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is anal so better than vaginal?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have an idea of what the girl will or will not do from reviews and the web sites.

1st, I typically don't book girls that don't allow CIM.

2nd, I don't ask mother may I in bed very much. I just do it. That is what most girls are looking for anyway.

Let me ask you a question. I trust that you have had a girl friend before in your life? did you ever ask a girl "can I kiss you?" Of course not. Only a wimp would do that . You just do it. Because of the MERB website, the agency web site, conversations with the booker, PMs from fellow MERBites, TER, you know exactly what a girl will or will not do by the time that girl knocks on your door. Anything else can be covered during the initial glass of vino but I almost never have that discussion. who needs it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Let me ask you a question. I trust that you have had a girl friend before in your life? did you ever ask a girl "can I kiss you?" Of course not. Only a wimp would do that . You just do it.

I think that is the point... She is not your girlfriend. I agree with everything you said except on the CIM. That is not something you do without at least a warning. We are talking about you unloading a whole bunch of your body fluids into her mouth. Very different from DATY or DFK or anything else. Can you imagine while you are doing DATO and she shits in your mouth? How would you like it. She could use the same reasoning you did. Some guys like brown showers.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Because of the MERB website, the agency web site, conversations with the booker, PMs from fellow MERBites, TER, you know exactly what a girl will or will not do by the time that girl knocks on your door. Anything else can be covered during the initial glass of vino but I almost never have that discussion. who needs it?

I also agree with you here. But when in doubt I usually will not book the girl. Before I book an escort I make sure based on the reviews that she gives consistently what I seek... In my case that being DFK.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think that is the point... She is not your girlfriend. I agree with everything you said except on the CIM. That is not something you do without at least a warning. We are talking about you unloading a whole bunch of your body fluids into her mouth. Very different from DATY or DFK or anything else. Can you imagine while you are doing DATO and she shits in your mouth? How would you like it. She could use the same reasoning you did. Some guys like brown showers.

She could squirt in my mouth. I get your point. This is like the amateur pilots I know over at the hanger. There are about 50 in the club and they share a few airplanes. No one owns the airplanes. The club leases them and the pilots just rent them by the hour. They all have a vested interest in taking care of the planes so they will last and be safe and airworthy when it is the next guysr time to lease the plane. therefore there are rules to take care of the plane. No cowboying the plane etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
And it took all of you 4 and a half months to muster up enough righteous outrage to wax indignant over a silly comment by an anonymous poster in a meaningless lounge thread?

Maybe this is the greater point. Thanks Johnhenry.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Maybe this is the greater point. Thanks Johnhenry.
Nope ...
About 4 months or 4 years It's never too late...
About CIM without warning INTENTIONNALLY, I heard from a lot of SPs!
As said earlier it is classless and rude! Plain and simple!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree with Pat98 . Remember first she is not your girlfriend and second we are talking about unloading a pile of your bodily fluids into her mouth. It all about respect.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
ask that young sp what it was worth.
come on,even a girl you pick up in a bar you don't blow your load in her mouth,
your backpeddling ,saying its up to the provider is like saying well I didn't know she wanted me to use a condom she didn't have any warning signs
without warning.tisk tisk tisk shame on you
LIKE :cool:
oups sorry I thought I was on ... Facebook lol :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

And it took all of you 4 and a half months to muster up enough righteous outrage to wax indignant over a silly comment by an anonymous poster in a meaningless lounge thread?

You do realize it took you 4 1/2 months to say no more than the subject of how to treat the ladies is silly and meaningless. If replying to anonymous people is wrong why did you. The answer is, it's never too late for this discussion.

...did you ever ask a girl "can I kiss you?" Of course not. Only a wimp would do that.

By that line thinking you would not ask a girl if you can have sex you just do it. Depending on how she feels about that you could then label it sexual assault or rape. Anal and/or CIM are not just a kiss.

Now, I know a guy who picked up a woman for a quickie screw. He didn't ask for anal he just tried to do it. The last thing he could remember when he woke on the floor the next morning was quick a flash of some object speeding straight to his head and a sudden painful BANG!

Suppose the woman was into dominance and toys. Should she just grab something and stick it in you? Without asking or a warning?

Yeah I know how lousy it is to risk ruining the mood by asking first for anal, but in the escort world you can find out before she arrives. On rare occasion I have cautioned the phone handler that part of the appeal of the lady was her allowance of this option and if she was not in the mood for it not to send her. There are other choices.

...saying its up to the provider is like saying well I didn't know she wanted me to use a condom she didn't have any warning signs
without warning.tisk tisk tisk shame on you

Precisely, manning up is also about having the manhood to do things right.

As to the thread question, I wouldn't say either is "superior", but anal with the right woman/escort is extremely erotic.




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
ask that young sp what it was worth.
come on,even a girl you pick up in a bar you don't blow your load in her mouth,
your backpeddling ,saying its up to the provider is like saying well I didn't know she wanted me to use a condom she didn't have any warning signs
without warning.tisk tisk tisk shame on you

:amen: to that! Well said and I completely agree with this :thumb:

I could not have said it better.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I always tell before getting to the point where im about to do it... this way its clear and i don't bad reaction or whatever. I just feel its awkward to ask before doing anything "hey can i cum in your mouth" so usually i try to put it as "is it ok if i cum like that" when she is blowing me. Sometimes i get a "yeah but there is an extra" but being a regular i know about it so i say ok np keep going. But in anyway its obvious when i cum, and im sure the girl knows it from 10 miles away so i couldn't try to "force" it even if i would like to... lol

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
feel its awkward to ask before doing anything "hey can i cum in your mouth" l

I hear ya but personally think its more awkward when she is doing her thing and you are feeling good....then comes the upsell negotiations right as you are about to blast off to Mars....its a buzzkill IMHO

Personally I will not pay extra for CIM....just doesnt not matter that much to me......so I would rather know well in advance

as for the question at hand, anal is fun if the girl is into it. Personally I will not pay extra for Greek either as I found most SP's that allow it hate it except for the upsell $$$ and are just hoping you finish ASAP


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
I hear ya but personally think its more awkward when she is doing her thing and you are feeling good....then comes the upsell negotiations right as you are about to blast off to Mars....its a buzzkill IMHO

Personally I will not pay extra for CIM....just doesnt not matter that much to me......so I would rather know well in advance

as for the question at hand, anal is fun if the girl is into it. Personally I will not pay extra for Greek either as I found most SP's that allow it hate it except for the upsell $$$ and are just hoping you finish ASAP

Byanka formally from the PSE duo absolutely loves it, I personally would never pay extra for it as it does nothing for me, tried it once but never again unless it's free.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
I would not say one is better than the other, these two experiences are interesting. And I was the one who sodomize the woman. Of course, your partner should be agree to accept that.

Lily from Montreal

The thing with anal is that there is no middle ground,either a girl loves it or hates it....but the ladies I know who are into it swear that pleasure is more intense then regular...hum..shall we say..orifice? loll
I'll take their word for it...myself too much pain involved...
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