Montreal Escorts

French Canadian !


New Member
May 22, 2008
You are not only gorgeous, but one smart lady.
When you get to travel all over the world and live in other countries, you develope a whole new understanding and perspective on life and are able to compare things far better.
Many of the things you mentioned are right on the money.

Merci arigato gracias thanks i appreciated what you fais chaud coeur considérant le nombres de personnes qui ne mont pas rencontres mais haisse éperdument pour peut-être quelqu'un qui s'exprime..Ma relation avec les clients québécois est médiocre en moyenne..Mes clients réguliers sont en moyenne anglophones mon dernier client francophone(québécois) et avec des moyens a plus finir m'a vole de mes tarifs après que je lui ai donne service


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Tout ça n'est pas très clair, Victoria !
Va au bout de tes pensées, dis-le franchement : ciboulette ou échalotes dans ta salade de patates ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Here my 2 cents on how I see the situation and also reiterating some points already mentioned Lately there is a big push from Quebec government to jump start businesses based on AI based technology that many argue is the future of mankind and will bring the major wealth to countries that pioneer it. Montreal has all ingredients in place to be a major payer. The only obstacle is Bill 101. It prevents attracting international talent that mostly operates in English and speaks English. If they settle in Quebec, their kids are forced to French schools and they will not accept this. So, you have dilemma, continue to enforce 101 and be converted to “paysan” country losing your own brightest and smartest to western Canada and other countries even the best SPs who can’t make decent living in backward country will leave. Alternative is to find another way to preserve your language without enforcement of 101. There is small window of opportunity, probably 10 years or even less…

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't think Redlobster closed because they wouldn't translate there name. I mean there is still stores call Winners/Home Sense, Target was not called "cible" and it closed not because of the name issue. Futurshop is not called "magasin du futur" or even its now rebranding as Best Buy is not "Meilleur Achat"

Im not lawyer and expert in those, but im sure its not such an issue.

I know tough that KFC does sound weird, i just think PFK sounds so much better lol

As for Elvis Gratton, yes its a big exageration, its like saying the caricatural red neck from Texas is the only type of american.

As for traveling its not everybody cup of tea... yes knowing english does help we already covered that.

Et ces vrai que ces drole quand les francais nous acusent d'utilisé trop d'anglicisme comme tires ou stering mais il disent du shopping, dans le hood, ou autre truc du genre ;)

Oh and Sam, yes i understand you think that way and want your kids to stay close. As a separatiste there is many reasons why i would prefer to separate. Language and Culture being 2 of them, the biggest for sure, but there is a few others. Like i said in the past im not hating on Canada one bit, im not hating on the states either, but as i don't identify at all with the states, i don't identify to Canada either. Having Quebec still in Canada is like if Okinawa was a German island in Japan... you understand what im saying?


Jun 14, 2015
The only obstacle is Bill 101. It prevents attracting international talent that mostly operates in English and speaks English. If they settle in Quebec, their kids are forced to French schools and they will not accept this...

Ça... C'est absolument faux et c'est ce que les fédéralistes cherchent à faire croire pour faire peur aux indécis et les inciter à "voter du bon bord"...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Ça... C'est absolument faux et c'est ce que les fédéralistes cherchent à faire croire pour faire peur aux indécis et les inciter à "voter du bon bord"...

Do you work in Hi-Tech and can give some opposite examples? I do and know the situation from inside. There is extremely strong competition for international talent and believe me a few top-notch people can make a huge difference. These people are not looking for a refuge like Haitians or Somalis and they are welcomed everywhere. Thus such “small” obstacle as 101 makes a disproportionally big impact. Rural and small city Quebec folks can’t care less about Hi-Tech not understanding that their financial prosperity crucially depends on it. So, they will vote for PQ and will soon find themselves in a disadvantaged country.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ça... C'est absolument faux et c'est ce que les fédéralistes cherchent à faire croire pour faire peur aux indécis et les inciter à "voter du bon bord"...

Je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi Titilleur. Oui c'est vrai que les fédéralistes utilisent cet argument. Parce qu'il y as beaucoup de vrai... Je travail en high tech au niveau pharma et j'ai vus et entendus beaucoups dans les derniers 15 ans. Montréal et le Québec serait économiquement beaucoup plus fort sans Bill101. Et Toronto ne serait pas devenus si puissante!



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Maybe Red Lobster closed there because it sucked. I know the one in Plattsburgh closed because it sucked. I ate at the one in Plattsburgh one time shortly after it opened and never went to another Red Lobster again. It sucked and wasn't open long at that location although located on the main strip in Plattsburgh just off I-87. PRIME restaurant business location. If you can't do business there it's because your business sucks. Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, Starbucks, Burger King and Applebee's are all doing well on that same strip because they take care of their customers and do good business for their niches.


Jun 14, 2015
Do you work in Hi-Tech and can give some opposite examples? I do and know the situation from inside. There is extremely strong competition for international talent and believe me a few top-notch people can make a huge difference. These people are not looking for a refuge like Haitians or Somalis and they are welcomed everywhere. Thus such “small” obstacle as 101 makes a disproportionally big impact. Rural and small city Quebec folks can’t care less about Hi-Tech not understanding that their financial prosperity crucially depends on it. So, they will vote for PQ and will soon find themselves in a disadvantaged country.

Je ne peux pas te parler de la compagnie pour laquelle je travaille sans risquer d'être identifié... Mais disons que nous sommes dans le top 4 au Canada dans notre domaine et nous importons des cerveaux de plusieurs pays, dont les USA (très francophone comme nation, n'est-ce pas?)...

Hi-tech (et autres secteurs pêle-mêle)? On peut causer à propos d'Optosécurité... Entreprise de Québec qui n'a eu aucune difficulté à bâtir un conseil d'administration avec des gens de partout dans le monde. En voici d'autres... Taleo... Beenox... Ubisoft... Bombardier... CAE aeronautique... Copernic... IPL plastiques... Pomerleau... Groupe Canam...

Certes, la loi 101 a fait fuir quelques peureux qui croyaient que le Québec se séparerait physiquement du Canada (mais où cette portion de terre pourrait bien aller, dites-moi!). Par contre, c'est une chimère de croire que la loi 101 empêche les cerveaux étrangers de venir s'établir au Québec juste parce qu'on veut protéger le français. Est-ce que les cerveaux étrangers se retiennent d'aller au Brésil, au Japon, en Inde, en Norvège ou ailleurs? Pourquoi le français serait-il si épeurant?

De nos jours, on ne reste pas longtemps sur un CA... On peut amener ses enfants à vivre dans une région du monde pour s'imprégner de la culture locale et changer ensuite d'habitat pour vivre, avec ses enfants, dans une toute autre culture.

La loi 101 fait peur... aux ignares qui veulent le rester.

Mitch Garber aurait sûrement des messages à faire passer s'il pouvait écrire ici...


Jun 14, 2015
With the people I know Red Lobster is the McDonalds of seafood.

C'est presque une insulte à McDo...

Pour ce que j'en sais, Red Lobster a eu des problèmes de gestions et le CA a fait les mauvais choix.

À la base, RL voulait offrir des crevettes et du homard à un grand volume... Lorsque les prix à la source d'approvisionnement se sont mis monter en flèche, RL a décidé de diminuer légèrement ses critères de sélections et de conservation des spécimens achetés pour continuer à offrir des crevettes et du homard bon marché... Erreur... La clientèle n'est pas stupide et elle est allée voir ailleurs. Quelques scandales de salubrité n'ont pas aidé non plus...

Récemment, un "rebranding" s'est enclenché avec le rachat par Golden Gate Capital... On va voir si la compagnie va réussir à faire revenir les clients perdus et si elle va réussir blanchir sa réputation pour faire venir des nouveaux clients.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Je ne peux pas te parler de la compagnie pour laquelle je travaille sans risquer d'être identifié... Mais disons que nous sommes dans le top 4 au Canada dans notre domaine et nous importons des cerveaux de plusieurs pays, dont les USA (très francophone comme nation, n'est-ce pas?)......

Well the example of Toronto dwarfing Montreal practically in all High-Tech aspects tells the opposite story… I would prefer Montreal to Toronto in a heart bit if not 101. I would love to be immersed in French culture as soon as it is not enforced on me…


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Mitch Garber aurait sûrement des messages à faire passer s'il pouvait écrire ici...

Il est marié avec une femme du lac st-jean. Il l'as dis mille fois c'est sa famille d'abord et c'est la raison qui fait qu'il as tout batis ici à Montréal. Ses patrons l'ont appuyé. Maintenant ils sont mort de rire car ils croulent sous le cash!

Ubisoft et EA Games sont venus s'installer à Montréal principalement à cause du 26% de retour sur chaque employé non administratif grace à la mesure fiscale multimédia.

Reste que la rigidité de la loi a fait un tord incroyable et à beaucoup freiner l'essor du Québec depuis 30 ans. Je ne dis pas que c'est une mauvaise loi, elle est juste trop rigide. Beaucoup d'entreprise ont plutôt choisis l'Ontario pour l'éviter ces derniers 30 ans. Certain vont dire tant mieux pour eux. Ben oui effectivement tant mieux pour les Ontariens. Pas de problème avec ca. Mais n'allons pas chialer apres ceux qui prennent cette décision. Business is business.



Jun 14, 2015
Il est marié avec une femme du lac st-jean. Il l'as dis mille fois c'est sa famille d'abord et c'est la raison qui fait qu'il as tout batis ici à Montréal. Ses patrons l'ont appuyé. Maintenant ils sont mort de rire car ils croulent sous le cash!

Ubisoft et EA Games sont venus s'installer à Montréal principalement à cause du 26% de retour sur chaque employé non administratif grace à la mesure fiscale multimédia.

Reste que la rigidité de la loi a fait un tord incroyable et à beaucoup freiner l'essor du Québec depuis 30 ans. Je ne dis pas que c'est une mauvaise loi, elle est juste trop rigide. Beaucoup d'entreprise ont plutôt choisis l'Ontario pour l'éviter ces derniers 30 ans. Certain vont dire tant mieux pour eux. Ben oui effectivement tant mieux pour les Ontariens. Pas de problème avec ca. Mais n'allons pas chialer apres ceux qui prennent cette décision. Business is business.


Tu l'as dit... Business is business... La langue n'a rien à voir là-dedans. C'est une excuse de faible...

Je dirais que la double taxation et la bureaucratie fait beaucoup plus de torts que la loi 101... Mais c'est trop facile d'accuser la loi 101 quand on ne parle pas français.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Have you eaten at Red Lobster?
I have once in Florida, that was enough.
I totally agree with EB, Red Lobster sucks big time.

Other than their coffee and muffins McD sucks, I would never order a burger there, just my opinion, .Red Lobster also sucks


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is not for the government to decide which language my child should be educated in, it is mine.
We as parents brought them into the world and we know better what our children need.
We are the ones responsible for them not the government, to us they are not just another number or statistic.

What they need is a school system that gives them all the advantages they deserve and that is to teach them both languages simultaneously and give them all the advantages that this modern world offers.

That is pretty much sums up my thoughts. Let the people decide. The government has no business choosing for them. These rules were made by jealous xenophobes.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
found the majority of Quebecers friendly, language for the most part is not an issue. My only complaint is the lack of Conservatives

Now wait a minute...

The last thing we need in Quebec is conservatives.

I wouldn't mind if Bill 101 forces conservatives go to Libaral schools.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Escorts $200 compared to $300. I found the majority of Quebecers friendly, language for the most part is not an issue. My only complaint is the lack of Conservatives or people who understand economics in politics.

If Quebec became a Conservative stronghold kiss goodbye to Quebec liberal stripclubs and competitive cost but very high quality escorts. The Conservatives want to enforce social behavior based on the bible. Theocracy is their moto. Remember Harper of the Conservatives made prostitution illegal for the first time in Canadian history.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud 500 :
Indian peoples have there own language by the way...

I am talking about their second language common to the world. India was conquered by the British. Naturally they choose English. Many Indians have a very tough time with French. The language is not in their culture. But same Indians who are from Mauritius speak perfect French. They were under French rule. You sounded a bit like Jacques Parizeau who said they lost the separatist vote due to immigrants you wrote that immigrants choose English. That is not true. It depends on which European country conquered them.

Then you speak of the FLQ... oh boy. If there original idea may had been "good", they fucked up big time "en route" and yes became a terrorist group. Thats not how you proceed to show your ideas. There fuck ups is what killed them in the end. When they got too far nobody wanted part of that anymore. Separatist peoples are not extremist dude... Thats like saying every muslim is a terrorist cause ISIS...

You should thank the FLQ as they are the reason you got language enforcement bill like Bill 101. This would not exist today if it were not for terrorists like the FLQ. It is born from separatist xenophobes who say "Speak French or hit the 401" which is pretty much what you wrote in one of your posts.

Yeah independantist and federalist will always clash and will always stay hard on there positions, even french vs french... so imagine when you have an english vs french...

It is more simple then that. It is a war between French and English and has been a consistent problem in Quebec and I think this will always be a problem that will never go away.

I can totally understand (to a degree) what Cloud think, he was likely born and/or raise here, he consider this his home and it denying it. English is part of his culture and i would guess just as any minority born into a place dominated by a different language, he want to preserve it as well. Its very simple, Cloud is EXACTLY thinking the same as me but on a different scale. I am the french minority in Canada who want to protect and keep my culture in a largely dominated english county. Cloud is the english minority in a largely dominated french province who to protect his language and culture.

You still do not get what I am trying to explain. I am talking about freedom and the choice to choose and not have the government decide for you. Presently as we speak the Quebec government is restricting allophones or francophones from attending English elementary and secondary schools. These types of laws are Draconian and almost fascist/communist. Did you even bother to read up on communism and fascism? Ask yourself this is that the kind of place you would want to live in? People left their countries and fought to have freedom. Many people died in wars so that their kids can have a better life. So to answer your question I am not thinking the same at all believe me on that one. I still maintain that if such severe laws are needed then the language does not deserve to survive. The people are choosing another language. That is what freedom is all about. One last thing you may think you are protecting but those are lies perpetuated by the PQ... This has always been about French DOMINATING all other languages. The laws are designed to ensure that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Now wait a minute...

The last thing we need in Quebec is conservatives.

Yep I completely agree here. They will turn this province into a boring and lame province like Saskatchewan. No stripclubs, everything closing early, no bars or clubs, very few escorts and mostly below average girls giving low service for high price. If anything I think Quebec has gone too conservative in the last 15 years. If that means higher taxes so be it. I want liberal stripclubs and lots of escorts. In fact I would like to see FKK clubs and legal brothels. Lol
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