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Is It Weiner's Weiner - Yes or No?

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Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010

If that's true he can kiss his career goodbye. It's always comforting to know our Congressman are HARD at work! There's really nothing much for him to be concerned about nowadays in the U.S anyway. :rolleyes:


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Feb 9, 2004
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WOW!!! Nice to see you were able to leave out all the ugly personal attack labeling...unlike the rest of us mortals. So these are your excuses for doing it anyway. :confused:

Actually, you made a good point here. Since he is not denying it's his, the possibility is made credible. If so then why does such a photo exist in the first place? How would anyone else get it to send it? You hit the nail on the head. This guy has made himself look like a lewd idiot, regardless of party affiliation.

It's just to bad you can't get beyond this sad Liberal versus Conservative obsession.



Huh, Merlot? Every chance you and your friends have to bash Sarah Palin and company as far right wingnuts extremists, etc., etc., you take it.

Weiner is obnoxious as they come. He is the Lib poster child. When there are allegations against a Conservative Republican, he is leading the charge.

Now he is in trouble. He got caught (pardon the proverbial pun) WITH HIS PANTS ALL THE WAY DOWN. It is SO HILARIOUS. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merlot, you and your friends (you know who they are) have a Liberal vs. Conservative obsession. You call for Bush and Cheney to be arrested for Lord who knows what. You call them right wingnuts. And when it's one of the liberal nut jobs who are in trouble, you go on like it's no problem. (How about Jonathan Edwards - that sleeze bag indicted for taking campaign to pay for his mistress while his wife is dying of cancer?).

I just know that Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism whatever you want to call it - does not work. It makes economies not grow. Only 54,000 jobs were created in May, half of them at McDonald's. The liberal savior has been in office for 29 months and the economy is getting weaker, not stronger. My stand on Liberalism vs. Conservatism is Reality. Societies under Conservative monetary policies tend to prosper. Societies under Liberalism/Socialism have less growth depending on the severity of the Socialism.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Huh, Merlot? Every chance you and your friends have to bash Sarah Palin and company as far right wingnuts extremists, etc., etc., you take it.

Weiner is obnoxious as they come. He is the Lib poster child. When there are allegations against a Conservative Republican, he is leading the charge.

Now he is in trouble. He got caught (pardon the proverbial pun) WITH HIS PANTS ALL THE WAY DOWN. It is SO HILARIOUS. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Merlot, you and your friends (you know who they are) have a Liberal vs. Conservative obsession. You call for Bush and Cheney to be arrested for Lord who knows what. You call them right wingnuts. And when it's one of the liberal nut jobs who are in trouble, you go on like it's no problem. (How about Jonathan Edwards - that sleeze bag indicted for taking campaign to pay for his mistress while his wife is dying of cancer?).

I just know that Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism whatever you want to call it - does not work. It makes economies not grow. Only 54,000 jobs were created in May, half of them at McDonald's. The liberal savior has been in office for 29 months and the economy is getting weaker, not stronger. My stand on Liberalism vs. Conservatism is Reality. Societies under Conservative monetary policies tend to prosper. Societies under Liberalism/Socialism have less growth depending on the severity of the Socialism.

Hello Daydreamer (Centaurus???),

May I say sir you sound like a very sick person. I agreed with your view while chiding you personally for turning this into the demagoguery and demonization platform YOU, YOU, and only YOU turned this into from your opening mini-diatribe, obviously with full intent. Didn't I say: "This guy has made himself look like a lewd idiot, regardless of party affiliation" and commend you for making a good point. So what is wrong with your brain programming? The episode with Weiner is about one very foolish arrogant idiot. But for you to start a thread intentionally to have a platform to promote your Lib-O-Phobic hatred is both illuminating of your personal issues and disgusting.

Even among Republicans there is a full range of political views, just much less in the Liberal area. And among Conservatives there are more of the rational and judicious sort than the extreme "wingnuts". It just that the extremists are the loudest and most obsessed...and that goes for the spectrum of Democrats too. I recently had a very ugly experience with a Democratic Liberal and it was so freaking bloody damn sickening that I left what had been a very enjoyable Memorial Day gathering. I can't stand Democratic Liberal wingnuts any more than the Republican Conservative ilk.

I never called for either Bush or Cheney to be arrested liar. I wanted an investigation. And if you think I am a Liberal then you are definitely as sick and ignorant as your writing indicates. I've really had it with troubled persons who categorize people so narrowly and maliciously into extremes.

Cheerio pal,

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hello Daydreamer (Centaurus???),

May I say sir you sound like a very sick person. I agreed with your view while chiding you personally for turning this into the demagoguery and demonization platform YOU, YOU, and only YOU turned this into from your opening diatribe, obviously with full intent. Didn't I say: "This guy has made himself look like a lewd idiot, regardless of party affiliation" and commend you for making a good point. So what is wrong with your brain programming? The episode with Weiner is about one very foolish arrogant idiot. But for you to start a thread intentionally to have a platform to promote your Lib-O-Phobic hatred is both illuminating of your personal issues and disgusting.

Even among Republicans there is a full range of political views, just much less in the Liberal area. And among Conservatives there are more of the rational and judicious sort than the extreme "wingnuts". It just that the extremists are the loudest and most obsessed...and that goes for spectrum of Democrats too. I recently had a very ugly experience with a Democratic Liberal and it was so freaking bloody damn sickening that I left was had been a very enjoyable Memorial Day gathering. I can't stand Democratic Liberal wingnuts any more than the Republican Conservative ilk.

I never called for either Bush or Cheney to be arrested liar. I wanted an investigation. And if you think I am a Liberal then you are definitely as sick and ignorant as your writing indicates. I've really had it with troubled persons who categorize people so narrowly and maliciously.

Cheerio pal,


I am sick and ignorant because I have a point of view and back it up with facts and history?

Sorry, Merlot, I do not understand you. You are someone who is always piling on when many of the self-proclaimed liberals are making their outrageious claims against Conservatives. When someone like Weiner makes a fool out of himself you want to remove his party affliation which is Democrat. Sure, you want to remove his party affliation, because it will not reflect on your affiliation - which is left wing. But when it is a Republican who has made a fool out of himself or even done something illegal, you and your liberal friends don't remove the Republican from the damaged person.

Yes, you are a liberal Merlot, because in every post that you make, that's the side you come down on. You want to play the middle, but you are not.

Go ahead and call me sick and ignorant. It does not win you points.
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Feb 9, 2004
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It did get you to confirm the truth. Case closed.



OMG. I did not admit to anything. I was just rewritting what you said in question form, nonetheless. There's no admission. ???? :confused::confused::help: Merlot, I simply don't understand anything you post.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
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"I just know that Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism whatever you want to call it - does not work. It makes economies not grow. Only 54,000 jobs were created in May, half of them at McDonald's. The liberal savior has been in office for 29 months and the economy is getting weaker, not stronger. My stand on Liberalism vs. Conservatism is Reality. Societies under Conservative monetary policies tend to prosper. Societies under Liberalism/Socialism have less growth depending on the severity of the Socialism."

Twenty-Six of the first 36 months that George Bush saw a net loss of jobs. The current problems are the result of 30 years of Reaganomics (increased defense spending, lower tax rates for the wealthiest Americans)--the deficit has come from that. It was about $1 trillion when Reagan took office. "Free trade" has grown the trade deficit and eliminated jobs, something the Tea Party doesn't seem to talk about. Good-paying jobs have been replaced with easier credit. You can't base an economy on the sale of cheap imports and real estate. Republicans gauge prosperity by the number of billionaires, not the size of the middle class.
If neo-con economics really worked, we wouldn't be in a depression to begin with. Of course, Republicans can't accept that because as long as things are good for them (corporate profits reached record levels last year), that's all that matters.

What you write is not reality. Sorry, look up the Community Reinvestment Act. That coupled with the low interest rates led to the problems that the US has currently. It has nothing to with Reagan. It has everything to do with Jimmy Carter, Janet Reno, Andrew Cuomo, Franklin Raines, Rahm Emmanuel, Barney Frank, and Christopher Dodd. The last 4 were involved with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Economic Meltdown was the result of banks trying to shield themselves from the enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

I have written about this many times and none of you have read it, or researched about what really happened. You just go into a rant about Reagan and Bush and God knows what else, not of it true or based on reality. Sorry to disappoint you, but Reagan, and neither of the Bushes caused the troubles that we have now. It started with Carter and was continued in the late 90's by some in Congress and some in the Clinton Administration. And frankly, Clinton did not do a good job in controlling it, but you can't outright blame him.

The recession that happened at the very end of Clinton and beginning of Bush was the fallout of the bubble and bust. The bubble and bust that occurred afterwards was part of the CRA and ridiculously low interest rates that Greenspan held. The lower tax rates helped us out of that recession.
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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Well, as expected...

This thread could have been neutral with a tint of humor but apparently, it was not created with this intent; it was created to stir confrontation and, to nobody's surprise, it did.

I originally left it open, even with the tone of the opening post, because I hoped people could stay away from the usual flames and we could have fun. It seemed to be true for a few posts but, it didn't take long for bad habits to come back.

Really, who cares the political origin of the guy? It's one guy who did something stupid (or didn't, who know!), his political views don't change the story at hand, it only serves to help the fanatics to again use the widest brush they can find to paint both political sides the colors they like.

This thread is obviously passed it's usefulness point so, it's now closed. Next time the same participants gets involved is the same pointless, classless type of discussion, there will be suspensions. I'm not talking about the topic, I'm talking about the way it's thrown around instead of being discussed.

It's possible to discuss politics and stay civil. Those who can't should stay away from the political topics on MERB.

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