Montreal Escorts

Go Habs Go!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Habs today should be buyers instead of sellers. They’re right there among the teams wanting to grab a playoff spot. There’s no guarantee they’ll make the playoffs next season. They have all those picks they could use to pick up players who would help them make the playoffs. Go get a reliable veteran backup on an expiring contract. Get a third-line centre. Get a couple of good defencemen. Keep Joel Armia & only trade Savard if he can get you a second round pick. Let’s go!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'est le grand jour.....perso je souhaite conserver ARMIA et SAVARD....2 joueurs qui ont leur importance pour la fin de la appréciés de leurs collègues,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
En effet HUGHES n'a pas bougé ......sage décision dans les circonstances.....beau vote de confiance envers ses joueurs qui devraient bien lui il y a actuellement une belle chimie et esprit d'équipe dans cette équipe.....on ne touche à rien...
et on verra la suite des choses......les fans vivent de belles émotions actuellement.....GO HABS.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Il va sûrement y avoir du mouvement cet été.

Aucun doute, je serais vraiment surpris qu'on resigne Dvorak. Peut-être Armia et Savard, on verra.

En attendant, moi je m'amuse bien, on est au coeur de la course, à 1 point des séries aujourd'hui. Mars s'annonce excitant et avril aussi si on maintient le rythme.

Et d'après vous, Demidov s'ammène l'année prochaine ou pas?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Very sure that the habs didn’t make a single trade today. Martin St-Louis not happy either that his GM let him down when he obviously needs help up front. St-Louis is happy that his veterans weren’t moved but still. It’s a team without a second line. That is rather obvious. It’s also a team with only one bonafide NHL goalie. Dobes has struggled badly lately & looks like he’s over his head. Monty will likely have to carry much of the load until they’re officially out of the playoffs. All the other teams they’re contending with have improved. Especially teams in the Atlantic. I think with today’s trade the Sens may have signed their ticket into the playoffs. Detroit made some good moves also. Goodbye playoffs!

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Very sure that the habs didn’t make a single trade today. Martin St-Louis not happy either that his GM let him down when he obviously needs help up front. St-Louis is happy that his veterans weren’t moved but still. It’s a team without a second line. That is rather obvious. It’s also a team with only one bonafide NHL goalie. Dobes has struggled badly lately & looks like he’s over his head. Monty will likely have to carry much of the load until they’re officially out of the playoffs. All the other teams they’re contending with have improved. Especially teams in the Atlantic. I think with today’s trade the Sens may have signed their ticket into the playoffs. Detroit made some good moves also. Goodbye playoffs!
Obviously the are not a contender and they dont consider themselves as such. It was easy to predict Hughes not making any moves, unless a very unexpected crazy offer. He is sticking to his plan and showing a lot of wisdom despite the pressure from the medias.

The serious fans have understand this from the start of the season. I really dont believe Marty is disppointed, he knows what his job is and certainly trust his bosses. If they make it to the playoffs it will be part of the learning curve, nothing more.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Obviously the are not a contender and they dont consider themselves as such. It was easy to predict Hughes not making any moves, unless a very unexpected crazy offer. He is sticking to his plan and showing a lot of wisdom despite the pressure from the medias.

The serious fans have understand this from the start of the season. I really dont believe Marty is disppointed, he knows what his job is and certainly trust his bosses. If they make it to the playoffs it will be part of the learning curve, nothing more.
Oh trust me. Marty & I share a common friend & he told me his friend was extremely disappointed to find out there’d be no reinforcements coming. However he did mention to my friend two days ago that he’d be very happy if none of the players currently on the big team were moved.

By the way the habs are only 1 point away from a wildcard spot as things stand tonight. They currently have like 50 draft picks on hand (I’m exaggerating) and what food are they if you’re not going to use some of them to improve your team? And other than just taking a faceoff & then get off the ice immediately what’s the use of hanging on to Dvorak when there’s 0 chance you’re re-signing him? Why keep Savard & Armia of you’re not going to acquire anyone to help you get into the playoffs? Might as well trade them then or re-sign them. I just feel the organization betrayed the fans, the coach & the players…especially veterans like Gallagher & Anderson who show up every game & give it their all.

But i’m not entirely surprised. Why? Because Kent Hughes is the rare GM who has nearly 100% job security. There is currently no pressure on him to win. Next year will be a different story if they end up missing the playoffs again.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
what’s the use of hanging on to Dvorak when there’s 0 chance you’re re-signing him?
Nobody wants him

I just feel the organization betrayed the fans, the coach & the players…especially veterans like Gallagher & Anderson
Actually a lot of veterans have manifested to Kent Hugues, their desire for the team to stay as is. You rather have a short memory or a very selective one. The message from the organization was very clear at the start of the season and I dont think anybody feels like they have been betrayed, be it the fans or the players. I think I’ve been repeating this 3-4 times here, this year. It seems like you are the only one who doesnt accept this fact.
Patching the team for the playoffs would be a big mistake, as I said, they are not a contender. Florida, Washington, Toronto, Tampa Bay! All these teams would kick our ass out of the playoffs in 4 or 5 games. I dont even think we could win a series against Ottawa, NJ or Carolina.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
En attendant qu'on pense à battre les FLAMES ce soir....lollll......les WINGS en ont échappé une autre hier....MAIS today NYR---SENS....rien pour aider.....oui je le reconnais on a une équipe fragile ...MAIS ne boudons pas notre plaisir....alors qu'on les crucifiait y a
pas si long.....voilà qu'ils rebondissent et nous offre du bon hockey avec de beaux moments ......on veut que ça dure....lolll....MAIS on demeure ré oui ça va sûrement bouger cet été.....pour le moment....GO HABS.....enjoy.
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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Oh trust me. Marty & I share a common friend & he told me his friend was extremely disappointed to find out there’d be no reinforcements coming. However he did mention to my friend two days ago that he’d be very happy if none of the players currently on the big team were moved.

By the way the habs are only 1 point away from a wildcard spot as things stand tonight. They currently have like 50 draft picks on hand (I’m exaggerating) and what food are they if you’re not going to use some of them to improve your team? And other than just taking a faceoff & then get off the ice immediately what’s the use of hanging on to Dvorak when there’s 0 chance you’re re-signing him? Why keep Savard & Armia of you’re not going to acquire anyone to help you get into the playoffs? Might as well trade them then or re-sign them. I just feel the organization betrayed the fans, the coach & the players…especially veterans like Gallagher & Anderson who show up every game & give it their all.

But i’m not entirely surprised. Why? Because Kent Hughes is the rare GM who has nearly 100% job security. There is currently no pressure on him to win. Next year will be a different story if they end up missing the playoffs again.
That’s sounds like a lot of fake drama to me, reality is that the team is performing well we are young, fast and fierce the fans are into it.
Guhle is skating he will be back sooner than expected.
Habs vs Flames tonight my two favourite teams
Montréal 4-3 OT

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Il n'y avait pas vraiment de "meilleur scénario" dans le match OTT-NYR cet après-midi, mais on a probablement eu la pire option avec une prolongation. Les deux repartent avec des points..

On lâche pas la patate!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh boy.....DOBES devant le filet ce soir.......honnêtement je ne comprends pas.....on verra bien....MAIS........vraiment pas sûr de celle-là........lolllll.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Oh boy.....DOBES devant le filet ce soir.......honnêtement je ne comprends pas.....on verra bien....MAIS........vraiment pas sûr de celle-là........lolllll.

Il est mieux de goaler la game de sa vie.

Laine out.....un "virus"....on va le croire....
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