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GFE: To Be Or Not To Be


Oct 21, 2016
Deep down you already know the answer (as we all do...) and you're just trying to convince yourself that it's not the case.

She's not that into you no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise. Deal with it and move on.

Yeah I hear you and I can see why you might say that. The situation could be more complicated though (or maybe not). We seem to get along really well, we exchange gifts (she bought me something quite expensive- wish she hadnt), she is very interested in pursuing a relationship away from the office etc... Might just be that she has her eye on greater benefits IDK but maybe there is something more to it than that. I dont think I've ever been in this situation before.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Does she still take your cash with each session?

I think you are still trapped in your emotions. We've all been there. I have a ATF in Germany where we hang out and make out in public. But we both know it won't work. It just took me longer than her to realize it. You'll find your way out eventually.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
she is in fact ymmv

Life lesson number one: every single thing in life is YMMV except death. If you think everyone gets equal treatment you are setting yourself up for one disappointment after another.

I could not help interpreting this as personally insulting. I guess I have difficulty accepting being a second class citizen. Note most people would consider me not unattractive. I am also fit, polite and generous so that there is no obvious external reason why the service I receive should be limited..... If gfe was off her menu for everyone....

You don't see yourself the way she sees you obviously.
You claim to be from a macho culture and then show what a jealous and fragile ego you have.
Pull up your socks buddy. If you were macho you would not give a shit, you would shrug your shoulders and move on. If you were a mature adult you would respect her choice and move on. Either way you would not be whining about it.


Oct 21, 2016
Does she still take your cash with each session?

I think you are still trapped in your emotions. We've all been there. I have a ATF in Germany where we hang out and make out in public. But we both know it won't work. It just took me longer than her to realize it. You'll find your way out eventually.

Yes she does take cash with each session. OTOH the times we have spent together away from the business there has been no payment but we have pursued things other than what goes on in an encounter.


Oct 21, 2016
Life lesson number one: every single thing in life is YMMV except death. If you think everyone gets equal treatment you are setting yourself up for one disappointment after another.

You don't see yourself the way she sees you obviously.
You claim to be from a macho culture and then show what a jealous and fragile ego you have.
Pull up your socks buddy. If you were macho you would not give a shit, you would shrug your shoulders and move on. If you were a mature adult you would respect her choice and move on. Either way you would not be whining about it.

It is quite possible that she sees me very differently than I see myself.
I am indeed from a macho culture and I think I'm a lot more familiar with it than you are. I do think people from a macho culture tend to react angrily to situations where they feel they are being dissed. They are what you call red-ass. The guy who does not give a shit is called badass, and that is not the same thing.
Do lower class latinos (which is the culture I grew up in) have fragile egos? Thats a possible explanation (and a view that might be taken by a WASP who does not understand latinos) but honestly not one that I would agree with - but only because I think its inaccurate. To me their (and my reactions) emanate more from arrogant pride, a cardinal sin in our religion by the way. So I'm not saying thats good. In fact its bad and explains why I got in so many scuffles in my younger days and wound up spending eighteen months in the slammer before I straightened my life out and turned things around. But you never really change your stripes no matter how hard you try. I now micromanage my reactions to keep on top of them, to better understand them. Thats what was actually behind my question to board members.
Oh and BTW you are dead wrong about my being jealous. In fact I'm happy to find out that the lady is not totally programmed and that she capable of greater intimacy and absolutely more power to the lucky dudes who can elicit that response.


New Member
Feb 12, 2016
Deep down you already know the answer (as we all do...) and you're just trying to convince yourself that it's not the case.

She's not that into you no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise. Deal with it and move on.

Agreed! It's the sad truth. There are way too many options out there to let one get to you.


Oct 21, 2016
But really none of us here can figure it out for you, maybe just ask her why? She is one to answer your confusion. Or try to tip her for GFE services?

If you are afraid of ruining the chemistry by asking her, then just keep things the way they are or move on.

Yeah of course you are right Jack. Actually I intend to broach the subject with her at the right time. We've spent enuf good times together that I would not just cut her off without an explanation. Just not the way I roll. Also our time together away from the office has been great and has had nothing to do with the business so I would probably be open to the possibility that we continue as friends on the understanding that I was no longer a client (for reasons that are obvious). Actually as I was explaining above the thread was not really about how best to handle the situation, it was more for me to get a handle on whether my reaction (specifically being pissed off) was normal or unreasonable from a community that would have a deeper insight into it than the general public.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am pretty sure that once you cut off the business part she will no longer see you as a friend, she is an escort, she is doing her job to get money out of you for sex, she does not feel the way about you as you feel about her, she gives extras to others that she does not give you. What would Dr. Phil say?


Oct 21, 2016
You may well be right STN but thats what left for me to find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She could have found a more financially productive use of her time than seeing me outside the office since she is in demand and does have better clients than me so I feel I should at least check it out before closing the book on it once and for all- which I agree probably is the most likely outcome.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You may well be right STN but thats what left for me to find out. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She could have found a more financially productive use of her time than seeing me outside the office

Maybe she likes you a lot as a friend? Remember the good old days in our 20's when a hot girl would hook us up asking us to go skiing or to the clubs and then when you have the guts to make a move on her she would say "ho so sorry I did not wanted you romantically, only as a good friend"


Worst would be 2 weeks later she would introduce you to her boyfriend and the guy is a fucking douchebag ;)



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Somehow I can't imagine that happening to you jalimon ;). It has happened to me more times than I'd care to admit though..girls can be really stupid and just go for complete jerks/douche bags. Lots of times nice guys really do finish last

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you pm me her name, I am on old chubby man, if I get services you do not get you will have some sort of an answer.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Somehow I can't imagine that happening to you jalimon ;). It has happened to me more times than I'd care to admit though..girls can be really stupid and just go for complete jerks/douche bags. Lots of times nice guys really do finish last

Ho it happened to me enough to write about it ;)

Westwoody wrote "Life lesson number one: every single thing in life is YMMV except death", cannot agree more. Or like Bill Gates said, "Tell you kids that life is not fair, get used to it!"



Oct 21, 2016
Maybe she likes you a lot as a friend? Remember the good old days in our 20's when a hot girl would hook us up asking us to go skiing or to the clubs and then when you have the guts to make a move on her she would say "ho so sorry I did not wanted you romantically, only as a good friend"


Worst would be 2 weeks later she would introduce you to her boyfriend and the guy is a fucking douchebag ;)

Ha ha good one. TBH the sex with her was never what it should have been obviously so I can easily do without. OTOH she is an awesome person and I find her personal history quite interesting. Frankly I'd prefer to have her as a friend. But I can do without that too if need be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Starry, you haven't stated which GFE services she denies you, but offers others.

There is another possible, but admittedly improbable explanation, suggested by a former SP who is now a platonic friend. She told me that she detested BBBJ but performed it with clients (and not in her personal life) as the agency boss pressured her. Maybe your SP, given the closeness of your relationship calculates that she will not lose you by denying the missing services and/or wants to enjoy sex with you so she does what she likes with you, but provides the missing service(s) with other clients to avoid complaints.


Oct 21, 2016
Starry, you haven't stated which GFE services she denies you, but offers others.

There is another possible, but admittedly improbable explanation, suggested by a former SP who is now a platonic friend. She told me that she detested BBBJ but performed it with clients (and not in her personal life) as the agency boss pressured her. Maybe your SP, given the closeness of your relationship calculates that she will not lose you by denying the missing services and/or wants to enjoy sex with you so she does what she likes with you, but provides the missing service(s) with other clients to avoid complaints.

Well I know that her basic service for general consumption is "safe" (which is what I get) but that she is at least amenable to BBBJ. Thing is she almost never offers it to me - I think only twice over 18 months (which I found odd, I mean either you do it or you don't I would think) - other clients I'm not sure whether she offers it more. She does offer DATY to what I guess are her best clients. In my case she was once on top doing her cbj so I was facing the Y and started the action. She repeatedly pressed her groin down on my chest to lock me out. OK. Another time I started to go down on her but she stiffened up like a board and I thought looked pretty uncomfortable so I let up. Eventually I asked her about it and while I did'nt quite understand what she said it was pretty clear that this was not a very welcome initiative. Like I said I could live with it if it just wasnt on the menu but looks like it is for some clients. Its possible that she does it to be accomodating to a good client. I actually inquired discretely of a lucky guy whether she enjoyed it but he did not venture an answer possibly because that was a bit personal and maybe out of respect for the lady IDK. Would have liked to have known tho.


Oct 21, 2016
Just to share my experience, hanging out off the clock didn't really mean that much. I was asked by an indy once, so I went hanging out with her and things were great first, she even paid.. I liked her face, body...
Then shitty behaviors started to come: showing up late, last minute cancellation, session cut short, service dropped..etc. After two cancellations in a row she apologized and said she would buy me lunch the day after to make up for me, usually we would have a session after hanging out so I said ok but this time no session after lunch, I said this on purpose to see her reaction... guess what, I got stood up again the next day and never heard from her since then. Two weeks later she went completely MIA. Lesson quick learnt, I am no one special, just a walking wallet to her.

Yeah actually if a girl is very busy its really hard even to find time off the clock. Dont know about your friend but this lady is basically down to one day a week where she can spend time with me. She really only has 2 days off and spends one helping her family in their legit business. Some of these ladies work really hard doing a job that I would myself be unable to do TBH. I expect they need time away to themselves to keep their cool.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I had a fairly close relationship with a really hot escort for a few years. Being an escort for years shaped her way of thinking, yes she was very attractive and sexy when she wanted to be. It's hard to put into words but she was very difficult to deal with, and she had a very cynical view of men and sex.

Maybe you are better off. Wanting is often better than having.
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