Not everyone will agree but who knows. Sure looks like it now.
As everywhere on the planet, the non-vaccinated are the source for overwelmed hospitals.A week ago in the US:
one dose of covid vaccine = 72.9%
fully vaccinated (2 doses) = 61.5%
So you trust Russia informations, perhaps North Korea too.Cool news from Russia!
New treatment called "Peace-19"
New Russian aerosol drug fights all Covid strains, including Omicron – developer
What stood out in the article is the statement:
"All this is said to be achieved without interfering with a person’s genome or immunity, according to the head of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency"
So does this indirectly mean covid vaccines interfere with our genomes and immune system?
Too much "Science" too fast. We all just caged lab rats this winter.
Wow, so deep man.... NO words, speechless..All unvaccinated are public dangers.
The source is a far-right website of questionable accuracy.This is very disturbing;
Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes
More VC Nurses Blow Whistle on ‘Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes - The Conejo Guardian
After the Conejo Guardian’s report on alarming trends in Ventura County hospitals, more nurses have come forward to affirm the rise in unexplained heart problems, strokes and blood clotting in local vaccinated patient
Have you also told her that this is another far-right source of questionable accuracy?If you have children or grand children take 4 minutes and listen.
I've told my daughter if she vaccinates her 6 year old I'm cutting her out of my will.
Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child! URGENT WARNING!!! All Parents Need To Hear This! YOUTUBE BANNED VIRAL VIDEO!
“Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly
The problem is that some people consult only those website.The source is a far-right website of questionable accuracy.
Your twisted logic doesn`t work so you have to threaten selfish is that.If you have children or grand children take 4 minutes and listen.
I've told my daughter if she vaccinates her 6 year old I'm cutting her out of my will.
Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child! URGENT WARNING!!! All Parents Need To Hear This! YOUTUBE BANNED VIRAL VIDEO!
“Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly
What is it with this mentality of forcing your will on others?!?! This is sad? Do you know how many kids have been vaccinated? They did not loose their balls man!!! I hope she does not get intimidated by you. You need to let her do what She thinks is best not what you think is best.If you have children or grand children take 4 minutes and listen.
I've told my daughter if she vaccinates her 6 year old I'm cutting her out of my will.
Dr. Robert Malone: Before You Inject Your Child! URGENT WARNING!!! All Parents Need To Hear This! YOUTUBE BANNED VIRAL VIDEO!
“Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly
So what is the purpose of the passport then? This is pure BS. Now their claim focuses solely on hospitalization, because nature has exposed the transmission false claim, so now they only talk about severity. It might be true, but is it worth mandating, and making all this fuss? Most people, even severe cases end up ok, so no need for this Pushing and people loosing their jobs.Pretty much summarizes what you need to know.
It isn’t the transmission of the virus that matters to most of us, it is what happens once you catch it.
Local hospital’s chief medical officer got COVID-19 for Christmas and urges vaccination
In an email to colleagues, the doctor described what happened to the vaccinated and unvaccinated members of his family. Hint: There’s a reason he’s urging people to get the
It was on youtube but the Joe Rogan #1757 Dr Robert Malone discussion seems to have been deleted then reposted by different users.Oh La la. Just a heads up.
Joe Rogan #1757 Dr Robert Malone.