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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
yes, because cases are the precursor for hospitalizations. If you wait for hospitalizations, it's too late.

If the hospitalizations don't come you can say they panicked for nothing. But given what other countries have seen, they are coming.

They are supose to have a capacity of 800 and they are at about 350. There still tons of space for now. I would say if it reach 600 then maybe time to get worried. That said, even 800 is a joke for a whole province... When you see a small country (in term of space) like England having 90 000 daily cases you wonder whats wrong with Quebec... They were supose to had 7000 or 8000 beds March 2020. We are now at 800... and yet they panic at 300...


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
They are supose to have a capacity of 800 and they are at about 350. There still tons of space for now. I would say if it reach 600 then maybe time to get worried. That said, even 800 is a joke for a whole province... When you see a small country (in term of space) like England having 90 000 daily cases you wonder whats wrong with Quebec... They were supose to had 7000 or 8000 beds March 2020. We are now at 800... and yet they panic at 300...

There are two parts to your response

I agree with the shame that we have no capacity. The government has done nothing on this front. And they find all kinds of distractions to avoid the conversation. But it is, what it is for now. And BTW, I don't understand that 800 number. I heard Dubé say it and went "?".

The nature of Omicron is that if you wait to hit 600 to do something, you will blast past 800. Omicron can double infections every 5 days. If you wait to get to 600 in hospital, there will be so much of it out there you won't slow it down in time. This is the nature of disease that transmits at exponential rates.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The 800 is the number of Covid beds allowed. Past that it goes over capacity and they will ran out of personal to attend patients, from what i understand.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Just got my booster today....1h30 d'attente en ligne à l'extérieur au froid....MAIS me sens bien de l'avoir fait.....beaucoup d'enfants aussi en ligne avec leurs parents...bravo les jeunes. :) Malheureusement vu la file d' attente plusieurs ont rebroussé chemin...
vraiment dommage...vont sûrement se reprendre. Ne pas se fier à l'heure donnée pour le rendez-vous:confused:....le manque de personnel semble poser un gros problème.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
The 800 is the number of Covid beds allowed. Past that it goes over capacity and they will ran out of personal to attend patients, from what i understand.
Yes I heard that also, but 800 seems crazy low for the entire province. There are 224 hospitals. I know Ontario has like 2500 ICU beds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
As of midnight tonight, all Canadians need a molecular test (see link below for types) to enter the country from a land border, even for a short trip (72 hours).

So if you get a booster shot in Vermont, you need to get tested in Vermont, wait for results then drive back.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hum....pas de problème avec la dose un et deux .MAIS le booster recu hier m'a réservé une petite surprise fort désagréable TOUTE LA NUIT PASSÉE de 1h à 7h ce matin....un petit cauchemar... o_O

Des vomissements/diarrhée et frissons toute la n'ai pas fermé l'oeil.....j'ai contacté ce matin info santé 811 à on m'a bien confirmé que oui c'étaient des effets secondaires de bien voir à mon hydratation....m'a donné toutes les infos pour

régler mes problèmes....super déjà je file mieux ....mais my god je ne souhaite ca à vous éprouvez de telles symptômes ou autres n'hésitez pas à les contacter...super service.

-note....probablement aussi que l'attente à l'extérieur dans le froid----ne suis plus un jeunôt;)----de plus de 90 min. n'a pas aidé.o_O .....MAIS le bon côté c'est que c j'en suis bien heureux....dur moment à passer mais incontournable pour

Si j'ai décidé de parler de mon cas c'est essentiellement pour indiquer qu'il y a des solutions à portée de main si nous traversons parfois des périodes inquiétantes.:)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum....pas de problème avec la dose un et deux .MAIS le booster recu hier m'a réservé une petite surprise fort désagréable TOUTE LA NUIT PASSÉE de 1h à 7h ce matin....un petit cauchemar... o_O

Des vomissements/diarrhée et frissons toute la n'ai pas fermé l'oeil.....j'ai contacté ce matin info santé 811 à on m'a bien confirmé que oui c'étaient des effets secondaires de bien voir à mon hydratation....m'a donné toutes les infos pour

Ouin... une nuit poche de même ca ma deja arrivé... souvent :p Une bonne brosse pis vomissement et diarrhée, avec un mal de tete en bonus... yup yup :p Les frissons je les ai deja eu aussi dans d'autre ocasion. Ces jamais le fun mais bon ces la vie... Fait toi s'y car tu les aura peut-etre pour ta 4ieme dose ou ta 5ieme ;)

Moi c'est plus les effets secondaire severe comme paralysie de bell ou encore myocardite que j'ai peur. Ou encore effet secondaire a long termes inconnues...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump Booed For Discussing Getting Covid Booster Shot:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The don't die part is key. I have an attorney friend who caught Covid at a Christmas party around 10 days ago. He was supposed to get boostered last week, but got infected first. He is in bad shape. I have been texting him, he is reporting fever, chills, loss of taste and smell, extreme fatigue and "heavy congestion." He said the heavy congestion is "annoying." We both think his protection from his first shot waned before he could get the booster and now he is getting hammered. I hope he comes through. I am texting him every day to make sure he is OK. He is a divorced dude who lives alone. He is in his 50s
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Omicron is now the dominant strain in the US:

First recorded death from Omicron was an unvaccinated man who previously had COVID. Shaking my head... it still astounds me how people are disagreeing about something as simple as a vaccination. Sure we can disagree about whether pink is the best color, but come on.

Even Trump got vaccinated FFS.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
The don't die part is key. I have an attorney friend who caught Covid at a Christmas party around 10 days ago. He was supposed to get boostered last week, but got infected first. He is in bad shape. I have been texting him, he is reporting fever, chills, loss of taste and smell, extreme fatigue and "heavy congestion." He said the heavy congestion is "annoying." We both think his protection from his first shot waned before he could get the booster and now he is getting hammered. I hope he comes through. I am texting him every day to make sure he is OK. He is a divorced dude who lives alone. He is in his 50s

Ugh, are you close by? Drop off a care package for him - frozen lasagna, Vit D3/K2, fresh vegetable juice. Ibuprofen/facial tissue if he ran out. Humidifier if his cough is really dry.

Also does he have an oximeter? If it dips below 95, he HAS to go to hospital.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
First recorded death from Omicron was an unvaccinated man who previously had COVID. Shaking my head... it still astounds me how people are disagreeing about something as simple as a vaccination. Sure we can disagree about whether pink is the best color, but come on.

Even Trump got vaccinated FFS.
Judging by the looks of thinks, and the astounding success this Vaccine has accumulated since its mass inoculation, it makes sense to shake your head. I guess we, the Unvaccinated are just a bunch of self destructive obsessives fools looking for ways to hurt ourselves. We hate being safe, and need to go though the hardship this virus will give us. This tiny minority left of unvaccinated is the reason the Virus exists in the first place (paradox of time travel). Of course, all variants are also the result of the unvaccinated, why not, I mean, there is nothing easier than to say whatever.
Meanwhile, the Vaccine is doing its job, protecting the ones that took it, curbing the waves and flattening the Curve (the purpose of the passport). The media doing an amazing job showing all those that are against the Vaccine that died, proving the direct relationship. I mean no need to state how many unvaccinated did not die, just focus of the ones that did, and most importantly no talking about the vaccinated that died (just an apologetic mention that it does happen).
I mean, if some of us needs more time to make sure the Vaccine is safe, and does the job, well, we should be coerced, insulted, marginalized, pointed with the fingers.

Reality does not matter, just throw in some statistics, big words, if it does not work, just add another booster, and if critiqued, just shove us some new statistics, and more statistics, and keep going with statistics, while the lockdown is back, but hey the statistics. Freedom of choice?! Who needs that man, the stats shows that the COVID is a killer (not really sure it is at these days 3, 4 percent, maybe less?). This is reason enough to remove that freedom, SAFETY means VACCINE, then BOOSTER, then VACCCINE, then booster, and another lockdown.
Yep, one needs to shake his head....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ugh, are you close by? Drop off a care package for him - frozen lasagna, Vit D3/K2, fresh vegetable juice. Ibuprofen/facial tissue if he ran out. Humidifier if his cough is really dry.

Also does he have an oximeter? If it dips below 95, he HAS to go to hospital.
I am around a 30 minute drive from where he lives. As a matter of interest, I texted him this morning and haven't heard anything back so far. From what he has told me, although he is divorced and lives alone, he has other family members checking in on him, specifically a sister who I believe is also around 30 minutes away from him.

We already did discuss the decongestant and humidifier regimen. I don't know if he implemented it or not.

He is a pretty smart guy. I am pretty sure if his breathing or oxygen levels get worse, he will not hesitate to get himself to the hospital.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
I guess we, the Unvaccinated are just a bunch of self destructive obsessives fools looking for ways to hurt ourselves. We hate being safe, and need to go though the hardship this virus will give us.

Finally. He gets it !!! I kid, I kid, you know we love you.

No but seriously, last 30 days, 789 hospitalizations, over 50% from the unvaccinated who represent less than 10% of the population.

What's your solution ? Just pay for them ? Not let them in to hospitals ? Just ignore it ? Pretend the numbers aren't real ?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
What's your solution ? Just pay for them ? Not let them in to hospitals ? Just ignore it ? Pretend the numbers aren't real ?
You think I have an answer for that? All I know for a fact is that we were perfectly fine, until they started this vaccination campaign in school last week. All of sudden, my son, my ex, and myself have COVID.... The school sent us an email that 4 other kid have tested positive. I do not know what the solution is, but it is clear that whatever is being is not working. I know you love statistics, but they do not really move me. You can display whatever you want in stats, I look at actual results, and it is clear that we are back to pre Vaccine situation. The question poses itself, what did the Vaccine improve in the situation?
Pay for them? We pay taxes like anybody else, so yes pay with a smile. If you took a Vaccine that you believe is good, and I do not see that result, I am not to blame. The Unvaccinated are the group that had the least activity since the passport, so if anyone is to be blamed, it is the Vaccinated (but in all honesty I do not blame them). This government want to hide their wrong decisions by shifting the blame, and keep pushing the same decision that did not improve anything. Maybe we should start by pressuring them to start thinking a bit differently, instead of following the same road again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
You think I have an answer for that? All I know for a fact is that we were perfectly fine, until they started this vaccination campaign in school last week. All of sudden, my son, my ex, and myself have COVID.... The school sent us an email that 4 other kid have tested positive. I do not know what the solution is, but it is clear that whatever is being is not working. I know you love statistics, but they do not really move me. You can display whatever you want in stats, I look at actual results, and it is clear that we are back to pre Vaccine situation. The question poses itself, what did the Vaccine improve in the situation?
Pay for them? We pay taxes like anybody else, so yes pay with a smile. If you took a Vaccine that you believe is good, and I do not see that result, I am not to blame. The Unvaccinated are the group that had the least activity since the passport, so if anyone is to be blamed, it is the Vaccinated (but in all honesty I do not blame them). This government want to hide their wrong decisions by shifting the blame, and keep pushing the same decision that did not improve anything. Maybe we should start by pressuring them to start thinking a bit differently, instead of following the same road again.

So let me start by saying I am deeply saddened by what hit you. I like to debate a little on the rough side but I do not wish that on anyone.

I don't love statistics but I believe we can find information to help find solutions. I posted something yesterday and the numbers show exactly what hit you. The number of infections in kids is ridiculous and they are obviously infecting the parents in the 30-39-40-49 age group.

My thought to myself is that the last place I would want to be is an unvaccinated parent of a young kid and bam you say that. When thousands of kids catch it, even if the parents are vaccinated a certain number get it and on and on.

They failed at protecting the kids. They will never admit this. I do sincerely believe this and the numbers show it. If we didn't have the vaccines levels we have now it would be a blood bath. The infection curve for the kids has been way ahead of everyone.

I find it very strange that Ontario cases are so much lower. More than 1000 less cases for double the population. I bet you part of the difference is in how the schools are handled.

The thing that scares the shit out of me is the kid/grand parent connection this Christmas.

Take care of yourself.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Whoever predicted that boosters will become an ongoing event .....with a fourth and then a fifth and on and on..... may be on to something.
Israel is now giving those over 60 and 4 months out from their 3rd shot a fourth jab. And we all know that Europe and North America will follow soon.
Covid19 and all its variants is becoming like the seasonal flu, but more deadly. We`ll have to adapt and live with it, or die from it.
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