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GFE: To Be Or Not To Be


Oct 21, 2016
oh this lady knows that I like her alot. I thought that I knew where I stood with her - basically a client she likes alot and enjoys spending time with. But then I found out that she was ymmv and that I did not have access to the full menu, so now I'm really not sure. I will get to the bottom of that one way or another next time I see her. So it will be up to her to be honest instead of me. Unless there is a really good story there I'll be on my way as far as she is concerned. Great girl tho.
BTW aren't the Townships great. I've got a big spread down Magog way. Can hardly wait for the good weather.


Oct 21, 2016
Maybe are you expecting benefits that are not available for you with money. Some benefits have no price. Women know it.

Ok right those are the benefits I want. And if I cant have those I'll settle for the benefits money can buy with her, provided that they are the same benefits enjoyed by her best clients. Now if I can't have that either I guess I'll just be on my way.


Active Member
Nov 28, 2015
And actually I dont see much of a difference between paying for sexual services and real life. SPs want money but many real life girlfriends also evaluate their boyfriends based on what benefits they can expect. There is nothing wrong with that.

The difference is in real life that might be what gets you in the door but that's not what keeps you there.

There's nothing wrong with either but there's something wrong if you can't tell the difference.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
oh this lady knows that I like her alot. I thought that I knew where I stood with her - basically a client she likes alot and enjoys spending time with. But then I found out that she was ymmv and that I did not have access to the full menu, so now I'm really not sure. I will get to the bottom of that one way or another next time I see her. So it will be up to her to be honest instead of me. Unless there is a really good story there I'll be on my way as far as she is concerned. Great girl tho.
BTW aren't the Townships great. I've got a big spread down Magog way. Can hardly wait for the good weather.

I don't know when to shut up , but here goes...
I don't know if getting to the bottom of this is a good idea. Given what you have said up to now, it would be important to distance yourself from her. You are probably in love with her and that makes everything difficult. But the safe move here is to distance yourself and start thinking of spring coming soon etc....


Oct 21, 2016
The difference is in real life that might be what gets you in the door but that's not what keeps you there.

There's nothing wrong with either but there's something wrong if you can't tell the difference.

Yeah I guess there is a problem then. JMO but I find that that many value judgements are driven by social convention and conditioning, not to mention hypocrisy. and that many of the distinctions that are drawn are in fact without a difference fundamentally. This is a broad topic about which much can be said and different fact situations would need to be considered. Without getting into all of that and just offering one example, take the case of the aging womanizer who is typically represented as immature or experiencing some sort of psychological crisis (mid-life or other). Well maybe what is truly happening is quite simply the assertion and affirmation of the life force at a time when the individual is wise enuf to understand that the season remaining is brief, and, ironically, richer and more luxuriant than it was when he was too young to fully appreciate it. But I understand that society needs to protect itself and its bedrock institutions and assumptions.


Oct 21, 2016
I don't know when to shut up , but here goes...
I don't know if getting to the bottom of this is a good idea. Given what you have said up to now, it would be important to distance yourself from her. You are probably in love with her and that makes everything difficult. But the safe move here is to distance yourself and start thinking of spring coming soon etc....

Nah, I may be pissed off but I'm really still having too much fun for now. The time may well come soon enuf when I have to move on but let me assure you that I will have no difficulty doing so if it becomes necessary.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I thought a moment about the concept of YMMV... and from my perspective, there's things I won't ever never share with someone because, SIMPLY, of the way is doing it, the way is touching me, or the way is making me feel.

Don't get me wrong, I am someone who is generous in her encounters, but I am reserving my right as a person to live only real agreeable exchanges. That's not meaning that I don't appreciate the person, that's just meaning that maybe also, you did not ask for it.

I don't want to pop suddenly the balloon of anyone, but let's all agree together that SW are humans also... hahahaha :bounce: We're made of flesh, emotions and sensations as all others.

Have a good Easter long weekend, for those that applied! xox


Feb 16, 2011
So one thing that wasn't brought up here is how did it come to your attention that it's YMMV? Did you have a friend tell you that? I have a couple of friends that exaggerate all the time. I have one who told me so much about a girl only to see her in person and see she was not at all like he said.
Did you get it from reviews here? How many, one two? Or dozens...if it's dozens I'd walk away and probably never see her again. Otherwise take what you heard with a grain of salt. If you enjoy your company but want more then move on to an advertised GFE. If then you don't get what you expect get married.
These are encounters that cost money. You are paying for what you get. If the goods are not there, then spend your money elsewhere. Any way you look at it it's a fantasy you are paying for, and the fatansy can get as crazy and loving as you wish if you have the $$$.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
I think you had the expectation of special treatment because of of your "special relationship" with this SP, which based on a different response is evidently tied to “generosity”. Here, if you really liked and valued the person with open arms, which includes muting the sexual favor to other parties as long as it's not dangerous, you would respect the PHYsical limitations that SP dictated to you already. But you don't because you're "" and think money can buy someone's soul. A proper lover doesn't try to get more. They are given. Bottom line is money doesn't buy you anything real.. it doesn't get you affection others have attained with said SP because of intangible realities outweighing economical currency. Truthful intimacy created without money, which skips both parties actually needing to know and trust one another beyond a simple service structuralism, is what you seem unable to grasp in this instance.

Wow, that is deep, Geez here I thought that if you opened up a SP there is a computer inside with wires and motors etc... Now I know I was mistaken. Thanks solid.
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