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grand prix mtl anti hobby campaigns


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I totally agree with Reverdy on this. Furthermore, if I was in Montreal this weekend I would have no problem going to Phillips Square to heckle/debate the protesters in a legal manner of exercising free speech. I would simply ask them questions and see what answers they give.

Cloud500, as a local it is strongly in your interest to not sit around in your condo being a keyboard warrior in this thread. That accomplished zero. Actually going to the protest and challenging these people is the only way they will be made to stop. I would go and ask them a simple question: how is Seeking Arrangement any different than that which they are protesting and how do they plan on stopping that? I doubt anyone would have an answer for me. These people are sheep following a shepherd promoting a religious neo conservative and feminist agenda that most do not accept. Stop them!

Don't be like the German population listening to Hitler like sheep. When someone is out in public talking nonsense you as a citizen have not only a right but a duty to stand up for what is right and for what is your right. Cloud you have let them close down all of your beloved strip clubs. When will it stop? It will stop when people in the majority go out and say what everyone in the majority thinks. Just do it!!!!!


New Member
Jul 31, 2014

What the police can do basically to catch "John" other than by a sting operation?
Here's a hint on how they do it in Sweden( in Swedish with subtitles)
In sweden unlike here its not illegal to communicate with a prostitute for obtaining sexual services. The video shows 2 police officers posing as a customer trying to set up a rendez-vous with a girl they found on an ad website.They get her address and they go to the location. Once there, they stand outside the place and wait for any man to enter, once they man comes out of the home they arrest hm on the his book the main police officer in charge of the prostitution unit which is the same guy you see the video says that they often listen close to the door for kisses,moaning,screams and they force the door during the action to arrest the customer. He says after all these years of doing this he's frustrated that they are still customers despite the law but he is certain he will have work forever.

Tim Horny

New Member
Nov 13, 2009
If there is some LE activity, they will make it as visible as possible. They will do salons mostly. The places that will get hit are places that are dumb enough to have undocumented people or violate municipal law. They want something to splash on the news.


New Member
Jul 31, 2014
If there is some LE activity, they will make it as visible as possible. They will do salons mostly. .
In the ad campaign they released this Monday it shows they want to send a message to buyers, a 'reverse john' operation like they do in the USA would suit that purpose better, it might explain why they brought the FBI also.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Nothing will happen this we. Just avoid street workers.

Prudish people, politics and medias just care about apparences. They just want to protect their prudish eyes from the reality. We can do anything as long as they can do as if prostitution doesn't exist. Let them live in their utopian prudish world. And just avoid what can be seen.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Counter campaign

Contre la prohibition

poster stella_socialmediaTous les ans, le Grand Prix de Montréal nous amène des voitures bruyantes, des touristes, des fermetures de rues et des débats sur les retombées économiques de l’évènement. Tous les ans, le Grand Prix signale aussi le retour de campagnes de désinformation sur la traite humaine et l’exploitation sexuelle et de mineures. Cette vague de panique annuelle s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la répression policière et de la surveillance accrue des personnes travaillant dans l’industrie du sexe ainsi que de nos clients. Cette surveillance nous place toutes dans des situations dangereuses et augmente le risque de violence auquel nous faisons face puisque nous nous voyons obligées d’adopter des pratiques qui vont à l’encontre de notre sécurité dans le but d’éviter de se faire arrêter ou identifier. La répression policière, qu’elle soit dirigée spécifiquement envers nous ou envers nos clients est l’un des facteurs principaux augmentant notre vulnérabilité à la violence. Un contexte de répression de la part de l’État contribue à un climat d’impunité en compromettant notre accès à la justice lorsque nous sommes victimes d’actes de violence.

Cette campagne attire l’attention sur la réalité et les impacts de la répression et de la prohibition du travail du sexe. Depuis 21 ans, Stella met en lumière le besoin de combattre le stigma et les conditions de travail abusives plutôt que le travail du sexe en soi. Au cœur de cette bataille est le besoin d’abroger les lois criminelles répressives qui criminalisent le travail du sexe et mettent toutes les travailleuses du sexe à risque.

Nous vous remercions de votre solidarité et de vous joindre à notre campagne de sensibilisation des méfaits de la criminalisation!

Stella, l’amie de Maimie

Trois façons d’aider à faire avancer les droits des travailleurs du sexe au cours de la Grande Répression :

1. Tweet et re- tweet nos affiches et messages que vous trouverez sur Twitter @amiesdestella et sur notre page Facebook ( Les ami ( es ) de Stella ) avec les hashtags:


Dans vos Tweets, incluez les pages Twitter de la GRC et des politiciens Montréalais qui suivent le Grand Prix ainsi que quelques-unes des campagnes associées :
et toute autre personne que vous aimeriez sensibiliser

2. Référez les travailleuses du sexe à Stella si elles vous contactent avec des préoccupations au sujet de la répression policière et l’impact de la criminalisation des clients : 514.285.1599

3. Offrez aux travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe l’information dont ils ont besoin sur les lois touchant au travail du sexe. Nos fiches d’information juridiques peuvent être trouvées ici :


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Are any of you guys going to participate in the counter-demonstration tomorrow at Phillips Square to oppose the anti-prostitution protesters? Or are you only keyboard warriors?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I totally agree with Reverdy on this. Furthermore, if I was in Montreal this weekend I would have no problem going to Phillips Square to heckle/debate the protesters in a legal manner of exercising free speech. I would simply ask them questions and see what answers they give.

Cloud500, as a local it is strongly in your interest to not sit around in your condo being a keyboard warrior in this thread. That accomplished zero. Actually going to the protest and challenging these people is the only way they will be made to stop. I would go and ask them a simple question: how is Seeking Arrangement any different than that which they are protesting and how do they plan on stopping that? I doubt anyone would have an answer for me. These people are sheep following a shepherd promoting a religious neo conservative and feminist agenda that most do not accept. Stop them!

Don't be like the German population listening to Hitler like sheep. When someone is out in public talking nonsense you as a citizen have not only a right but a duty to stand up for what is right and for what is your right. Cloud you have let them close down all of your beloved strip clubs. When will it stop? It will stop when people in the majority go out and say what everyone in the majority thinks. Just do it!!!!!

I admire your spirit EB but you are forgetting one important fact. You are debating zealots. These are do-gooders with a cause so just that they will do anything to see it succeed. They may follow you to your hotel and harass you the rest of your trip. They may feel justified to do you bodily harm.

I remember years ago I was at a public event at the university that was "crashed" by an animal rights group. They were dressed like squirrels and bunnies and they burst on to the scene as I was waiting for the main event. They were protesting animal testing and handing out hand bills. I started telling members of the group that they ought to test on you. Finally bull-lesbian in the group stopped and called attention to her followers "We got one over here." Soon I was staring into the eyes of several giant rodents and hair-clipped, wire glasses wearing feminists... They were ugly and it was apparent they were undersexed....I wasn't going to sweet talk my way out of this one. They gave me a handbill that I had thrown down and they weren't leaving until I picked it up. The rabbit moved closer the squirrel moved in my flank there were bull lesbians on my other flank and to my front. I thought twice then I picked up the hand bill. They left. I didn't want "Save the whales mother fucker" to be the last audible words I had ever heard.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have absolutely no fear of morons whom I can debate circles around. I have had contested cases through trial against some of the best law firms in my state, and you think I would be afraid of some neo-feminist punks? If I was in Montreal this weekend I would have zero fears about showing up at Phillips Square and publicly debating them.

I am interested to know who among these locals is willing to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have absolutely no fear of morons whom I can debate circles around. I have tried cases against some of the best law firms in my state and you think I would be afraid of some feminist punks? If I was in Montreal this weekend I would have zero fears about showing up at Phillips Square and publicly debating them.

I am interested to know who among these locals is willing to do the same.

I admire this. However my visits to Montreal are so infrequent that I will lay low so that I can spend my time hobbying.

Now I ask you this. What do you hope to accomplish with arguing with extremists? Do you think that you can change the mind of anyone of these zealots?
Maybe, you can change the mind of a neutral person that has stopped to listen to the debate?

At any rate I applaud you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I doubt that there is a silent majority. There probably are a lot neutral people out there but I doubt that it is a majority. If the silent majority were neutral we wouldn't read articles in the newspaper quoting people like Legault-Roy that say that the average age a sex worker is coerced into the sex trade is 14. Movies like "Taken" wouldn't be such a big hit with John Q. Public. Sex workers on Television cop shows would not be type-cast as drugged out street walkers. There is a market for such drivel. This is what the public wants to believe for reasons that I have already stated. They do not want to believe that their daughters, sisters, nieces, and ex-girl friends would enter the trade without being coerced by drugs or a sweet talking pimp or threatened by violence. For to admit that your daughter or grand daughter entered the sex trade by her own free will is to admit failure. You didn't do a good job raising her as a child. You didn't instill a moral compass. You didn't prepare her with a marketable skill. You couldn't provider her with the money that she needed so that she could afford the things and take the vacations that will allow her to fit into the herd.

This is just a theory. I bet you that going dow to the square to argue with zealots would gain you nothing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I do not think that most people would take the time and effort to understand the ramifications of C-36 like yourself, Gugu, Patron, EB etc. They will not be able to get past the hype of the occasional trafficked and underaged SP. My evidence is anecdotal but to the majority - silent or other - think that people like us that pay for the privilege to have sex with a woman are pond scum. End of story.

Funny, the people in the USA that are the most radical against prostitution are the militant feminists on the left. Also,it is the left in general that has embraced feminism in the USA. Jimmy Carter said that he favors the Nordic model. Harry Reed said that it is time to abolish the legal brothels in Nevada.
As an aside, the only presidential candidate that openly said that prostitution is not the governments business was Ron Paul last election - a libertarian Republican candidate. The only commentators that would publicly make any conciliatory comment about hobbyists or one that would go see a prostitute was Sean Hannity who said maybe the guy was lonely and longing for affection and Dennis Miller who was surprised by the uproar in the media when Secret Service agents had sex with Colombian prostitutes during the presidents visit there. Miller said something like come on these are young men. What do you think they might do off shift?

If you still don't believe me just look at what is going on in the American Universities - the bastion of US liberalism and socialism (and ironically funded by capitalism). At the university, if a man wants to have sex with a female you better have a signed and notarized consent form because otherwise you are guilty until proven innocent.

This is to say that the Religious Right certainly does not have a monopoly on this sort of thing.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Most people don't give two shits about the prostitution laws. Most people thought all prostitution was illegal before Bedford. Most people didn't pay attention to Bedford and most people aren't aware that C-36 is materially different from the pre-Bedford situation.

I agree with you. "Most people don't give two shits about the prostitution laws." Not only prostitution laws, prostitution itself.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I agree with you. "Most people don't give two shits about the prostitution laws." Not only prostitution laws, prostitution itself.

In other words, the majority doesn't care what consenting adults do. Therefore they are in favor of legality by default. The antis are always careful to frame it as fighting exploitation, but I think most people don't buy into the sex=exploitation narrative and exploitation is always illegal anyway. Also, the majority of people now understands that prohibitions doesn't work in any case, be it for pot or alcohol or sex work. Society now values harm reduction more than arbitrary laws, like we have legal injection sites for illegal drugs and most people are ok with that.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but too many people get excited over nothing, when bill C-36 was first introduced there were pages of comments about how their hobby would be effected, now the same thing is happening. Continue with your life and enjoy, nothing happened last time and nothing will happen this time ( unless you see underaged girls and buy drugs from them )

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Several years ago i was good friends with a stripper who happened to work at one of the more popular clubs in downtown Mtl. Much to my dismay, she never escorted or ever considered it. The majority of the women working at her club never did it either. However, she once told me that there was one weekend in the entire year where many of the girls decided to become escorts for that particular weekend: F1 Grand Prix weekend. She was told by the women she worked with that the offers were just to great to refuse.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Obviously you're angry at liberal politics in the US and I don't see much point in dragging this out, but I'm baffled by what laws have been created under Obama that "force people to live a certain way." Do you mean laws that grant equality (of marriage, for example) to non-heterosexuals? Do you mean the expansion of health care? I just can't think of any laws that are more restrictive around personal freedoms, but maybe I'm forgetting some things.

Obama cannot pass laws. Congress does BUT the Obama Administration Agencies writes regulations and these regulations. which are in effect laws that never have been passed by Congress and have the ability to levy fines to regulation breakers. AND Obama has with his pen and phone signed broad sweeping Executive Orders (e.g. so called Dream Act). So in effect, Obama acts like a dictator.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I agree with you. "Most people don't give two shits about the prostitution laws." Not only prostitution laws, prostitution itself.

I disagree with you in this respect: Most people do not want Prostitution in their neighborhoods or in front of their children or grandchildren. If it exists, they would like to see it far away from them. That's why I think legalized zones like the Netherlands has is the best solution.
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