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Guy fucked around & found out

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

So who called me? I was taking a dump.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
As a hooker who has also been a victim of rape more than once (including as a child), I can attest that both situations are, and feel like, sexual assault.

Not respecting the conditions for consent = sexual assault. It is not that hard.

EDIT to add : DouMan, consent to one thing does not mean consent to everything, and consent can be revoked at any time. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
As a hooker who has also been a victim of rape more than once (including as a child), I can attest that both situations are, and feel like, sexual assault.

Not respecting the conditions for consent = sexual assault. It is not that hard.

EDIT to add : DouMan, consent to one thing does not mean consent to everything, and consent can be revoked at any time. Hope this helps.
Wow. It really broke my heart. Sorry for you


Jul 5, 2008
As a hooker who has also been a victim of rape more than once (including as a child), I can attest that both situations are, and feel like, sexual assault.

Not respecting the conditions for consent = sexual assault. It is not that hard.

EDIT to add : DouMan, consent to one thing does not mean consent to everything, and consent can be revoked at any time. Hope this helps.
@Julia Sky we both 100% agree on that and I am deeply saddened by your terrible terrible life experiences.


Westerner du Québec
Apr 18, 2023
View attachment 50839
So who called me? I was taking a dump.
Well if any of us at one point or another have had , have or might have a daughter , a niece , a sister , a granddaughter, a friend or any type of relation in this industry I'd prefer that they encounter a white knight than any of those guys advocating for pushing the consent boundaries set by the lady on the receiving end.

Most of us don't imagine that any of the females in our lives will ever have to resort to the sex industry to make a living but it happens to people and than hope that every men act or would act properly according to the consent given .


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Not just in the sex industry. In any industry where ego and power trips reign supreme. I mean look at the entertainment industry and the so-called couch casting. Put it this way if an industry is all based on looks and not about skills and capability there are going to be messed up things that goes on. This is a fucked up world filled with fucked up people all over. The best that you can do is not to become one of these fucked up souls. Simply put if you see an SP you treat her right. You pay her and that is it. If you have the resources and the means and if she genuinely connects with you and you can tell, you take her out for a meal. One can't go all in and go and save her. You end up in a deep hole.

No need to explain oneself. You show it thru your actions.
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Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
The comments in that article is lit lmao. No wonder SPs avoid brown men like a plague lol. I am brown so I can I can say this I guess.
What does color have to do with. Your post is the fuel to people of color being the problem. The guy is just an ahole who did not want to pay.
FYI just because your BROWN make your comment even worse.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2022
What does color have to do with. Your post is the fuel to people of color being the problem. The guy is just an ahole who did not want to pay.
FYI just because your BROWN make your comment even worse.
I understand what you are saying, but unfortunate reality is that a few such incidents only further the stereotype making SPs not want to see us. I said that for this reason.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What does color have to do with. Your post is the fuel to people of color being the problem. The guy is just an ahole who did not want to pay.
FYI just because your BROWN make your comment even worse.
Assholes come in all shapes, colours and sizes, ethnic backgrounds rich or poor.
None of that has anything to do with it.
Why any man would ever harm a woman in anyway other than self défense ( if she is armed and you have no way of escaping) is beyond me there is nothing more disgusting than violence against women and children actually against anyone for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As a hooker who has also been a victim of rape more than once (including as a child), I can attest that both situations are, and feel like, sexual assault.

Not respecting the conditions for consent = sexual assault. It is not that hard.

EDIT to add : DouMan, consent to one thing does not mean consent to everything, and consent can be revoked at any time. Hope this helps.
So sorry this had happened to you Julia, no one deserves this, especially knowing how sweet and kind you are.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well good that he was arrested if he did what he did. Pretty scummy move. Pay for your services received.

I do have a small concern tough that if LE start getting involved, it could lead to some abuse. Even if the guy at the moment of this article has not been judged and condemned, his name is out and if he had any career its likely over. So who knowns if it could not give idea to the scammers and blackmailers. Remember there is scummy bad peoples on both side as they are good peoples as well. I think before releasing such article with names, it should be needed to wait til the guy was in court and condemned.


Westerner du Québec
Apr 18, 2023
Well good that he was arrested if he did what he did. Pretty scummy move. Pay for your services received.

I do have a small concern tough that if LE start getting involved, it could lead to some abuse. Even if the guy at the moment of this article has not been judged and condemned, his name is out and if he had any career its likely over. So who knowns if it could not give idea to the scammers and blackmailers. Remember there is scummy bad peoples on both side as they are good peoples as well. I think before releasing such article with names, it should be needed to wait til the guy was in court and condemned.
Keep in mind that it seems to be a pattern with that guy as there's another woman that came forward saying that he had used the same modus operandi before.

Add to that that law enforcement must have contacted other women from his phone history to corroborate his behaviour. It's preferable to warn other ladies of his release so that he gets known and prevent other assaults .
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
LMAO... what a dumbass!

Does this happen in mtl Anna? Ever happened to you?

Yes it's happened to me in Montreal.

I worked several years in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton & other cities and never had this happen before.

If stealthing is Sexual assault (it is), so is this.
No consent = sexual assault.
Consent can be withdrawn at any time.
Consent is 100% dependent on payment.
No payment = no consent / consent withdrawn.

It didn't feel like just getting ripped off, trust me.

The law may not be there yet but as far as I'm concerned, it 100% is a form of Sexual assault & no one can convince me otherwise (especially without having ever experienced it themselves). xo
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
All of a sudden, individuals on this platform possess a certain level of legal knowledge and education.I fail to understand why individuals term it as a sexual assault. It is disrespectful to those who have suffered from rape.It’s unquestionably no RAPE. It’s mine blowing that individuals here called it rape.

There are different levels of severity of sexual assault. From what I understand, that's how the criminal code in Canada is created. Rape doesn't exist as a charge. It's all sexual assault, and the severity determines the specific charge.

I'd do a bit more reading about it because it isn't a clear cut question of rape or no rape. It's about consent. I don't think it's your place to tell me what it is or "unquestionably" isn't. It's sexual assault & I don't see how anyone would find that disrespectful.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006

Not being paid is not in any way non-consent.​

Just take any one-night between 2 consenting adults.

In the OPs cited example and the facts put forth we seem to be looking at theft and not rape.

It most definitely is.

Consent is conditional on payment.

If you know she would not engage in sex if there was no payment, I'm not sure how you can ignore that no consent exists where payment is not made.

It is NOT a one night between consenting adults ;)

Supreme Court majority confirms non-consensual condom refusal or removal constitutes sexual assault

When a person’s sexual consent is conditional on condom use, they have not consented to sex without a condom , the Supreme Court found this morning .

In R. v. Kirkpatrick, the SCC unanimously dismissed an appeal brought by the accused in a sexual assault case. But the court was split on which Criminal Code provision applies to a situation where the complainant’s sexual consent was contingent on condom use and the accused did not wear one.

“As the Crown argued, and as the majority stated aptly, ‘only yes means yes and no means no,’ it cannot be that ‘no, not without a condom’ means ’yes, without a condom,’” says John Caldwell, who acted for the Crown.

"Today's decision offers assurance for survivors from Canada's highest court,” says Deepa Mattoo, executive director of the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic. The clinic intervened in the case, with Joanna Birenbaum appearing on its behalf.

“Non-consensual condom refusal or removal is a form of sexual violence generating physical and psychological harm,” says Mattoo. “The power dynamic it rests on is exacerbated among vulnerable women, gender-diverse people and sex workers.”

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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006

I'm pretty sure rape victims would disagree, as payment is the least of their concerns.

Totally different situations. Why would they think of money. Money has nothing to do with the dynamics in that context.

I'm not a lawyer but calling this rape seems absurd. It's theft

What would stealthing be called then? A prank?

It's (client not paying) never been tested in court but one day it might be and who knows. Stealthing wasn't considered sexual assault 3 years ago but now it is.

There's also a difference between what the law says and how the person experiences it. In other words - most, if not all of those who have ever been stealthed or been in the situation discussed in this thread can tell you they experienced it as a form of sexual assault or violation because they did not consent to it. Possibly not every single person but definitely the majority.


Section 265(3) of the Criminal Code includes circumstances where consent is vitiated or revoked, including in situations involving fraud and deceit. As a result, even if the person consented at the time, you can still be charged with sexual assault if they were enticed to consent by fraud or misrepresentation.

This provision is rooted in the idea that people have a right to know what they’re signing up for. Although all sexual activity may carry some risk, if there are additional risks, the complainant should have the information to make an informed decision.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Exactly, and will police do the same if an escort rips off a client? I doubt it.

You're doing something illegal, but give it a try.

But why would it have anything to do with sexual assault?

It'd be theft or fraud. If you were doing something legal. :p
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