See, Techman, here's the problem: even a reasonably bright guy like you starts to lose a little of his logic when he becomes emotional (viz: your most recent post here). To your credit, the only other time I noticed this lapse was when you were adamantly defending what you perceived to be the "rights" of smokers.
In this instance, if you reread my original post on the current subject, you will note that I said I disagreed with your last sentence (which was "I don't believe in revenge"). This is a philosophical belief and does not apply only to poor misunderstood Karla so your comments about my "asking for revenge" are sadly inappropriate.
The other fallacy in your emotional response, Techman, is when you state that "the only ones who have any right...are the families of the victims..." Problem # 1 with your fuzzy logic is that the DEAD VICTIMS might also have that "right" but they can't exercise it because they are DEAD. Problem # 2 is that "justice" (ha ha) should be universal and should not be different strokes for different folks depending on what the VICTIM'S surviving relatives happen to think! For example: A and B are both sexually assaulted, tortured and killed. A's survivors don't believe in revenge but B's do. According to your emotional response, A should get off more lightly, which is freakin ridiculous.
By the way I think a fairly well-known book says something about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but then again that's the King James version, not the Techman one so I guess it doesn't count. So Techman, relax, have a smoke (but please not in a public place) and pray that you and your loved ones are never the victim of a violent crime.