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Go Habs Go!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hard to say. They’d probably like to get rid of Weber, Price, Gallagher & Petry’s big contracts but it’ll be next to impossible. Maybe one or two of those during the offseason.

If they feel Price can come back they may try to trade one of their other goalies for something of equal value but who knows. I have a feeling they’ll re-sign Kulak & i can’t see why they’d trade Lekhonen considering his age & decent contract. They may try to trade Dvorak but they won’t get more than a second round pick for him. Since they gave a first to obtain him my guess is that they’ll hang onto him for that reason alone.

I look at who they might want to trade to get rid of his contract & to get a very good return for & the name Josh Anderson comes up. However my gut-feeling tells me he’ll be staying put.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Autre bonne game enlevante...défaite en ot....thanks again to'ils peuvent s'en débarrasser au pc....c'était bon de voir ALLEN de retour....a bien fait comme c'est son habitude.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maybe it's time to sit Petry in order to increase his value on the market. Everytime he plays he keeps bringing it down. Who knows if he sits for weeks maybe people will forget about how bad he's played this season & they'll start remembering the old Petry again? People in Edmonton must be laughing right now & saying "We told you so!" What's scary is that this guy is 35 years old & athletes that age regress & continue to regress. Plus the fact the next two years will be the most expensive of his contract. He also doesn't seem to be that much of a good influence around the team as a veteran. Usually veterans can be counted on to be a positive influence & show the younger players the way. Not sure that's the case in regards to Petry, who dearly wants out in order to rejoin his family. And i'm certain that although they don't say it out loud the organization feels the same way & it's not just because of the money.

I have a feeling that not much will be happening from now on until the trade deadline but i could be wrong. What complicates things is Carey Price's status. Will he play this season? Can he still play & if so how will his knee hold up? And if it does will he ever agree to get traded & if so will he be stingy in his list of destinations to be traded to? And what do you do with Montembeault? Will he re-sign if he feels that Price & Allen will be back next season? Do you keep Kulak with the hope of re-signing him & if you do keep him what's to say he'll prefer testing the market to see if he can increase his value & see what teams out there may be interested in him? So many questions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
HUGHES a dit hier he was not on the move pour aucun autre joueur..qu'il est prêt à tendre l'oreille pour toute offre ...même Kulak....semble intéressé à le garder....avec TOFFOLI et CHIAROT a déjà fait des gros moves....mais évidemment va devoir bouger..on a trop de scrapt/déchets dans le

MONTEMBEAULT...oui son sort est beaucoup lié à Price....mais je ne serais pas surpris qu'il reçoive une offre comme second avec une autre a fait ses preuves et risque fort de demander un échange .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It is true that the team has too much garbage it needs to take out. But the problem is that 'garbage' currently costs a lot of money which is something other teams don't want. You can have garbage but expensive garbage is the worse type to have & to try to get rid of. The only way they'll get rid of some of their garbage is by bribing an opposing team which may agree to take some of that garbage off their hands in order to reach the cap floor. But other than Arizona are there any other teams in that category? And for a team like Arizona to accept to take on some of that garbage it will have to be a very tempting offer from the habs. Usually that would be in the form of high draft picks & prospects. But the habs are in the same boat & they likely want to hang onto their own high draft picks & prospects, whoever they are. And Arizona would naturally be suspicious if the habs offer them prospects that they're willing to get rid of since they're in the same boat as they are.

In other news it's starting to look like Carey Price will actually make a return this season. As usual he was supposed to only miss a few weeks, then it turned into months, then who knows. But he's been skating daily & has now started practicing (or has he?) according to what i've heard. The fact the team is playing better & finally competitive again must have got him interested in coming back to play this season. I can't blame him since under Ducharme there was zero incentive to come back since the team was absolutely brutal! However Martin St-Louis seems to have put some fun into playing hockey again.

The trade deadline is coming up Monday. Tampa made a big trade with Chicago earlier today, acquiring Chicago's promising young defenceman in return for two first round draft picks. These are two late round picks so the cost isn't as high as it first appears. But TB did send two young promising players to Chicago so it looks like a good trade for both teams. One's going for another Stanley Cup run & that defenceman they got will likely be there for years, while Chicago is in the same boat as Montreal & trying to rebuild & get younger. Not sure how long they'll be able to keep Patrick Kane & Jonathan Toews in the lineup. But Kane would still have good value on the market.

I'm hearing that Claude Giroux will likely be traded tomorrow morning. After having played his 1000th game last night in Philly the Flyers decided to keep him out of the lineup for tonight's game against Ottawa. Since he has a non-movement clause Giroux supposedly narrowed down his choice of destination to be Florida. Colorado was also rumoured to be included on his list earlier but he supposedly set his mind on the Panthers. But i'm hearing that tonight other teams have indicated their interest & may try to entice him & the Flyers into making a deal. Giroux could simply chose to finish the season with a contender & then spend the offseason decide where he'll play next season, which would likely be his final NHL contract & for multiple years. He's 34 but he's still a very productive player who's rarely injured. Too bad the habs have such a bad team & looking to rebuild for the next couple of years. He could have been that true #1 center that they haven't had in nearly two decades.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I’m told that Carey Price practiced for the first time with the team this morning. This is great news!

I’m also hearing the both Jonathan Drouin & Josh Anderson may play tonight against the rival Senators. That’s also good news!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Seems pretty sure PRICE should play few games soon in April.........SENS tonight.....should b a good one...belle rivalité....les HABS ne doivent rien céder face à cette jeune é


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Belle victoire .....bel effort d'équipe 60 min...le fun de voir les gars s'amuser et savourer chaque redevenir les dieux du stade ;) .....évidemment l'adversaire n'était pas une super puissance et n'était pas dans la game,,,,,,mais who cares...comme dit
Marty...seul la victoire que dire du travail de ALLEN......remarquable....solide retour au jeu....faut qu'il demeure ici...c'est une valeur il veut jouer ici.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
HUM....6 grosses games devant nous et ça commence ce soir avec les BRUINS......ensuite FLORIDE 2 FOIS en une NJERSEY dans le paquet....on devrait avoir une meilleure photo /idée de nos HABS....
jouer .500 serait déjà une belle performance....à suivre.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
J'aime la nouvelle identité des dernières semaines. J'aime les voir compétitioner. J'aime les voir gagner.....juste assez :cool:

Considérant que la saison est foutue depuis longtemps, et que malgré les récents (relatifs) succès nous sommes encore dans la cave, je garde quand même un oeil sur la lotterie.

L'an prochain sera le vrai test, on partira d'une page blanche. Ou semi-blanche.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
....ET HAMMOND n'aura fait que bien déçu de voir partir LEHKONEN...joueur précieux/intense/talentueux et qui aimait jouer ici MAIS s'en va au Colorado--une équipe que j'aime avec qui il va gagner la Coupe ;) bien avant Montré
KULAK...boffff...échangé pour un plantureux défenseur WILLIAM LAGESSON;)

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Une chose est clair, on est parti pour un 2-3 ans de reconstruction. Faudra mettre nos attentes de côté un boutt en souhaitant qu'ils puissent continuer à offrir du jeu excitant en attendant mieux.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouin...pour moi maintenant c'est clair qu' on est sur le chemin de la oui faudra être très compré évident....grand saut dans l'inconnu....espérons pas dans le vide... ;)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
Hugues nous avait averti. Plate parce que la tenue du club depuis l'arrivée de St-Louis fausse la donne un peu.

Les contrats lourds sont toujours là (Weber, Price, Galagher) et l'éléphant dans la pièce aussi (Petry), ça pourrait faire mal dans la recherche de UFA cet été.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Honnêtement m'ont encore surpris...quand même... et que dire de ALLEN ....spectaculaire....bien content qu'il ne soit pas passé dans le tordeur ;) ....surtout avec l'imprévisibilité de meilleure transaction de HUGHES c'est l'acquisition de MARTY...LOL


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Vu ce jour LECAVALIER en conf. de presse avec le logo du toujours un impressionnant bonhomme......jamais je n'aurais cru voir ça un bon coup de HUGHES.

Il a dit que d'être ici ces derniers jours et au coeur de l'action lui donnait la piqure :) ....espérons qu'il soit des nôtres pour longtemps....un solide gaillard transparent et qui s'exprime surprenamment dans un francais excellent --langue qu'
il n'a pas du parler beaucoup durant sa carrière....BRAVO.

Avec lui en tandem avec MARTY duo impressionnant et inspiration pour des joueurs....peu d'équipes peuvent prétendre avoir autant de d'exceptionnelles ressources naturelles que ces 2 lé 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 surtout le plus important ils savent de première main à quoi ressemble une équipe championne ;) ...HUGHES n'aura pas le choix de tendre l'oreille à leurs recommandations....bâtir une équipe championne c'est d'abord un travail d'équipe.;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Gros test ce soir vs les PANTHERS avec CHIAROT et GIROUX en plus.....devrait nous donner une bonne idée sur ou nous en sommes..ça risque de faire mal... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Quand même m'ont encore surpris.....une équipe compétitive jusqu'à la dernière minute....vs une ou la puissance de l'heure dans la ligue....bravo.........................on remet ça Samedi contre les LEAFS....devrait être plus facile. ;)
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