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GFE not SAFE!!!!


Aug 16, 2003
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Hello Guys

After exchanging messages with Tammy and talking with some MERB members and a couple of agency owners, I feel to be frank that this girl Tammy is full of crap. Whether she caught herpes or not is really irellevant and if she is telling the truth I do feel bad for her, but my personal opinion and many other peoples opinion is that this girl is a very frustrated escort who is pissed with escorts giving GFE service and she is trying to stop it so she will advance. She is just trying to stop GFE service so she can advance and using this herpes thing as a crutch. If she was serious she would tell us what agency she worked for and this would put some truth into her story. I have PM'd her and she keeps running away from my questions, just answering that all escorts have STD"s and the customers should be happy. In other words I think she is just full of shit!!!!!!!!


Ned Nobody

May 16, 2003
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A brief check of my profile and recent posts would show me to be anything but an ambulance chaser from the states.

I gave specific references in Tammy`s post where I felt she stretched a bit too far, and in her reply, she didn`t seem to have a problem with the points I questioned, and thanked me for my reply. If you have a specific problem with my post, why don`t you identify it, rather than slam the whole thing?

Nowhere in my post did I say that GFE is safe or not safe. I specifically said that I am not a doctor, and suggested that people, both clients and providers, should do their own research from credible sources and make their own decision, rather than read a post on an internet message board and freak out. Do you think this is bad advice?

But maybe you didn`t get my point. Three times in my post, I said that if people learn what`s really going on out there, as a result of her post, that it was well worth reading. Did you see the part where I said ``To that end, I think your post was helpful, and I hope that [her] message is received.``

Nor did I encourage her to release names of others, or name her former agency. I simply said that I didn`t feel she should have included that part of her message in the post.

I do agree with you that it takes courage to come forward and admit a STD. However, your post notes the problem with doing it: Just as you suggest that something might happen to Tammy if she were to open up further, the same might happen to anyone who did so.

Now, finally, back in the Sabrina of Asservissante thread, you say you don`t recall if her tc included her swallowing or not. I`ll assume that you did in fact receive a tc from her, since you didn`t correct the other poster and say that you received a cbj, in which case the swallowing question wouldn`t be possible? Maybe you`re part of the sad story as well.



Aug 16, 2003
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Montrealrez you and many others agree, just read what she says and to me all she cares about is saying that many escorts talk to her and want to stop GFE, hey I don't know about you guys but I have never forced an escort to do GFE, it is her choice, this girl is just jealous cause she cannot keep up with most of the escorts



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Jan 6, 2004
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I simply answered your quesitons. You guys are the ones who twist my story around. I am being honest and telling you that I have herpes and asking you all to be careful.


Aug 16, 2003
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Hello Tammy

If you were serious you would inform us what agency you worked at and this would at least show us you are for real. For all we know you are a indy who does not do GFE and are trying to stop it by spreading bullshit. You can PM me or send me an email, just don't tell me be careful of STD, when I ask you a question, answer my questions to show you are for real



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Dec 15, 2003
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It's up to you; I still believe she made her point and should walk away (or shut up) (but for whatever reason she keeps coming back and that is to be retained against her!). She might have had reasons of her own, do you know.
Agencies operators are your counsels!!!!
IMHO she might be a fraud, I don't know.
If you want to become a lawyer, let me know.


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Jan 6, 2004
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Enough said Mitch. It does not matter I will never point finger.
I am not jealous of anybody.
I am not posting because I don`t wan to give . I don`t know why some of you try to find something fishy about it than learn from it. this is really ridiculous.

I won`t post anything from now on. You can e-mail me.
Rkymtnoysters, thank you for your support and what you said was what I meant. and yes I will stop posting.

But please I am not trying to scare anybody.. It could happen to anyone. Trust me..what do I gain by creating story??
Take care of yourself and good luck to all.


Dec 30, 2003
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Question for everyone

Assume that you got herpes from a sp.
The sp knew that she had herpes and she could transmit to someone through GFE (but did not warn you).
Is there any fine against that sp ?:confused:


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Aug 16, 2003
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Tammy, sorry people are attacking you

I participate in a dangerous outdoors sport. When friends die we surviors almost gleefully find mistakes they made, in no small part to show that, while "they" died, "we" are safe.

Perhaps this discussion may be heading in the same direction.

Tammy, I'm sorry people are "attacking" you. Maybe its partially linked, in my opinion, with denial.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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Immature we are

This thread shows how immature we are all of us.
No one in his/her right mind may deny that they are unaware of the risks involved in this hobby; anyone doing so just deserve it.
Either we accept the risks, whatever they are, taking whatever measures we can take under extreme stress to protect ourselves, or we shut up, walk away and stop crying wolf.
Is Montreal infected by mad cow STD, one may laugh at it!!
It could well be the case though, who knows?
Have you recently read in the papers that there was a widespread of STD in the City?
This thread has been so popular that it tells a lot about the status of many users of special services!!! Juniors, Seniors or of the Third kKinds!!

How many many members of this board are underage?

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Oct 7, 2003
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Here my testimony

Since 1997 I've seen I think almost 250 SP
And a lot of them were GFE...

My Doctor tells me in october that I have nothing...

I hope that I didn't met Tamy...


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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Shoot the messenger!

Originally posted by Legolas
I participate in a dangerous outdoors sport. When friends die we surviors almost gleefully find mistakes they made, in no small part to show that, while "they" died, "we" are safe.

Perhaps this discussion may be heading in the same direction.

Tammy, I'm sorry people are "attacking" you. Maybe its partially linked, in my opinion, with denial.

Good point Legolas. Anyone who claims that GFE is a hasardous activity will be seen as a party-pooper -- that is because most hobbyists value GFE. Accordingly, many SPs advertise themselves as GFE, knowing there is a premium attached to such service. When somebody (be it Tammy or anyone else) comes along and says GFE is dangerous, hobbyists are faced with an inconsistency in their belief system (pleasure vs. fear of STD). A natural response in such circumstances is to deny the risk or, easier still, attack the credibility of the messenger (in this case Tammy).


Student Hobbyist
Sep 30, 2003
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Let the thread die and have done with it

Well this thread has certainly been an interesting run, conspiracy-theories, vendettas, paranoia, hypochondria, and even outright name-calling (Lawless and NedNobody bearing the brunt of this unwarranted assault). I think it is best for the MERB community to let this heated "debate" (and I use the term loosely) die once again.

I am reminded of October when I first joined this site and posted a similar enquiry on how safe fellow hobbyists felt with GFE experiences, and it was met with the same animosity and vehemence as this post. I think we need to keep a level head and a certain modicum of decorum when we post: we are all civilized people (more or less) and should be able to communicate as such. If we could all emulate the integrity of some of our more prominent posters such as Bob Crane, this board would be a far more useful tool indeed.

Anyone involved in this hobby should have the presence of mind to inform themselves of the risks of sex in general (whether it be with an sp or not), and it is a game of russian roulette we are all prepared to play. So long as you can look myself in the mirror and honestly say you're willing to take the chance, then do so and have done with it, resolved to deal with whatever consequences may arise.



Gentleman Horndog
Jun 10, 2003
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Re: A Bunch Of Laughable Bullshit

Originally posted by EagerBeaver
This whole thread is a bunch of laughable bullshit. There has been an assumption that Tammy in fact contracted Herpes while escorting. We don`t know that, and Tammy probably does not even know that, and her doctor probably does not know it either..........

.............Several years ago the career of an escort was ruined by a thread of this type on TBD, which turned out to be based on a false rumor. The escort later posted to deny that she had an STD, but it was too late.

What is being urged here is that this Tammy name names and ruin careers in the name of public safety. This is a laughable crock of shit. This whole thread is pointless. It is based on assumptions and speculation. If Tammy truly has Herpes I feel bad for her irrespective of the cause, but this thread is not accomplishing anything. The only thing that can come of a thread like this is ruined careers and reputations, based on bullshit, speculation, assumptions, and unwarranted conclusions by those not licensed to practice medicine.

I totally agree. There have been similar threads on other boards such as TERB and Canbest. They always follow the same pattern. The only twist here is that we have a poster who purports to be an infected SP claiming that she caught an STI from her escorting activities. These threads are usually started by a first-time poster claiming that he caught something from an SP or that he knows someone else who did. It is impossible to verify such claims on a board where almost everyone is anonymous.

Here`s my TERB post:

I`m not accusing Tammy of making false claims at all, but we have no absolute proof that she is who she claims to be, or even an escort for that matter. Also, the board moderators would be forced to act immediately if she "outed" other SP`s who allegedly have STD`s, or even if she identified herself because of the impossibility of verifying the claims.

As for the medical issue, let`s presume she is telling the truth and does have Type 2 herpes. Her conclusion that it could only have come as a result of offering GFE services is not supportable. It COULD have happened that way, but she could have been infected long before starting escorting. It is also possible that she contracted herpes while having protected sex. Condoms are very effective against most STI`s, but not so much against herpes because it is a skin disease, not an internal infection. Exchange of body fluids is not necessary for transmission of HSV, Skin-to-skin contact with an person with an active infection is all it takes.

The bottom line: participate only in activities where the proven or perceived risk is in line with with your own comfort level.


Apr 20, 2003
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reality check

hi all
from spartacus
no matter who tammy is or isn`t
this thread is a wake up call for all of us.
I think it is natural to slide somewhat in your hobbying practices.
many of us started with a hand job in a massage parlor and went on from there.
as you go on towards gfe (, daty etc) experience the more dangerous it is.
I think most of us go to doctor on regular basis and get clean bill of health so maybe we take more risks seeing we are doing ok so far.
going from cbj and safe service to etc .
we all know in our minds that the less safe the service the more risk we take.
the more the chance of getting std of any kind.
this thread is a wake up call to all of us that this is the reality.
So proceed at your own risk, but I appreciate tammy putting up the thread.
if some of us do take heed and make our service safer and avoid std then she deserves our thanks.

I also think that the members of the board both senior and junior and lurkers as well should not fool themselves.
sp`s do it for the money. they are in an illegal business for cash only . most of them do not care about your health but about the $$$ you pay.
many of them fool themselves about std and safe service as much as we fool ourselves about the dangers of std from and daty.

do you really think they go to the doctor each month tell him they are escorts and get checked?
even if they do and they have std this month then it is your unlucky month.
even if they do have std do you think they will stop after treatment for herpes or taking penicillin for 2 weeks for traditional std
reality check here.
myself I am going to take heed from this warning and make the service I receive safer.
best to all

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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I came late to this thread and just read through the whole thing.

My own view is that you can't accept a risk if you don't know how high the risk is. If you're going to play in traffic, get an idea whether you're stepping into a neighborhood side street, the Santa Monica Freeway, or the Indy 500.

So was the thread "a bunch of laughable bullshit"? Well, only around 80%. What was left counted for a lot. My advice is for hobbyists to spend a month or so studying STD risks. Read some books, visit a doctor, visit a couple of doctors -- whatever it takes to get the answers you need. Then decide what you're going to do. At least you won't have to get jangled when the occasional post crops up about someone being infected.

We say these boards are about information. Well, Tammy and Ned Nobody gave me some of the most solid information I've seen in a long time. Here it is for easy reference:

Tammy "the best place to get tested will be Jewish General Hospital ...

"they have the best infectious disease center and if u have medicare cards everything is free there.

"Get vacinated for Hepatitis also."

Ned Nobody (to a question about herpes symptoms)
"I think the best answer you will get is from experts, rather than a review board. I would suggest you look at to answer some of your questions."
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Aug 7, 2003
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Hi folks,
Got to jump in here one more time. You see there are other countries in the world that allow escorting, and in that case, they are properly looked after by the medical industry. For whatever reason, our Canadian government allows escorting to happen illegally, fully aware of the public risk assiciated with an uncontrolled industry, sits back and does nothing.
Well in that case, the burden to control the spread of STD's rests only on our education level on the subject and our counter-measures. Irrespective of whether Tammy's case is real or not, that is the plain truth. So both SP's and clients should make it their responsibility for regular check-ups at clinics/ hospitals specializing in this ( I learned a lot just by reading the website info., be responsible for yourself because no one else seems to give a crape!
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