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Deletions and Edits


Nov 15, 2005
I'm a member of a board called chowhound. They allow you to edit your post for 15 minutes, which seems like a good idea. However, there are no jobs/reputations at stake there. On MERB I have PMd a number of posters who included stuff they should not have, and they changed their posts as a result; the 15-minute limit would not have made this possible, so perhaps a day's grace?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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There are other boards that only allow the Mod's to start a thread. A mod would start a thread for say Eleganza...and all eleganza reviews would have to go under that thread. Something like this for agency reviews would work because it would keep the thread itself from being deleted by one poster. The general discussions would stay the way it is...

You'd need the mod's to create a post for all the well known agency to get the ball rolling. We could leave 'cough..Classx' useless agency's off the list to keep the board from being too cluttered.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reasonable Comparisons.

spiderman05 said:
Personally, I will never contribute to a board that will prevent me from editing or deleting my posts in the future.

Assume Mr John Horny is a member of a board dealing with the hobby. Assume that Mrs Horny just found out about her hubby`s alter life , she lets John know that she found out about his posts, then she starts reading the messages posted by John. Since John posted 5000+ messages, il would take days for Mrs Horny to read all the posts. In the meanwhile, John can just go and edit or delete his posts to protect his marriage. On the other hand if he has to ask for permission from the board admin, then his message might get caught by the admin`s spam filters and will never get to its destination. In the meanwhile, Mrs Horny will start a divorce procedure against John. This might look as an extreme case, but it is still plausible. We have many reasons to edit and delete our posts, especially our reviews and members should be able to do that in a timely manner.

Finally, I find reading threads discussing MERB issues interesting to read once in a while. Though, I find that these threads are becoming too much. They are generally kept active by members who usually do not post reviews and their only way to stay visible in the community is to post messages that are very remotely related to the hobby. It is a good thing to question ourselves once in a while. Though, doing this very often becomes a form of "Intellectual masterbation".

Last night and out of curiosity, I tried to see how many new posts were actual reviews. Not, so many, and they were mainly in the massage forum. If this tendency continues, MERB will stand for MErb Review Board and not any longer for Montreal Escorts Review Board. Talk about a recursive acronym. This is of course a caricature, but you never know :D

When making comparisons try being reasonable.A magazine or newspaper
publisher will never let the author of an article have edit or delete privileges.
Authors who demand such conditions stay unpublished or extremely obscure.

A Mrs Horny with minimal basic intelligence would copy and save all the posts made by her soon to be ex,hand a set of copies to her lawyer,store a set and THEN confront her husband.At this point the ability to delete would become irrelevent.

As for threads being started and kept alive by members who do not post reviews I challenge the accuracy of your data.Since I started this thread I

where you will find two reviews from me in one post.Since I received a variety of inane and bothersome PMs afterwards I did not bother in the future since the alternative would have been deletions and I did not wish to go that route.

Ironically your position is the best arguement against deletions since deleted posts/threads would eliminate evidence against inaccurate statements, changing positions,etc.

I believe from memory that most posters in this thread have contributed reviews but it is not my job to prove your assertion.Support your assertion with proof or offer a public apology to all the other posters in this thread.

The evolution of a board or publication more often than note is at the whim of the reader.Playboy evolved because it was all inclusive and included interesting articles,features,etc not because it added more girlie pictures.

Allow the members to decide the direction since they all have multiple interests that they are willing to share in a manner that fosters greater understanding of our common interest.

edit typo.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

spiderman05 said:
You do not know much about feminine psychology, do you? Do you seriously think that Mrs Horny will calmly spend 3 or 4 weeks backing up her husband's posts, burn a DVD out of that, keeping all the frustrations, humiliation and anger inside before going to talk to John? Most women are emotional and I've never dated a gf who did not belong to this category.

Most women remember the smallest slight from their youth and will go to extremes to extract revenge.

spiderman05 said:
Another down-to-earth example (which is a real story, actually). Assume that I write a review about some stripper. The stripper then finds out that I am spiderman and tells me that she does not want to be mentioned on MERB. In this case, I just need to go, edit my review. Much easier than asking the Mods or the admin to do the edition for me and increase the already high workload.

If it's a real story why assume?You just admitted that you do not have the courtesy or foresight to check if someone has a no review policy.By posting you disrespect the person and the readers since they have to re-adjust their appreciation of the thread in question.

spiderman05 said:
I don't really buy this argument. So, why do other members keep posting reviews if their mailboxes keep being spammed by questions from other users?

Ask the other members.

spiderman05 said:
Evidence, OMG :eek: I thought that I was just having some fun surfing a forum related to the hobby and exchanging information in a friendly way. Now, after your post, I will have the impression to get into a police station or court room. whenever I login.

Why exchange information or post comments if they are not accurate.We live in a democracy granted but truth and accuracy are one of the cornerstones.
We do not live in some Bolshevik Republic.

spiderman05 said:
More seriously, this reflects the difference in your appreciation and my own of MERB. For you, MERB is mainly a board to exchange opinions about politics and other general issues. For me it is mainly (up to 90%) a board related to the hobby and mostly driven by reviews.

Some buy PLAYBOY for the pictures but the magazine has been successful for 52 years because it is all inclusive,topical,contraversial but balanced with an ability to cross linguistic and cultural barriers.All qualities that the boards are lacking.

spidreman05 said:

I think that there are 3 types of players, when it comes to MERB. These players have different expectations and goals and some of these goals are conflictual.

- Board owners: Their main goal is to drive traffic to their web site as any other webmaster. More traffic, means more providers advertising on the web site which implies higher revenues.

- Community members: A few dozens in the case of MERB. These are the members who drive to board by posting. These members end up knowing each other virtually, before meeting face to face. Some of these members keep posting reviews in a sustained way. Others, build some reputation on MERB, then stop reviewing and resort to the PM system to share information in an egoestic way. Others do not share experiences, period. As I said before, the only way for members who do not post reviews to stay in the community is to contribute to general threads or through banter, and as you said it yourself before, some threads look more like conversations that are generally held in bars.

-Lurkers: The majority of MERB visitors hands down. They do not contribute (which is a pity) and they are mostly consumers.

For board owners, the lurkers are very important, because they are the ones who bring the money to the board. Community members who write reviews are important, because they are the driving force of the board. Community members who do not write reviews are still important as they keep some threads active, but to a lesser extent.

After all, lurkers who discover MERB on google, are searching for information about escorts, massage parlours...and not for political discussions or to read some friendly chit-chat and private jokes. If they don't find the beef, then they will just move on.

In terms of Ads. Lurkers and occasional visitors are more valuable. All web masters are aware of a phenomenon called "Ad blindness". Regular visitors to a web site, become blind when it comes to ads, especially if those ads are sticky (i.e. the same ads showing over and over again). So, the few dozens of community members will not bring any money to the board when it comes to ads. Their contribution is in terms of reviews. On the other hand, if they do not post reviews and just use PMs, then they are not contributing anything to the board (though, they are still helping other members).

I think there must be a distinction between reviewing community members and the other community members. I mentioned a system a few months ago that would reward reviewers with larger maibox capacities. People who do not review should have a mailbox capacity close to 0, this will also decrease the effect of the back channels that will probably hurt the board on the longer run and will motivate more members to review. Then, It is up to the mods to decide which of those reviews are legitimate or not.

So, I think that I said whatever I wanted to say on this topic. The case is closed for me. Have a nice day all and do not forget to get outside a bit and enjoy the sun.

You conveniently omit members who have blogs to promote,test various programs,etc.


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
Looking for assistance, or an explanation……

I know there has been debate back and forth on editing and deletion of threads. I was wondering if this is one of those cases and for my own edification would like to know why and how?

This would be specific to a thread, which still exists under the Montreal Escorts Outcall section:

In short, the last 5 replies have disappeared. Two of the replies were supplied by me as evident when you highlight my user name, 2 were from “Doc” and one from “Bouda”. It is obvious that I have not been singled out and I am not attempting to write on behalf of "Doc" or "Bouda".

I understand this thread was basically dead for over two years. The sudden interest is exactly what sparked my curiosity which lead to my replies.

Can anyone explain or is this a Mod thing?
Thank you!

No one of us knows more then all of us.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
You're right about one thing;No escorts,no board.
But you forgot to mention one very important thing:no clients,no escorts.;)
most people here are clients.


New Member
Nov 15, 2004

By reading your posts it looks to me that you are having some problems dealing with your "profession". People posts their opinions on MERB, their feelings, how they lived their experiences with ladies(eur... providers ;) ). It's too bad the board is full of shills, but that's just the way it is, and because of that everyone is very critical whenever there's a new kid on the block (read: a new member) posting about this soooooooo good or soooooooo bad experience.

One thing for sure, give a good service and you will get good reviews.

One other thing for sure, whatever service you give, there will always be someone you won't please, and he may post about it on the board too...

Bottom line is you must have a tough skin to be in this business, much tougher than what you seem to have.

Just a client's opinion.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Dahlia said:
Hi Cosmo,

Thanks Cosmo but I disagree. Basically every review about me is from a guy NOT from merb. I ask them to join if they wish to review me, seeing as i belong to this city. There are countless girls everywhere who are not part of this board and yet they still exist and there are hundreds of thousands of clients out there who are totally unaware of merb and they still see those escorts.

I didn't say all your clents are from merb,I said mosy merbites are clients.

A poster said that reviewers are important to merb because they provide the fresh reviews. They contribute!
Uhm, who is that guy who reviewed the unknown fresh escort face? ...oh yes..the guy who was attacked by the clique for being unknown.
Some ''unknown'' newbies who get attacked don't always preach what they practice btw,they often come like elephant in a chima shop,some ''cliqque member once said.And start insulting everyone,old or new.

Unknown people could be very valuable resources of info, pertinant to your desires and quest for knowledge, as well as, providing a fresh review.

And the girl, now?..that fresh face on the scene? Oh yes! Remember? She was called all sorts of names by the board, and those "unproven" comments are allowed to remain because a former hobbiest (a mod) is friends with the negative poster. BIG conflict of interests here, i see.
Big example of someone who comes here and ...well the elephant in china shop metaphore.

And why is the client and escort punished for joining merb and getting or giving a good review, again? I forget that one! (shrugs! I dunno. That one is a mystery.) A mystery to me too.But certainly not for joining merb for sure,there must be other reason.

Who wouldn't delete posts under those conditions? Who would want to post? Look at me!! I fear posting in merb SO MUCH i feel i had better delete it after a few days. What conditions???

Merb works against merb, as i see it. And merb supports you guys (pretty much) and tortures the escorts for the guys' benefits.
Torture???Have you ever been in Iraq?How about when a mp/sp/sw ect...rips a client off,how many other mp/sp' ect will come here and denounce it? None.So I agree with you about some on sided mentality here.

I can go on and on about this (but i was mod-warned many months ago for "seeking attention" as it was so eloquently phrased) because i am a literary person with strong opinions and a knowledge of what is deemed proper and improper behaviour.That is what YOU claim,How pretentious,YOU have proper knowledge of what is deemed proper and improper???LOL

Sorry to disagree. (don't agrue with a female when she is right!)

Watch a mod come and say that i am offending Cosmo and i had better stop it. Booo-hooo!!!I don't feel offended at all,my comment was tongue in cheeks,yet you make a big fuss about it.

YOU guys want fresh faces to review, and new fresh reviewers to shine some light on the unknown fresh faces entering the cyber doors of merb so you may be aware of her? Well, then, why not let them?
Time will tell if it's real or not.

Who needs some haughty guy's opinion with 100 000+ posts (many meaningless posts i might add) to lead your way when that guy never even met the escort in question?Are all your post unmeangless?Oh I forgot,you know what proper and inproper behavior.

It's dumb! The mods allow that and it only hurts the class and distinction level of merb, making it look sometimes like a yahoo chat room with a bunch of idiots trashing people, and mods sticking up for their potty-mouthed friends instead of the main attraction - the escort who gets or earns those reviews for you guys to read. Once again,the escorts would'nt exists w/o the clients,and the clients are the majority posters here.

I know it's a circle. But this is called, the Montreal ESCORT REVIEW Board - not, the Place Where Montreal Men Post Comments. Merb needs the escorts to be written about. Why bash them? Or allow others to do so?
Because they simply deserve beign bashed.How about a 100$ louzy thai that barely lasts 15 minutes?on top of the 60 entry fees?When clients are happy they don't bash,they praise(free publicity,btw)If they bash they usually have a reason.

Like i said, escorts can exist if this place ever closed up shop. But then we have more and more guys in their cars at night wandering around aimlessly, and looking at websites and wondering to themselves, "Gee, she looks good. I wonder how i can read about her?" With or w/o you can still stumble upon a dud once in awhile.

What if all the escorts had websites and asked all their clients to post reviews only in the escort's website instead of a review board for fear she won't service him again? What if all the girls said that to their clients,
"Please don't post a review in any review board - put it in my site."
What would happen to an ERB, then? If the guy wants to see her again, he will respect her.Well,how about respecting the client?Ever heard of that concept?Like all escorts are sweet innocent childs who never lie,cheat and steal their clients.

Out of the say...10 000 merb members, there are relatively few clients here, mostly passer-by's who stop in to check it out, see if there are any free pic links, ask for some info, etc. Maybe,I don't pretend to know it all,unlike someone...

So many guys from merb made a date with escorts and then did not even show up. I talk to other escorts, you know...about clients. We do exchange info about clients, in private.Then those clients are asshole,and deserve the bad rap.

Merb is a place for a free flow of ideas? I read that in a post written by a mod somewhere in merb. Your post proves it.

I am offering my opinion!
So am I.And I am holding back.

Kisses all over and under,

All my relplies are within the frame,I'm not used to this kind of reply.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Dahlia said:
I have nothing against a bad review if it's true

And no one here has any problem with good reviews...if they're true.:cool:

One thiing I do have a problem with is sp's who are willing to advertise here but have a no review policy. If you are willing to advertise your services you should permit the members who have paid for your services to comment on them.

Special K

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Absolutely not!

Dahlia said:
Besides, i was made aware that members with names in red have that ability to view even deleted posts - i have no idea if this is true or not. Those members can read these deleted posts and this may encourage others to get 'a red name', in order to, read these deleted posts, written by...whoever.

If this is true then I'm totally unaware of it and have been a "red" member for quite some time. When I initially became a "red" member I asked FredZed if it was possible to remain "green" like everyone else and still enjoy the only benefits I know of for being a "red" member and this is to have a larger PM box and the option of having an avatar. (which mine should be changed to Red Sox Suck!) :( I was told NO that it's not possible.

Maybe the Mods can shed some light on this for us?

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Nov 15, 2005
What is the Question

Dahlia said:

Ok on track now!

I like to re-read my posts over and over again ( coz i like 'em soooo much) but i always seem to find little typos that i overlooked, and being how i like it to look as it should sound, i will make the slight edit of a comma or a period or a spelling correction.

How should that be pointed out in the 'edit reason', then?
Is it still necessary to draw attention to a minor edit?

Here's an example of another point:
See? I ask this, forgetting what a lot of the thread mentioned. Maybe this was covered already but i just thought of it. So, before risking losing the thought, i post it and now i will re-read the thread and delete this post if this was answered in a previous post.

If it hasn't been mentioned earlier, i'd probably come back to this post and delete this part:
Here's an example of another point:
See? I ask this, forgetting what a lot of the thread mentioned. Maybe this was covered already but i just thought of it. So, before risking losing the thought, i post it and now i will re-read the thread and delete this post if this was answered in a previous post.

What do you suggest in this case?

Is it just me, but I am having trouble figuring out what the question is.
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