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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
His press secretary bolted again, lol, she goin back to work with Melania. The new press secretary is a nut

I think she got fired and did not resign on her own. Anyways she was with Malaria before working for Mushroom Dick and Malaria was only happy to take her back.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
imagine if USA is the country that discovers a vaccine for COVID 19…
Whwat will Trump do with it in regards to other countries?.....Sell it for a much bigger price? deny to some countries? …..I wonder how far he can go!

Do not underestimate Deranged Donald. This mass murderer is capable of anything, especially when it comes to making money. Sad, but he's been the way for at least the past 40 years. We're only starting to get to know the real 'Deranged Donald' now & it's only the tip of the iceberg of that this maniac can do to his fellow countrymen and the world!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
If you'd rather live in a totalitarian country like North Korea or China you're free to move there. If not....there's always a price to pay to live in a democracy. A little bit of pain always comes with the territory.

im sooooo curious to know what the North Korean infection rate is. Think how hard it would be to get a vent over there, shit


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Yet another flip-flop from Trump on importing masks (another time among many).

Donald Trump is a very good dancer: a step forward, a step back.

Oh, so you mean he is resembling a professional politician ... kinda like ole bathhouse barry our former globalist do-nothing shill and your one white Obozo Trudeau ... see, we "hired" him to be a businessman and clean up the mess all the politicians have made ... and frankly, with this virus, he was chastised for shutting off flights from china to keep their virus out, and that is just one of many things .... if he flip flops ... or in business we call it re-evaluating and changing direction ... and it works, God bless him!


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Do not underestimate Deranged Donald. This mass murderer is capable of anything, especially when it comes to making money. Sad, but he's been the way for at least the past 40 years. We're only starting to get to know the real 'Deranged Donald' now & it's only the tip of the iceberg of that this maniac can do to his fellow countrymen and the world!

More unsubstantiated nonsense and character assassinations ... "mass murderer" ... get back on your TDS meds old man ... this china virus really has you messed up - have you been screened? Lets let the leaders call the shots and get us back to business as normal shall we?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yea but Larry, Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about with the plaquenil brother. It can be just as dicy if not worse then azithromycin with the heart.

also people with Lupus are having a tough time getting plaquenil now


Jul 6, 2017
Wasn't Trump 2-3 weeks ahead of other nations in banning direct flights from China in late January. Even Canada was allowing direct flight from China and Iran until much later. Trudeau was afraid of appearing racist and was prepping for his next blackface costume.
Now Trump is slamming China and it's China puppet, the W.H.O. by declaring that the U.S. which recently provided over half of the W.H.O.'s annual budget of $500 million won't be making that mistake again. Fuck the W.H.O. and China. Remember the W.H.O. was reporting as late as January that the Coronavirus in China was not transferable human to human. All worldwide deaths, due to the virus, are a direct result of fuckery from China and the W.H.O.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Gotta remember this was a true lockdown, not the half-assed, pussy shut downs we have had in North America.

I guess you forgot the concept of freedom. If you want to live in a dictatorship totalitarian country be my guest and if you want to lock yourself away for eternity you can do that also. But let the rest of choose to have freedom. I am willing to take my risks to have freedom.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
If you'd rather live in a totalitarian country like North Korea or China you're free to move there. If not....there's always a price to pay to live in a democracy. A little bit of pain always comes with the territory.

I agree with you but to add freedom is very important. I know it has risks but what is the point to be locked down and controlled by the government? Let people choose what risks they want to take.

Strange that South Korea discovered it's first infection on the same day the United States had their first, yet South Korea is breezing through this while the United States is experiencing a total catastrophe.

The world got to take the example of South Korea. See they are doing a far better job without locking people down as prisoners and establishing an Orwellian society. Their secret is mass testing. Got to test everyone. Testing is the only way. The US is not testing as much as they should be doing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Restricting freedom and locking everydown is not an option unless a vaccine is developed and there may never be one. Consider we still got no protection against the common cold. Setting up an Orwellian society is out of the question. The option in nature is to let the disease takes its course in other words herd immunity. An interesting article on this one ->


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
Do not underestimate Deranged Donald. This mass murderer is capable of anything, especially when it comes to making money. Sad, but he's been the way for at least the past 40 years. We're only starting to get to know the real 'Deranged Donald' now & it's only the tip of the iceberg of that this maniac can do to his fellow countrymen and the world!

Everybody knows he is a malignant narcissist...and i agree with you this is only the tip of the iceberg,,,,and i am not on any kind of meds..


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC.....scénarios et projections au 30 Avril.......positive scenario 1,263 deaths.....avec simulation basée avec l'Allemagne et le Portugal..........negative/worst scenario 8.860 deaths...avec simulation basée avec l'Italie......le peak autour du 18 Avril. Les experts s'entendent pour dire que le scénario le plus probable est celui qui est positif MAIS ces projections sont en comparaison de ce qui s'est passé dans d'autres pays et ne tiennent pas compte de la réalité proprement québécoise......alors les mathématiques risquent d"être différentes car le Québec est fort différent démographiquement et sociologiquement de l'Italie, Allemagne et Portugal.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
but to add freedom is very important. I know it has risks but what is the point to be locked down and controlled by the government? Let people choose what risks they want to take.

Freedom is important. We’ll get ours back. Yea you can let people choose what risks they wanna take, but when those risks
pose risks to mass others, it’s another story. If you want to go out and be about your biz and are willing to get placed on a ventilator, fine, but someone else you come into contact with may not.

im not an epidemiologist but I think a lot of people here are confusing herd immunity and “do nothing”. For herd immunity to actually work here you would need a vaccine. This do nothing mentality results in a greater loss to the economy than what’s goin on now

I try try not to vomit articles on people, but this one’s pretty good. Feels more like a juicy COF than a vomit for me.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well said Nature Boy. And think about healthcare workers. They are taken much more risk they would currently walk out of the job if we were to be set free.

Some countries impose much more relaxing confinement measures like Sweden and Japan. But these countries have testing capacity that far exceed what other country can do.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Wasn't Trump 2-3 weeks ahead of other nations in banning direct flights from China in late January. Even Canada was allowing direct flight from China and Iran until much later. Trudeau was afraid of appearing racist and was prepping for his next blackface costume.
Now Trump is slamming China and it's China puppet, the W.H.O. by declaring that the U.S. which recently provided over half of the W.H.O.'s annual budget of $500 million won't be making that mistake again. Fuck the W.H.O. and China. Remember the W.H.O. was reporting as late as January that the Coronavirus in China was not transferable human to human. All worldwide deaths, due to the virus, are a direct result of fuckery from China and the W.H.O.

Right on the money Big ... those here with TDS, and it seems most, are off their meds, as some actually confess above ... W.H.O. has not been a friend to the first letter in their name and especially with this current china virus .... a businessman does;t continue spending on something worthless or nonproductive ... whereas a career politician does;t disrupt the status quo ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
She also worked for previous administrations prior to Obama's.

Yes, but was appointed by Obama. So who she worked for previously has nothing to do this, does it? Hate the president all you want, just use actual facts to justify what your saying in a coronavirus thread. Calling the president a "mass murderer" and that he's been that way for "40 years" is your opinion and fake news.

Your better than that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Restricting freedom and locking everydown is not an option unless a vaccine is developed

You are missing the big picture and not seeing the forest from the trees. The issue is not freedom, it's survival. As I said earlier totalitarian governments will weather a succession of pandemics much better than democracies that are weaker in implementing lockdowns. The result will be severe population loss in democratic countries as compared to totalitarian countries, and resulting migration of populations to the "safer" countries. The human survival instinct is what is being served here, and it's all-powerful. I don't particularly wish for this trend, but in my mind, it's logical and inevitable if there is a succession of viral pandemics.
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