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Female Teachers That Have Been Caught Sleeping with Students


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
The Maclean's piece is good, too.

The general rules on less sensationalistic reporting up here are nice to have, but I fear they are being eroded over time.

For the moment they still exist. I remember during the Parliament Hill shooting, the difference between US and Canadian live coverage was pretty amazing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Very interesting reading Patron, thanks for this.

It still leaves me thinking. As adults, and as teenagers, there are a few relationships that we consider toxic after the fact, and we regret them. I can recall a few high school friends I would have rather avoided had I known they were to backstab me the way they did. I learned. The same goes with our sexual experiences: some good, some bad, some regrettable. When does this become criminal? Because it fucks up our subsequent relationships? How many of you had wives/partners who fucked up their subsequent relationships? Are they in prison for this? (maybe some of them should be, but that's another story....)

I guess what kills me is the black and white, no nuances and no judgement. If you're a boss having sex with your secretary, well, you're just a boss fucking his secretary. If the secretary is being forced, manipulated or coerced in any kind of way that's an aggression and I agree with being severe with this, and the same goes for teens. But if an adult "in a position of trust or authority" had any type of relationship with his/her student, they are a sexual predator. That's a quite strong word. A teenager is unable to consent, the teachers are sexual predators. There is no nuance. Not to say they are not to blame for their poor judgement, not to say they should not receive an administrative sanction or even be fired. But criminals? Being imprisoned? Remember an inmate costs $110K/year in this country.

Do we need to stop all teacher/student interactions, I'm not sure. Will high prison or penalties stop it? Ask the Chinese, for e.g., who punish drug smuggling with death penalty. Doesn't stop smuggling, they're one of the major sources of Cocaine in the world... Do imprisoning teachers change anything? I doubt it. Insanity is keep repeating the same thing expecting different results, so maybe we ought to try something different.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Very interesting and relevant research Patron.

Adults should for sure not have sex with anyone below 12. And probably not with anyone below 14. And likely not at 16 and hopefully not at 17. I can however conceive that a 17yo or even 16yo boy or girl is fully capable of initiating a seduction game and when it's the case, treating them like innocent victims is naive. Furthermore, legislation too lenient towards teens open the door to then blackmailing their teachers, and this also happens:

People want to believe their children are white and pure, they want to believe all women are all compassionate and caring and all men are violent predators. Really is so much more complex that that...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I guess what kills me is the black and white, no nuances and no judgement. If you're a boss having sex with your secretary, well, you're just a boss fucking his secretary. If the secretary is being forced, manipulated or coerced in any kind of way that's an aggression and I agree with being severe with this, and the same goes for teens. But if an adult "in a position of trust or authority" had any type of relationship with his/her student, they are a sexual predator. That's a quite strong word. A teenager is unable to consent, the teachers are sexual predators. There is no nuance. Not to say they are not to blame for their poor judgement, not to say they should not receive an administrative sanction or even be fired. But criminals? Being imprisoned? Remember an inmate costs $110K/year in this country.

Good point. I am a captain of industry and not in education. What happens when you are seduced by a 17 year old co-op? The co-op pursued me relentlessly starting at the age of 17. She left a note under my windshield wiper that said "U. R. Very Sexy." She sent me photos and perverted animation via email such as Barney Rubble Fucking Wilma Flintstone while Betty was giving Fred a BBBJ, etc. On a scale of 1-10 she was a 10,000. She had natural DD's with long hair and a centerfold physique. Probably the hottest girl I've ever had. Well, she got me. It took awhile but I waited till she turned 18. We fucked on and off over a couple of years right through the time she got engaged and stopped just prior to her getting married. A few years after we met up and she showed me how she was shaving her pussy. I said why are you doing this. She said she trusted me. This was years ago. We met up for lunch a few years back and she is doing great with two kids. She has put on weight but not bad.

I remember the stripper dances she did for me without me suggesting it. I remember the outfits she used to wear for me...Yeah, I think 17 year olds know damn well what they are doing. BTW - this is one of the reasons I started to avoid shit like this at work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Hungry101, I get it. About 30 years ago, I was working in a college. I heard it all at the cafeteria from the teachers. Some were all over this girl and that other one. Not all of them were like this, but enough to make you puke and they were hanging out with each other. Many of them would show up in public events (pubs, concerts) holding hands with their students. I've seen with my own eyes some girls making the "I'll do anything to get a good mark for this course" remark, insisting on the anything. I was disgusted, so much that I quit. But they were all over 18 years old. Well, most of them.... That was years before the legislation. Things are so very much different today, right?

Again, I don't approve these behaviors, far from it. But they should be similar to when a psychologist goes out with their patient for example. A professional malpractice. But criminal? Not sure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
She should have texted him in Spanish.

Sorry, but I'm just not buying it. This is all part of the lack of common sense. The first one to show a lack of common sense is the teacher of course. Sh should lose her teaching position for her lack of judgement. But also the law lacks some common sense thanks to the PC crowd. The affair started around age of 15 and continued while the boy was 16? 15 and 16 year old boys are horn balls. If I thought I could get my dick wet and that teacher was willing I would of pursued her.

You know how a person fakes an injury to collect unemployment benefits and workmen's comp and other insurance? You know how PI's will catch these guys re-roofing their house or doing flips on a trampoline and the Insurance Company and the state will take them to court for fraud? They need to do the same thing for these bullshit lawsuits with the boys and their over protective mommies. Have under cover students miked or when the kid enters college have frat boys miked and when the kid starts bragging of his conquests like all young kids do he has to pay the money back.

Dick Hardwood

Jan 31, 2012
We live in the 21st. century (PC World), 50 years ago if a females teacher was having sex with a teen boy it would have been seen as a benefit to the boy or swept under a rug.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The teacher should be fired and never allowed to teach again. But what Patron described above is overreach. I don't know who to blame (other than the bad judgment of the teacher). Media sensationalism, overreach by a politically motivated justice system, today's helicopter parents that look at this like an opportunity to cash-in if the student is portrayed as a victim rather than the luckiest kid in America.

Back in the 40's and 50's a teacher may marry a former student upon graduation. Yes, things are different today but my grandmother married my grandfather at age 16 back in the 1920's. We are all sexual beings but this isn't about child porn or pedophilia. This is about the urges of two sexual beings that made an inappropriate decision to act on those urges. A teacher ought to know better but this is far from pedophilia.

I guess we all share a little blame too. I like to follow these stories and look at photos of the hot teachers. I go down the list and say "I'd do her, do her do her, pass on that one...."

Ichiro Honda

New Member
Jan 5, 2012
In the 50s and 60s sixteen year old girls getting married in the back woods of Quebec was not so uncommon. Many girls married with no knowledge of sexuality. Today the average 10 year old has surfed porn and are curious. How many 14-19 year olds would refuse sex from a teacher.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I hope she gets that $3MM settlement. Did you hear the father interviewed? The school district did the right thing? Bonkers!!! He said that to placate his wife.

With or without the picture, I would of imagined this lady naked or in lingerie every time I saw her anyway.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Her attorney did a great job dressing her up conservatively for the presser with a cross hanging around her neck. Their argument that her tits are no more offensive than a male’s bare boobs is amusingly ironic because I would probably be more deeply offended getting a topless selfie of a male teacher than of her. I can think of a few of my male teachers whose topless selfies would likely have shocked and appalled me. Lauren’s would not have had that effect.


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
We live in different times. I remember in my youth ( early 70s ) of a movie that was out at the time, The summer of 42. This was a movie about a 15 year old boy that meets a woman that was alone because her husband was away at war. They have a sexual relationship. The story was published in 1928 and made into a movie in 1970. This was an acceptable subject matter at the time. Today you can not put out a book or make a movie with this subject matter, but it was acceptable in the 50 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yep Stuckeys. This is true. In the 40's girls might graduate and merry their Science teacher in HS shortly after graduation and the wedding was celebrated. But alas, times have changed. Society does not condone this behavior anymore. A girl needs to sow her wild oats by getting dolled up and going to the clubs every night and sleeping with the band and getting knocked up or going to the university and getting a degree in Left Handed Puppetry or worse Social Work. They have to make signs and march in the streets first while chanting a left wing slogan for a cause they will soon forget. They need to force the circus to disband and free Willy by shutting down Sea World for example. There are different drugs to try and tattoos to be gotten.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think the fucking kids need to keep their mouths shut. Back in the day we could do this. Now a days kids run to their mommies. Also, I think the electronic trail of damning evidence makes it a lot either to hang these teachers. Why don't they Tiger Text? Isn't there an app that allows you to text a body part and then it is gone? This is still probably easily for LE to retrieve.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Is Tiger Text a thing people use? I associate it with drug companies trying to keep things from the FDA. I would have thought Signal is the "have it vanish" app of choice.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Didn’t the little bastard she had sex with get an erection? How is a young man sexually abused when he had enough of an erection to come inside her?


Indeed! Although I must admit that at 13yo, that's quite young and probably deserve some punishment. However in determining the sentence there is no considetation whatsoever of the actual damage the young men suffered. There's a big between being physically forced or psychologically abused (e.g blackmailed) and being offered an opportunity because your teacher likes you. And in any case I'm almost certain having your sex life being dissected publicly in trial and in the news is more damaging at 14yo than the abuse itself.


New Member
Jun 9, 2019
I think the young lads that have sex with their teachers ( older women ) are more stigmatized and traumatized when they are hauled out into the light of day for all to see.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
Didn’t the little bastard she had sex with get an erection? How is a young man sexually abused when he had enough of an erection to come inside her?

Getting an erection has never been nor should it ever be a deciding factor in whether or not a boy/man has been sexually abused. Sexual abuse and rape come down to two things (was the sex act consentual and is the person old enough to consent). A 13 year old brain is not developed enough to be considered able to consent. He can’t forsee the consequences nor take the responsibility for his actions. Lets also keep in mind that as a 13 year old all it takes is a light breeze to give you an erection so I don’t think it too much for this teacher to get him hard regardless of whether or not he wanted it.

Lets also keep in mind that many people who have been sexually abused felt pleasure from it. Many women who have been raped have also orgasm during it. If this 13 year old boy was a 13 year old girl I doubt your position on this would be the same. Even if the 13 year old girl was madly in love with the teacher, and was a willing participant of the sex. The double standards are very evident and it’s a shame because don’t we all deserve equal treatment under the law? Just because our male biology betrays us doesn’t mean he wasn’t abused regardless of how much pleasure this 13 year old felt while inside the part of the body designed to make a man cum.

At the very least she should be in jail for pedophilia. Which no matter how you spin it, an adult having sex with a minor regardless of gender is pedophilia, and should not be tolerated. It’s disgusting.
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