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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Got my 4th dose June 20th, got my first covid on the 24th, very low impact, no fever, no sore throat, bit tired, runny nose.
lasted 4 days. Kept working from home.
Yes, it has become much clearer by now that taking the Vaccine increases your likelihood of getting the Virus. I believe it was the French Medical Professor, Didier Raoult, who was the first to come up with this conclusion.
The mild symptoms are because of the Virus's variant and not because of the Vaccine. In fact, the claim is that it takes 2 weeks for the Vaccine to become effective (How long does it take for the COVID-19 vaccine to work? | Ohio State Medical Center (
So, it is doubtful that in 4 days it was able to help you (Here's How Long It Takes for the COVID Booster to Be Effective (
It seems like this Vaccine helps the spread of the Virus instead of the opposite. The perfect circle to get the next Booster. The fifth booster might clarify it more. Maybe by the 15th booster, everybody will be convinced :))


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
How long will the Covid Age last ? This virus keeps mutating and getting more contagious with each new variant. The latest mutations are getting better at evading present vaccines and antibodies . Not only can you catch covid multiple times but you can catch more than 1 variant at a time.
Where is that super vax that the US army is working on that is supposed to tackle all variants ? Are they holding it back so that big pharma can squeeze a few more billion out of us with partial fixes .
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
It's almost been +-5 months that i keep witnessing a LTS-type of presence in post symptomatic covid infections on non-vaccinated patients. For the non meds: it's basically a BAD narrowing of the larynx that could lead up to air collapse and complete respiratory failure if not diagnosed properly. The only cases I have seen prior covid were in patients that had a tracheotomy an eternity ago, forgot their anti-inflammatory dx -> lead to fibrosis and eventually death.

Now, I can affirm that the ORL community is very-WELL aware of this issue happening but we also know that correlation does not imply causation. However, we know that lots of airborne transmitted infections, such as influenza, can have a devastating effect on the upper airway areas as a whole but also small life-lasting things. Tinnitus for example can be caused by a light symptomatic influenza type infection, one that we're most likely "herd immune".

I'm completely sick of this whole covid restrictions/laws/mandates myself but everyone needs to start thinking about the long-term effect of the infection and as it is right now, vaccination is the safest option to get rid of this thing. And yes, some people might have bad reactions to it, the same goes with lots of things even fucking claritin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
C'est un bon résumé des commentaires qu'on lit régulièrement ici. Heureusement ils sont très minoritaires et la sélection naturelle les rattrapera tôt ou tard... du moins je l'espère.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

This tech millionaire went from covid trial funder to misinformation superspreader

After boosting unproven covid drugs and campaigning against vaccines, Steve Kirsch was abandoned by his team of scientific advisers—and left out of a job.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

This tech millionaire went from covid trial funder to misinformation superspreader

After boosting unproven covid drugs and campaigning against vaccines, Steve Kirsch was abandoned by his team of scientific advisers—and left out of a job.
I read that one of the physician died while running (probably in high temperature), another died of cancer.
The third one, I didn't find the cause.
In conclusion, blaming the vaccine : B.S. infos from B.S. sources.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Recently some news talked about a universal COVID-19 vaccine.
While it is true some scientists work on that, it should be noted that it has never been done before. And we may never get it.
One approach is using computer to analyse proteins variation in the known variants and trying to predict which most likely variants could appear.
The other one is using more stable regions of the viral protein to trigger an immune response no dependent to neutralizing antibodies.
This article says more on those approaches. Note that they use POTENTIALY, in all fairness, in the title.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER...hier ...sur la vaccination au Québec.

--53% des adultes prêts pour une dose de rappel contre la COVID-19 à l'automne......38% jugent que c'est improbable.....18% s'y opposent.

Baisse notable MAIS pas surprenant à une période ou la 7ème vague n'a pas fait trop de dégâts....MAIS comme le souligne le sondeur...selon lui c'est un MINIMUM. Avec une remontée de la COVID et une campagne d'infos...les gens vont être plus sensibles

à la situation.

-note.....14 décès dans les dernières 24 hres et nous avons maintenant franchi le cap des 16,000 décès.....sad sad sad. :mad: :mad: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Bonne nouvelle....MODERNA a opté pour LAVAL pour bâtir son usine évalué à 185M.....quelque 75 employé surtout fabrication de dizaine de millions de vaccins pour autres.....grand pas aussi pour la recherche et le développement....
nous n'aurons plus à craindre pour l'approvisionnement futur. ;) ......oui excellente nouvelle.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The UK has become the first country to approve a dual vaccine which tackles both the original Covid virus and the newer Omicron variant.

The upgraded vaccine should be available as an autumn booster and give better protection against variants.

Moderna said it could supply 29 million doses this year, but exactly who will get them has yet to be announced.

All over-50s and people in high-risk groups will be offered some form of booster from next month.

The original vaccines used in the pandemic were designed to train the body to fight the first form of the virus that emerged in Wuhan, in China, at the end of 2019.

The Covid virus has since mutated substantially, with a stream of new variants emerging that can dodge some of our immune defences. They have caused large surges in cases around the world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC....DR.BOILEAU HIER......BONNE NOUVELLE....a déclaré que le nouveau vaccin/MODERNA dit ''bivalent'' sera disponible dans les prochains jours/2 semaines. Ce nouveau vaccin cible moitié la souche originale et moitié les variants OMICRON---BA.4 et BA.5.

Selon une étude britannique cette nouvelle formule provoquerait ''une forte réponse immunitaire''.....oui excellente nouvelle......vais assurément attendre sa disponibilité. :) .....MAIS les vaccins actuels procurent toujours une protection efficace vs les effets

plus importants du virus/hospitalisation/décès.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
QUÉBEC....DR.BOILEAU HIER......BONNE NOUVELLE....a déclaré que le nouveau vaccin/MODERNA dit ''bivalent'' sera disponible dans les prochains jours/2 semaines. Ce nouveau vaccin cible moitié la souche originale et moitié les variants OMICRON---BA.4 et BA.5.
Cool. On sera les premiers humains sur lequel il aura été testé :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Cool. On sera les premiers humains sur lequel il aura été testé :)
We laugh but from what I can see there are 2 omicron vaccines

1- let's call it the UK vaccine is targeted at Omicron, helps with BA.4 and BA.5 but not targeted to it, and is tested on humans
2- let's call it the US vaccine is more specific to BA.4 and BA.5 and has not completed tested in humans, just mice

I wonder which we are getting ?
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