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How will the college closures affect Montreal's Hobbyland & Tourism?


Kansas Frank

Will Hobbyland see more co-eds as SP's because of early and longer college closures? :confused:

Is it too early to tell how tourism in Montreal will be affected?

I was hoping to find a way to come up to Montreal soon and enjoy the lovely SP's and Montreal's beauty, culture and hospitality.

Can the local Merbites share some insights on how their lives have been impacted by the recent student protests and college closures. :help:

I wonder if the hotels in downtown are being affected negatively.

Thanks guys and gals. :thumb:



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Can the local Merbites share some insights on how their lives have been impacted by the recent student protests and college closures.
Frank, I don't live downtown and don't get there often, but I'd say that daily life hasn't been affected at all. There was the smoke bomb incident last week that closed the Metro for a few hours and created quite a traffic mess.

But other than a few disruptions caused by street closures for demonstrations, I'd say life is pretty normal in my neck of the woods, not terribly far from downtown.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Is it too early to tell how tourism in Montreal will be affected?

Nah ! It's no where near of what happened last year in Vancouver (for the Stanley cup), London (with all their fireworks), or the 'Arab spring'.
According to our dear Gov. it's only a couple students whining who don't want to pay $300.00 more per year anyway :rolleyes:

I bet we'll make a festival out of this strike in the coming years !
It will be just another reason for us in Mtrl to party !!!

Kansas Frank

Thanks Guys. I finally had an opportunity to read up on the protests on CBC's website. It's probably less disruptive than the Occupy stuff. I was hoping more co-eds would come to Hobbyland and offer GFE for some extra credits, while class is out. :lol::nod::D They can say they are doing research on Hobbyland. The pay is pretty good. :lol:


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
I heard that 2/3 of the student population want to go back to school. The 1/3 of the student population doing all the protesting are the slacker types, squeegy kids that are just using school as an excuse not to work full time and support themselves.

The smart students want to go back and the stupid ones just use the student protest as a way to cause trouble and break things. Problem is people have too much rights here in North America. The government should seriously crack down and then you'll see how fast these students stop protesting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I heard that 2/3 of the student population want to go back to school. The 1/3 of the student population doing all the protesting are the slacker types, squeegy kids that are just using school as an excuse not to work full time and support themselves.

How do you know that? Did you conduct a survey to confirm this? This is a huge generalization without empirical evidence. I applause these students for what they are doing. It takes people like this to bring about change and ultimately a revolution. Have you ever considered how much taxes we pay in this province? A lot more then what residents of Ontario pay. To increase tuition in Quebec to the same price as Ontario is absurd.

The smart students want to go back and the stupid ones just use the student protest as a way to cause trouble and break things. Problem is people have too much rights here in North America. The government should seriously crack down and then you'll see how fast these students stop protesting.

I see another issue here. Businesses have too much rights to do whatever they want... constantly increasing prices of food and products and outsourcing our work to other countries while the people in this country loose their jobs. Government should start to crack down on these corporations abuse of power and you will see the quality of life for a lot of regular people increase. In either case this is out of the scope of this thread. As for the government... what can I say... we pay way too many taxes here... a lot of our money going to pay for other people and poor management.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I heard that 2/3 of the student population want to go back to school. The 1/3 of the student population doing all the protesting are the slacker types, squeegy kids that are just using school as an excuse not to work full time and support themselves.

The smart students want to go back and the stupid ones just use the student protest as a way to cause trouble and break things. Problem is people have too much rights here in North America. The government should seriously crack down and then you'll see how fast these students stop protesting.

Hello TD,

Hmmmmmm, I could swear I've read the same kind of thing before. Now where was that? Oh yeah, I was studying U. S. protests against the Vietnam War and the propaganda against them.

Sorry, but this sounds exactly like another case of someone superimposing their biases on the situation. Slackers don't go out and protest. They sit on their butts until things blow over. Protest is usually an act of courage and devotion, not slacking. What you've said is exactly the same thing the establishment said to vilify anti-war protesters and civil rights demonstrators who were called slackers and trouble makers...and a helluva lot the 60s.

"Government should start to crack down on these corporations..."
unfortunately Cloud 500, many in government are too often in bed with these corporations. But you are right about how business is trending toward moving jobs out to save on labor while also raising prices. It's lose-lose for locals.




Aug 30, 2009
Problem is people have too much rights here in North America. The government should seriously crack down and then you'll see how fast these students stop protesting.
From your comments, I sense that you feel a certain discomfort living in a place where democratic rights are still respected. Check out this link for a list of countries where you may feel much more comfortable: The World's Worst Dictatorships

Kansas Frank

Canada does not face the same austerity conditions that have prompted the Greeks and Spaniards to take to the streets.

Regardless of the protesters' motives, let's hope a reasonable resolution will be reached and all of the students who want to go back to school can. And the slackers can go find something else to do. And the SP's can return to work and hobbyists can continue to help the Montreal economy. ;)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
The stupid ones just use the student protest as a way to cause trouble and break things.

Yeah we all believe the ones breaking things are 'only stupid students'.

Gov. and Police never, ever (I can assure you) had any intention in misleading the population.
It happened only once and that was it !

Since then only students were involved in breaking things.

We are proud to believe our dearest gov. of them all !


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Visit site
As a hobbyist, I hope students end up paying more... That only means one thing.....even more chicks on annonce123.

Yes, i'm a dirty pig!


Aug 30, 2009
Yeah we all believe the ones breaking things are 'only stupid students'.

Gov. and Police never, ever (I can assure you) had any intention in misleading the population.
It happened only once and that was it !
Actually, there are plenty of cases of police wrong doing during the recent demonstrations. Here are just a few examples:

Kansas Frank

Perhaps some of the co-eds will sign up with some of the escort agencies to serve the higher demand for GFE SP's during the Grand Prix. :):wave:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
So will Montreal's tourism be affected ?

Nah ! probably just a little bit from the people who believed this gov. in wanting to portrayed the students as violents and did everything they could to make them (the gov.) look like honest and fair.

So they used the same old tactics that Libs used back in the 70's to make Montreal look like a city under a terrorist threath !
With provocators and special treaths...

Sorry but... les bonhommes sept heures sont toute a Quebec a s't'heure ci !

Meanwhile (go figure) this gov. who tried to scary people, even asked for the usual huge bonfire tradition at the St-Jean (June 24th) to get back in Mtrl. Something that was not allowed for some years now. Betcha some Charest's fans will step in the fire to start something like the a.. who did it in Quebec couple years ago.

In the mean time, the same minister Courchesne who slamed the door on the students and refused to fix this Charest mess blaming the students is... once again in hot waters on a report of favoritism.
Will there be another chief of cabinet fired to cover up ?

All of this to show that now... we all know where the sh!t was and still is coming from !

So as a local, I'll be enjoying once again Mtrl all summer long !
Warm nights, hot and sexy girls, lots of music, good food, drinking and partying !

My todo list is long specially from MGOF, Devilish and GG.
Probably will indulge with Nadya's while as always... having fun with my fav. Indy !

I predict this summer in Mtrl to be a real hot one ! :eyebrows:

Yahoo !


Sep 3, 2009

I know Montreal's Grand Prix has a considerably lower amount of ticket sales and that hotels that are usually fully booked are about 70% reserved this year.
As far as SPs, there might be some delay due to traffic, but we are used to summers in Montreal with the usual festivals, fireworks, endless construction, etc etc... We keep our smile and are considering buying BIXI keys to the girls :)
Montreal tends to be a bit cahotic in the summer, but as Gentle so perfectly said it : The heat, the girls, the joie de vivre of Montreal's summers are well worth the hassle!
I am personally more bothered by the KLANG KLANG KLANG of the pots and pans at 8pm every night!

Lola xox


Dec 27, 2009

I know Montreal's Grand Prix has a considerably lower amount of ticket sales and that hotels that are usually fully booked are about 70% reserved this year.
. . .
That is so true. I booked air/hotel very early this year. Rates for air/hotel has not increased much, if any, given we are just a couple days away.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
So ? has it been hell in Mtrl ?

In May, Montreal lost -7.4%
While in Quebec city they got -5% which they conclude comes from less business travel.

In other words you can make these numbers say that Montreal could have had only -2.4% because of all this cling clang...

Anyway, what will matter more for people in Montreal in the coming months will be the fact that the health care system will cut over 20% of places in the 3 big hospital.
In a letter sent to Quebec health minister by the president of the doctors associations, Charest's gov. was clearly warned of the potential risk of disrupting Montreal hospital's health care system.

A letter that was left with no answer from the gov.
Seems they just didn't f*kin care of what the doctors had to say.

So don't worry about hotels occupancy... there will be plenty of empty rooms in the Montreal Hospitals this summer for this gov. lack of responsability ! :eyebrows:

Anyway... my limo should be coming up with my best buddies and we'll be up for a ride downtown !
The trick is to put a red square on the side doors and honk everytime you see someone shouting anything !

SO SO SO ! this gov. is SO fuckin retarded ! SO SO SO ! Honk Honk !

Here's to you ! cheers !
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts