pick Gahndi for a role and folks like this and others here would find fault. He stopped flights to stem this virus spread before other countries did and got lambasted as a racist. TDS is real and exists here on MERB.

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
If Gandhi had said : " The 15 ( cases on February 26th ) within a couple days is going to be down to close to zero , that's a pretty good job we've done "
We would lambast him too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Come back to me after Trump's inactions over the past 2-3 months eventually leads to over 1 million American deaths, will ya? Trump & the evil Republicans already have a heck of a lot of blood on their hands!

I will.

Just to confirm by way of your response, there is nothing to validate your statement that the president is a “mass murderer” and that he has been that way for “40 years”. I ask for facts and you spew opinions. Now your saying as if it were fact that it’s the presidents inactions, eventually leading to a million deaths and the evil Republicans, give me a break.

Again, your better than that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Likely is NOT really ... but to the point, OUR President Trump could pick Gahndi for a role and folks like this and others here would find fault. He stopped flights to stem this virus spread before other countries did and got lambasted as a racist. TDS is real and exists here on MERB.

TDS goes the other way too - dismissing any of his faults and only talking about all the good stuff. It's dumb to say everything Trump did is bad, and it's dumb to say he's been great. Overall, I wouldn't say he's been great, even if he did a few things right here or there.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In the last couple of days massive outbreaks and a large number of fatalities have been reported at a few nursing homes in the New Haven area. In the coming weeks in NYC and CT, many older persons living alone will be found dead in their homes by loved ones, or by neighbors when their bodies begin to decay. The death numbers will skyrocket when these unfortunate persons are added to the tally.

The political fingerprinting in this thread has become nonsensical. The death toll wouldn't be significantly different if someone else was President. The same half assed measures would have been taken. The media fosters in way too many people that who the nominal leader is makes a big difference. It really makes no difference. None of the past 4 Presidents made a substantial difference in my day to day life. The only noticeable difference in my taxes was the phasing out itemized and business expense deductions which happened under Trump, but I know full well the same change would have happened if any Democrat was elected. It's really delusional to point fingers and in my opinion appalling. I didn't hear any chorus from the medical community about locking down or even doing the half assed measures we did back in January. Nothing, zero, nada. So to create some narrative that didn't exist at all is by definition deranged and delusional.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

My posts are meant to neutralize the rhetoric by putting some facts out there to basically justify exactly what your saying.

Regarding my previous post about the death rate/projections, there has been a lot of discussions about this as of late. Tucker Carlson had an interesting piece about it on his show last night. I watched his show right after watching Chris Cuomo on CNN. I try to balance out the truth between the two of them. Back to Tucker, he dove into the data received by the WHO along with the governors and it did make me think about the horrible projections that we are going to be facing. The projections are really high, but the reality is that the data is not heading the way of the projections, not even close. I'm very happy with that, as we all should. Maybe its a glimmer of hope, maybe Tucker just stirring the shit to piss people off, lots of maybes, but what about the data that we are getting from all the charts and curves. I'm hoping they are wrong and the deaths are much lower than projected.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yes, but was appointed by Obama. So who she worked for previously has nothing to do this, does it?

Exactly! I agree with you but Trump does not agree with us.

Did you watch the press conference? Did you saw Trump's first reaction when he heard of the bad survey results conducted to various hospital across the country that her office reported? Immediately Trump wanted to know her name. Then he wanted to know who appointed her. You see he simply want's to destroy the messenger and skip the problems. Very horrible leadership.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
The presidents behavior in all of these press conferences are embarrassing. I agree with you. I wish he would be more like Governor Cuomo. His even tempered demeanor is exactly what we need right now.

Stan Smith

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
M. Legault vient d’annoncer que le 2 mètres devra être respecté pour encore plusieurs mois... ce qui veut dire que massage, barbier, Physio, dentiste etc. Serait interdit par la loi sous peine d’amendes? comment ça va marcher?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
the crazy thing is there are crazies out there criticizing the models and actually saying how they are overestimating. People are actually getting pissed @‘this. Less people dying than projected, lol! If a financial adviser told someone with $100,000 that if him and his family keep spending the way they do they will have only $5000 by then end of the year to submit to the kids college fund. Come October the client sees a net balance of $45,000 and calls the financial adviser angry that his projection was totally off and he’s pissed because he could have taken the family to vaca in Germany (where he planned to ditch his family on a “work related” excursion to FKK sharks). He’s angry n livid @ the financial adviser but not thanking his wifey who said “we can wait another year to buy a Range Rover SUV and not happy he’ll have cash to help make sure his kids are closer to being debt free after college.

surprisingly people are more concerned about the welfare of themselves and others and staying the fuck home. The models are gonna change


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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M. Legault vient d’annoncer que le 2 mètres devra être respecté pour encore plusieurs mois... ce qui veut dire que massage, barbier, Physio, dentiste etc. Serait interdit par la loi sous peine d’amendes? comment ça va marcher?

Il y aura des exceptions pour des urgences. Et il faut juste prendre les protections appropriés clients et professionels.

Stan Smith

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Urgence, c’est relatif... pour moi, une coupe de cheveux et mes massages seront considérés urgents d’ici peu...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB,My posts are meant to neutralize the rhetoric by putting some facts out there to basically justify exactly what you are saying.

The second paragraph of my last post was not intended for you but rather to all other posters who are finger pointing at politicians in this thread. They are delusional to think politicians are killing people. The virus is killing people and the death tally wouldn't be much different regardless of who was in charge. I also believe that no matter who was President the response would have been half assed and we have to face up to the fact that this is a weakness inherent in democratic society. We see from the posts of Cloud500 and others that a large number of deaths are acceptable to them (presumably their mothers included) in the name of protecting freedoms and other features of democracy we are spoiled by. If those posts are accepted, then the death toll is really a byproduct of the type of government rather than the specific leader of the government. However I do not see it as particularly helpful to finger point blame at politicians, and persons who do so simply breed ineffectiveness or laziness at finding solutions to the problems at hand.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Also agree with the Beav's last post above yours Walooo ...

However, pulling ta the heart strings above in an earlier post from him, many old people will be found dead alone in their homes regardless ... acrid, stroke, aneurysm ... who knows ... home invader even. But, am willing to BET that every single one will be BLAMED on this china virus.

And pretty sick of "Saint Cuomo", he has run the state poorly and is as fit a leader as Putzker is in IL ... lousy. Is Trump well polished - heck no. Does he sugarcoat as a typical silver tongued politician ... again NO. Similar to finding an escort ... different tastes in looks, manners and performance .... but guess what, you still get screwed in the end! LOL


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
The presidents behavior in all of these press conferences are embarrassing. I agree with you. I wish he would be more like Governor Cuomo. His even tempered demeanor is exactly what we need right now.

I must agree , big difference between the governors briefings and the presidents

Cuomo brings a sense of calm and speaks with compassion and is empathetic , transparent and gets understood so its exactly what people need right now

The president’s press conferences/briefings are another story . He seems anxious and easily gets agitated and deflects any criticism or blame

I’m surprised that people still watch his briefings as they all end up predictably the same with him throwing a fit
I mean it’s the reporters jobs to ask tough questions , they are not there to pat him in the back
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