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I caught Gonorrhea from BBBJ

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thank you Erase, that clarify that very well. Yeah i hope i never catch anything like that, worst part is like you said you just came back in the hobby, so even a guy like me who do that 1 time per 3-4 months have a chance, hope it never happen.

Wish they could just vaccinate us right away for all these shit :rolleyes:

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello jimmy,

If the lady or the agency or agencies involved were to come forward themselves with a statement, that would also be permitted. You are making a comparison between MERB moderators and the police performing an investigation. How would you propose that we perform such an investigation? Would you expect us to physically force the lady to have a medical examination against her will? MERB is an internet discussion forum. We have no legal standing and no right to interfere in anyone's private life.

If we discover that any name connected with this or any other unproved accusation is circulating via PM, those involved will be immediately and permanently banned from MERB.

As far as any agency having any control at all over what is or is not posted on MERB, I can tell you that no agency has now, has ever had or will ever have such control. If any agency did buy MERB from Fred Zed, there would be a mass resignation of the moderation staff. No agency controls MERB or what is posted here. The moderators and only the moderators have such control.

Finally, if you remember, there has been at least one case where an STD infection was posted on MERB as it was confirmed by the SP involved and the situation was resolved.

When proper proof can be provided we have no problem with allowing the information to be posted. When there is no proof and no admission by the party in question, there is no possible way we can allow it to be posted.

This is MERB policy and it will not be changed no matter how many members complain or post about it.

Now, if anyone wishes to discuss any MERB policy, please start a separate thread for it in the Lounge. Continued discussion of policy in this thread is considered off topic and will only result in the closing of the thread.

Mod 8

lol are you for real ??? just say you will not do it period, dont take us for dumb asses by putting such a condition
imagine the police having a similar policy , only if the criminal leaves a signed and notarized letter at the crime scene that we would move ahead and arrest him
on the other hand making it 100% public is like the sex offenders registry in the states it fucks up people
however PM is not public , it will not show in the search or google

other wise you are simply a toy in the agency hand, how do we actually know for a fact that MERB didnt fall in an agency operator hands already, it would be very smart move to buy MERB if i was an agency owner,

or if i was an organized operation outfit ..

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
gonorrhea is also another sexually transmitted disease however it has medication, Sulphur is the most commonly used medication, however it is a disease that is best to prevent than cure

Sulphur? If you want to do it old school then how about silver nitrate? Sheesh!

I'll stick to antibiotics if I ever have the misfortune...


gonorrhea is also another sexually transmitted disease however it has medication, Sulphur is the most commonly used medication, however it is a disease that is best to prevent than cure

Looking at the URL in the signature, I think this is a spam post. If it was my board, I'd delete it.


Oct 9, 2008
different avenue

so after reading 5 pages of mod member arguments i figured check the blue
and no thread whatsoever im sure if some of you have info that you would like to share there are places where it can be done hint hint

on the other hand if an agency were to sue this board for whatever reason it would probably
make front page of journal de montreal and cause amazing morning show ethics debates

if an advertiser here on merb where to promote a 22 year old sp in the advertizing section
and she gets to my house and i see she's more like 29 can i sue the board for letting its
advertisers knowingly produce false information on this board

well i hope i don't get another month suspension for general shit disturbing

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello drinker,

It seems that you have returned to the same point you were at when you were banned.

Could you tell me what your post has to do with the topic of this thread? 5 pages of mod/member arguments? Could you please tell me where they are because I certainly do not see them. And then you bring up legal and advertising questions that have nothing to do with this thread in any way. All in all, not a very good start to your return.

Just a small word of advice, if you are banned again it will not be for a month, it will be permanent. If I were you, I would conduct myself accordingly and stay away from rambling, off topic posts in the future as well as trying to promote another board.

This is your one and only warning.

Mod 8

so after reading 5 pages of mod member arguments i figured check the blue
and no thread whatsoever im sure if some of you have info that you would like to share there are places where it can be done hint hint

on the other hand if an agency were to sue this board for whatever reason it would probably
make front page of journal de montreal and cause amazing morning show ethics debates

if an advertiser here on merb where to promote a 22 year old sp in the advertizing section
and she gets to my house and i see she's more like 29 can i sue the board for letting its
advertisers knowingly produce false information on this board

well i hope i don't get another month suspension for general shit disturbing


Active Member
Jul 18, 2004
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Sorry what happened Erase...but is a no go from from now on..seems like lots of stuff is going around these days...and if you are still in contact with these agencies, and they refuse to prove or disprove you, then that should be a red flag and they should be labeled imo.


New Member
Jan 7, 2004
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I've been hobbying on and off since 1997 with no problems. Came across this story and had to post. Recently came back from a trip and had symptoms. Got tested and it was positive for G.

Worst part is I passed it onto my wife...

Let's just say it's not a good story.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2004
Visit site
I`ve been hobbying on and off since 1997 with no problems. Came across this story and had to post. Recently came back from a trip and had symptoms. Got tested and it was positive for G.

Worst part is I passed it onto my wife...

Let`s just say it`s not a good story.

hmmm..trip from where, MTL? What actions do you think caused this, ? If you could narrow it down to the sps you saw you should contact the agencies and inform them just in case.

Man....more and more of these stories/cases are being written on the ``boards`` these days!


Yeah no kidding...yikes.:eek:


New Member
Sep 1, 2003
far from Quebec
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I will weigh in again on this subject as I did on another post because i think it merits considerable dialog/thoughts. I was on vacation a few years back in Germany and went to an FKK. I had two encounters, both covered intercourse and both . The second girl gave me a demonic with somewhat painful sucking action and I finished in her mouth. I went back home showing no signs or symptoms of any problems, but I still went into an anonymnous clinic to get a quick test for STD`s. I`m very glad I did. The results (some 5 days after my FKK experience) were positive for Gonnorhea. Again, I had NO SYMPTOMS. I explained to the elderly lady at the clinic that I didn`t think it was possible to contract G from a blowjob. She told me the virus can live, and live well inside a person`s throat with no symptoms to that person. I was given a single antibiotic pill for G and given a two week dose of antibiotics for Chlymidia even though I hadn`t tested positive for that. Supposedly, the two often go hand in hand.....lovely! Shortly after I took the pill, green pus shot out of my dick into my underwear. I would decribe it as my dick having a terrible cold.......disgusting! It definitely confirmed my diagnosis. What I learned from this experience.......
You absolutely can contract Gonorrhea from a
I don`t know if CIM increases chances but I think it might
You can have G and feel no pain or see no pus
On a side note, since this poster experienced symptoms, it is highly unlikely he caught G from provider 1. Most likely from his most recent encounter. While I still hobby occasionally, I do not practice for obvious reasons.


New Member
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, QC

I am late in sending in this message, but I also had my 1st EVER, in my life encounter with a SP, and I too caught Gonorrhea from her, from her doing a about 6 months ago. The overall experience with the SP was not positive, I was nervous and barely able to to get it up, she did a lot of work on me trying to get me going. I only did one hour, and did not attempt to do PIV. Immediately afterwards I felt stinging in my hole, and I instantly was concerned that I caught something, and it just started stinging and hurting worse for the next few days until I went to the clinic and got it checked out, and sure enough, I had gonorrhea and had to take drugs to get it cleared up.

I regret her not using a condom. I ironically had JUST read this thread posting before the experience, but she didn`t offer for the , so I followed her lead. I followed up with the agency in question, and had to make several calls to them before they acknowledged to me that the SP was no longer working for them, it was all taken care of, and that was it. At one point I was told I would be compensated for my troubles, and then next the last time I called, nothing. It was a pretty sad experience, and makes me never really want to do it again, unless I could get a SP I want.

I was trying to get a certain SP, but she was never available over a 3 week window, so I chose a different SP, and I was not that attracted to her at all, very short, and stocky with large boobs, a real turn-off for me.

So that was my unfortunate experience, if anyone has any feedback or advice for me on how to have a better experience next time, please let me know.

- Chex

I had two encounters with girls from well-known outcall services, and five days after the second I came down with a serious case of the Clap (ironic, since I was doing this for years with no obvious problems). To compound things I was out of the country and was not able to get treated until three days after the onset of symptoms. This was not fun - day one was pus and painful urination. Day three involved blood. Yuck.


Apr 21, 2009
My feedback is (and not meant to offend in any way), don't go F'ing around with anyone you don't know. Don't do SP's, MP's, SW's or strippers. For the most part, these are all women in a high risk (sexually that is) profession. Play it safe and try to find a lover on a dating website or something like that and only sleep with her once you've gotten to know her. I've been in your shoes before so I understand what you feel. But the reality is, that if you want to avoid any of these "unfortunate experiences" as you put it, just avoid putting yourself in those risky situations.

That's worked for me!

Kansas Frank

Erase -- hope you're doing well. Sorry for you pain. So, are you fully cured. I love DATY and DFK. But like everyone on this thread said if the Y does not smell or look right, don't engage in DATY.


Guess who's back to play!
Ok.. Easiest way of honestly checking and you love to have bbj sans condom... Make moves like you are caressing there neck.. You feel a lump that is a bit to big then make a judgment call... (We all know how to check to see if a women smells down there with out going down there) If you really want to know... Tell her to open her mouth by a light and look to see if you see something funky growing in her mouth.... I'm smart with all the calls I do.. And if I see something isn't right I don't go there.. But I'm also one who when I get my STD test done every 3 months I also ask them to do a full std culture orally too...

I am now prepared for the PMs or comment directed to me here.. lol


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Welcome back Lisa, where have you been?

Ok.. Easiest way of honestly checking and you love to have bbj sans condom... Make moves like you are caressing there neck.. You feel a lump that is a bit to big then make a judgment call... (We all know how to check to see if a women smells down there with out going down there) If you really want to know... Tell her to open her mouth by a light and look to see if you see something funky growing in her mouth.... I'm smart with all the calls I do.. And if I see something isn't right I don't go there.. But I'm also one who when I get my STD test done every 3 months I also ask them to do a full std culture orally too...

I am now prepared for the PMs or comment directed to me here.. lol
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