dirtierasigetolder said:
I've recently read a great article about the next big war and it talks about China invading Canada. Sounds funny but I tell you the arguments are there.
China needs land to keep expanding...we have lots of land
China needs natural resources...pretty much all we have
China needs to control USA...hey we're neighbors
China has a serious lack of Girls (by 2012 china population with 60-40 Male/Female)...Montreal by itself will fix that
He goes on and talks about a bunch of reasons why Canada is a prime target for China and I have to tell you he made a believer out of me.
20-30 years from now, Canada will be known as Western Republic of China.
It's already happening and it's called our refugee and immigration system. The Chinese own almost all of Vancouver to the point where Chinese is being pushed to become a must have language in order just to find a job. In BC they are now the majority and they are fast colonizing Toronto as well. As matter of fact there are now at least 6 Chinatowns within the Greater Toronto area with some larger than the entire city of Ville St Laurent. They colonize entire areas, rent only to their own people so that more of their own move into these areas, hire only their own so that their people have the best and sometimes the only chance of getting jobs. Open your eyes as it's already happening.
dirtierasigetolder said:
It's called Capitalism and I for one LOVE it. The employees are there for the company, the company is not there for the employees. You want money you do your job, you don't do your job go home sit down and shutup. Why shouldn't a company want to reduce its costs and generate higher return for the shareholders. It's the reason the company open its doors in the first place. Would you rather the company close its doors cause it can't compete? Of course in our socialist tree hugging weed smoking society, the government would get in and give them money to help them out. Yes and I really enjoy %50 income taxes + %14 Sales taxes + Housing taxes. Yes I love having $0.33 spending power on my dollar.
Fed up of working to pay my taxes!!!!
Well said brother. Well said. Our shipping industry in Montreal East end is a great example. It use to be a thriving industry until greedy leftist unions kept wanting more and more insane salaries to the point that most of the companies got fed up and put the ship under foreign flags. Why? Long strikes hurting the companies financially, employees wanting insane salaries even though most were lucky to have a job paying more than most jobs offered to people with their education level and high income taxes designed to punished those who became richer through smart investments and hard work, while these taxes were used to feed a growing number of carrier welfare who's too lazy to put in their fair share of the work load of society.
Now GG makes a good point about corporate welfare. If you can't compete in the economic market than you don't deserve to survive. If anything, corporate welfare goes against the true spirit of capitalism where everyone is suppose to have an even playing field.
For me the following are solutions that I have in mind:
1- No more corporate welfare.
2- No more loop holes for the rich and big business.
3- An even tax system so everyone pay their fair share of the nations bills. For example every one would pay 15% of their total salaries. So if you make $10,000/yr you would pay $1,500/yr in taxes. On the other hand if you make $1,000,000/yr you would pay $150,000/yr in taxes.
4- Not counting the physically and mentally disabled, you must work a minimum amount of hours or years before you can collect your first welfare check.
5- You can't collect welfare for more than 2yrs in a row and not more than 8yrs in your life time.
6- Worker unions would have limitations on what they can do.
7- More government contracting to privet companies. For example, public transportation would be the property of the government, but contracted out to the private industry resulting in reasonable wages instead of $23/hr for a cleaner that's worth only $10/hr maximum.
It's time the nation was fairer towards all members of its society and not the welfare class or the super rich class while Middle class Harry forks up most of the nations bills.