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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students

Johnny Walker

New Member
Jun 4, 2009
I went to high school in an Italian neighborhood in the 70s. One of the teachers was courting a 15 year old girl from the school with her parents permission. These were old school Italians, both the girls parents and the teacher. These things were done all the time in the old country. He married her when she turned 16 but the school commission sent him to teach in another school the next year. The 70s was a different time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I went to high school in an Italian neighborhood in the 70s. One of the teachers was courting a 15 year old girl from the school with her parents permission. These were old school Italians, both the girls parents and the teacher. These things were done all the time in the old country. He married her when she turned 16 but the school commission sent him to teach in another school the next year. The 70s was a different time.

I remember, as a high school student, expressing outrage a few times in front of my father about rumors of teachers dating students. My father was a public school educator and administrator all his life. I said something about Mr. So and so and how sick he was for probably wanting to fuck the same girl we all wanted to fuck or something like this. My father said "Maybe he wants to cherish her" and a few nice things like this which made it sound terribly normal.

Today, we are not paying our teachers to date our children but seeking draconian punishments like locking women teachers up for dozens of years for having consensual sex with minors (and sometimes majors) which made the kids decade is ridiculous. I am ok with firing them or putting them on double secret probation or something but this is ridiculous...however, our PC world is responsible for this nonsense.

In the 40's young male teachers would fall in love with their students and merry after she graduated from HS and this was celebrated. I was reading a history book about WWII (Ghost Mountain Boys) and one of the heroes, a young infantry Lt. in the National Guard, was a HS science teacher as his full-time job during peacetime. He was in his mid-20's and he married his favorite student after graduation. everyone knew that they were an item during her senior year....then Pearl Harbor happened and the teacher was off to WWII where I believe he was killed fighting the Japanese in the battle of Buna. Today, he may have been able to skip out the war, safely tucked away in federal prison for doing what is only natural and marrying a 18 year old girl and offering to take care of her for the rest of her life.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Now life is much more like the movie Election, where the principal tells a teacher that he has never seen a more angry parent as he fires the male teacher who had a sexual relationship instigated by the overachieving Tracy Flick (I think that was the character’s name).

This was an excellent movie. I've seen it two or three times.


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Sep 8, 2003
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My god the world has gone nuts... who amongst us would have felt a victim of an horrible crime if, at 14, they received a blowjob from their sexy teacher? Come on....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron. Thank you for the post. There are so many hot teachers and teachers assistants. I would pardon the hot ones and double the sentences of the ugly ones. Of course, some of the ex-teachers they only have mug shots which can be misleading. I didn't see Debra Lafave. Her in a bikini on a chopper started the media craze. How can you punish someone for making a guy feel so good?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I've heard one interesting theory about why these relationships between attractive female teachers and male students are more prevalent nowadays:

1) Modernity and the fight for equal rights has unleashed female sexuality. There's little shaming of female sexual expression anymore. So that's one barrier that's fallen.

2) Female sexual interest, especially when it comes to males, is a lot more uniform than male sexual interest. Guys can like shy girls, fat girls, short girls -- but women generally want the tall, lean, charismatic and gregarious man. Man is happy to reproduce with any female, but women are much more specific about who they will allow to fertilize their eggs.

3) Their sexuality unleashed, these female teachers are going after that type wherever they can, which includes the 27-year-old banging the 15-year-old football captain. No doubt the teenage boys getting laid by their teacher are the ones who would be laid by their peers anyway, not your everyday schoolkid, much less the nerd.

This makes a lot of sense to me. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Oh how the mighty have fallen. I had to take a look at her photos because I am so often disappointed by the Miss America contestants. There are just so many bow wows. While I was less than blown away by her violin, I have to admit that she looked great in evening gown. She is stunning. What possessed her to send a titty-text via snap chat to an 8th grader? What???? Good God!!! I feel bad for her. She has Multiple Sclerosis. Poor thing!

BTW - I was looking at comments section following the article. It seems like there is two schools of thought: The first wants to stone her and lock her up for life because she is a "pedophile" and the second wants to high-five the 15 year old boy for seducing his teacher. I am somewhere in between. She certainly shouldn't ever teach again but I have a tough time calling her a pedophile too. Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Is a 15 year old a prepubescent? Could be but that depends on the 15 year old. I was using my peripheral vision to check out a hot chick in a bikini at the pool last week. She had a nice ass and appeared to be super hot. I got close to her and I could see in her face that she was about 15. She was like the Steelhead trout or Walleye I threw back because they didn't meet the slot size limit. Mentally, I just couldn't go there.

I don't know, I'm torn. I am told a distant relative of mine was married at 15 or 16 but It was a different time. I told my S.O. about this particular teacher and I said that if a female teacher were to have seduced me (or I had seduced the teacher) at age 15 that they would not have hurt me. I would still smile ear-to-ear to this day. I had been trying to get laid since I was in 6th or 7th grade and thus far, the worst sex I have ever had, has been better than no sex at all.


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Sep 8, 2003
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which includes the 27-year-old banging the 15-year-old football captain. No doubt the teenage boys getting laid by their teacher are the ones who would be laid by their peers anyway, not your everyday schoolkid, much less the nerd.

Poor 15-year-old.... they are quite the victims of such female sexual predators.... I pity them for being selected by their hot female teachers for mating, and even more so the poor teen who received a titty photo from a miss america contestant... No, seriously guys, poor victims.... such a tragedy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I agree Patron. And as I said in my post: This kid is no victim.


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Sep 8, 2003
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You have to cut this particular kid some slack, his mom needed to stay out of his phone, but once she reported it, the kid was pretty much stuck and couldn’t realistically lie to the police with that much evidence in front of them.

I agree. But it's not the kid who lacked judgement here, that's what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
After all, they're just tits. I was in the south of France last year and all the women on the beach were topless. Do they have to be over 18 to run around topless on a beach? If I took a photo of one with my camera, would that be child pornography? If it is legal for all of them to run on the beach naked and I looked at a few of them should I be arrested? There were titties everywhere and no one seemed to mind. Also, gasp people under the age of 18 were drinking wine gasp!

I think the US goes overboard when trying to protect teens. Maybe it 's backfiring. Look at all the fentanyl /heroin ODs. More teens are dying from these drugs than car crashes.
Maybe we're worrying about the wrong things?

Here another teacher that was arrested: Have you heard about the Visalia teacher that sang the Star Spangled Banner while cutting a students hair? She was arrested. Now the kid in the video is suing the school. Let's see how many millions he gets for a bad haircut from a kook. Listen to his lawyer. The boy is in a state of shock.

Simon Templar

New Member
Mar 28, 2011
Here another teacher that was arrested: Have you heard about the Visalia teacher that sang the Star Spangled Banner while cutting a students hair? She was arrested. Now the kid in the video is suing the school. Let's see how many millions he gets for a bad haircut from a kook. Listen to his lawyer. The boy is in a state of shock.

It is the American way, the lawyer and the kid is looking for a free ride to Easy Street.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014

Interesting headline - She should get off easy because he wanted it. Not exactly what the lawyer said (the boy was a “willing participant"), but we know what the lawyer is implying. I don't think a lawyer would ever use this argument if this was a male teacher and the student was female.
And why in these cases is it always the mom that calls the police and not the father?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't know GaryH. I think with her and any of the three photographed in that very good article I would get off easy. Especially if I was back in high school. I think I would of got off 30 seconds after removing my pants.

Yep Simon, you are correct. Everyone's a victim.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
My God Patron! What lucky kid was fucking the Closer Elizabeth Flint in her yoga pants??? I WANT THAT!!!!

You know, she's gonna have a tough time making an honest paycheck. Maybe she ought to sell her favors? I'm on Seeking now....


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Looking at that list, I gotta say I'm a on board for Lauren of Ireland as well.


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Sep 8, 2003
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This discussion certainly shed some light on how ridiculously insane it is to pretend that teenagers absolutely are sexually naive and unable to consent. We only wished we had teachers like those who "prayed" on us... That black and white idea that at 18 minus a few months you're unable to consent to any sex with an adult while away 18 you may do anything is crazy.

I'm not saying there are no abusers, get me right here, just like there are abusers who pray on fully legal women. I think we should spend our societies resources on going after the abusers instead on trying to make an example of a few people having fun in a consensual way.

But now that these laws are there, who can oppose them? This kind of legislation is the kind of self tightening knot that you can never loosen, only tighten. I don't really care since I'm neither a student, nor a teacher, nor a partner of a teen. But it frustrates me to see how puritan our society is becoming. It's kinda the reverse of evolution... and I'm paying for it with my taxes!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Honestly, I like the Canadian solution, where it is 16, with a close-in exception, and harsher rules for a position of trust or authority. It at least takes into account some of the problems with making it a single arbitrary line.
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