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is anal so better than vaginal?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have had anal a few times. The first time an Elaganza girl offered it to me for free so I tried it. I remember thinking that I couldn't really tell the difference from the sensation of the two orafices. In Brasil Anal seems to be part of the standard service. I have done this a few times in Brasil. Recently I came in a girls ass for the first time. It was good. But again, I don't feel a whole lot of difference between the vagina or the anus so why pay extra for it? I certainly wouldn't pay double like they charge in a German FKK.

S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
Of course there's a difference. I never take an appointment with an SP that does not offer greek. I don't always do it but i want to have this option available. Personnaly, i like the moment when you are penetrating ... Plus, i think the girls in this biz who are offering it are really cochonne in their private life, so, it makes me more confident that she is enjoying her work.

@ Jerking, you are one lucky dude. I've had a couple ''mudslide'' on the condom. My favorite SP was a latina girl on the south shore at Oscar, i can't recall her name, but man, when she was saying ''Défonce-moi le cul'' with her little accent ... :peace:
Whether a thermometer is stuck in the ass, mouth or pussy, the body temperature should be the same, 98.6 degrees fahrenheit.

Ummm, no. Not unless something is wrong.

Oral and rectal temperatures are NOT naturally the same. Oral and rectal thermometers are calibrated differently for that reason. The calibrations are made in order to make them theoretically match if both are used in the same person at the same time. However, use the same thermometer and you'll get different numbers because the actual temperatures are different.

Axillary and tympanic thermometers are common, as well, and they are different still. I've never heard of a specialized vaginal thermometer, but usually vaginal temperature is a bit lower than rectal.

"Normal" body temperature is NOT 98.6 Fahrenheit. That's a made-up number based on an average of around 37 Celsius, which is exactly 98.6F. The Fahrenheit number gives the impression of great precision and specificity (after all, why not 98.5?) because of the accident that someone decided a nice, round 37 sounded good in the Celsius system.

All of these ways of checking temperature are proxies for "core" body temperature, which can't directly be measured except by putting some sort of device deep in someone's body. They're all subject to various factors that limit their accuracy.

Saying that a temperature "any warmer than" some cutoff is a sure sign of infection is very inaccurate. The cutoffs used are arbitrary to begin with - in my training, we viewed 38C / 100.4 as a mild fever that probably did not warrant medical attention and started paying attention at 38.5C / 101.3, but other places use other numbers. For one thing, we used Celsius but where I practice now everyone uses Fahrenheit in nice round numbers such as 100 or 101. There are many reasons besides infection that will raise either core or surface body temperature (or both). One benign example would be running up a flight or two of stairs. Another would be sunbathing.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Saying that a temperature "any warmer than" some cutoff is a sure sign of infection is very inaccurate.

Actually you're the one being inaccurate. I said "sign", not "sure sign". I have been in the hospital enough and have had serious invasive surgeries and that is exactly why they take your temperature reading frequently after you have been cut open. Apparently you have never had invasive surgery before.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The point is if a body part gets warmer then it usually is, it may be infected, but you can't compare two different body parts. They will feel different.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Thanks for the correct explanation Sionarf. Yes it does feel warmer.

Personally, I don't like it as much. Aside from the difficultly with initial penetration the need to continually lube is tideous, but you can actually feel stuck if you don't. If a girl has been doing her keigel exercises the pussy is plenty tight enough for me.

I'm guessing that porn has artificially increased the popularity of anal just as it did for COF. Good for birth control, bad for std's.


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Feb 6, 2006
Vaginal temperature changes during ovulation. Also, body parts temperature changes as blood rushes to the area. Just like when you get an injury, blood rushes to the affected area. When a body part is stimulated and blood rushes there, the temperature will change.


Nov 23, 2007
It's a completely personal thing. For me, I love greek, and I know a lot of why I love it is mental and visual, because if I was blindfolded and the girl stuck my dick in her ass, I probably wouldn't know it. The thrill for me is that she is allowing me to do something that is a little taboo, something that most women do not allow, something that is even more intimate, at least in my eyes. Also, the visual part, just watching myself go in and out of such an intimate spot, it really gets me going. Of course, the girl has to be into it as well. I don't think I'd get much of a thrill if I had to beg her, and she reluctantly agreed.

And as mentioned by other posters, preparation is key. I hooked up with a girl a couple of times who really loved it and really wanted it. However, she did not know how to prepare herself for it, and the two time I saw her and tried it, I got a lovely surprise. Nothing changes the mood quicker than that. She wanted to get together a 3rd time, and she said she would prepare better for it, but the whole thought of doing it with her was ruined.

That's the beauty of sex......everyone has their own tastes and desires. As long as both parties involved are into it, then it is fine.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That information demonstrates that if the condom breaks or slips during anal sex, you likely have a much bigger concern than you do if same thing happens during vaginal intercourse. Of course, if you are using decent condoms, neither should happen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

That information demonstrates that if the condom breaks or slips during anal sex, you likely have a much bigger concern than you do if same thing happens during vaginal intercourse. Of course, if you are using decent condoms, neither should happen.

But is happens. I have had a few break. Two in a row lst year with different girls. Both times the girl supplied them and both times it was taking me a long time to cum. Once was in Centaurus in Rio during vaginal intercourse just after an anal session with this one Mulher. I think it has happened three times in my hobby career.

Yes I agree


Mar 28, 2007
Not to be an ass, but all the crap flying around on this thread is really unnecessary. Lack of lubrication is really no reason to poo-poo anal sex.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Not to be an ass, but all the crap flying around on this thread is really unnecessary. Lack of lubrication is really no reason to poo-poo anal sex.

Flying crap? Guess the woman forgot to flush out beforehand? I don't think you're an ass.

But really, I have never tried anal sex on a woman. No woman I have fucked for free as part of the real girlfriend package has ever asked for it. One has joked about it and said don't even think about it. Which I responded, "I never have. Your pussy is all that I desire."

So I can't vote on this one. But the idea turns me off. And what happens when she farts? Does it stink up your cock for a few days?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Here is some research from the Journal of Epidemeology indicating that there is 18x greater risk of contracting aids from unprotected anal intercourse than there is from having unprotected vaginal intercourse.

It is probably because if the woman has hemmoroids, which can occur any time of the month, or if there is a tear in the anal skin, which is probably more sensitive than the vagina skin.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Why so much people trip on anal? I mean shure it must be tight but is it worth it?
I never really tried it. Seems such a delicate part of the anatomy.

Your not my friend?

"You may want to ask your gay friends who may offer some insight."

Thor, I understand you were simply asking about the difference between the vaginal and anal/greek sex experience. Since you have never tried it this would seem to indicate clearly you are not "gay". Why anyone then had to make such an association was unnecessarily impudent, baiting, and thoughtless.

I also don't see the relevance of continuing personal medical history that by individual proclamation has had no connection with anal sex. Yes, there are serious possible risks and complications with anal sex, but NOT any more frequent or more risky than with vaginal sex depending on the caution of the practitioners, and only slightly different in very specific ways. For any sex, the key is to be aware of the risks, carefully be sure to make the best preparations and take the best precautions whether it is vaginal or anal. Some of what is being said hear is using worst case scenarios and unrelated personal episodes by those who have absolutely no experience with anal seemingly to impose bias against the act.

Personally, I experienced "invasive surgery" at infancy, and a couple of times later...and there is no relevance to the subject of anal sex, beyond the simple natural fact that sex itself has risks depending on the situation, and any surgery is risky. Since any sex is risky to slightly varying degrees, and even vaginal sex can be extremely risky depending on the persons and the situation involved, the way some things are being presented it would seem that either NO SEX is the best answer, or there is possibly a bias and possibly a sexual orientation phobia at work here.

In regards to anal being unnatural in purely functional design aspect, oral sex seems to be almost totally absent from the revelations of the chief anti-anal advocate even though the mouth is not functionally natural for the penis, and oral is also a large part of the "gay" sexual repertoire.

I think those who can't help but impose unseemly and possibly bigoted biases on the subject of anal (male on female) sex here should remember this is a sex board that is open to exploring all sexual options that are reasonably safe and mutually consented by the partners. Anal sex is one of those options to discuss here, not an "unnatural" deviation any more than a very wide range of others such as DP, BDSM, Domination, toys, etc...or Oral. If it is not to your taste then fine. Many of these aren't to my taste either. But imposing bias, especially when you have NO EXPERIENCE on the subject, has no place.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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"You may want to ask your gay friends who may offer some insight." Why anyone then had to make such an association was unnecessarily impudent, baiting, and thoughtless.

Most people have gay friends. I do. I am sorry that your depth of analysis is so shallow that you would think this comment to suggest that I think Thor is gay as opposed to a straight person who has gay friends.

Your posts have lately evolved into those of a complete agitator, offering spins and innuendos on comments where none was ever intended. Hopefully the Moderators take note.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I do anal not because I enjoy it , but because of 1 of 2 reasons.
1) The girl likes it and wants me to do it.
2) The woman is a virgin and wants to save her virginity for her husband,and BTW I haven`t met a virgin since my teens.
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