Among my favorites are Danika (Devilish), Alessandra - one of the most attractive but far from the best service (Le PentHouse, now retired from MP). Time with Danni (Nadya's) is always the best, I also like Maria Star. I like Smantha from Econofuck (not sure if she is around). Star for your pleasure comes to my mind (where is she?). With many of these and others I actually went out downtown on weekends. But... the best time of my life was with a random DUO on backpage with Kim and Elisa. It was something extraordinaire. Last traces that are still left there:
Basically, one day my buddy calls me after he went to see a duo on backpage and he recommended me. I was always skeptical with backpage/craigslist/announce ads and prefer to pay a bit more to get guaranteed quality. What bought me that time was that the duo was 180/hr for both

So, I called them and was on my way and the previous guy before me was my friend. So, I told my friend to call them and ask if they were ok if he also joins with me. They were very happy to see him again

So, when we go there the only negotiation was +$20 for greek for one of the girls. That's right, total was $200/hr for two girls and we were two guys! Because my friend was just there with them 20 mins ago there were no barriers, we got to crazy action right away. Girls were fully interactive etc. After that when discussing that event with my friend I said that I'd never marry if I could have something like that at that price regularly

Sadly, that same duo ad was up for one more day on backpage and then it was gone forever. It was best experience in my life as a hobbyist and perhaps better than any of my real girlfriends. Perhaps I can throw a party like that only in eastern Europe to beat that experience from a couple of years ago.
PS. Don't try to contact that number in the ad. It was a pimp and he never replied after the add was taken down.