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How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?


New Member
Jul 18, 2009

Hi im on 20Mg celexa a day and soroquel at night.

It still doesn't help.

I know I have a problem and have hit rock bottem. I sent my last 50K from my house money to order a Kazakhstanian and its been 3 months now ive been waiting. I think I got screwed.

Ive been talking to my psychologist about it and she recommended me to go to support groups to help.

But man o man I love SP's!



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Sex Addicts Anonymous,

“Before coming to Sex Addicts Anonymous, many of us never knew that our problem had a name. All we knew was that we couldn't control our sexual behavior. For us, sex was a consuming way of life. Although the details of our stories were different, our problem was the same. We were addicted to sexual behaviors that we returned to over and over, despite the consequences.”
— Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 3

In Sex Addicts Anonymous we are a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength and hope with each other for the purpose of finding freedom from addictive sexual behavior and helping others recover from sex addiction. Local meetings offer an accepting, non-threatening environment where we can share our common struggles and learn how to apply the principles of the Twelve Steps to our everyday lives.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. There are no fees or dues.

We practice strict anonymity and confidentiality, so that our meetings are a safe place for all of us. Whom we meet or what is said in a meeting is considered as confidential and is not disclosed or discussed with non-group members.

The above was copied and pasted from the SAA web site.



New Member
Nov 1, 2007
the insanity

Unfortunately I figured that with my newfound control I could partake in the occasional encounter,

This is the insanity that is talked about in the AA big blue book ( too lazy to go upstairs and get it so cant quote the page.) it happens to all real addicts as it has to me. I thought the same thing "now that I've dealt with my innerchild pain I can drink I'm cured the pain that drove me is gone."

Ha my real addiction is sex. Anyway my problem now is a loss of will, a kind of pugatory as Tomas Aquinus say A loss of will is a punishment in itself. So there may be moral truth after all.

Hope this helps.

till next time


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
hard to stop

I`ve been hobbying for 30 years, started with `s in the car in san jose in aerly 80`s about 1500 in first 20 years never got any diseases, those were the days, hundreds of beautiful ladies dressed in their finest clothes DDG ladies parading the streets, Oliver would have had a field day, they would all do CIM, some would swallow.
These last 10 years, my married sex life is amost nil (wife lost interest in sex at 50),we have sex maybe every month or 2, but my hobbying has picked up, I`m seeing maybe 4 or 5 escorts a week, yes I`m addicted to sex some days after I see 1 escort I want to try another 1, its like I can`t get enough, if it wasn`t for the fact that I can`t come a 2nd or 3rd time I would be doing 1 escort after another.
How do I slow down? money is not an issue.:confused:


Unfortunately I figured that with my newfound control I could partake in the occasional encounter,

This is the insanity that is talked about in the AA big blue book ( too lazy to go upstairs and get it so cant quote the page.) it happens to all real addicts as it has to me. I thought the same thing "now that I've dealt with my innerchild pain I can drink I'm cured the pain that drove me is gone."

Ha my real addiction is sex. Anyway my problem now is a loss of will, a kind of pugatory as Tomas Aquinus say A loss of will is a punishment in itself. So there may be moral truth after all.

Hope this helps.

till next time

Guilty as charged, plus I got the clap as a special bonus prize!


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
Reading all of this is a sigh of relief.
I'm constantly on the look out for street action or massage parlors.
I had my phase with TS's.
Went through this bit with black girls.
For a while Europeans.
Now I'm into Asians.
Evrerytime I turn the corner I find another source.
I'm on the verge of total bankruptcy and still can't help myself.
But at least I see I'm not the only one.
I've sought out help, but all I could think about was sex while my therapist spoke to me.
Tried a few others and its useless.
Maybe it has something to do with the Viagra ads!
I don't know.
But I am working on it.
If I could get it down to once a week, I'll be greatful.
Eventually I'll ween myself off I hope.
Anyways my mind is scattered all over the place.
And I'm able to write this because I just got back from a MP
But I also feel like heading back out for more.
Anyways It's good to be back here.
I'll keep you informed.


be nice
Nov 6, 2004
I don't want to hurt anyone here, but my feeling is, this addiction is not different from alcoholism, drug addiction or ... God.

some people do not have enough self-esteem or confidence they have to either prove themselves or take refuge in their addiction. There was a period in my life (as a teen, then young adult) when alcohol and soft drugs were taking too much of my time and energy. Fortunately, I have been able to take those habits under control.

erase, reading your story, I thought to myself (and wouldn't dare giving you any advice about this) that the problem in your life seemed to be an unbearable relationship with a woman you didn't want to quit. Well, so often, it is "short term pain for long term gain". You can't waste your life to avoid a painfull break-up. I may be wrong, but that is the picture I saw.

if hobbying is more deception than fun, it is clear you have to stop. You also have to find why you do it and sttle the problem.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
viture- i know it sucks

I write this for anyone who really does not have a clue what is wrong with them but knows something is missing. (that knowing may be your guide) You may have unresolved childhood problem, try imagine bringing the person you are today into the scene and do what you would have done if you were there. It could be a start.

That was for newbies to the recovery game. For intermediates: Seems to me that all roads lead to virtue with prudence the master virtue. Its not something that anyone one can say today I'll be good and do the rite thing at the rite place at the rite time. Its a muscle that has to be worked.

I know its simple but hard to do, do one thing you rather not do and 2 good things a day to start building character.

I have tried 12 steps, wonderchild NLP , buddhist meditation, psychology, medication and it seems that there comes a time to do better.

Anyone can enter the door to bliss but virtue closes it behind you.

Hope to be an advanced player some day and have great sex still:D


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
you know sex is so powerful it can block out everything else, so when my sister and mother drive me nuts a few days thinking about and having sex is a great solution to the affect they have on me. So I can blame them or change the memories that keep the affect going Be aware that you have an affect system.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
set the record strait

It says in the first chapter of the Big blue book from AA that the whole reason for the orginization is to explain that all the will power and caracter you have is not enough to beat the power of alcohol. That without God as you understand him there is no hope for the Alcoholic. Its a spiritual program,.

Now i see how

Toney g

post master
Nov 23, 2005
Set goals and stick to them

I have been in a seriouse relationship with a very hot chic for a long time. Sex is over the top and I couldnt ask for better. But That doesnt mean I cant spoil myself now and then and try the best girls in The western hemisphere and maybe even the whole world. It gets out of control when there are so many great reviews and hot women that you have to put on your list. You cant have them all but it would be nice to try the ones that seem like they are perfect in every way. I am forced to make rules and not break them. I am only permitted 1 every 2 weeks. this makes it even more exiting because I have 14 days of trying to decide which one will I take. I make informed decisions and usually end up getting the best. If I mess up I am not allowed to make up for it for another 2 weeks. For example, next week will either be brittney of devilish, soo, the new asian on cr list, or the best eleganza can offer that week. I can also decide too use my bi monthly pick at the hilltop or at a massage parlor. I guess It all comes down to making your own guidelines in order to keep things in good balance.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Set goals and stick to them

Your talking about managing, The first step is to admit my life has become unmanagable and become powerless over alcohol.

I recall talking with a friend in a bar he said I never drink alone, and I said I only drink beer. Both statments were quoted in the Big Blue book from A.A.

I only go once a month to massage, once a week to strip clubs and had to cancel my internet connection.
I got steps 8 and 9 wrong. step 8 : Made a list of all the people I had resentments twoards and planned to get even with them. step 9: Made war with everyone.

Im at step 2 now.


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
why not sex addicts

You know doctors used to say that real alcoholics were uncureable, they were put in sanitariuns ar locked up in jail. Today we know 1,000,000 have been cured of this plauge, by a higher power. Why not have that same power free sex addicts.

I you want to stop and can't. Do a test and see if you can look at porn for only 5 min. And if you cant your addicted.


Dec 18, 2008
Today we know 1,000,000 have been cured of this plauge, by a higher power.

Wow, you call this cured?? If they were really cured, they could drink alcohol after a detoxification without being addicted AGAIN...... Since just 1 beer could make them relapse after a detoxification then its cause you are not really cured of the addiction from alcohol.........


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I I am forced to make rules and not break them. I am only permitted 1 every 2 weeks. this makes it even more exiting because I have 14 days of trying to decide which one will I take. I make informed decisions and usually end up getting the best. If I mess up I am not allowed to make up for it for another 2 weeks. For example, next week will either be brittney of devilish, soo, the new asian on cr list, or the best eleganza can offer that week. I can also decide too use my bi monthly pick at the hilltop or at a massage parlor. I guess It all comes down to making your own guidelines in order to keep things in good balance.

Man, thanks Tommy. I don't feel so bad. I am a binge hobbyist. The last couple of times I traveled to hobby land I had incall and then outcall and then Outcall and then bar pick-up outcall. I go without sex for a few months and then fuck like a madman and spend my money like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Then it's eating in and renting movies for the next month. "What' that? You wanna go skiing this weekend? Can't. I gave all my money to Charity last pay check." (Charity works for Devilish).

But seriously, I'm good for a month our two and then when I hobby you think I would be satisfied with one girl per night? Hell no, I have to get another. I used to see one girl for an hour, share a bottle of wine and then go to sleep. Not anymore. Damn Cialis!


New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Wow, you call this cured?? If they were really cured, they could drink alcohol after a detoxification without being addicted

Cured may be the wrong word, lets say a higher power did for them what they could not do for ourselves, and that is to stop drinking alcohol.

BTW that was my insanity before my latest drinking spree after being dry for 9 years. Though I was cured and could drink again. And 7 years later WTF Thanks for pointing that out.

Anyway I didnt have that cumpulsive urge to look at the Hour classifieds for 2 hours yesterday .


Nov 12, 2007
You know doctors used to say that real alcoholics were uncureable, they were put in sanitariuns ar locked up in jail. Today we know 1,000,000 have been cured of this plauge, by a higher power.

Higher power, sure, but how does one get Chuck Norris to help you, he is a busy guy.
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