Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Ils étaient prêts! Grosse game pour démarrer le voyage, mais c’est sûr que, pour rester réaliste, on ne s’attend pas à un tel effort pendant 80 matchs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Rien de jojo et de glorieux...1pt sur 6 dans ce voyage dans l'Ouest....faut s'attendre à ça avec notre le retour à la maison.....mais vs TAMPA ce ne sera pas de la tarte non plus.....allez les boys on se ressaisit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Grosse victoire de 3-2 en OT...again quand tes meilleurs NICK/COLE/MONAHAN/MATHESON font le travail voilà le ré une bonne note à PRIMEAU qui en a grand besoin...MAIS ce ménage à trois doit cesser au plus tô les boys reviennent
s'installer à la maison.....profitez-en bien et faites nous
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Mr.Overtime récidive, quel lancer précis!
Je souligne la soirée de travail de Newhook, quand il garde ses jambes en mouvements il est très efficace, très gros match de sa part.

De mémoire il me semble qu’un but marqué avec la main(Fisher) est automatiquement refusé, peu importe les circonstances. À Toronto on a décidé d’accorder le but après révision, mais on sait jamais c’est quoi qu’ils révisent exactement.Si quelqu’un a l’information, avec le #du règlement NHL ce serait apprécié.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2023
Mr.Overtime récidive, quel lancer précis!
Je souligne la soirée de travail de Newhook, quand il garde ses jambes en mouvements il est très efficace, très gros match de sa part.

De mémoire il me semble qu’un but marqué avec la main(Fisher) est automatiquement refusé, peu importe les circonstances. À Toronto on a décidé d’accorder le but après révision, mais on sait jamais c’est quoi qu’ils révisent exactement.Si quelqu’un a l’information, avec le #du règlement NHL ce serait apprécié.
S'il n'y a pas de "throwing" motion, je pense que ça compte plus comme une déviation.

Je dis ça, je dis rien.

Bon dénouement pour le CH. Ils méritaient de gagner hier. Content pour primeau.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was reading an article today which mentioned that the habs will likely have to rush their rebuild because of the many empty seats in the building. Considering that it can cost over $900 for two people to attend a habs game (plus the drinks & refreshments) fans are now starting to stay away considering the economy isn’t as good to what it was pre-pandemic. With the habs not likely to win many games once again this season & for the next couple of years to come fans are prefering to stay home & watch the games on tv or just go out & spend their money doing something else. This has now got Geoff Molson & some of the executives in the organization worried about the influx of revenue & will likely force team management into getting the team to make quick changes to make the team more successful on the ice.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
But generally, the Bell Center is sold out, most of the empty seats are sold, lots of season tickets, but ppl just don’t go, they have money to spend, and there’s better things to do in the city than watch some random meaningless games early in the season. If the team pick up more sharpness around Christmas time the place will be full again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I'm planning to return to Montreal for the first time since the pandemic and I'm excited to see a Habs game (and enjoy the post-game festivities). I've sat in some darn good seats at the Bell Center but never in the Club Desjardins level seats. Any thoughts? Are the amenities nice? Is the food okay? I know I can get better views for the same money but I'm curious about that 200-level.

I was going to apologize if this isn't the right thread for this question--but then I saw that I started this thread, seven years ago!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Autre grosse victoire en OT.....merci KAIDEN...well done....toujours thrillant une victoie contre les BRUINS et MARCHAND...lolll....d'autant plus qu'on avait un certain rattrapage à again BRAVO à Sam qui en a sorti une autre grosse et qui s'impose de plus en plus.....perso je n'en ai jamais douté.....allez on remet ça dès demain vs les surprenants CANUCKS.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I'm planning to return to Montreal for the first time since the pandemic and I'm excited to see a Habs game (and enjoy the post-game festivities). I've sat in some darn good seats at the Bell Center but never in the Club Desjardins level seats. Any thoughts? Are the amenities nice? Is the food okay? I know I can get better views for the same money but I'm curious about that 200-level.
I sat on the 200 level once. The best part was the free food (hotdogs, smoked meat, pizza, etc) & soft drinks. The negative was that i felt a bit far from the action. I usually would always sit in the 100 level and as much between the blue lines as possible. I’ve sat in the first row many times but now my preference is to sit about 10 rows up in order to get a better view of the game. I did sit in a private box once. It was nice for a first-time experience but i felt it was hard to concentrate on the game.

Would i go back & sit on the 200 level? I would but only if I couldn’t get a seat in the 100 level between the two blue lines & at least 10 rows up.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Autre grosse victoire en OT.....merci KAIDEN...well done....toujours thrillant une victoie contre les BRUINS et MARCHAND...lolll....d'autant plus qu'on avait un certain rattrapage à again BRAVO à Sam qui en a sorti une autre grosse et qui s'impose de plus en plus.....perso je n'en ai jamais douté.....allez on remet ça dès demain vs les surprenants CANUCKS.
Last night’s win by the habs was quite a shocker & i was so happy for the team! It was a rare great night of hockey for me: my three favorite teams all won! Montreal, Toronto & Ottawa. I was certain the Habs & Leafs would lose their games & the way Ottawa had been playing at home wasn’t a guaranteed win for them either. But they all won! :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yep...un 11 NOVEMBRE to remember...lolll

1- HABS won...une premîère depuis 2019.....après 10 défaites consécutives.
2-les ALS battent les ARGOS en finale de l'est------étaient vraiment les underdogs---et se rendent à la Coupe Grey......une première depuis 2010
3- et LEYLAH FERNANDEZ conduit TEAM CANADA à la finale de la BILLIE JEAN KING CUP en Andalousie ....grâce au brio de LEYLAH le Canada a battu la TCHÉQUIE----grande favorite et 7 fois championne de ce finale today vs l'ITALIE.

Yep excellente trifecta...lolll and a day to remember.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Ce fût une belle grosse victoire d’équipe, aucuns « passagers », chacuns dans son rôle et pas trop de dentelle. Mentions très honorables à Anderson et Gally.

Anderson a joué à l’intérieur de ses moyens avec beaucoup d’acharnement, je lui souhaite un ou deux buts bientôt.

Gallagher continue à embêter tout le monde autour du filet adverse et son but, en plongeant, en est un d’anthologie. Il faut absolument qu’il reste en santé celui-là, jusqu’à maintenant il n’a eu aucun mauvais match, je dirais même aucune mauvaise présence. Ensuite, sans surprise, les meilleurs ont été les meilleurs, Suzuki, Monahan, Caufield et Matheson ont montré le chemin. Belle ambiance d’un grand samedi soir au Centre Bell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I sat on the 200 level once. The best part was the free food (hotdogs, smoked meat, pizza, etc) & soft drinks. The negative was that i felt a bit far from the action. I usually would always sit in the 100 level and as much between the blue lines as possible. I’ve sat in the first row many times but now my preference is to sit about 10 rows up in order to get a better view of the game. I did sit in a private box once. It was nice for a first-time experience but i felt it was hard to concentrate on the game.

Would i go back & sit on the 200 level? I would but only if I couldn’t get a seat in the 100 level between the two blue lines & at least 10 rows up.
Thanks for responding. I hear what you're saying. I've sat in the first few rows and it's tremendously exciting--but I also prefer higher up in the 100s. I'm not sure the free food at the 200-level is worth it but I am curious about the experience.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
After 15 games, Cole Caufield is not on the same pace than last year (he did score 26 in 46 games). He's on a pace of 15 goals in 45 games which would leave him under 30 over the full season. He has more assists though, giving him almost a point per game so far, which ain't bad.

I'd like to see him take back where he left last year though, which was quite incredible before he went under surgery. Maybe he became more predictable and opponents adapted, maybe he's becoming more balanced.....or else.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
After 15 games, Cole Caufield is not on the same pace than last year (he did score 26 in 46 games). He's on a pace of 15 goals in 45 games which would leave him under 30 over the full season. He has more assists though, giving him almost a point per game so far, which ain't bad.

I'd like to see him take back where he left last year though, which was quite incredible before he went under surgery. Maybe he became more predictable and opponents adapted, maybe he's becoming more balanced.....or else.
He’s lucky there’s such a thing as a powerplay & 3-on- 3 overtime since he sucks at 5-on-5 hockey & terrible playing both sides of the ice. I love his charisma & his great shot but let’s face it: he’s strictly a one-dimensional player who’ll only contribute when he’s on the PP or in overtime. He’s played like this his entire life & we’ll just have to accept him for the player he is. That’s why it’s always been very hard for me to see him as a 40-goal scorer. On a better team good coaches wouldn’t give him as much ice time because there are more good & better two-way players on the team & he’d be considered too much of a risk if you’d increase his icetime at even-strenght. To be honest unless he drastically improves that part of his game i’m not even sure he’d be picked to play on Team USA. He’s a very small player, is an average skater & is allergic to defensive hockey. However he has a tremendous wrist shot. He could be a better player if he worked on improving the weaker parts of his game. However you need to be willing to do this & go all-in about it. I doubt he would unless the coach starts to drastically cut his icetime & considering how difficult it is for this team to score goals i can’t see it happening anytime soon.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
He is slowly getting better at coming back in his own zone to help defending. He will never be good to battle pucks against the board, but that is not his job. That being said, I believe he could be a constant threat, even at 5 on 5, if he is matched with a real #1 center, which Montreal don’t have at this moment. For now, the best for him would be to play with Monahan on a regular basis.
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Toronto Escorts