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Don't fall in love with your regular SP

Toto beefcake

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2022
Why were you so curious about her name then had to go through the trouble of DM now no big deal? Stop wasting my time and more importantly yours!
Hahaha reelaxxx take it easy . Becaue i was being polite and its called etiquette. You dont ask that in public. Like asking about details of a massage place or indy . Its always ask dm never public . Nice attempt on the “gotcha” moment though about the dm .

And also to state for the record i have no atf dont plan on having an atf , so if your thinking” mehh hes gonna wanna see her, or he sees her too and shes feeding the same lies” . Helll no

You’re wasting your own time in your head lol . My time is fine and rolllling clockwise, not counter clockwise
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Active Member
May 7, 2018
Bingo, same in 2000 when i was at sherlock downtown Montreal and got approach by what was too good to be true, Milena (can't say her real name) she look like gabrielle destroismaison on her prime, tanned and nice pair of everything told me she worked in a lawyers office. Three weeks later she admitted that she did escort for 2 days per week to make money on the side, i used to work at the theatre younger and her best client was Gusso son, yup he looked like a fat pig, from then on my mentality shifted (during that time i still believe in love) but she was so hot that i just had fun with her without attachment. After 6 months she just got rid of me hahhah.

When i came back from Cuba in 2013 i met Marie from Ferrari ouch, took the shirt off i was fat free and tanned she is like mon dieu t'es ben faite toé, she ask me for drinks after but i just said no... yeah stupid me.

But in the end i would never date an SP just the fact that the bodycount is so high and sadly most of them will take any client for money. In Cuba i had a few women approach me and I would never have taken money to bang them not to be mean but ouch yeah.

Still i give props to the SP you need to be strong mentally to do this kind of job not knowing who will knock on your door. This is what my EX SP ahahaha always said when her regular stop coming and she needs to put out an add. I am afraid of who is going to show up.
I think it has fucked me up. I think women are replaceable, I see whole dating scene like a candy store. As soon as someone doesn't fulfill my needs I think well I can just find another one. Long relationships do not work like that. I have become insensitive, I don't know if I'll ever be able to undo this, perhaps not. I might have shot myself on the foot.
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Toto beefcake

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2022

I think it has fucked me up. I think women are replaceable, I see whole dating scene like a candy store. As soon as someone doesn't fulfill my needs I think well I can just find another one. Long relationships do not work like that. I have become insensitive, I don't know if I'll ever be able to undo this, perhaps not. I might have shot myself on the foot.
Until you find the right one
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Oct 18, 2020
Becaue why ask in public?

Lol take it easyyyyy . Becaue i was being polite and its called etiquette. You dont ask that in public. Like asking about details of a massage place or indy . Its always ask dm never public .

And also to state for the record i have no atf dont plan on having an atf , so if your thinking” mehh hes gonna wanna see her, or he sees her too and shes feeding the same lies” . Helll no

You’re wasting your own time in your head lol . My time is fine and rolllling clockwise, not counter clockwise
Sounds good!

Toto beefcake

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2022
The right one would pass in front of me I wouldn't even notice. I think the idea of the right one is just bullshit (no offense). I don't believe in hollywood version of love.
No im not talking hollywood here. Theres more to a relationship than just fulfilling needs, which im to assume is sexually. The only way you can find that out is putting yourself out there and gaining experience and seeing. Compatibility interests etc. and a side note the sex by the way when you actually have that love shared for someone or connection, cant be beat. Its through the roof!

Problem is you cant just give up and say mehh didnt work “im going back to sps” . Sps should be considered temporary just to make you release. Thats it. Theres no overthinking about this . You have to change the brain and how it thinks. Yes easier said than done i agree. But you have to put yourself out there dont be lazy( not you specifically ) but you get my point. So you strike out who cares. Try again.

And yes theres someone for everyone. Youd be surprised how life works. And sometimes out of the most weirdest scenarios youll find that “one”. No not hollywood one, like neo from the matrix hahaha
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
I think it has fucked me up. I think women are replaceable, I see whole dating scene like a candy store. As soon as someone doesn't fulfill my needs I think well I can just find another one. Long relationships do not work like that. I have become insensitive, I don't know if I'll ever be able to undo this, perhaps not. I might have shot myself on the foot.

I have a few post about this, i have been a good man from 18 to 23 i dated women, and i gave my all, to be cheated on, dumped and more, at 23 my life was going nowhere so i went back to night school, finish high school and get math to go into IT college, I met a stripper and she open my eyes, she told me back then my looks were not the issue i was too much of a good guy. From 23 to around 30 i did not date, went out with a firefighter perfect wingman and i had women i can't only dream of today.

Social programming (the red pill brother) got me back into dating went to a party and i met a chubby fat women pity and all, and she had the hots for me, now all the beta weak men were like no you can't live alone you need to date relationship and i gave in and got sucked in, i was very active i just finish a 5y run in the independent pro wrestling in montreal i was fit as hell, then hanging out with fat people got me out of shape, we were always eating... i sold the house when she could not take care of her dog and wanted kids, she was so damn fat and obese, and i was her trophy.

Idiot that i was i did not learn my lesson and got into another relationship with a woman who was mentally ill, no feelings cold, hated sex, selfish self centered after 9y she dumped me for a Tunisian guy.

I was 41 lost a lot of weight and met a lot of women and i am very sorry to tell you this but there is no one, today even below average women who look like garbage have huge standards in men, i was on facebook single groups, and everywhere, they looked like atrocities and yet acted like princess and prizes to be won.

When i was in Cuba there was fat redhead, her and her friend were walking toward the bar i just ask sorry is the bar open, she turned around and said ha ha nice way to come on to us we are not easy girls and acted all full of herself i just laugh. Later that day i was at the beach shirt off, and she came to talk to me like you are so lucky i am giving you my attention, i told her to fuck off, get out of my face, well guess they are not used to that.

I have seen so much in my 11 years of being single just recently 2 women at my job that are absolute atrocities, one is 63 and the other one stop smoking she gained like 30 pounds the 63y old was talking to her, she said you know if i look at people in the departement we are the only one that still look good, i don't look my age at all, i almost threw out my sugar free energy drink. The other one who is fat obese was laughing at overweight women she saw on the beach and yet she looks exactly like that.

I wish i could have some positive but i don't because this is what the world as come to now a days, i don't see myself getting back in a relationship and am on break of SP for who knows how much time. I guess i became a lone wolf and feel so much better alone. After all am i going to compete with other men to get garbage, and there mental issues, no sorry.


Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
Back in 2009 I was going through hard times with my wife and started seeing SP's. I met this amazing travelling lady and we fell in love. She was wonderful and liked that I was married because she could send me back home after we were done spending a few days together. This lasted for the summer months, from April until September and we talked almost everyday over the phone and i would see her a few times a month. When school restarted for her kids we lost touch and more or less stopped seeing each other. I looked back and appreciated the time we had together but I realized that we were both just vulnerable at the moment and we needed each others company.
I have had another SP that asked to go out but I prefer to keep it professional and pay her for our time together, she gives me discounts and sometime doesn't want my money(I always leave her a minimum of $300).


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
C'est extrêmement difficile de vous lire mes amis merbistes
Je sens beaucoup de frustration, un rapport avec la réalité d'une relation amoureuse stable normale impossible à combler.
Je vais me répéter encore une fois.
Rencontrer une demoiselle avec une transaction financière est une grande illusion.
La fille que vous rencontrez joue un rôle qui est de vous satisfaire au-delà de la sienne.
Jamais vous allez avoir une relation ou la partenaire potentiel va avoir le même comportement.
Le danger de rencontrer des escortes est la.
Ça tue à jamais notre rapport normal dans une relation amoureuse.
Nos attentes tant physiques que psychologique sont biaisés.
Vous avez devant vous une dame qui joue un rôle d'actrice.
La réalité est très différente autant pour vous que de votre partenaire dans la vie courante.
Le danger de payer pour obtenir des faveurs sexuelles est réelle.
Une fois que tu as commencé tu ne seras jamais plus capable de faire les efforts nécessaires pour faire fonctionner une relation amoureuse.
Je serais curieux de connaître le nombre d'homme qui ont été capable de rentrer en relation après avoir participé à cette activité.
Aussitôt qu'une nouvelle relation plafonne l'envie de retourner dans les bras de nos merveilleuses travailleuses du sexe est impossible à contrôler.
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Toto beefcake

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2022
C'est extrêmement difficile de vous lire mes amis merbistes
Je sens beaucoup de frustration, un rapport avec la réalité d'une relation amoureuse stable normale impossible à combler.
Je vais me répéter encore une fois.
Rencontrer une demoiselle avec une transaction financière est une grande illusion.
La fille que vous rencontrez joue un rôle qui est de vous satisfaire au-delà de la sienne.
Jamais vous allez avoir une relation ou la partenaire potentiel va avoir le même comportement.
Le danger de rencontrer des escortes est la.
Ça tue à jamais notre rapport normal dans une relation amoureuse.
Nos attentes tant physiques que psychologique sont biaisés.
Vous avez devant vous une dame qui joue un rôle d'actrice.
La réalité est très différente autant pour vous que de votre partenaire dans la vie courante.
Le danger de payer pour obtenir des faveurs sexuelles est réelle.
Une fois que tu as commencé tu ne seras jamais plus capable de faire les efforts nécessaires pour faire fonctionner une relation amoureuse.
Je serais curieux de connaître le nombre d'homme qui ont été capable de rentrer en relation après avoir participé à cette activité.
Aussitôt qu'une nouvelle relation plafonne l'envie de retourner dans les bras de nos merveilleuses travailleuses du sexe est impossible à contrôler.
I believe you could . Just takes effort. And you have to want it. If your weak minded itll never happen. If your strong minded the possibilitys are endless.

Also if your thinking about sps when your in a relationship or starting a relationship, you have to look in the mirror do some self reflection.

Also i think alot of people create scenarios in their head and think what its supposed to be isnt really what it is. Kind of like a pathological liar. Believe their own bullshit. Excuse the expression. Very dangerous to approach situations like that


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Justement le point faible chez l'homme et beaucoup de femmes l'ont compris c'est le sexe c'est pourquoi beaucoup d'hommes n'ont aucun problème à payer pour en obtenir contrairement à la femme.
Quand tu franchis ce pas ta volonté ne sert plus à rien.
Que tu veuille l'admettre ou pas cette activité est une addiction.
Avec beaucoup d'efforts tu peux la contrôler
Par contre ton psychique est contaminé pour toujours
Avec de l'argent tu pense avoir le contrôle de la situation mais jamais tu vas te payer une vraie relation d'amour certain le pense
Rester dans le déni et la négation est beaucoup plus dangereux comme scénario mental.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
C'est extrêmement difficile de vous lire mes amis merbistes
Je sens beaucoup de frustration, un rapport avec la réalité d'une relation amoureuse stable normale impossible à combler.
Je vais me répéter encore une fois.
Rencontrer une demoiselle avec une transaction financière est une grande illusion.
La fille que vous rencontrez joue un rôle qui est de vous satisfaire au-delà de la sienne.
Jamais vous allez avoir une relation ou la partenaire potentiel va avoir le même comportement.
Le danger de rencontrer des escortes est la.
Ça tue à jamais notre rapport normal dans une relation amoureuse.
Nos attentes tant physiques que psychologique sont biaisés.
Vous avez devant vous une dame qui joue un rôle d'actrice.
La réalité est très différente autant pour vous que de votre partenaire dans la vie courante.
Le danger de payer pour obtenir des faveurs sexuelles est réelle.
Une fois que tu as commencé tu ne seras jamais plus capable de faire les efforts nécessaires pour faire fonctionner une relation amoureuse.
Je serais curieux de connaître le nombre d'homme qui ont été capable de rentrer en relation après avoir participé à cette activité.
Aussitôt qu'une nouvelle relation plafonne l'envie de retourner dans les bras de nos merveilleuses travailleuses du sexe est impossible à contrôler.
Encore une fois deux poids deux mesure, j'ai booker ma première SP en 1993 après m'avoir fait tromper encore, et ça m'a jamais empêcher de revenir en relation avec une vrai femme.

Je crois qui faut avoir été célibataire et à la recherche d'une vrai relation pour comprendre d'où je viens. Avec des merveilleuses relations j'ai 2 maisons de perdu , mais la deuxième fois j'ai été plus intelligent elle a mis un gros dépôt rap et moi un minuscule 5000$ alors quand elle ma tromper après 9 ans et dit je garde la maison elle a eu 2 surprise elle ma donné 3 jours pour quitter ma maison j'ai dit je ne paie plus rien, elle a mis 12000$ en réno et on a eu 40k chaque mais elle a fait aucun profit. Une femme que je me suis occuper et essayer de faire fonctionner la relation pendant 9 ans, quand je suis retourner a la maison pour chercher mon système de son elle l'avait donné à son père et mon banc d'entraînement son cousin, je me suis remboursé avec le compte conjoint.

A 41ans j'ai cru rencontrer et je me suis dit a mon âge revenir en relation devrait pas être si dur, mais faut vraiment l'avoir vécu pour savoir ce que c'est. Les relations en ligne et le reste, toi tu fais attention toi tu t'entraine et tu rencontre des femmes qui on rien a offrir font même pas 30k par année on 2 enfants a charge et qui te vire de bord. Après t'avoir fait niaiser et viré comme ça perdu ton temps ghoster et le reste ben ouais tu vas avoir des frustrations.

La goutte qui a fait déborder le vase et une qui est venu ma parler dans un groupe facebook on c'est rencontrer dans un resto pas loin de chez elle 2 enfants charge, pas de job, quand je les vue j'ai fait OUF, c'est pas ce qui était sur les photos, je peux pas croire mais elle avait l'air sale malpropre, avec sa chemise blanche et manche relever ou je voyais tout son poils noir des avant bras, elle m'a insulter a me dire que je paraissais plus vieux que son ex qui était plus beau que moi.

Ça fait 11 ans que je suis célibataire la semaine dernière ma voisine a essayer me matcher avec son amie, elle a 38 ans j'ai 52 et je suis en perte de poids sérieuse, super motivé, j'ai virée la fille car tout ce qu'elle fait c'est manger boire et elle est inactive, j'ai mal ici mal la, ca me fait penser a la femme obèse j'ai sorti avec en 2000 et comment saboter ma perte de poids parce que en 2000 j'ai atteint un nouveau niveau de masse graisseuse et problème de santé.

Ma frustration que je ressens vient pas de nul part comme j'ai toujours dit marche dans mes souliers un milles et tu vas voir. Ce que tu dis a aucun sens, c'est pas parce qu'un homme paie pour du sexe avec une SP qui pourra plus jamais rentrer en relation serieuse apres. Y a pas de points de non retour, et y a beaucoup de SP qui sont pas top shape hein, vas voir celle de maximum XXX j'en ai eu des bonnes.

Mon ancienne SP celle que j'ai vue pendant 5 ans tout sa clientèles était des hommes marier. alors.

C'est juste que des fois faut voir comment le monde est rendu et arrêter de rêver, tout le monde que je connais, autour de moi, au travail, amis etc sont tous séparer, la plupart sont fait tromper, même mon meilleur ami baise une femme marié son choix mais bon.

Alors je crois encore a l'amour fait moi rire, a grosse larme, je crois en la vérité et ce que je vois devant mes yeux, et que de 18 à 41 ans j'ai tellement donner aux femmes avec qui j'ai été en relation pour en ressortir malheureux.

Et bien la c'est fini et je pense a moi.


Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
Mesieurs, je lis vos reponses et tout ce que je vois c'est des reproche a ceux qui on reussi a frequenter un SP. Keep in mind that as you get older and you have been in a relationship before your getting picky on what you are looking for and the older you get so are the ladies that you meet. Your body changes and so does theirs, they now have childrens(perhaps) and some baggages, but I don't look at that. I'm more of a personality type of guy, do we have the same interests in life? Finding an SP that matches your likes and dislikes is great but can you fall in love with a lady that as slept with many guys? This will always be in the back of your head. I don't mean any disrespect to all the ladies that do this for living, we do see you for something and we have to accept this.
In one of the relationship that I had with a SP, she was mad that I had seen some girls in the past that were doing this type of "job"!
Ladies what is your opinion on this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Désolé mais je vais pas me vanter de fréquenter une escorte que j'ai rencontré, la relation est voué à l'échec en partant.
Rien contre les travailleuses du sexe bien au contraire vous êtes merveilleuses
J'ai aucun regret de faire ce hobby
Mon point c'est y a des conséquences quant tu rentres dans cette activité
A l'âge ou je suis jamais je pourrais avoir des rapports sexuelles avec des partenaires aussi jeunes et jolies
J'ai l'air beaucoup plus jeune que je suis et en bonne santé
Je connecte très facilement avec les femmes et j'adore avoir des discussions
Je suis célibataire par choix j'aime mon indépendance et j'ai souvent besoin d'être seul
J'aime beaucoup les femmes et c'est impossible d'en aimer une seule
J'ai eu la chance d'avoir une longue relation amoureuse plus jeune et j'ai aucun regret j'en retire que du positif
Si j'avais commencé ce hobby plus jeune avec les ressources financières que j'ai aujourd'hui jamais j'aurais investi autant d'efforts dans une relation d'amour
Et j'aurais passé à côté de moment incroyable y a rien de mieux

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I have to confess that i’ve fallen in love with at least three women i’ve met in this crazy business. When you’ve met as many women as i’ve had over the years it’s bound to happen eventually.

The first one was a very sought after indy who corresponded with me for several months before we finally hooked up. She had a knack to confide in you & made you feel like you were the most important person in her life. I realized over time that the reason so many guys fell for her bigly was because she was like this with most of them. She made them all feel so special! Most of the women i met who knew her hated her, though. They’d tell me she was a real bitch or a fraud who enjoyed manipulating people. Anyways our brief relationship ended on a sour note. We didn’t speak for years. However one day she wrote to me out of the blue & asked for my help about something. We patched this up & ended our relationship as friends.

The second one was a fairly new sp who contacted me directly & after giving me an accurate description of herself she told me that she wanted to meet me. She sounded interesting so i agreed & we met a couple of weeks later. I was immediately attracted to her & we ended up having sex outside on a balcony right in the middle of downtown! We saw one another frequently that summer. We got so close that i’d even leave her some of my personal items for her to keep for me until i returned a few weeks later. One evening after one of our lovemaking sessions i told her that i was starting to care for her. She replied “Watch it! You know what they say: never fall in love with an escort.” I told her i knew this already but i was just expressing how i was feeling. Anyways by the end of the summer after many, many dates after a lovemaking session she told me “I’m starting to fall for you.” So sarcastically i replied “Watch it! You know what they say: never fall in love with a client.” She also admitted that it was somewhat starting to bother her that i was seeing other girls when she was working & especially when it was girls she worked with & when she’d be in the same vehicle with them when they’d be getting dropped off at my hotel. I told her seeing other girls was how i was able to cope with her being out ‘working’. So we made a deal where i wouldn’t call girls from her agency when she’d be out working. Our relationship ended up on a close friendship level (a close friends with benefits type of relationship) which lasted for over a decade long before she retired. It turns out her sp career ended up only lasted a few months. She accepted a sugar daddy’s offer to get out of the biz & he’d look after her financial needs for her to do so.

The third one was a low end agency girl whom i kind of met by mistake. I dialed a wrong number one night (i was trying to contact a different agency) and the lowlife booker wouldn’t take no for an answer & convinced me to give them a chance & send me this gorgeous beauty who could be at my hotel in five minutes. I told him to give me fifteen minutes since i’d have to take a quick shower. I had already seen another lady a few hours earlier so i figured why not? One hour of good company can’t hurt & then i’ll be off to bed. Then when the door opened i knew i was in trouble: she was drop-dead gorgeous! OMG! So i immediately called the agency & added another hour! As time went on i couldn’t stop staring & listening to this beauty! I was falling in love! Lol. Anyways about a half hour into our date we hear a knock on the door. It was the previous girl i had seen that evening! I was surprised to see her & she replied that her shift had just ended so she had stopped by my room to ask if i felt like going out for a bite to eat or go for a drink. I then stepped out of the way to show her that i had a guest with me. She apologized & told me that she should have called first instead of just showing up. I told her she could stay & join us if she wanted but she declined & apologized again before leaving. Anyways i liked my date so much that i extended again for a third hour & ended up seeing her again the following night. At the sight of her it seemed like i was falling in love! We saw one another several times over the years & by then she had become a very popular indy. She was also very popular with the ladies as well who loved having threesomes with her. One time we actually discussed giving a serious relationship a try. Since she wasn’t ready to retire from the biz for financial reasons i told her no problem i understood i’d simply see other girls when she’d be out working. That’s how i’d be able to cope with her being with other men when i’d be in Mtl. However this was a big no-no for her. She wanted me to be 100% faithful to her & that if i saw her work as an sp differently than what it really was (a business transaction) then we would have a problem. So we dropped the whole serious relationship thing at that moment & remained good friends (with occasional benefits) for another couple of years until she retired completely & moved on.


Oct 18, 2020
I have to confess that i’ve fallen in love with at least three women i’ve met in this crazy business. When you’ve met as many women as i’ve had over the years it’s bound to happen eventually.

The first one was a very sought after indy who corresponded with me for several months before we finally hooked up. She had a knack to confide in you & made you feel like you were the most important person in her life. I realized over time that the reason so many guys fell for her bigly was because she was like this with most of them. She made them all feel so special! Most of the women i met who knew her hated her, though. They’d tell me she was a real bitch or a fraud who enjoyed manipulating people. Anyways our brief relationship ended on a sour note. We didn’t speak for years. However one day she wrote to me out of the blue & asked for my help about something. We patched this up & ended our relationship as friends.

The second one was a fairly new sp who contacted me directly & after giving me an accurate description of herself she told me that she wanted to meet me. She sounded interesting so i agreed & we met a couple of weeks later. I was immediately attracted to her & we ended up having sex outside on a balcony right in the middle of downtown! We saw one another frequently that summer. We got so close that i’d even leave her some of my personal items for her to keep for me until i returned a few weeks later. One evening after one of our lovemaking sessions i told her that i was starting to care for her. She replied “Watch it! You know what they say: never fall in love with an escort.” I told her i knew this already but i was just expressing how i was feeling. Anyways by the end of the summer after many, many dates after a lovemaking session she told me “I’m starting to fall for you.” So sarcastically i replied “Watch it! You know what they say: never fall in love with a client.” She also admitted that it was somewhat starting to bother her that i was seeing other girls when she was working & especially when it was girls she worked with & when she’d be in the same vehicle with them when they’d be getting dropped off at my hotel. I told her seeing other girls was how i was able to cope with her being out ‘working’. So we made a deal where i wouldn’t call girls from her agency when she’d be out working. Our relationship ended up on a close friendship level (a close friends with benefits type of relationship) which lasted for over a decade long before she retired. It turns out her sp career ended up only lasted a few months. She accepted a sugar daddy’s offer to get out of the biz & he’d look after her financial needs for her to do so.

The third one was a low end agency girl whom i kind of met by mistake. I dialed a wrong number one night (i was trying to contact a different agency) and the lowlife booker wouldn’t take no for an answer & convinced me to give them a chance & send me this gorgeous beauty who could be at my hotel in five minutes. I told him to give me fifteen minutes since i’d have to take a quick shower. I had already seen another lady a few hours earlier so i figured why not? One hour of good company can’t hurt & then i’ll be off to bed. Then when the door opened i knew i was in trouble: she was drop-dead gorgeous! OMG! So i immediately called the agency & added another hour! As time went on i couldn’t stop staring & listening to this beauty! I was falling in love! Lol. Anyways about a half hour into our date we hear a knock on the door. It was the previous girl i had seen that evening! I was surprised to see her & she replied that her shift had just ended so she had stopped by my room to ask if i felt like going out for a bite to eat or go for a drink. I then stepped out of the way to show her that i had a guest with me. She apologized & told me that she should have called first instead of just showing up. I told her she could stay & join us if she wanted but she declined & apologized again before leaving. Anyways i liked my date so much that i extended again for a third hour & ended up seeing her again the following night. At the sight of her it seemed like i was falling in love! We saw one another several times over the years & by then she had become a very popular indy. She was also very popular with the ladies as well who loved having threesomes with her. One time we actually discussed giving a serious relationship a try. Since she wasn’t ready to retire from the biz for financial reasons i told her no problem i understood i’d simply see other girls when she’d be out working. That’s how i’d be able to cope with her being with other men when i’d be in Mtl. However this was a big no-no for her. She wanted me to be 100% faithful to her & that if i saw her work as an sp differently than what it really was (a business transaction) then we would have a problem. So we dropped the whole serious relationship thing at that moment & remained good friends (with occasional benefits) for another couple of years until she retired completely & moved on.
Quite a story! Good for you


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
The third one was a low end agency girl whom i kind of met by mistake. I dialed a wrong number one night (i was trying to contact a different agency) and the lowlife booker wouldn’t take no for an answer & convinced me to give them a chance & send me this gorgeous beauty who could be at my hotel in five minutes. I told him to give me fifteen minutes since i’d have to take a quick shower.




New Member
Jun 26, 2015
So many beautiful escorts in Montreal and many new enter the industry weekly. I can’t fathom wanting to see the same escort multiple times instead of experiencing something new.
Toronto Escorts