Before having sex/starting to see SP, i wanted to do CIF/CIM with a very hot girl. Over the years i have done CIM many times, obviously, and a couple times CIF. Sometimes it was just across the chin, as i controled it more because i was expected to do CIM, you know, but sometimes it drips on the chin, side of the face, etc. But funny enough i experienced my best CIF with Kelly Summer, second time i saw her, i was supose to CIM but i just exploded... i didn't do it on purpose... LOL
Anyway, i think those are more or less the fantasies i wanted to do. Im not a "big fan" of Anal, but im glad i tried it, and i may partook again eventually with the right woman if stars align, as for the rest, i don't book long enough to experience them.
I mean, i would like to eventually book an escort for a whole night, as in have diner with her, go out in a club, live the GFE entirelly, with sex before, sober and all, then sex at the end of the night, then eventually sleep beside her. She would live the next morning after breakfast or something like that.
But that is of course meaning at least a 16 hours booking, so $$$$$$$ and i doubt i could do it with an agency girl.... maybe, maybe not, if special request can happen, but in any case like i said, for now totally out of my prices range sadly.
But hey, eventually i may settle for a 2-3 hours booking ... but i have only 1 girl in mind for that for the moment