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I Need a French Lesson: How do you say bbbj-tc-im-NO STOP-NO QUIT!!!!


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
chef said:
Juliana (glad I'm still your darling),

You are missing a piece: I was just implying that you wrote that erotic post under the influence, not while preparing for "mutual explosion". Shijak was delusional when he submitted his post, implying that you were in the midst of it...I would hope that in the midst of it you would not be signed into MERB :D

I agree that alcohol and sex don't go ("If drink be the equivocator of love"...the Bard), but....what do you drink when you eat oysters ?


The last time I had oisters I was with friends who had chosen Champagne because there was a graduation celebration among us.

But what do I drink with Oisters hummmmmmmmmm ? I love drinking wine, ( I particular love the Amarone's Vapollicella ) I adore Champagne because it taste like, accomplishiments, and happiness, champagne makes my soul laugh.

No I dont log on merb, during............................ ! Does anyone ?

Shijak, you are one cannot have too much of mutual explosions. BUt BTWY, how did you come to despise sex, perhaps you dislike bad sex.

Shijak if ever come to my services please iidentify yourself so I can fake as if I am having a horrible time, so you dont trow cold water on me, okay ?
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Jul 25, 2003
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HarmonyNYC said:
I need to know how to say "no stop, no quit... once I begin to ejaculate it is the most important thing to keep going, continue the effort in full effect even past the completion".
How do I say that in French?

Rasoir said:
"Une fille fine est une fille qui suce
Une fille fine fine est une fille qui suce et avale
Une fille fine, fine, fine est une fille qui suce, avale et prend un taxi"
Patrick Huard (Rasoir) Dans le film Comment ma mère accoucha de moi durant sa ménopause de Sébastien Rose.

So you ask her: Est-tu une fille fine,fine,fine?


Bored silly...
May 16, 2006
Just say "Non non non... pas d'arrete... continue sil vous plait... je aller beintot" :D

I know my french sucks. =_=
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