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How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
A good way to quit the hobby is STOPPING READING THOSE KIND OF FORUM. If you want to go on diet don't look on the pastrie's store everyday. Rather go and search for help from your friends (real ones) or a therapist who will help you to find the reason why you are addicted. Anyway, it will cost you less than hobbying regularly and it is tax deductible... Good luck!


New Member
Sep 18, 2011
Used to be addicted to this hobby. Nowadays though I see sp's very rarely, around once a year and when I have a girlfriend I dont see them anymore.

Here are my tricks (which are nothing extraodinary) to keep it under control:

1- Masturbation daily to escort adds, somehow it feeds the fantasy I am addicted to just enough for me to stay away. I understand it might be perceived as tempting the devil, but once you are done with masturbating, the point of seeing an escort is not there anymore and you will feel the need fade away very quickly. Works for me at least.
2- When I feel a big temptation to go for a provider, I think about STD's and read about it on the web, it scares me enough to stay away. The consequences of catching something permanent would be so enormous that I often dont want to risk it just for a bang which means nothing in a lifetime after all.
3- I calculate how much I spent in this ''hobby'' and think of what I could have done with all that money.

Sometimes though the rage of not having sex win's me over, I stop masturbating for a few days and then I go for an SP that provides MSOG, but I am seriously very reasonable compared to what I used to be.

This is how I keep control, I hope it helps you reduce or quit.

Good luck !


Nov 12, 2007
If you look at it rationally. Unless you are making money hand over fist, you should be limiting yourself to fist over dick except as a very occasional treat.

Sadly there is no solo cure for general touch craving.


Mar 26, 2007
I am also out of this hobby and I am very happy and was addicted at certain times. As God father mentioned the tricks to do, I can add this also
think of 200 $ oppurtunity cost for example you could have 4 month gym membership where you can meet girls, improve your physic and maybe meet somebody.
Think, that you would buy nice clothes with 200 $ which may improve your look or think about 1000 $ , you could use to travel abroad....
Good luck!


New Member
Jun 30, 2011
I think addiction is something where you spent all your cash into a hobby then leave nothing else and goes downhill from there.

OP perhaps youre talking about the hobby being part of your habit or routine. It sounds though that you are still able to manage the rest of your life with it. If you are bored with the hobby then a gradual reduction would be a start and replace this with another hobby - ie playing tennis so your body does not go into a withdrawal like symptom if you quit cold turkey.

For me, its when the little ones came and took most of my time and naturally reduced my available time and cash for this hobby. And yeah i do miss it.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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In my case it was never an addiction; just a pastime frequently interrupted by hiatuses.
Old age - let's say over 50 - is the best antidote against hobbying.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Ironic that your first post is about how to quit the hobby.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
The best way for you to quit the hobby is to lose your job...


Aug 10, 2008
I have decided to quit the hobby by the end of the month. Not for financial reasons, I still work, but rather, I decided to end playing the game. I will go out with a bang (rather a couple of bangs - see my thread in the 411 section) in a couple of weeks, and thats it. A bit of will power and determination. But I have to say that the hobby never got out of hand for me. I would visit Montreal about 3 times a year to relax with a couple of young women, have a bit of fun, make some memories.

Now I am in the process of deciding who the last SP's I see will be.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
In my case it was never an addiction; just a pastime frequently interrupted by hiatuses.
Old age - let's say over 50 - is the best antidote against hobbying.
Protagoras... should we be thinking along the lines of a sophism here? Methinks I will rise a controversy meself... 'tiz not age the antidote.. although in some cases it may apply
alas tiz not so simple. The law of thermodynamics... no, no, no.. this could bring TingTing in this discussion... but seriously unless you're impotent and even then age will not help you
if you're addicted you need something a tad stronger... don't ask I don't know... I think I may in the process of becoming one... I'm struggling but it's not as easy as I would have thought
... no girlfriend, no wife, no children, no cats [could that help???] ... the rest of me family? Forget it... I'm the black sheep.. Friends? No help there..... And the emptiness you feel when the moment's gone
I don't know......... I really don't


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Even when I get old, bedridden and completely impotent I will still need a warm pair of breasts to rest my weary head (and yes, the charming person you refer to comes to mind and I have my monthly session tomorrow, and oh boy I can't wait :) OMG OMG OMG those breasts!). So in my case age will never be a solution.

Me, I cherish the mammaries, I mean memories of the moments for a long time, make them last far beyond the 1h limit. I feel having an encounter too soon after a previous one would just be a waste of good memories. That's how I control myself.

I'm thankful I don't have an addictive personnality. I think when you have an addiction you can never be completely cured and you always have to be careful for relapse.

When you think you have a real problem the best would be to see a specialist or a psychiatrist, although they can probably be as addictive as escorts (and not as much fun in bed).


Jan 22, 2012
{When you think you have a real problem the best would be to see a specialist or a psychiatrist, although they can probably be as addictive as escorts (and not as much fun in bed).**
And probably more expensive anyway...
I think it is not only the sex that is important but the human contact,touch...Humans are gregarious animals and there are needs not 100% related to sex but physicals anyway

Xing Yu

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Jai eu ce probleme d'addiction moi aussi!! mais surtout avec les danseuse (FS) je dois a voir dépensé plus de 12 000$ en 5-6ans! apart le gas pour aller et la biere consomé au bar... aujourd'hui je suis pas mal sevré! comment jai arreté?? je ne le sais pas!
en 2007 jai été hors pays, là où il ny avait pas de FS club, j'en ai chercher et chercher et jmais trouvé et les escort était hors de mon budget... je suis revenu ici environ 6-7mois plus tard, jai une une rechutte d'environ 2 mois..
jai arreter d'aller au danseuse (FS) et jai commencé les massage erotique, et les escorte de temsp en temps!!
maintenant je me controle vraiment bcp!! vois des MP et SP p-e 1 fois au 3-4 mois
Maintenant je sais que je suis un belle homme et je pogne bcp lorsque je sort dans les club pour danser et cruiser!!! hahah
alors ca va bcp mieu!!!

je te souhaite bonne chance mon gars!!! cest pas facile de quité!!! je pensais que jétais le seul accro a cette drogue!!
serieusement cest une vrai drogue!!! jai sinffé asser de cocaine dans ma vie, je peux en faire une fois de tmesp en tmeps, mais sui-je accro ??? non!!!!
le hobbing, je compare ca a ceux qui on des probleme de jeux!! chaque fois que j'avais une rentré d'argent tu pense juste a ca!!
des fois je ne payais pas mes facture pour aller hobby.... cest comme le jeu!!!
cest uen vrai drogue qui détruit une vie!!!!
mais que veux tu , on aime ca!!! hahaha
bon courage!!!
essaye juste de diminué les fréquence!!
crosse toi lorsque tu as une pulsion, apres ca passe!! ;)


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Its called my MMS

The joke goes like this
When I was young I would fuck le matin,le midi,le soir (MMS)
Then a few years later le mardi,le mercredi,le samedi (MMS)
Then later on le mois de mars,le mois de mai, le mois de septembre (MMS)
And now today they are ________(Mes meilleures souvenirs)(MMS)


Aug 12, 2003
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The best way for you to quit the hobby is to lose your job...

... and when you loose your job don't forget to destroy your credit cards! ...

... crosse toi lorsque tu as une pulsion, apres ca passe!! ;)

Sauf que dans un char à une lumière c'est un peu ordinaire!! :eyebrows:

Mais plus sérieusement c'est très difficile d'arrêter ... tu pourrais peut-être penser à un projet et mettre tout ton extra $ dans un compte épargne et te motiver comme ça ... des économies pour un voyage, une maison, une voiture ou tout autre projet qui te tiens à coeur ...

Dans mon cas j'ai vraiment diminué, j'en voit rarement maintenant et je joue aussi très safe ... S'aura nécessité une très mauvaise expérience ... Un jour le condom à défoncé ... Les pires 3 mois de ma vie ont suivi (total abstinance, mensonges, tests, semi dépression ...) ... Quand j'y repense ça m'enlève le gout totalement ... J'ai été chanceux et je suis passer au travers sans aucun dommages ...

Il y a aussi un groupe d'aide que tu pourrais essayer ...

Sex Addicts Anonymous

Il y a un meeting hebdomadaire dans Westmount ...

Bonne chance


Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
The best way to quit is cold turkey. I can say, it's very UNPLEASANT but the MOST EFFECTIVE. You may get the shakes, difficulty in concentrating, pressure on your genitals. Sounds like drug addiction. You are damn right! Things were really hard for the first two weeks.

I am into my 6th week of being "clean". I am not quitting entirely, but being in a hiatus for now for the following reasons:

1) girls are getting ugly (and/or perhaps my expectations are getting higher) on average

2) because of the bad economy, girls/moms/grandmas left/right are getting into the sex biz. Alot of the girls' performance are just bad (and/or perhaps my expectations are getting higher). They don't want to be there and don't know how to phuck.

3) I've really been spending too much money on this hobby/addiction. My cumulative spending in the last 10 or so years is several thousand short of 100k. This is way out of control. I need to think about my retirement. I am not too old but not too young either.

Bottom line is, the more you have sex, the more you want it.

Just think about all the bad experience and money wasted...for me, I did a calculation, it's about 15k so far.

Try to do an estimate the money you've spent since hobbying.....estimate the amount wasted. You'll be shocked. Maybe that'll serve as a deterrent.

I won't be quitting completely, but I'll watch my spending.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
I try myself to quit since last december.I am in the same situation Malboro, i spent over 200k in the last 15 years,now i realize that it is the time to think about my retirement.

I don't think that i can quit completely but i will try to see Sp only not more than once a Month.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
As Chaz Michael Michaels said in Blades of Glory

I'm a sex addict. It's my cross to bear. It's a real disease with Doctors and medicine and everything.

I am a sex addict but I have it under control. My secret is that i do not live ajacent to any hobby mecca and I refuse to hobby at home. I also plan out my sessions and I make sure they are special even if this means I have to pay more. This way I can budget and every date seems special.

Does every session feel like a special treat? Do you savor and look forward to these meetings? Do you regret them later that evening or the next day? You should answer Y, Y, and N. If not consider a hiatus.

All things in moderation. People take expensive vacations, join golf clubs, go on exotic fishing and hunting trips, constantly dine out at expensive restaurants, and attend exclusive sporting events. My thing is escorts. In order to afford them, I cut down on all of the above. Additionally, I also will not rent a X-rated movie in a hotel, attend a strip club, or go to an adult book store. I gather all the money I would have spent here and add another 50-100$ and set up a session with a well reviewed provider. If the session falls through I masturbate so I am not making any bad late night decissions on Backpage or other.
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