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Karla Homolka in Montreal ??


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Mar 15, 2005
Danny said:
Karla a offert sa propre petite soeur à Paul Bernardo, à titre de cadeau de Noël. Elle a ensuite filmé le viol et le meurtre de la pauvre fille. Mom et Vito n'auraient jamais commis ce genre d'atrocité (je crois même qu'ils auraient descendu avec plaisir quiconque aurait proposé pareil supplice pour leur frangine). Ne confondons pas les «simples» meurtriers aux monstres comme Karla.
exactement...ce que j essaie de dire..depuis le début de ce '' tread''.
Et tu as oublié qu apres le '' meurtre "de sa pauvre soeur...karla s habillait comme elle ( sa soeur) et s engageait dans des actes sexuels avec paul et se filmaient.........gros remords hein!


Oct 24, 2004

Je crois que l'utilisation des guillemets etait presente dans le post de Danny pour ne pas faire sentir qu'il minimalise les actes de Mom Boucher.


Jan 3, 2005

En effet, comme Steak l’a perçu, les guillemets suggéraient une extrapolation de l’épithète «simple». Il y a, à mon sens, un gouffre entre Mom et Karla.

Mom tuait pour éliminer ses concurrents. Je ne crois pas qu’il ait tiré une satisfaction profonde de connaître leurs souffrances (du reste brèves, le revolver étant un outil assez efficace et radical). S’ils avaient pu être écartés de son chemin par un autre moyen (la retraite?), Mom aurait été bien content.

Quant à la mort du pauvre enfant à laquelle Lawless fait allusion, je crois que Mom l’a regrettée. Pas au point où il aurait mis fin à sa carrière criminelle, certes. Les gens qu’il a tués, au fond, il s’en balance. Il a sans doute vu la mort de cet enfant comme le fruit d’une mauvaise stratégie, qui a grandement attiré sur lui l’attention des policiers, et contribué à ternir l’image romantique que plusieurs personnes se faisaient des motards (on n’avait qu’à voir les foules qui se pressaient aux funérailles quand l’un d’entre eux trépassait pour voir la fascination qu’ils exerçaient sur bien des gens). Il savait fort bien que ces assassinats ne faisaient qu’accroître le risque d’être incarcéré, ce qui se concilie mal avec la vie de pacha qu’il a toujours voulu mener.

Pour le couple Bernardo-Homolka, au contraire, le meurtre était le but ultime, celui qui leur procurait la jouissance. Ils ont choisi sciemment des adolescentes innocentes, pour les torturer pendant des heures (des jours!) avant de les tuer, de démembrer leurs cadavres, et d’aller ensuite s’amuser en toute désinvolture.

Mom est cupide : Bernardo-Homolka sont sadiques.

Ceci dit, je demeure un partisan de la peine capitale pour le meurtre au premier degré. Et quand je réalise que mes impôts servent à payer la pitance et le gîte de Paul Bernardo, je m’interroge…


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Aug 27, 2003
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
gohabsgo said:
she says she cries alot :rolleyes: , but in an interview with her room mate from prison, karla shows no remorse and is manipulative

i guess she's in montreal now :(

I saw the room mate interview and the first thing I thought was that the room mate was a guy, then I realized that she is just a very butch lesbian who is planning on writing a book about her "love affair" behind bars with Karla. There were a lot of questions where she would not go into details saying that she is saving that for the book.

As far as the way Karla looks now, I don't think she would have any trouble walking down Ste-Catherine street without being recognized. She no longer looks like the little sexy blonde that would stand out in a crowd.


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Aug 19, 2004
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Hell is too good for her

I could not agree with longfirmleggss more. There is no bringing back those young girls and 12 years for that is a joke. Though I wish no one touches her and lets her live a life where she is in fear and miserable every day of her existance. I can't believe we don't have the death penality and have to pay for these pieces of human waste.


Feb 11, 2004
west island
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self indulged

She spent a lot of time describing her feelings and not once considered the feelings of the families that she impacted with her crimes. This was a perfect opportunity for her to apologise to the Frend and Mahaffy families. She instead was more concerned about her own self interests. Does she have the capacity to reform?


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Feb 9, 2004
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12 years is a short time for the crimes this nightmarish crimes that this monster is responsible. If, God forbid, she ever does anything like this again, I hope that the liberal idiots in Quebec will begin to get tough on crimes the US puts people away for life or ends their useless lives. Sorry, but when murders like this Duncan character allegedly committed happen, the ones responsible must pay the ultimate price.


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Dec 22, 2004

For someone who did what she did, Karla H might be the best SM escort in Montreal if indeed she ever became one. :eek: However, I highly doubt that she dares to become an escort. For one thing, the majority of the population is against her for what she did in the past. She already received death threats and as such, why would she become an escort and receive strangers and thus exposed herself to risk? :confused:

Secondly, would not any hobbyist be very afraid if they were to have sex with this psychologically and sexually seriously twisted woman? The hobbyist may not come out with all the organs intact. :eek: (Sometimes I wonder whether Karla H is a human woman.) :eek:

She definitely gives Montreal a bad name. :mad: The best thing to do with her is to send her on a one way trip to Mars for good and let her have her sex with the Martians. :cool: May be our alien friends can fix Karla. :rolleyes:
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It would not surprise me at all if, after her tv interview, she went and had her hair cut and the colour changed. What better way to throw the dogs off her trail, showing us what she looks like today and then totally changing her appearance? As far as making an apology goes, it would not have made any difference. People have already made up their minds about her and most would say that it was another attempt at manipulation. Personally I think she is much less likely to re-offend than most child molestors or juvenile offenders who get little more than a slap on the wrist and are never identified to the public. At least with Karla we have a chance to id her and keep an eye on her.


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Feb 11, 2005
Can anyone explain to me this.....

Hello merb members

Can any of you explain to me this: How come Karla Homolka is free even though there is concreet prouve that she was an active participante in the death of 3 teenagers including her own sister ? I know as far as i am concern i could never kill anyone. But i know that given most brazilians are tempermental persons, in brazil she would be out of circulation or kill by the population.
Why the deal with the devil was not undonne ? Sorry my english.


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Dec 22, 2004

I love your handle but Karla H. is one of the females that you should never love. Unless ‘wanting trouble and notoriety’ happen to be your middle name. :eek: My comment on her being excellent in SM is actually based on her psychological and sexual profile. It certainly will not surprise me if she likes to hide in leather or vinyl masks. I think Canadians in general are very nice and friendly people. So when you have abnormalies like Karla H. and Paul B., it makes them appear a lot worse in Canadian public opinion. (I wonder if some Americans commit the same nature of crime as Karla H. and Paul B. did but would they be treated the same way in USA? An interesting socio-cultural study in comparative values!)

There are a lot of talks, including in this thread, about Karla H. changing her appearance and/or identity. The more drastic solution is a sex change operation for Karla. How about let Dr. Louis perform this operation on her and change Karla into a Karl? :D She then can be appear as a male SM specialist and nobody will recognize her. :eek: This would certainly fit into this psychopath/sexopath’s warped personality. But Dr. Louis may accidentally botch this operation and give Karl aka Karla an uglier than Martian look. :eek:

Train said:
Someday , someone is going to have to explain this alien thing to me .
So Train, to satisfy your curiosity about "this alien thing", you can regard Dr. Louis as an alien (that is, non-Canadian). ;) :) If you want more about my bona fide alien friends, may be my friends Elvis the Martian expert or Elfgonebad can help. Is Elvis retired already? I thought he is to philosophize with me over beer when I come to Montreal. Right, Elvis??? :p :)
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually there is no proof as to who actually killed the girls. Bernardo has always claimed that Karla was the killer. Karla testified that Bernardo was the killer which is why she got the deal she did. Seeing as there was no video evidence as to the killer's true identity this will always remain unknown.


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Feb 11, 2005
Control by Bernardo ?

Does any of you believe that anyone has enough power over someone else to force or convince then of killing people ? I have a real hard time believing that.

When i was a teenager i meet this guy in Rio de Janeiro who sugested to me that we should do crime together, his plan was i would attract the attention of turists and then rip then off, i said no right the way. Then i avoid all possibilities of ever talking or meeeting with him again.

I believe that to kill or unnecessarly harm anyone specially an innocent person, i said it takes lots on insensitivity. one got to be very indifferent to humain pain and suffering. Who in earth has so much power over another person to convince them of harming, hurting and killing. That is beyond my imagination. I am not an angel but please cruelty should have it limits.

I think you Canadian people are way too nice to forgive this woman. If i have the opportunity to save someone, or to help then scape death and i do nothing about it, plus i enjoy myself while the tortures are happening. I am then a full participant in the crime. I am sure i would never again sleep peacefull.
I think Karla Teale story is an unbelieaveble one.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Juliana said:
Does any of you believe that anyone has enough power over someone else to force or convince then of killing people ? I have a real hard time believing that.

Two names...Charles Manson and Adolph Hitler. And I am sure that there are plenty of other examples many of which have never even been discovered.


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Jan 13, 2004
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This one made a strong (negative) impression on me when I was a very young man: Charles Sobhraj.
His story was heavily mediated here in Québec because of one his accomplice; Marie-Andrée Leclerc, a French Canadian nurse from Lévis, Québec city.
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Oct 3, 2004
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Disturbing thread

Hi Juliana,
History is filled with examples of people convincing people to kill themselves and each other. Thats not hard to see at all, just open a history book. Its the thing humans do best, killing each other that is.

Examples? Techman already said Hitler, how about George Bush? (I'll wait for the sparks to start flying on that one.)To be fair to W. how about Osama Bin Laden? Emperor Hirohito, President Truman, several Popes, other religious figures who led mass suicides, Kings, Queens, and other various royalty. Al Capone and other celebrated gangsters, many not so celebrated gangsters who kill as a right of initiation. Police, Government officials, adulterous couples who wish to rid themselves of unwanted spouses, and it seems like every year some wacked out parent/s who kill their kids and say God told them to do it, Bad God!! Funny how you seem to hear "God told me to do it" more than "the devil told me to do it"!

Remember "I did it for Jodie Foster"? There are plenty of sickos' out there who do this stuff every year. Its not always in the same context or for the same reasons. Genocide in Africa to consolidate all political power under your own tribe, dropping Atomic bombs on civilians in Japan to scare them into surrender, religious based fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Muslims flying planes into office buildings, criminals killing each other/informants/police and vice versa, Governments sanctioning asassinations, torturing/killing "prisoners of war", silencing voices of dissent in third world countries through CIA funded death squads. Greedy spouses and lovers who kill for life insurance. Sexual predators(Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo) who don't want to get caught.

The point is that most of these killings leave "blood on many pairs of hands", not just the person "pulling the trigger." The people who justify the killing so others will carry it out rarely take part in it themselves. Their job isn't to carry out the act, its to find a way to coerce others to do it for them, and unfortunately there are plenty of people up to the task. Civilized thought says the only form of killing that is justifiable is done in actual Self defense, not preemptive self defense mind you, just plain old 'I had to kill him because he was actually trying to kill me.'

That means that many if not most of the killings throughout human history are arguably murders, ordered by a relatively small part of the population, but carried out by someone in a position of subservience to the person giving the order. I guess the question on every ones mind is whether or not Karla Homolka felt she had any choice in the matter. In most of the examples I cited above if the person ordered to kill doesn't do what they are told they could get killed themselves at worst and at best get a dishonorable discharge from the armed forces or suffer being a social outcast amongst their peers. In this case it doesn't matter however as to whether or not she was afraid for her own safety. She was already guilty of horrible crimes (child rape) before the killing started and punishment for those crimes should be extremely harsh by itself.

Karla Homolka should have gotten much more than 12 years for what she participated in regardless of how much pressure she felt. She could have gone to the police and turned Bernardo in before those girls got killed. She shouldn't have been participating in sexual activity with little girls in the first place let alone allowing herself to become involved with Kidnapping and then murder. At some point a bell should have gone off in her head that told her things had gone too far. She either chose to ignore it or just didn't care it was wrong. She belongs in a mental institution/prison if that is the case. Normal people don't think or act like that. How much more obvious can it be that people like her are a danger to society and should never be released amongst us again.

Should we be shocked when we hear about such crimes? Shocked in a sense of outrage and incredible sadness for the victims, yes. But I'm not surprised one bit when I hear about stories like this. Its all too human.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
This is a weird !

I have several theories for Karla Homolka, either she was at the time
A serious case of dumn blonde syndrome.
Or a very submissive female person without a sense of self.
And or someone who could not think for herself.
She could also had been someone who was raised as the most beautiful princess, therefore becoming self centred, conssequently insensitive and indifferent to the fellings of others around herself.

She was in jail for 12 years, and suffering is a source of growth. Remember what Nietzsche said, that which dont kill you will make you stronger. Therefore i believe she could change. Maybe she is already changed. If so how come she has never said sorry to the families of her victims ? I guess sorry will not get rid of the void of absences and make the pain go way.

The problem is: the only people who will want to befriend her or understand her are criminals like herself. The solution, she is a white beautiful middle class to whom all is permited. God forbiden if she had been black and poor then she would rotten in jail.
Another difficulty is what she has called the internal jail. Imagem having to live with the idea that you caused so much despair ? The pain she has caused will always give stomack ache pain to the families of her victms.

To be very honest with all of you, i felt sorry for her as she was been interview for she seem to had been very very disconnected from the humain condition. The first thing she said in her interview was. "It is very hard to express my emotions" Perhaps she does not have any emotions to express. I think compassion is learned maybe her parents never taught her to have compassion. We are the result of our enviroment.

Someone in the Globe and Mail said this week, after so may cases of wrong confiniment we have a serious case of mistaken release.

If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. I think she should still be in jail given she could have had let the girls free and did not care to do so. Only a monster is gonne force someone to have sex against their will. One part of me forgive and understand her, because many woman are not encouraged to have an indentity of their own therefore many will do anything their man tell then to do. Another part of me says how cruel could you had been ? To put your sister to sleep, so your nasty ugly dummy boyfriend, would then rape her ?



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Oct 3, 2004
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Personality disorder indeed!

Does anyone have any idea about whether or not she was evaluated and diagnosed with any sort of disorder? It defies all reason that someone who has committed a horrific crime wouldn't automatically be subjected to psychological evaluation in order to determine the extent of how screwed up they really are and the likelihood of them committing another such act if released. If she is 'untreatable' or likely to repeat such a crime, then releasing her amounts to playing Russian roulette with the citizens of Montreal!

Hi Juliana,

Do you really feel bad for her? I am not familiar with her upbringing but no matter what she went through as a child it in no way makes her actions acceptable. It may shed some light on how she came to be such a monstrous person as to rape, torture, and murder little girls but it doesn't make me feel bad for her. At some point she stopped being a little girl and became an adult who should have been capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong. This leads me back to the part about her sanity. If she truly didn't understand that what she was participating in was abhorrently wrong then she truly was, and as Femaleluver puts it may still be, afflicted with a severe mental disorder.

If I lived in Montreal I would be fit to be tied that she's been released to roam the city. She should be fitted with a GPS Ankle bracelet which allows LE to trace her every movement. I can only imagine the lawsuits that would follow her killing another person! Can you imagine trying to explain to someone that their loved one had been killed by someone who had already served time for murder but was released because of a plea deal! People need to view her as what she is now, a kidnapper, child rapist, murderer, and not allow their hearts to bleed over the memory of a little girl(Karla herself) who may or may not have had a bad childhood. If she cries about what she has done they are Alligator tears, she is never to be trusted again.
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