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Defending oneself in one's own home?

Defending oneself...choose the answer that describes you the best

  • Im from the US and have a firearm at the ready

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Im from Canada and have a firearm at the ready

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Im from the US and have a bat, club etc by my bed

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Im from Canada and have a bat, club etc by my bed

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • I plan on calling 911 and wait for the police to arrive

    Votes: 13 28.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
If I ever felt threatened enough (or paranoid enough) to feel the need to keep a gun by my bed, I'd either move or (for the mental ilness) consult a psychiatrist. As for the death penalty, and since I believe it is barbaric and uncivilized and that a government shoudn't be in the business of executing it's citizens, if the US doesn't mind being in the company of China and Iran as the world's top executioners, it's their problem.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
ZoneAlarm said:
Well i think this law is to prevent people for going psycho on the burglars cuz if that law was not in place i would just kill anyone who comes in instead of aiming for the knee aim for the back and then the head.

What I was pointing out was stupid was that if the person is already outside and your life is no longer in danger, you could be arrested/sued if you hurt him.

I'm not sure how something like this would work out but consider it:
Some guy snatches your laptop and starts running off. You chase him but he won't give you the laptop back (obviously). You then grab a nearby stick/branch and run after him and decide to hit him. Since he didn't touch you and you hit him, what would happen? He was also running away from you so your life was no longer in danger.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Daringly said:
I'm from canada and i am all for the death penalty, nothing barbaric about it, but then again i am not a bleeding heart. Criminals just love bleeding hearts. When the bleeding hearts are trying to get the sentences of criminals reduced the criminals are trying to figure out how to rob or murder them.

...nothing barbaric...bleeding hearts... Wow, convincing arguments... Are you sure you're not American? :rolleyes:


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Maxima said:
If I owned a gun I'd rather blow my head off than shooting at a burglar for fear of injuring a victim of society.
If I owned a shoto (or a short Dai Katana), I'd rather commit harakiri than striking at an intruder for fear of injuring a victim of society.
And I would do it over and over again every single time some poor soul tried to break into my house.
Btw, I've trained my pitbull how to dial 911 for an ambulance. :cool:

My guess is that some criminals are probably wondering where you live... ;)

Honestly, I don't have an issue with using force to protect what is yours as well as using force to protect yourself. You have no idea what the other person is capable of when they enter your home or steal something.

If it were legal, I would have no problems getting an electric chair installed in my car where I could activate it remotely so that if some car thief stole my car, they would get the shock of their life. The only thing that I would be concerned with is what he damage he would do or who he might injure while he was getting shocked.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Maxima said:
And I would do it over and over again every single time some poor soul tried to break into my house.

Yes, I'm sure you worry about someone breaking into your home everyday of the week... Maybe you should move? Please spare us the exaggerations and the hyperbole...


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Donald Marshall, David Milgaard, Guy Paul Morin, Rubin Carter

Daringly said:
I'm from canada and i am all for the death penalty, nothing barbaric about it, but then again i am not a bleeding heart. Criminals just love bleeding hearts. When the bleeding hearts are trying to get the sentences of criminals reduced the criminals are trying to figure out how to rob or murder them.

oops. when exactly is it that 'bleeding hearts' are looking to reduce sentences? i am all for nice long prison terms. I am not for a permanent solution to which there are countless examples of errors and miscarriages of justice which prove that the death penalty is barbaric. I have known, with various degrees of closeness, three murder victims. You?

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Singapoor and Turkey are the best examples of how justice should be dispensed. In both nations they have the death penalty. In both countries they don't have all the back door deals and a court system that's more concern about criminal rights than those of the victum. In both countries even if you are not exicuted, you do not want to end up in their prision system as it's no Club Fed by any means. In both nations, prisions are both dangerious and brutal as prision guards won't interfear with prison yard fights, you sleep in rat infested cells and you have no rights so if you get a little mouthy you might end with your nose in the back of your head courtisy of the prision guards. O by the way, their major cities have bigger populations and yet a much lower crime rate. They must be doing something right.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Daringly said:
There are all kinds of crimes that can be proven with dna testing nowadays. I am talking about the death penalty in the crimes where there is no doubt who done it. Such as eye witnessess, dna to further prove it and so on, but of course the bleeding hearts will argue that there is never a case where it is a slam dunk. Yes the criminals worship the bleeding hearts in our society.

Even though they worship the folks who think they shouldn't pay for their crimes they would turn around and stab them in the back or rob them as quick as they would look at them. It always amazes me in this day and age that all you hear people talking about is the criminals rights and the people that are doing this never mention or care about the rights of the victim.

Nice post, says all sorts of inane things.

Define 'bleeding hearts' to begin with. Anyone against the death penalty? if so, please show me where 'they worship the folks who think they shouldn't pay for their crimes'. So me anyone who does that. Show me where people are talking about 'criminals' rights'. Show me a single instance of people who talk about just punishment to fit the crime who do not care about the victims who you so solidly hold up the rights of.

then, we'll talk. until then your vague puffery is meaningless.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Big Daddy Cool said:
Singapoor and Turkey are the best examples of how justice should be dispensed. In both nations they have the death penalty. In both countries they don't have all the back door deals and a court system that's more concern about criminal rights than those of the victum. In both countries even if you are not exicuted, you do not want to end up in their prision system as it's no Club Fed by any means. In both nations, prisions are both dangerious and brutal as prision guards won't interfear with prison yard fights, you sleep in rat infested cells and you have no rights so if you get a little mouthy you might end with your nose in the back of your head courtisy of the prision guards. O by the way, their major cities have bigger populations and yet a much lower crime rate. They must be doing something right.

yes, we have all seen Midnight Run. Wow, that must make your dick hard, glorifying the brutality and inhumane conditions in foreign jails. Suffice it to say, our prisons are no fucking Club med either. yes, I've been there, and seen it with my own eyes.

When one lands in Sinapoor (sic) they announce that there is the death penalty for drug dealing on the airplane loudspeakers. there are prominent signs to that effect. But yet, there IS a very big drug trade in Singapoor (sic). Same thing said and happens in indonesia. how does that work?

I know someone who was a mule. They checked his luggage in Singapoor (sic). they saw the heroin. they sent him on his way to London where he was immediately arrested. He spend time in a British jail, before finishing his sentence here. The cops in Singapoor (sic) don't need the hassle of imprisoning and or executing a foreigner.

By the way, bigger populations than what, exactly?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Daringly said:
It always amazes me in this day and age that all you hear people talking about is the criminals rights and the people that are doing this never mention or care about the rights of the victim.

Aside from being treated fairly and with sympathy by the justice system, victims of crimes have no rights, i.e. their status of victim doesn't grant them special rights that others in society don't already have. Crimes are committed against the state, not individuals, and sentencing should have absolutely nothing to do with the suffering of the victims or their families. Victims don’t write criminal laws nor do they decide courtroom procedures, so why should they influence the decision of punishment? This concept of "victim's rights" has more to do with revenge than justice. And revenge is the antithesis of justice. Vengeance is personal, angry, and particular, justice is impersonal, deliberate, and principled. Justice should not be rendered based on the suffering of the victims and their families but according to the crime commited against society. Too often, cries for justice are disguised as cries for vengeance.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Daringly said:
To me the definition of a bleeding heart when it comes to crime is someone who thinks the punishment should not fit the crime. A couple of examples, first degree murder equals death penalty. Someone who commits a home invasion for the first time even if it is not a violent one should be put away for a minimum of 10 to 15 years and not get the slap on the wrist they to often get. The bleeding hearts always think the system was to tough on the criminal.

If i ever decide to turn to a life of crime(won't happen) all i want is a couple of bleeding hearts on the jury so i can walk out of the court room virtually unpunished.

For me the definition of bleeding heart is the typical leftists who is naive and thinks that everybody is nice nad everybody loves everybody, hands in hands,peace and love man.And everybody is well intetioned and needs care and understanding even if he's the worst scumbag of the universe.
Typical example the SOB haitian who shot an innocent guy in the back last winter in a Macdonald in Montreal Nord.That fuckin SOB was supposed to be deported but wasn't.Instead our bleeding hearts authorities thaught he was in danger if sent back to haiti so they kept him here and see how he thanked them.By shooting an innocent guy.
They give that wortless vermin priority over innocent peoples security.They are guilty as well and should be jailed for that.

Our prisons are a joke thanks to those so called care takers who belive jails should'nt be punitive.
So they have access to all this healthy food,gymns,computers,libraries,TV,fuck trailors,condoms,tatoo machine,probations whne somtimes they use to escape,ect...
and they are costing the honest tax payers a fortune.
But bleeding farts don't care about honest tax payers,victims and eventual victims,all they care about is the vermins that eventually will be set free and be given second,third,fourth ect,,,chance while victims and their families won't.:mad:

To see vermins like Homolka and Dave Hilton free is an insult to their victims thanks to this so-called ''justice'' system that we have here.No wonder criminals from around the world are seeking refuge in canada.We have the best system for them.Look at that Rizzuto mobster who did all he can to be judged in canada instead of US,he knew he would get it much easier here than US.And those fraudulous telemarketers targeting elders knowing they are more vulnerable, are coming from the US but they operate in canada because they know if they get caught they will receive candy sentences and will resume their dirty deeds.
Last edited:

Big Daddy

New Member
Mar 16, 2003
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I keep a pepper spray. I would suggest a taser gun. There is one that you can use to fire two shots from a distance. These shots can be fired from the gun to about 15 feet.

I heard on this board that the use of pepper spray is illegal in Canada, but taser gun may not be illegal. If taser gun fails then you can use baseball bats and other items mentioned in the other posts.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Big Daddy said:
I heard on this board that the use of pepper spray is illegal in Canada, but taser gun may not be illegal.

Pepper spray and tasers are illegal to carry in Canada if the intent is to use them against humans. Sentence can be up to 10 years in jail.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Maxima said:
Btw, I've trained my pitbull how to dial 911 for an ambulance. :cool:

What would happen if your dog was to attack and injure an intruder...are you liable for the injury's the dog did to the burglar?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Buddy of mine who lives in Montreal told me that he never see's SP's in his appartment for fear the girls will tell their boyfriends, etc about any high priced merchandise that could be stolen. Anyone here have thoughts about the chances of this happening to their appartment/house?


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
breadman said:
What would happen if your dog was to attack and injure an intruder...are you liable for the injury's the dog did to the burglar?

It's possible, depending on the circumstances. An intruder can be a drunk teen who mistakenly stumbles into your yard at night, or a home invader who attempts to injure you.

Also, please remember that booby traps are generally illegal (I can imagine a very aggressive and specially trained dog to be considered a booby trap).

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
breadman said:
Buddy of mine who lives in Montreal told me that he never see's SP's in his appartment for fear the girls will tell their boyfriends, etc about any high priced merchandise that could be stolen. Anyone here have thoughts about the chances of this happening to their appartment/house?

This si so true breadman. Inviting SPs who are vertually strangers into your home could set you up for a home invasion later on if she's associated with any gangs or thugs in general. Good point.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
breadman said:
What would happen if your dog was to attack and injure an intruder...are you liable for the injury's the dog did to the burglar?

I believe that you are... not even a "beware of dog" sign will save you. I've heard of a case where the "beware of dog" sign just proves to the judge/jury that you have a dangerous/attack dog.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Weapons of Choice

Okay, now the discussion needs to shift to what weapon should be used against the burglar. My nomination goes to the Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum, a gun that has been used and specifically approved by Clint "Dirty Harry" Eastwood. More info on this weapon can be found here:

The advantage with the .44 Magnum is stopping power. It is highly recommended for our Canadian friends in protecting your homes because you don't want that burglar getting up and suing you, you want him dead. In the USA we are less concerned about being sued by the burglars we shoot, but we still want premium stopping power. The burglar will not be getting up if he is plugged with this weapon.
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