What is TDS?
'Trump Defender Syndrome is an affliction endemic to Trumpanzees whereby any mention of the name Trump immediately causes defensiveness, rationalization, deflection and a generalized frothing at the mouth.'
What is TDS?
What is TDS?
Lets focus on staying in place - even someone here has bragged about his "no sexual contact" visitor ... that is NOT sheltering in place ... bang the board if she is there, ya all have likely spread the virus by being in the same room with your clothes on if one of you had it! Geeze Louise ...
Jal some on this thread called it just a bad cold....I don`t see a bad cold on your graph.
Jal some on this thread called it just a bad cold....I don`t see a bad cold on your graph.
The military warned Trump back in November that a new virus was causing havoc in China. Trump ignored the warning and said a few months later that everything is under control
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .
M. Legault vient d’annoncer que le 2 mètres devra être respecté pour encore plusieurs mois... ce qui veut dire que massage, barbier, Physio, dentiste etc. Serait interdit par la loi sous peine d’amendes? comment ça va marcher?
The military warned Trump back in November that a new virus was causing havoc in China.
People like me? Are you fucking kidding me.
Show me one instance when I called him a racist. Show me one instance when I was upset that he banned flights from China. He is a lot of bad things but I don`t believe he is a racist.
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .
I agree. I'm quite aware of the dangers of spreading the coronavirus and understand why governments are doing what they're doing. Personally i'm considered an essential worker so i continued to work while i fully knew i have the choice to quit and stay home. But i'm willing to make the sacrifice and i want to enjoy the rest of my life as much as possible instead of being locked up like a dog in my house. The beauty of living in a country like Canada is that i still get to chose for myself.