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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
What is TDS?

'Trump Defender Syndrome is an affliction endemic to Trumpanzees whereby any mention of the name Trump immediately causes defensiveness, rationalization, deflection and a generalized frothing at the mouth.'

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Cuomo is annoying. Get to the point man. A key difference between him and DJT is that Andy looks like he actually puts literate relatives in key positions on his team, but still nepotism @‘play. I find the FaceTime back and forth between him and Chris @ his noontime briefings and on Chris’s CNN slot adorable but not as adorable as Jared.

yet Cuomo getting shit done as much as he is annoying

DJT is making it harder for Lupus patients to get plaquenil with him talking about shit he knows nothing about.

but, don’t think you can solely point finger on him with this one. It’s a systemic failure in disaster preparedness for USA and even other countries like UK.

in contrast “New Zealand’s PM has got it goin on.....New Zealand’s PM has got it goin on.....New Zealand’s PM has got it goin on.....”


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Poor misguided TDS sufferer out from jail ... TDS= Trump DERANGEMENT Syndrome ... as clearly modeled by the above poster

NCITHW ... look at the difference in press pool to what each has to deal with ... you don't THINK that Cuomo is in a girls slow pitch softball league as compared to the majors Trump is dealing with - each person there LOOKING for their "gotcha" moment without a true care for this manufactured china virus? Come on ... be realistic .

So many people don't like Trump cuz "of the way he talks" ... little girls, thats why he got elected ... masses tired of being lied to LIED to by silver tongued well polished career politicians from both BOTH sides of the isle.

Lets focus on staying in place - even someone here has bragged about his "no sexual contact" visitor ... that is NOT sheltering in place ... bang the board if she is there, ya all have likely spread the virus by being in the same room with your clothes on if one of you had it! Geeze Louise ...

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Lets focus on staying in place - even someone here has bragged about his "no sexual contact" visitor ... that is NOT sheltering in place ... bang the board if she is there, ya all have likely spread the virus by being in the same room with your clothes on if one of you had it! Geeze Louise ...

totally agree with Larry! EB wtf!?!?! I woulda just went for it!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Telling you guys Trump and his ass-licker team are currently turning the relief package to further help the rich. Watch carefully what will happened.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jal some on this thread called it just a bad cold....I don`t see a bad cold on your graph.

The military warned Trump back in November that a new virus was causing havoc in China. Trump ignored the warning and said a few months later that everything is under control


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jal some on this thread called it just a bad cold....I don`t see a bad cold on your graph.

Oups true you do not see it because it does not kill enough people.

The graph simply show that Covid-19 is number 1 killer of all disease. No because of it's death rate. But because it's so fucking contagious.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Jal some on this thread called it just a bad cold....I don`t see a bad cold on your graph.

The military warned Trump back in November that a new virus was causing havoc in China. Trump ignored the warning and said a few months later that everything is under control

People like you were the ones decrying him as a racist and xenophobe for banning flights from China ... they kept flowing into lovely Canada .. and then on into US ... without double standards liberals have no standards on this china virus topic or any other


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
People like me? Are you fucking kidding me.
Show me one instance when I called him a racist. Show me one instance when I was upset that he banned flights from China. He is a lot of bad things but I don`t believe he is a racist.
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .

SHUT UP! you didn’t say that did you Larry?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
M. Legault vient d’annoncer que le 2 mètres devra être respecté pour encore plusieurs mois... ce qui veut dire que massage, barbier, Physio, dentiste etc. Serait interdit par la loi sous peine d’amendes? comment ça va marcher?

Dentiste eventuellement sa va devenir essentiel, et je pense que si une place a toujours pris l'hygiene au serieux, ces bien la. Coiffure je sais pas trop, pour ma pars j'ai un clipper a maison, quand sa commence a etre trop long, chop chop et voila. Je pense que ces surtout au sense vague, il se peux que par exemple si la vie reprend des truc du genre cinema ou resto garde une regle de 1 siege sur 3 ou qqc de meme pour un boute. Les evenements sportif/culturel peuvent rester proscrit aussi vu que comme il la dit, je me vois pas allez a un show de metal et garder un 2 metre avec le monde hein...

Mais sinon en ce qui concerne les escortes on s'entend que ces pas legal a la base lol, donc bon.. Si le confinement est finis, si la vie reprend a Montreal, je dit sa de meme, je sais pas combien de temps sa peux peux prendre, bin sa sera la discretion des agences et escortes et bien sur des clients s'ils veulent des meetings.

Tsé New York est un foyer infesté comme pas possible et ya des escortes high end qui vois encore quelques clients...


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
People like me? Are you fucking kidding me.
Show me one instance when I called him a racist. Show me one instance when I was upset that he banned flights from China. He is a lot of bad things but I don`t believe he is a racist.
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .

Don't want to touch your quote and get chastised by the Mod, but your last 17 words are the essence of a liberals fake news type of post ... you find it, you post it ... will be waiting. A verrrrry long time

No NB, I never would have posted that ....

Oh "head in the clouds' took "people like you" to mean he did ... guess I hit nerve with the inference ....

Think the media is really banging the drum TOO loudly on bashing this drug that a Jewish doctor in a rural area of NY came up with as a potential aid to people with this china virus in his community ... and Trump, would NOT be speaking out on giving it a try and elevating it;s use if he did NOT have confirmation from respected people - The Media is NOT respected and part of greater agenda ... make different in Canada ... you tell us, but in America the media HAS become the enemy of the people spreading fake news instead of investigating and reporting.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Seems US Covid-19 shutdowns may be prematurely eased in as early as 4 weeks based on questionable data esp. fr NYC:

Falling Hospitalizations Rates - Nearing capacity, NY emergency rooms r reportedly turning away patients that would have been hospitalized a week ago. Similarly, overextended ambulance personnel are also dissuading would-be patients from going to hospitals. Basically unless a person cannot breathe, he/she isn’t going to be hospitalized.

Reduced Ventilator Usage - The number of people dying at home have spiked. Many elderly people suffering fr serious Covid-19 symptoms r choosing to die at home w/ family closeby rather than alone in a cold hospital room.

Number of Covid-19 Cases - Testing has still not taken off and is understating the true number of cases. Suspected Covid-19 patients r not being tested, often turned away and told to come back only if conditions dramatically worsen. People who die at home r also not being tested. Even frontline medical staff are having problems getting tests. Hospitals are also wary of testing their nurses & doctors for fear of losing too many of them to quarantine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree. I'm quite aware of the dangers of spreading the coronavirus and understand why governments are doing what they're doing. Personally i'm considered an essential worker so i continued to work while i fully knew i have the choice to quit and stay home. But i'm willing to make the sacrifice and i want to enjoy the rest of my life as much as possible instead of being locked up like a dog in my house. The beauty of living in a country like Canada is that i still get to chose for myself.

I am also an essential workers and have to go to work. But you see that is the thing the government is stripping away our choice and using this COVID-19 situation to justify themselves. We do have more freedom then the other places compared what they did in China and Morocco but here they are progressively getting more restrictive. Legault even said to be monogamous. It is moving towards an Orwellian society. That indeed is the beauty is to have the choice to take the risk or not and right now they limited a lot of our choices.
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