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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Survival rates for Covid:

Across the entire population: 99.8%
Ages 50 - 70 years: 99.5%
Ages 70+ years: 94.6%
< 20 years old: 100.0%

Yes, Covid is very contagious and the death rate is about 2-3x the flu but it is not on the order of bubonic plague the way the press is making it out to be. So when you turn on the news and they show numbers like 1/4 million deaths in the USA, remember the purpose. It is so the media can drive their left wing agenda. You need to consider the rate and not the total number of deaths.

For example, 320,000 people drown each year. Does this mean that you should never go to the beach? No. We can all go for a swim and be relatively safe.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
STN is right.
COVID deaths in Quebec, as of now : 6, 710
Deaths in the USA : 252, 000
They have roughly , 40 times our population..
6, 710 x 40 = 268, 000

Honestly, I'm surprised to see that Legault's government gets such a pass..
Our numbers are shameful.
Honeymoon phase for the CAQ but for how long ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have been saying this many times before that Quebec has a death rate worse than the US.
It is all that huge Orange assholes fault of course. that seems to be the only plausible explanation in all these political threads .
Wonder how long it will take these same guys to hold Biden up as the world‘s saviour for getting effective vaccines out in warp speed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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STN is right.
COVID deaths in Quebec, as of now : 6, 710
Deaths in the USA : 252, 000
They have roughly , 40 times our population..
6, 710 x 40 = 268, 000

Honestly, I'm surprised to see that Legault's government gets such a pass..
Our numbers are shameful.
Honeymoon phase for the CAQ but for how long ?

It's really not a fair comparison because Quebec is not a jurisdiction of 50 States, each with their own public health agendas. Quebec should be compared as against Connecticut, or Maine, or Vermont, or other members of the Sensational 6, and then you have an apples to apples comparison rather than apples to oranges. C'mon guys, I thought you were smarter than this.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Quebec is in bad shape .Shamefully bad, and those responsible should be run out of government.
Keep in mind though that Quebec`s border is a small part of the Canadian border.
The US as a whole is doing 3 times as bad as Canada as a whole.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What is Quebec's positivity rate? Yesterday Connecticut, a charter member of the Sensational 6 US States, spiked up to 7%. The Governor of CT is in quarantine due to his press spokesperson catching Covid.

A problem the entire US faces is Thanksgiving weekend starting really next Wednesday with the biggest traditional travel day of the year. This is traditionally a weekend of travel and large family gatherings. A huge spike is being expected the following week. Thanksgiving weekend also includes the legendary Black Friday which will hopefully be mostly online this year, but often features huge lines of shoppers at stores, lured by 2 for 1 sales and the like. I bought my sneakers that I wear at a Black Friday sale last year. Sketchers.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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By the way Quebec appears to be maintaining very good data on Covid which can be found here, although I do not see positivity rates being posted here:

One positive: hospitalizations went down for the first time in a week on November 18.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
EB, Quebec had 1,500 cases per 100,000, that is a worse rate than 47 states I think.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In BC now stricter laws, no home visitors unless the one person is a caregiver or relative etc. Pubs can be open though, was in one last night, packed watching the game with no masks in sight. Weird law.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think it is fair to compare Quebec to the US or to any state of similar population.
In the end no matter how you role the dice you come up with the fact that Quebec has fucked up royally and people here making Trump out to be the devil incarnate when it comes to the virus and not saying shit about their own backyard is pretty hypocritical to put it mildly.

Now do I put all the blame on Legault and his government, no I think he is saying the right things and probably if he imposed stricter rules it wouldn’t be as bad but then there would be an outcry against his measures far worse than there already is.

I am not so quick to put all the blame on Legault or Trump, by now it has been almost 8 months of this, everybody has a mind of their own, do you really need a politician to tell or force you to wear a mask, social distance and to keep all contact to the very minimum and stay the fuck home.
Do we need the army to force a total lock down, it certainly seems so because otherwise we as a free people are not willing to do it on our own, personally I would be totally against this I don’t believe any reason is valid enough to allow this.
To me that would be worse than the virus.

I do however blame China for allowing this to be spread beyond its borders and not informing the rest of the world in time as to how serious this virus was.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, Quebec had 1,500 cases per 100,000, that is a worse rate than 47 states I think.

That is a 1.5% positivity rate, which is not bad. CT was at 6.48% as of yesterday:

In NYC, the threshold for closing schools is 3%.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That is a 1.5% positivity rate, which is not bad. CT was at 6.48% as of yesterday:

In NYC, the threshold for closing schools is 3%.
And closing schools in NYC because the transmission rate is 3% is fucking insane. The transmission rate within the schools is 0.19%. How can politicians bar 1MM children from schools because the transmission rate within the schools is < 0.2%? Keep in mind that COVID is 100% survivable for the students and ~99.8% survivable for the entire population.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
What's interesting about NY and NYC is that they will shut down the schools at a 3% transmission rate but when the governor addresses the state he mentions the positivity rate but doesn't include the "cluster" or "hotspot" areas so that the percentages are lower. It's a smoke show. The governor of NY needs to get off his book tour and face the facts that the positivity rate in NY is heading up and masks, social distancing, washing hands, shutting down gyms and bars just isn't working. We were fortunate enough to have a low positivity rate during the summer. He needs to get his head out of his ass and figure out how to keep NY from spiking like our neighbors. As far as mayor DiBlasio closing the schools, I'm not sure why it's so important for these government officials to close schools. And I'm seeing my family for Thanksgiving, the governor can suck it.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The 3% positivity rate threshold for NYC school closure does seem low to me, but I do not know what the science is behind that rate and I assume that there is some reason they went with that rate. For the Canadians in the thread who do not know, NYC had been hovering in the high 2s positivity rate for weeks and this pending development had been widely discussed and debated. I did not follow the debate closely, but I heard it being discussed on the radio every morning, with invariable snippets of DiBlasio presser speeches warning that closing would happen if 3% got breached.
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