Hello Z,
I want to reply to Merlot on this:
Well my friend, I have so much experience in sex that I am almost getting scared of it! My experience is not limited to SPs but to women at large.
No one said otherwise. I can be sure only about myself, but I get the feeling no one came to this sex board as a virgin.
I referred to experience regarding anal only. Surely you see the logic that anyone who has a disdain for anal is NOT very likely to have any experience with it.
Believe me, anal sex is mostly based on fantasy, male and female fantasy, but obviously for different reasons, not on real sexual pleasure. I could had believed you if you had told me that you got fucked in the ass and got a real good orgasm. But your are only telling me that your partner got so high on your fucking her ass. Well that's no scientific proof! She could tell you whatever she wants, she can fake as much as she wants. No matter how liberated a woman can be, she can always let her down to please you by giving you that impression that you dominate her by putting your dick in her ass and that she enjoys it!
I know you are partially right. Most of those who have offered me anal did it for money. It was obvious they didn't enjoy it, because they made the experience very limited and the discomfort was clear enough.
As for "scientific proof" I'm not sure why you require this or why it's necessary. Do you require those you've been with to have a gynecological test to prove they enjoyed sex in general or to prove there was an orgasm? Anyone who requires those standards is making it impossible to enjoy anything sexual. By the same standard (Scientific Proof) I don't know if you are a man or woman, ever knew if any woman you were with had an orgasm, have had sex at all or ever been with a woman. Certainly no one can prove much of anything just by writing their story on a sex board from behind a computer. But what we can do reasonably is grant each other some respect for their word, at least until the other person shows there is reason not to give that respect.
In matters of sex or love I would tend to doubt that anyone has ever had an expert medical team in the next room monitoring everything on camera and performing gynecological tests immediately to fulfill the scientific proof standards you cite here, or a professional lie detector team ready if anyone says... "I love you". So generally, this whole scientific proof thing is just a little bit crazy....and possibly just a joke.
But here is what seems to be credible proof. If someone orders cherry pie among many choices without any prompting or prospect of reward, then it's safe to presume they like cherry pie. Now one SP who I had already told I had only enough cash with me for little more than an hour, according to her rates, stayed with me for close to 3 hours. After the first hour she asked for anal sex, "because I love it" she said, even though it was never mentioned and certainly could not be paid for as she already knew before requesting it. So since she requested anal without prompting or prospect of reward, and continued with it for quite some time, it can be reasonably presumed she liked it. Or are you saying she put herself through discomfort and possibly pain for no reason.

If anyone requires scientific proof in that case then they are a hopeless cynic.
In another case, an anal addict did get paid most of the time for that option, but she also pushed aside opportunities to move on to something else in her preference to continue anal a number of times, and a couple of times she dropped her fee for anal altogether. So again, maybe this isn't scientific...but she sure liked the "cherry pie".


Unfortunately regarding scientific proof my gynecological team was on vacation in Cancun, and the batteries for the lie detector were dead.
Putting all of this aside let's just use some logic. In this world there are a lot of people who enjoy a lot of different unusual, odd, strange, seemingly unnatural, even freakish things. It just follows that in the arena of eroticism there are people who would enjoy anal sex (women and men) regardless of whether anyone else thinks it's unnatural, freakish, or are too conservative and/or cynical to believe it. Otherwise there would be no interest or profit in certain sexual areas such as Domination, Bondage, or many other various preferences that persist widely and it would be a very "standard" world.
Finally the idea that I should experience and enjoy the same act, a disgusting thought in this case, to prove what others have told me about their enjoyment of it, not only has no connection to scientific proof as to what others enjoy, but is simply idiotic. If you haven't met any woman who enjoys anal it means nothing about others except enjoyment is not as common. That's all. If you haven't even tried it with a woman you have no cause to comment. If you are cynical or disbelieving about the possibility some women might enjoy it in the first place, then you are hopeless on this issue. And your choice to characterize this act with the label
dominate shows you probably have a very limited view of it or some sort of inner issue. I have never used that characterization in my view of the act.
Frankly, your statement in bold regarding self experience makes me wonder if you are one of the former characters from elsewhere.