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is anal so better than vaginal?


Jul 30, 2011
I want to reply to Merlot on this:

''From the position you take in your post I would guess you have decided about this without much experience, or have a such a strong distaste/bias against it that you can't believe women can enjoy it. Well, out of about 7-8 SPs I tried with, one asked me to without charging extra because she enjoyed it, and the other was absolutely a fanatic for it according to my experience and revelations of the same lady by mutual friends. Sorry, but it's true.''

Well my friend, I have so much experience in sex that I am almost getting scared of it! My experience is not limited to SPs but to women at large. Believe me, anal sex is mostly based on fantasy, male and female fantasy, but obviously for different reasons, not on real sexual pleasure. I could had believed you if you had told me that you got fucked in the ass and got a real good orgasm. But your are only telling me that your partner got so high on your fucking her ass. Well that's no scientific proof! She could tell you whatever she wants, she can fake as much as she wants. No matter how liberated a woman can be, she can always let her down to please you by giving you that impression that you dominate her by putting your dick in her ass and that she enjoys it!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Z,

I want to reply to Merlot on this:

Well my friend, I have so much experience in sex that I am almost getting scared of it! My experience is not limited to SPs but to women at large.

No one said otherwise. I can be sure only about myself, but I get the feeling no one came to this sex board as a virgin. :)

I referred to experience regarding anal only. Surely you see the logic that anyone who has a disdain for anal is NOT very likely to have any experience with it.

Believe me, anal sex is mostly based on fantasy, male and female fantasy, but obviously for different reasons, not on real sexual pleasure. I could had believed you if you had told me that you got fucked in the ass and got a real good orgasm. But your are only telling me that your partner got so high on your fucking her ass. Well that's no scientific proof! She could tell you whatever she wants, she can fake as much as she wants. No matter how liberated a woman can be, she can always let her down to please you by giving you that impression that you dominate her by putting your dick in her ass and that she enjoys it!

I know you are partially right. Most of those who have offered me anal did it for money. It was obvious they didn't enjoy it, because they made the experience very limited and the discomfort was clear enough.

As for "scientific proof" I'm not sure why you require this or why it's necessary. Do you require those you've been with to have a gynecological test to prove they enjoyed sex in general or to prove there was an orgasm? Anyone who requires those standards is making it impossible to enjoy anything sexual. By the same standard (Scientific Proof) I don't know if you are a man or woman, ever knew if any woman you were with had an orgasm, have had sex at all or ever been with a woman. Certainly no one can prove much of anything just by writing their story on a sex board from behind a computer. But what we can do reasonably is grant each other some respect for their word, at least until the other person shows there is reason not to give that respect.

In matters of sex or love I would tend to doubt that anyone has ever had an expert medical team in the next room monitoring everything on camera and performing gynecological tests immediately to fulfill the scientific proof standards you cite here, or a professional lie detector team ready if anyone says... "I love you". So generally, this whole scientific proof thing is just a little bit crazy....and possibly just a joke.

But here is what seems to be credible proof. If someone orders cherry pie among many choices without any prompting or prospect of reward, then it's safe to presume they like cherry pie. Now one SP who I had already told I had only enough cash with me for little more than an hour, according to her rates, stayed with me for close to 3 hours. After the first hour she asked for anal sex, "because I love it" she said, even though it was never mentioned and certainly could not be paid for as she already knew before requesting it. So since she requested anal without prompting or prospect of reward, and continued with it for quite some time, it can be reasonably presumed she liked it. Or are you saying she put herself through discomfort and possibly pain for no reason. :rolleyes: If anyone requires scientific proof in that case then they are a hopeless cynic.

In another case, an anal addict did get paid most of the time for that option, but she also pushed aside opportunities to move on to something else in her preference to continue anal a number of times, and a couple of times she dropped her fee for anal altogether. So again, maybe this isn't scientific...but she sure liked the "cherry pie". ;) :nod: :D Unfortunately regarding scientific proof my gynecological team was on vacation in Cancun, and the batteries for the lie detector were dead.

Putting all of this aside let's just use some logic. In this world there are a lot of people who enjoy a lot of different unusual, odd, strange, seemingly unnatural, even freakish things. It just follows that in the arena of eroticism there are people who would enjoy anal sex (women and men) regardless of whether anyone else thinks it's unnatural, freakish, or are too conservative and/or cynical to believe it. Otherwise there would be no interest or profit in certain sexual areas such as Domination, Bondage, or many other various preferences that persist widely and it would be a very "standard" world.

Finally the idea that I should experience and enjoy the same act, a disgusting thought in this case, to prove what others have told me about their enjoyment of it, not only has no connection to scientific proof as to what others enjoy, but is simply idiotic. If you haven't met any woman who enjoys anal it means nothing about others except enjoyment is not as common. That's all. If you haven't even tried it with a woman you have no cause to comment. If you are cynical or disbelieving about the possibility some women might enjoy it in the first place, then you are hopeless on this issue. And your choice to characterize this act with the label dominate shows you probably have a very limited view of it or some sort of inner issue. I have never used that characterization in my view of the act.

Frankly, your statement in bold regarding self experience makes me wonder if you are one of the former characters from elsewhere.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
When i saw the SP you are referring to the first time, it was only for an hour and the time with this gem just flew by, and the last thing i said to her before she went to shower was that the time came and went so fast with her (it was non stop crazy crazy off the wall fun) and i said i heard she liked anal (why i did not mention this first i dont know, she was just so sexual and took my mind to another world) well, she got the biggest smile on her face and said and i quote "i adore anal sex, next time we will do for sure bebe" ....... Next time, she remembered and offered it to me w/o me asking, no charge. Another very very, VERY popular sp also told me she orgasms harder during anal than vaginal, and she also loves it,.... by the way, if a sp does not charge extra for it, then thats a good indication that she does indeed love it, thats not to say she still wont charge you but just saying if it is included, then chances are, they love it. SO, not all women hate it or just do it for the money, some "adore" it. If you had seen the world class booty's on these 2 naked, it would be hard to resist if they asked you to perform it on them, which they both did. If a girl loves anal, then i'm fine with it, but it is something i dont have to have and is only enjoyable if i know she loves it.

I do not expect you to understand this. I barely understand this myself....I think what I am trying to say (or demonstrate) is that the particular SP that I perform this act on is so hot that I find the most disgusting part of her (her asshole) edible. In the heat of passion I will practice this sex act on a SP. There are several Montreal SP's that I have done this with. One just announced her retirement for the umpteenth time this week.


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Jan 13, 2004
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May 23, 2004
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I remember reading a while back that, in a gay couple, each guy takes turns receiving "to be fair."

In this interview with porn star Aubrey Addams, she explains the difference between anal sex with a woman and anal with a man:

RAY: You don’t think guys enjoy anal sex?

AUBREY: I don’t think so. I mean, from what I’ve heard they can’t really get off doing it.

RAY: Have you talked to gay guys?

AUBREY: Well… Obviously gay guys are different. I mean, what are they gonna fuck? Some guys’ armpit?

RAY: Guys have a prostate. So allegedly, ass sex feels pretty good. But since I never plan on trying it, I’m going to take your word. Even if it felt good, it would be overshadowed by the sheer horror that some dude’s dick was up my butt.

AUBREY: No! [Laughs] I was talking about when a guy stick his dick inside a girls’ asshole. From what I’ve heard, it’s difficult for the guy to get off that way. I mean, there’s only so much tightness, then there’s all that open area once you’re in. After you pass the colon, you know… What else is there?

RAY: Ugh. Hopefully nothing.

AUBREY: Eww… [Laughs] No. Just wide-open spaces, dude.


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Well I had an unusual experience at my favorite strip club, and my usual dancer, her name will not be provided so no pms please, and I talked about sex before going to the booth, we tried everything so far, except anal, so we talked about it a little and once in the booth we tried this whole anal thing. I never tried this before as I find anal sex kind of ugly actually. If I'm watching porn I'd usually skip that part. So there I was with major wood behind my girl with her cheeks spread wide, hmmm, and I aimed it right in there but wouldn't you know it, the helmet part of my penis couldn't fit inside, I tried and stretched deep into her tight cheeks but no penetration, it just...just...just wouldn't go in, it was kind of frustrating actually, it was like trying trying to fit an egg into a dime sized hole. Maybe I stretched it into a dollar sized hole as only 3/4 of the head was able to squeeze inside, she eventually reached behind to jack me off. That was nice of her. So what I learned that night is that lubricant is absolutely necessary for butt sex otherwise, it's just going to be a hand job.
Jun 8, 2011
Same anal is better than vaginal, it it is too tight and there is a struggle to get in it my not be as good as vaginal. Goof Anal is when it slips in but it is tighter than pussy.

Dirty Bastard

Sep 9, 2013
Having topped both males and females, I prefer anal sex with guys. Nothing feels better than fucking a dude in the Ass. You should all try it. I'm sure many guys here would love to be Boned up the Ass. A girl that likes anal sex is a real PIG and is the best girls to have sex with. In my experience.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Anal where the girl doesn't allow digits is blah. Yet if she allows digits at the same time as anal then I would categorize it as an amazing experience. The convulsions and shaking when she cums while you hold up one of her legs..... you will never forget that moment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Those are rare gems. In this hobby I ran into three gals who were willing to do so - Jezabelle of SD, the Great Flood Jasmine and Angelic of Eleganza. Just only three! Sadly two out of the three retired. With regular civie chics I only ran into only one girl willing to have the double hole action.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I had one partner who during her bad week was really into anal, Condoms and she prepared well and was lubed.
It was most enjoyable, for both of us. Not quite as spontaneous as vaginal intercourse, which could occur any time
but satisfying. Both are good and if both of you enjoy it great. I guess trust is the biggest issue. and if its good and enjoyable
for both get on with it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ummmmmm memories, ;)

If you ever consider anal, to enjoy it you've got to separate the images and experiences of natural functions from the sexual pleasure. For a long time I was unable to do that, but if the lady handles herself properly with preparation the negative first impressions of anal have nothing to do with the enjoyment, even if extra care must still be used.

Jezabelle of SD, the Great Flood Jasmine and Angelic of Eleganza.

As for digits and toys, I've met two great ladies who truly craved anal, Jasmine and Michelle, and one other who could get into it like it's a great big birthday present, Tabatha. In their cases toys and digits were an additional part of their big excitement, but much of the time unnecessary. Sure, manual additions could add a lot to heighten satisfaction for them, but without them they showed they could still reach those heights, and one was especially gifted at achieving explosive satisfaction purely on anal stimulation alone without toys or anything else but male penetration.

Once a guy finds a hot three hole player, it is a complete letdown if he happens to see a non GFE chick who does only CBJs and has a hissy fit when he starts to put some lube up her butt.

I'm curious about what you are indicating. You seem to say you tried to lube a lady's butt intending to do anal either though you knew she wasn't GFE or didn't know if she was. In other words, not asking before doing. Could you clarify? I knew a guy who did that when he was drunk. The last thing he remembered was something coming down hard on his skull before he woke on the floor several hours later.

Good luck,



ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Guess what, I was not supposed to CIM but she forgot to mention that,
No offense I don't really get that part ... Are you not supposed to ask BEFORE imho ??? :help:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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No offense I don't really get that part ... Are you not supposed to ask BEFORE imho ??? :help:

I agree. I think it's completely classless to not at least loudly warn a girl before you're about to cum and if she doesn't stop then continue, but to just let loose without any warning is unacceptable.


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Jun 21, 2003
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I can see the point of view from Patron as asking for certain services beforehand will only get an auto response from the girl.

I never ask a girl what she offers as I just tell her we'll go with the flow as sometimes a girl will offer more when in the heat of the moment.

But with each moment whether it be anal, dfk, daty, cim, etc... I always lead into it so the girl knows what is coming giving her the option to let me continue or wave me off.

But in no way should you just stick it in her ass or just pop in her mouth without warning.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Guess what, I was not supposed to CIM but she forgot to mention that. She was really pissed and she did theatrics much like the lady that Jack Nicholson kissed in the movie About Schmidt (the lady did not want to be kissed by him). Her theatrics were so funny that I started laughing.

I agree with Pat98. Should you not be asking or at least warn her? That is very disrespectful . She had every right to yell at you. How would you like it while doing DATY she pees in your mouth?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The Don,

I agree with you... Some things you got to warn such as CIM. You are unloading your fluids into her mouth. After all she is not your GF.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I am like an artist and the sheets are my canvas and the girl is my medium. I have an idea of what the girl will or will not do from reviews and the web sites. I never know exactly what I want or how it is going to go. I feel it through the girl. Many - in fact most things - during the date go unspoken and just flow. And if I cum in her mouth? Well, that is just my artistic expression.
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