Interesting, very interesting
I have been exploring the realm of Seeking Arrangements for quite some time now, almost 10 years, and let me tell you, if you're not familiar with the ins and outs of this platform, you're in for a disappointment. Here's the deal: you'll encounter three distinct types of ladies in this platform.
First, there are those who are all about the quick cash and are more than willing to jump into bed with you on the very same night, as long as you're willing to pay the price.
Then we have the gold diggers, the ones who are after fancy material possessions, money, and lavish dining experiences, but don't expect them to sleep with you.
Lastly, there are the ladies who are genuinely looking for a monthly income and are open to a few rendezvous a month, but they'll need you to keep them on the payroll for a very long period.
Now, let me be real with you. Most of the ladies on Seeking Arrangements offer a lackluster and technically flawed service. It's almost as if they're new to the whole service provider game, with a bunch of strict rules in the bedroom. Their service is subpar, and they're notorious for watching the clock. Trust me, they don't even come close to the level of service you'd get from an agency or independent provider.
To truly grasp this platform, you'll need to invest a significant amount of time just to get your foot in the door and have some fun. Be prepared for many of them to ask for introduction fees and suggest meeting at fancy restaurants, only to take your money and disappear into thin air.
As a newbie, I highly recommend being straightforward once you start chatting with them to avoid wasting your precious time. Patience is key in understanding this platform, but once you do, you'll be able to figure out what each lady is looking for within the first five minutes of conversation.
Finding a lady on Seeking Arrangements who offers their services for the range of $300-400 for a couple of hours is indeed quite rare. It requires a significant investment of time and effort in conversations to come across such a deal. However, it's important to note that this price range is typically per hour, not for a couple of hours.
It's crucial to manage your expectations when it comes to the ladies on Seeking Arrangements. Don't assume that they will simply act like service providers and be ready to jump into bed right away. If you expect it to be similar to calling an agency for a service provider, you'll be in for a surprise. These ladies have their own sense of pride and don't want to feel like they're engaging in prostitution. They prefer to approach their arrangements on their own terms, avoiding the label of a service provider.
In light of this, I would highly recommend sticking to established service providers and independent escorts. With them, you know what to expect and can rely on their experience and professionalism. The ladies on Seeking Arrangements, on the other hand, each have their own unique approach and style. It's like a box of chocolates – you never know what you're going to get.
However, if you have the patience and financial means, there are certainly some hidden gems in terms of beauty on the Seeking Arrangements platform. It may take time and effort, but the potential rewards can be worth it if you're willing to explore this unconventional avenue.
I almost forgot to mention the cherry on top of the cake - the whooping member package fees that come knocking every month.