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How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?


New Member
Feb 25, 2011
First, I want to say that's it's a very interesting thread.

I understand fully what Erase is talking about. I just want to say that a psychologist will not solve the problem by himself. A guy got to figure out by himself if he got a problem with hobbying and at wich extend. As for the guilt. It's the same thing. The whole society claims that it's bad so one wy or another it gets to you. Personnally, I think that each case is different. We all do it for our own reasons.

I consider myself a controled sex addict. I'm addcit to porn and the more porn I see, the more I fantasize and it often end up with a SP. Since I,M busy and my live is well balanced, it's OK but if I was alone I don't know to wich extend hobbying could develop into a problem for me.

In my mind the key word is satisfaction. When I meet a SP and I'm fully satisfied, it's fine for a while, but when you got bad encounters and deception, you keep on going and going. So if you can't get any satisfaction quit because that's where it get dangerous.

The word says it all. It's a Hobby, not an everyday way of life.

This a great and highly informative topic.
It reminds us how we can just get addicted to this hobby without
realizing it. In my case, I am fortunate that there's some sort of self automation
that refrains me sometimes from abusive hobbying -> I can plunge in a momentum of addiction where I would -- for a limited time -- feel addicted to escorts. Then I would start getting fed up/annoyed and would all naturally stop hobbying for a while.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Holy Crap

Wow long story Thor.. Please excuse me if it appears I have the anser.

PAXIL I was on that stuff too and sex crazy too..

I'm in the library now because I still just cant have internet at home.

And I still go to asian massage because I just love it. I'm going to give it up soon - you know giving up something you really like is harder than stopping drugs and booze (drugs are just killing you anyway).

So thats me now I love it.... Why give it up ? Great guestion? Why give up something so wondefull.. I think its because it takes over you mind bit by bit theres no room for anything else.. Except maybe the bing bang theroy and my daughter. Also its not a choice anymore I cant stop, I truly vowed to give it up for lent and lasted 6 days. Happy with the memory

I was thinking about going back on seritonin uptake inhibitors, but I think they just make thing worse, lets say that we dont know enough about the long term effects..Like causing obsessions.
I am about ready to start a focus group, enough with the psychoanalyst and phamacology.. maybe it is time for some friends with the same problem, which is hard for me because I used sex since I was 9 to alter my mood.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Taken from 2013 dsm-5 -

Clinical Need. There is a significant clinical need, even a “demand” from mental health consumers, for mental health providers to recognize and diagnose a distinct group of men and women who have been seeking and are already receiving mental health care such as individual psychotherapy, 12-step group support, pharmacotherapy, and specialized residential treatments. These men and women are presenting to clinicians because of recurrent, “out of control” sexual behaviors that are not inherently socially deviant (i.e., normophilic, not paraphilic). Persons afflicted with these conditions are currently diagnosed as Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, a diagnostic wastebasket that the DSM-V editors would like to see diminished in scope. Clinical and research-based interest in this set of problematic nonparaphilic sexual behaviors is sufficiently established to have birthed a peer-reviewed journal published since 1990 dedicated exclusively to research and treatment of “sexual addiction/ compulsivity.”

can this really be 2010? and in Quebec its much worse. They dont have a clue what to do. Except some drugs and abstinace training. The CLSC wont even call me back. Anyway what a strange life I had. Its just me and God I hope.


Apr 27, 2011
I, for one, can admit that I might have a certain problem with the hobby in that I like it too much. It's too easy, I have the money, and with my shy nature, I tend to have gotten used to just paying for hanging out with a girl whether something happens or not. I've gone periods of time where I can hold back without problem but then I can just as easily see a different girl every day in a single week and go through lots of money that I could put to better use. My main concern is certainly economic, as there are things I want to do and I could save the money but at the same time I realize I'm not getting any younger and this trend can't be healthy physically or mentally.


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
... I feel bad for Thor, but his addicition is not really an addiction in the 'original' meaning of the word. I speak of addiction like a cigarette addiction, or an alcohol addiction. With sex there's an instant of euphoria that you want to relive over and over not to be living whatever you are living in reality (life without it). The feelings when you are taking that personal drug (whether your drug is sex, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc..) are associated with a brief accomplishement where you're thinking "this is the life", and that's also an euphoria in itself which is repeated with every new SP encounter (although sometimes you might be dissapointed because the service is not up to par right?)

What Thor goes through is much more substitutive in nature. It's a substitute because (I'll talk directly to you Thor) you're blocked Thor, you lived through some traumatizing events in your life, you went through life in a way that many couldn't go through, and your share of experiences as a kid are probably ten times more arduous than any here. Because of these experiences, you're finding it hard to balance things out in a healthy way.

The ten steps that you find in AA meetings would usually apply to any other addiction, including the one some of us have, but what you're living, it's more intense. Addiction is part of it, but you also have psycho-somatic effects stemming for your inner inbalance (you said it yourself, it wouldn't work if it wasn't an SP), that is more than just an addiction buddy. I hope you will find the peace and balance that you search, best of luck. It is good though that you shared, sharing it a good step towards recovery. We're here for you, come and share whenever you feel like it.



New Member
Nov 1, 2007
My dog Spxxxx

My dog suffered from it too.

When we got him I asked why is he sucking on the blanket all the time?
My prick brother answered "its because he was taken from his mother too young". So one day I let him off the leash and he was hit by a car, and broke one of his legs that never healed. He was unfriendly to start with you should have seen him after. A nasty dog. With the funny habit of sucking himself a lot of the time. but he would eagerly jump through hopes for a hotdog.

Get it ? ?


Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
lol, you're such an ass but it's funny ;)


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
0 Wow She articulated my thoughts exactly.

In the Big Book from AA says that we are not saints we have to be satisfied with patient honest and ernest improvement. I gotten my tso (total sexual output) down to 4 a month,(for my age seems about rite 50's) fantasizing to about 2 hours a day(working on it), Depression almost gone what a relief!!, I have lost my apatite for porn, just don't like the depression that goes along with it. Still have an Avoidance Social problem poor social skills. Still have a love child, permanent brain damage, lost business.

Got the internet at home, and its a challenge the overwhelming impulse is down to a mild desire.

Hey I know what a nightmare this can be, and if you have Hypersexual Disorder and don't know it you are in for a hell of a ride. I suggest learning all you can about it.
I write this as a service because He who saved me demands it.
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Hope this link works

Hypersexual Disorder is not Hypersexuality or sex addiction. According to Dr. Kafka its an appetite disorder.

A lot of bipolar people have Hypersexual episodes,

100 % People with hypersexual disorder suffer from mood problems and have social anxiety. 53% Alcohol and drug abuse.

earmarks; Pair bond dsyfunction -, sensation seeking, alcoholism.

Its not a life style choice, its a mental disorder.... Did you know 5% of Alcoholics die during detox. Point is dont try to go cold turkey without medical supervision. I hear the Montreal General has an good detox centre.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Human beings by nature often develop very addictive type behavioral patterns. Addictions can manifest themselves in several ways, but the common element is a compulsive urge for gratification, albeit temporary. A fellow foot fetishist articulated on the subject of addiction perfectly; he said “I’m not addicted to anything…except temptation!” People become addicted to all sorts of things, some may have positive addictions but unfortunately most humans acquire negative addictions. A negative addiction is one that may have dire consequences should the person pursue their addiction long term. Addictions such as cigarette smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease. Addictions such as excessive alcohol consumption can lead to damage to the brain and the liver. Addictions such as the abusive consumption of various illegal narcotics known as cocaine, crack, ecstasy, marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc. leads to the destruction of brain cells, plus a host of various types of other health related issues , and in some cases to an overdose of the drug being consumed, causing death. Addictions to overeating will lead to obesity, resulting in a host of other health related issues such as diabetes. Addictions to gambling can often bankrupt a person, leaving them broke and resulting in possible suicide. Addictions to steroids can cause a person to develop liver and kidney problems, plus the real possibly of developing various forms of cancer not to mention extreme aggressive behavior.
For some of the above mentioned addictions, there exists various support groups such as “AA” which stands for alcohol anonymous, “CA” which stands for cocaine anonymous, and “GA” which stands for gambling anonymous, etc. All of these support groups share one thing in common, and that is to help the individual cope with their addiction but more importantly to overcome their respective addiction by offering a forum of support from other individuals afflicted by the same addiction.
A man’s sex drive is one of the most powerful forces within himself and it can be very hard to ignore those voices inside your head (both of them)! Addictions to sex, if you are paying for it can also bankrupt you if you are out of control. I recall a prostitute once telling me that from her experience, seeing a sex worker can easily become very addictive for many men. I didn’t believe her at the time, but now I am convinced of it. Furthermore, addictions to sex can often have dire consequences for people involved in either a marriage or a long term serious relationship. For example, If someone is involved in either a marriage or a serious relationship and are going outside their marriage or relationship to have their sexual addiction fulfilled, then something is either very wrong with the relationship or with the individual afflicted with the sexual addiction.
The above excerpt was taken from the conclusion chapter of my book " The Impact Of Incest" based on my personal story..


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
The problem when you see sp is to think at the day when you will have to quit that world of fantasy for personnal reason.At that time i am sure if i speak for myself i will need a private help.


Apr 27, 2011
I'm kind of trying to quit myself, started with SPs long ago and now turned into MPs a few years ago due to the decline of the incall scene which wasn't all that big anyway. It's not easy but I would say to start easy, see how often you get into the hobby and try doing it less and such. It's not a complete solution but it works, at the very least it can give you a small break.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Like any addiction (drug alcool cigarette): make it very clear the reasons why you want to quit,write a list of everything bad the hobby brings to your life compared to the good things.Meditate a lot about those reasons,and think about the importance of being rational and not compulsive about it.I'm not saying it's THE solution but maybe a beginning. Maybe you're out of control and that's the real problem...
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