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How do you raise daughters? And what's your worst fear regarding them pursuing this?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

. ..I would not want my daughter to be an escort.

That is their [my son's] choice [to see an escort] not mine.

Well, at least we know where you stand on equality between the sexes.

...I was also married for a lifetime until I lost her to cancer and I did not see anyone else, there was no need.
Even now I tend to see mostly one gorgeous fabulous SP who is unbelievably kind to me.

Sorry, but this doesn't excuse you in the eyes of the prostitution abolitionists. Your own beloved PM, Justin Trudeau, has clearly stated that "...prostitution itself is a form of violence against women." That is supposedly true even if you "...tend to see mostly one gorgeous fabulous SP who is unbelievably kind to..." you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

So now we're discussing one of the the oldest, most insipid and hackneyed anti-prostitution arguments in the world "Would you want your daughter to do this???!!!" :rolleyes:

It's a stupid, meaningless, hypothetical question, no different from asking:

Would you want your daughter to become a cleaning woman? Would you want your daughter to become a cashier in a convenience store? Would you want your daughter to become a prison guard?

There is no satisfactory answer to a question like that. The question itself implies an attitude of extreme condescension and scorn towards whatever job you insert at the end of "Would you want your daughter to...?"

So, I will answer the question with another question: Would you want your daughter to grow up to be an over-educated, elitist, condescending, radical feminist professor who looks down on women that have lower status jobs and tries to prevent them from making their own decisions about their lives?

My answer to that question is definitely, "NO."
You forgot one. How about a scum-sucking, ambulance chasing attorney like MERB's own Lionel Hutz?

I'd say preferentially yes to cleaning woman, cashier, and prison guard. I would not be especially proud but I could say "It's an honest profession."

Yes, it's a stupid and pointless argument and I agree with that it's not a particularly a great argument for abolitionists either because, as you said, there are probably hundreds of jobs we wouldn't want our sons or daughters doing but they need to be done and if you like living in doors and you want to be able to eat 3 meals you have got to do something. Shoot for the moon and make the fence. If you don't make the fence you may be a cashier or cleaning woman.

I don't think everyone could be an escort. Read Kate Holden's "In My Skin." This is a great book and everyone of us should read it. Kate was a college grad musician that got in with the wrong crowd and got addicted to heroin so she started walking the street to support her habit. She got a break and started working in a high end brothel and she had to hide her addiction. It's a great book and she even talks about review boards and reading her own reviews. She finally quit heroin (after several attempts) because she sat around watching TV in the brothel and had to listen to all the other girls talking about their cars, their condos, their furniture, vacations etc and she realized that she was only working only for heroin. She wanted to have a normal life. Her parents loved her and they were glad she was working in the brothel and not walking the streets. So my point is that there are different levels of sex work. And she was proud of the sex work that she did. She talked about it almost like she was a therapist or in the medical field. She was not ashamed of her work in the brothel. This was not the problem. The problem was the big H.

"Society doesn’t like escorts" they also don’t particularly like prison guards or tax examiners yet we never see anyone having a problem with the idea of their daughter becoming one of these.

"Escorts deal with shitty clients" so do cashiers and waitresses. Yet nobody fears that their daughter will become a waitress.
They have to bring their steaks back because they aren't cooked enough. They don't have to deal with clients pulling off a condom or or they don't have to lick the balls of someone that they don't like. Also, a waitress serves customers out in the public. They don't have to go behind closed doors and have sex with them.
"It’s a dangerous job!" Yeah... Why are people so proud when their sons enter the military? What about hold ups in gas stations? Bank workers who face risks associated with the job? What about people working with sharks? Miners? Circus and the risk of injury? Police officers and firemen? Fishing, which has a very high rate of workplace fatality? What about the unit that takes care of disarming bombs?
Yes to the military. I'd rather she not but this would be a source of pride. You put stickers on your car and you cheer for whatever Academy that represents her branch. They don't bury escorts in Arlington. Ever been to the Tomb of the Unknown Hooker? Yes to all those that you listed...maybe not the circus. I hate the circus. It's an anachronism.

What about your sons being clients of a sex worker, like you?

No, not really Cap'n.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I am not looking for an excuse, I don’t really give a fuck, I am quite comfortable with who I am and what I have done with my life.
As far as my sons seeing escorts, like I said their choice, I don’t believe either has but it would not change anything.
It is not something that I would recommend to them, there is nothing like a loving relationship and family.
I know the difference.

As I have mentioned while I would not want my daughter to be an escort, if that is what she chose I would support her 100 % that would not change the love you have as a parent.

As far as JT I admit I voted for the asshole, but not because I ever liked him, but simply because where I live it is always a toss up between them and the separatist party, no one else has a chance.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
Spend time with your children, build long lasting memories. Do homework with them ask them about their opinion lead them towards interesting careers and if they're good looking show them humility and not to base their confidence on their looks. That's just half of the answer. The other half is their mother if you fell for a woman with questionable values, you're pretty much fucked.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do not care who you are, no one " wants " their daughter to be an escort, if you say yes you are full of it. Also, no one " wants " their sons to see escorts.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
They have to bring their steaks back because they aren't cooked enough. They don't have to deal with clients pulling off a condom or or they don't have to lick the balls of someone that they don't like. Also, a waitress serves customers out in the public. They don't have to go behind closed doors and have sex with them.

Yes to the military. I'd rather she not but this would be a source of pride. You put stickers on your car and you cheer for whatever Academy that represents her branch. They don't bury escorts in Arlington. Ever been to the Tomb of the Unknown Hooker? Yes to all those that you listed...maybe not the circus. I hate the circus. It's an anachronism.

Alright so not only are you proving my point (your bias is only directed at sex workers and you have an issue with sex as a job even though you hire escorts for their services, and not for any reason other than "ew sex"), but you’re also extremely misinformed about the reality of being a waitress if you think they only "bring steak back because it’s not cooked enough". The amount of inappropriate conducts, convos, groping, insults and abuse going on in restaurants is higher than you seem to think. Escorts consent to being touched for money. Waitresses are being touched without their consent by gross pigs all the time and they don’t get a better tip for it. But if they complain they definitely don’t get a tip at all. But sure, keep telling yourself that being touched without consent repeatedly is better than having lots of consensual sex because "at least she’s not a whore".


Active Member
May 7, 2018
The discussion is not about our sons/possible sons it's about our daughters/possible daughters. Why do you have the need to steer this conversation towards something else? I think prostitutes are unavoidable in society. Someone has to fill that role, just not my daughter.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Gotta agree with Julia. Hungry maybe your waitress example was not the right one to use.
Some barmaids have to have sex with the manager to get the good shifts or the good location in a bar.
I once worked down south. The manager would constantly tell me to go sleep with the women there. Some i was attracted to, those were easy. Some i was repulsed by. And whenever i said no. I would get an answer along the lines of: do you want to be on a flight home tomorrow? I got fed up and eventually answered. YES.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It was her example, not mine. You don't have to sleep with the creepy manager to get shifts. If you have to do that you quit and go to another more reputable restaurant down the street. I've never grabbed a members of the wait staff's ass or any other body part and I've always tipped well.

Honestly, I don't now WTF Julia is talking about. No father in their right mind would ever want their daughter to be an escort. There are other jobs we wouldn't want our children doing for sure. I don't think that we will stack them up from top to bottom and compare them. As the Captain said, that is a silly exercise. But I guarantee you that no father has ever bounced his daughter off his knee and dreamed of the day she would one day leave the house so that she could suck dick for a living.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
With this Hungry. I completely agree. No father could ever want their daughter to be an escort. Period.
Whether girls admit it or not. This “job” fucks you up in the long run.
I doubt any current escort would say. Wouldn't it be great if my daughter were an escort too!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Hungry There you go again proving that you have an issue with the idea of women having sex for money because "ew sex" Lol. I don’t think any parent should even think about their daughter becoming an escort to begin with. Your grown children’s sex life is none of your business really. Why does this thread even exist? That’s disturbing????

I get not actively wanting your child to be an escort - because there is stigma (thanks to people like you), because there are dangers (but so is there in many other jobs), and because again who even thinks about their child sucking cock, wtf are you guys sick lol. I get that.. but to act like "my family is better than that" or "sucking cock for a living? Low lives" is literally whorephobic and disrespectful of the very women you spend time with in exchange for money...

There is a difference between not actively wanting something for your child and then voicing it out loud using disrespectful arguments about it that bring down the people you pay to do those things you think your daughter is "too good" to do...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I guess I could of not used the word "suck dick" but I chose not to use a euphemism because I can't remember the last time I've been with an escort and she didn't suck my dick so I thought why sugar coat it? The old saying, You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig...blah, blah, blah. I certainly don't mean to offend you but I'm pretty sure that most of the time that you are booked you end up exchanging sex for money.

Having said all of this, I'm sure glad you are there for all of us. You provide intimacy, comfort and a release for many men and so much more. But it is what it is.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Casablanca act like "my family is better than that" or "sucking cock for a living? Low lives" is literally whorephobic and disrespectful of the very women you spend time with in exchange for money...

There is a difference between not actively wanting something for your child and then voicing it out loud using disrespectful arguments about it that bring down the people you pay to do those things you think your daughter is "too good" to do...

I agree, Julia, well said. :thumb:

There is no need to go on record on MERB with a "I would never want my daughter to..." comment. It's hypocritical and judgmental to openly express such comments on a board devoted to reviewing escorts and that is read by escorts.

Guys, the next time you hire a plumber and he does a good job, be sure to tell him: "Hey, great job, thanks for unclogging my toilet. But I would never want my kid to be a plumber."

Be sure to remind the escorts that you meet that you don't want your daughter to grow up to be like them. You can add in some anti-prostitution arguments made by abolitionists. You can ask them questions like: "Do you have a pimp?" "Did you have a terrible childhood?" "Do you realize you're a victim?" :rolleyes:


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I don't see it as a stigma, rather as a necessary sacrifice . If you think you made the right choice by being a daughter of the game assume your choice instead of caring what others might think of it. As for my daughter, you can be sure I'll make it a stigma for her and certainly not a path to follow, that's my prerogative as a father and I also feel it is my duty. I don't think I'm better, I just think life isn't fair but that's alright.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Oh Hungry there’s no need to sugar coat anything. That’s exactly my point actually. Like at least some people point out good reasons why a parent wouldn’t want their child to be an escort : the danger, the stigma, etc. In your case it’s really just "omg ew sex" which is ridiculous to be honest. The sex part should be the least of your concerns. But to each their own.

kkrack : I don’t think you understand the word stigma, and I also don’t think you should meet escorts or be on this board


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
The old saying, You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig...blah, blah

Never heard this saying
But. Anybody see the first episode of black mirror?
I unfortunately cannot forget it. Eeeeewwwww


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Oh Hungry there’s no need to sugar coat anything. That’s exactly my point actually. Like at least some people point out good reasons why a parent wouldn’t want their child to be an escort : the danger, the stigma, etc. In your case it’s really just "omg ew sex" which is ridiculous to be honest. The sex part should be the least of your concerns. But to each their own.

What about the late nights depriving them of sleep? What about running into the cold winter nights after taking a shower with wet hair? They could catch cold. This is my real problem...Of course it's the sex, the drugs the danger,. We're talking about my daughter. It's the potential lifestyle. Why do so many girls burn out? No parent would want their child going down this path.

A plumber is a good job. You can feed yourself and make a comfortable living for 40 years as a plumber. My friends a plumber and he and his dad built a highly successful business that he is ready to sell so that he can retire. He is a multi-millionaire and well respected.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Never heard this saying
But. Anybody see the first episode of black mirror?
I unfortunately cannot forget it. Eeeeewwwww

I skipped the first episode and jumped into the one where they were peddling the bicycles.

Yes, it's an old saying. So many people are caught up in semantics these days. We use euphemisms all the time to make things sound nicer. Like saying a kid is slow in school is preferential to a learning disability. As if he or she will ever catch up. It sounds nicer but it is what it is.

To put "lipstick on a pig" is a rhetorical expression, used to convey the message that making superficial or cosmetic changes is a futile attempt to disguise the true nature of a product or person. It can be used as a tactic to disguise a strawman argument, especially when invoked to avoid the true meaning of things and justifying conflated definitions that fall into a similar fallacy as a strawman.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Hungry. Check out the first episode of season 1. You’ll never look at a pig the same way.
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