Rouge Massage
Montreal Escorts

Lack of talent?


Active Member
Oct 31, 2022
I do not see a lack of talent at all, in fact there are as many sex workers as before. They simply migrated to other areas. I see more and more Indys then ever before, many turned to OnlyFans, and do not forget the large availability of girls at MPs.

However Bill C-36 changed the game forever. On Merb we cannot discuss details of MPs or stripclub encounters anymore. It tipped the scales bigtime in the girls favor. Most girls know about bill C-36 and use it to their advantage hence the big rise of scams on Leolist types of sites. They know the client has no recourse. It also makes it more risky to operate an agency. Escort agencies kept prices lower as they have the resources to be able to offer services at a lower rate and they did not have to screen as agencies have backup. More girls moving to Indy means higher prices and more screening. In ten years I see the escort scene in Canada be very similar to the USA, very high prices and intense screening.

On a final note, rapid population increase via excessive immigration adds oil to a fire. It is increasing demand rapidly and we see it. Agencies fully booked fast, less interest in customer service or providing an excellent service because there are 100 other johns available. With Bill C-36 that made scamming common on Leolist types of sites, it further reduced the supply of good GFE honest escorts. So as you can see reduced supply plus higher demand turns it into a sellers market.

And lastly but not the least, is OnlyFans. This has hijacked the sex business. Many girls are wanting to get paid just to be watched. Almost any young girl can open OnlyFans, it is very common with American girls. I see many Instagram accounts of beautiful American girls and so many got an OnlyFans link attached to their profile. Social media made girls very entitled. Not all are like this but the amount of these types are increasing. I do not see it improving, it will get more worse.
I have no issue with the Indy rates if they wil go all Meryl streep best acting behavior during the session. But to be honest 600 CAD sounds to expensive for me, I’m an old wolf sorry but not sorry.
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Nov 12, 2005
Now a new era has come of males where they seem to have more $ and see themselves as lottery winning lucky to get service from any female and will book a girl with substandard service for their entire shift at a time! And that gentleman is the real cause of most of the shit we complain about on here, the emasculation of men as a whole is what i suspect as the root cause, and it isnt gonna get better i fear

You are so spot on. The emasculation of men.


Nov 5, 2017
I do not see a lack of talent at all, in fact there are as many sex workers as before. They simply migrated to other areas. I see more and more Indys then ever before, many turned to OnlyFans, and do not forget the large availability of girls at MPs.

However Bill C-36 changed the game forever. On Merb we cannot discuss details of MPs or stripclub encounters anymore. It tipped the scales bigtime in the girls favor. Most girls know about bill C-36 and use it to their advantage hence the big rise of scams on Leolist types of sites. They know the client has no recourse. It also makes it more risky to operate an agency. Escort agencies kept prices lower as they have the resources to be able to offer services at a lower rate and they did not have to screen as agencies have backup. More girls moving to Indy means higher prices and more screening. In ten years I see the escort scene in Canada be very similar to the USA, very high prices and intense screening.

On a final note, rapid population increase via excessive immigration adds oil to a fire. It is increasing demand rapidly and we see it. Agencies fully booked fast, less interest in customer service or providing an excellent service because there are 100 other johns available. With Bill C-36 that made scamming common on Leolist types of sites, it further reduced the supply of good GFE honest escorts. So as you can see reduced supply plus higher demand turns it into a sellers market.

And lastly but not the least, is OnlyFans. This has hijacked the sex business. Many girls are wanting to get paid just to be watched. Almost any young girl can open OnlyFans, it is very common with American girls. I see many Instagram accounts of beautiful American girls and so many got an OnlyFans link attached to their profile. Social media made girls very entitled. Not all are like this but the amount of these types are increasing. I do not see it improving, it will get more worse.

I think OnlyFans is about to take a major hit with generative AI so that factor is only temporary.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
The appeal of Montreal used to be the large variety of cultural selection, a casual/flexible personal form of service, and great rates relative to other locations in North America. The rates are no longer competitive to the point that making a trip to Montreal makes sense economically and the service seems to have metamorphisized into a rigid, cllnical experience for many or most providers. This is a course a gross generalization, and of course there are exceptions, but generally holds true. The selection has shifted with the emergence of alternative streams of income within the sex industry, and both clients and SPs have become jaded and have set up barriers to each other. In short, the overall culture has shifted in a negative way. That's also true of the culture on MERB, where the membership is generally less helpful than it used to be and relies on a far smaller core of regular reviewers rather than a broad based spectrum of users and experiences than used to be the case. This makes the overall perspective much narrower than before and also frustrates the people who generate the most content, which in turn makes then take much of their input offline to share only with others they consider "worthy" which again restricts the flow of information. There have been a lot of complaints about lack of content here recently, and of course with less content there are less visits, and so on and so forth. I've watched the exact same thing happen to 3 or 4 other mongering forums and to me it seems like I'm watching an exact replay here. It takes a while but without something to revitalize the membership there's only one way for it to go. Honestly it feels like the the scene in Montreal and on MERB is in a death spiral relative to what it used to be.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I believe that not much has changed in the sex industry, except for the fact that certain agencies and independent providers had been raising their prices in between the pandemic .

As a result, many customers found these increased rates to be beyond their budget and turned to platforms like Leolist in an attempt to save some money. However, in reality, they often end up receiving subpar service and lower quality experiences. Some customers may not mind this as they simply want to fulfill their desires and quickly return to their families or partners.

For them, these types of service providers offer a convenient "in and out" experience, saving them both money on accommodations and time.

However, for individuals like us who value excellence, we refuse to settle for anything less than exceptional service and exceptional gorgeous service providers. We understand that even if we have to pay a slightly higher price, the satisfaction we receive in terms of service and beauty is well worth it.

Each agency, massage parlour, independent provider, Leolist, and incall establishment has its own loyal customer base.

Therefore, I don't believe that the sex industry has declined; rather, it seems that a majority of customers are currently engaging with Leolist and incalls.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
I agree 100% the outcall scene is nowhere close to 5-6 years where you had superstars all over the places and indys like zoe at 220/h that was incredible.

I now hobby on seeking arrangement and found many gem at reasonable pricing. This scene is actually way better than ever before. If you can invest 300-500 per session you’ll have the time of your life.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I agree 100% the outcall scene is nowhere close to 5-6 years where you had superstars all over the places and indys like zoe at 220/h that was incredible.

I now hobby on seeking arrangement and found many gem at reasonable pricing. This scene is actually way better than ever before. If you can invest 300-500 per session you’ll have the time of your life.

How long do your sessions usually last at that price range?


Nov 12, 2005
I agree 100% the outcall scene is nowhere close to 5-6 years where you had superstars all over the places and indys like zoe at 220/h that was incredible.
Truth! From a blast from the past. Haven't seen a Handi review for a while, but we intersected on many a starlet in the past. Seemingly both fans of Zoe. Recall she started at 200/h with Nadya's, when Nadya's was one of the top agencies in the city. So many hot girls there, including Melody, who later started Unicorns.

I don't think the outcall loss should be marginalized. Getting delivery to your hotel room was unique to Montreal, and was one of the best perks. Usually, outcall in other cities incurred a premium. But Montreal 10 years ago, outcall was the standard, not incall. And it was the same price! It was a rarity, and cherished.

I mean if you end up in one of the giant suites at the W with a sunken jacuzzi at the foot of the bed, who wants to leave that to go to any of the incall locations we all know and hate??... ;) Lol.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Interesting, very interesting
I have been exploring the realm of Seeking Arrangements for quite some time now, almost 10 years, and let me tell you, if you're not familiar with the ins and outs of this platform, you're in for a disappointment. Here's the deal: you'll encounter three distinct types of ladies in this platform.

First, there are those who are all about the quick cash and are more than willing to jump into bed with you on the very same night, as long as you're willing to pay the price.

Then we have the gold diggers, the ones who are after fancy material possessions, money, and lavish dining experiences, but don't expect them to sleep with you.

Lastly, there are the ladies who are genuinely looking for a monthly income and are open to a few rendezvous a month, but they'll need you to keep them on the payroll for a very long period.

Now, let me be real with you. Most of the ladies on Seeking Arrangements offer a lackluster and technically flawed service. It's almost as if they're new to the whole service provider game, with a bunch of strict rules in the bedroom. Their service is subpar, and they're notorious for watching the clock. Trust me, they don't even come close to the level of service you'd get from an agency or independent provider.

To truly grasp this platform, you'll need to invest a significant amount of time just to get your foot in the door and have some fun. Be prepared for many of them to ask for introduction fees and suggest meeting at fancy restaurants, only to take your money and disappear into thin air.

As a newbie, I highly recommend being straightforward once you start chatting with them to avoid wasting your precious time. Patience is key in understanding this platform, but once you do, you'll be able to figure out what each lady is looking for within the first five minutes of conversation.

Finding a lady on Seeking Arrangements who offers their services for the range of $300-400 for a couple of hours is indeed quite rare. It requires a significant investment of time and effort in conversations to come across such a deal. However, it's important to note that this price range is typically per hour, not for a couple of hours.

It's crucial to manage your expectations when it comes to the ladies on Seeking Arrangements. Don't assume that they will simply act like service providers and be ready to jump into bed right away. If you expect it to be similar to calling an agency for a service provider, you'll be in for a surprise. These ladies have their own sense of pride and don't want to feel like they're engaging in prostitution. They prefer to approach their arrangements on their own terms, avoiding the label of a service provider.

In light of this, I would highly recommend sticking to established service providers and independent escorts. With them, you know what to expect and can rely on their experience and professionalism. The ladies on Seeking Arrangements, on the other hand, each have their own unique approach and style. It's like a box of chocolates – you never know what you're going to get.

However, if you have the patience and financial means, there are certainly some hidden gems in terms of beauty on the Seeking Arrangements platform. It may take time and effort, but the potential rewards can be worth it if you're willing to explore this unconventional avenue.

I almost forgot to mention the cherry on top of the cake - the whooping member package fees that come knocking every month.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
. It's like a box of chocolates – you never know what you're going to get.
Wrong. You can still choose a chocolate by reading the box menu. Ha!Ha!
For the rest, seems like a lot of troubles for an uncertain result…
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
I have been exploring the realm of Seeking Arrangements for quite some time now, almost 10 years, and let me tell you, if you're not familiar with the ins and outs of this platform, you're in for a disappointment. Here's the deal: you'll encounter three distinct types of ladies in this platform.

First, there are those who are all about the quick cash and are more than willing to jump into bed with you on the very same night, as long as you're willing to pay the price.

Then we have the gold diggers, the ones who are after fancy material possessions, money, and lavish dining experiences, but don't expect them to sleep with you.

Lastly, there are the ladies who are genuinely looking for a monthly income and are open to a few rendezvous a month, but they'll need you to keep them on the payroll for a very long period.

Now, let me be real with you. Most of the ladies on Seeking Arrangements offer a lackluster and technically flawed service. It's almost as if they're new to the whole service provider game, with a bunch of strict rules in the bedroom. Their service is subpar, and they're notorious for watching the clock. Trust me, they don't even come close to the level of service you'd get from an agency or independent provider.

To truly grasp this platform, you'll need to invest a significant amount of time just to get your foot in the door and have some fun. Be prepared for many of them to ask for introduction fees and suggest meeting at fancy restaurants, only to take your money and disappear into thin air.

As a newbie, I highly recommend being straightforward once you start chatting with them to avoid wasting your precious time. Patience is key in understanding this platform, but once you do, you'll be able to figure out what each lady is looking for within the first five minutes of conversation.

Finding a lady on Seeking Arrangements who offers their services for the range of $300-400 for a couple of hours is indeed quite rare. It requires a significant investment of time and effort in conversations to come across such a deal. However, it's important to note that this price range is typically per hour, not for a couple of hours.

It's crucial to manage your expectations when it comes to the ladies on Seeking Arrangements. Don't assume that they will simply act like service providers and be ready to jump into bed right away. If you expect it to be similar to calling an agency for a service provider, you'll be in for a surprise. These ladies have their own sense of pride and don't want to feel like they're engaging in prostitution. They prefer to approach their arrangements on their own terms, avoiding the label of a service provider.

In light of this, I would highly recommend sticking to established service providers and independent escorts. With them, you know what to expect and can rely on their experience and professionalism. The ladies on Seeking Arrangements, on the other hand, each have their own unique approach and style. It's like a box of chocolates – you never know what you're going to get.

However, if you have the patience and financial means, there are certainly some hidden gems in terms of beauty on the Seeking Arrangements platform. It may take time and effort, but the potential rewards can be worth it if you're willing to explore this unconventional avenue.

I almost forgot to mention the cherry on top of the cake - the whooping member package fees that come knocking every month.
You need to step up your seeking game bro… I easily got incredible services recently for 200-250. Yes you need to work and it’s time consuming to find gems. But nothing great comes easy in life…


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Time is money. My whole appeal with escorts is how quick you can pull the trigger, and the lack of emotional involvement. If I wanted to waste all my time trying to get laid, while having feelings, I'd just get a girlfriend.
I totally agree! If I have to spend 3-4 hours to “possibly” save a few bucks and get a decent encounter, I’ll pass.

I’ve pretty much given up on those 1-hour (I.e. 40 minute) encounters with agency SPs, in which I feel like the next guy on an assembly line. lol!

I hobby less frequently these and book slightly longer appointments, feels less rushed. I have decent chemistry with my ATF, so I repeat.
No too much interest in TOFTT these days, more often than not, it’s a sub-par experience!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
What do you do in Tampa for 48 hours?
Tampa is a fantastic city for a 48 hour or even 36 hour winter getaway from North Jersey. It’s sometimes warm enough to jump in the pool or hit a nearby beach in the afternoon, and you have similar Montreal activities - hockey, casino and great restaurants.

Berns steakhouse is my favorite restaurant in the world and is often ranked #1 or #2 steakhouse in the US. Biggest wine selection of any US restaurant. If traveling solo, sit at the remodeled bar.

And in contrast to Montreal, there is no border crossing. Again, nothing against Montreal, but a one night stay in Tampa and then a quality escort booking back home is a fine alternative to combine travel and a hot lady.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
I totally agree! If I have to spend 3-4 hours to “possibly” save a few bucks and get a decent encounter, I’ll pass.

I’ve pretty much given up on those 1-hour (I.e. 40 minute) encounters with agency SPs, in which I feel like the next guy on an assembly line. lol!

I hobby less frequently these and book slightly longer appointments, feels less rushed. I have decent chemistry with my ATF, so I repeat.
No too much interest in TOFTT these days, more often than not, it’s a sub-par experience!

So euphoria and xo have you leave 20 minutes before your session is up??? Thats fucked up! I cant believe guys are alright with that! Or an I misunderstanding something here?
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