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Lawrence Taylor: I Did Not Know She Was 16


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Very interesting comments by Lawrence Taylor on his recent guilty pleas in conjunction with having sex with a 16 year old prostitute. I think LT's comments are honest and should be read and considered by everyone here. It should be noted that the escort in question told LT she was 19.

Speaking on Fox News' "Studio B wth Shepard Smith," Taylor said, "I didn't pick her up at no playground. She wasn't hiding behind the school bus or getting off a school bus.

"That's not my M.O. I've been around kids and people all my life," added Taylor, a former New York Giants linebacker and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. "I'm not the cause of prostitution. And sometimes I make mistakes and I may go out there . . . This is a working girl that came to my room. And I don't know what her age was. I asked her age. She told me she was 19. It is what it is." "It's the world of prostitution," he said during the Fox News interview. "You never know what you're gonna get. Is it gonna be a pretty girl, an ugly girl or whatever it's gonna be." "You can only ask," Taylor said. "I don't card them. I don't ask for a birth certificate."

Taylor said he had "no beef" with the girl.

"I'll take my punishment like I should, but my problem is at home with my wife, so that's really the only one I have to answer to," he said in the interview.

"I'm not looking for a relationship. Hey, sometimes I look for some company," Taylor said. "It's all clean. I don't have to worry about your feelings. It's all clean. I'm not saying it's right. It's the oldest profession in the world."

"I guess you call it a crime," he said during the interview. "It's one of those crimes you don't think about. You never think you're gonna get busted because everyone does it until you get busted, and then it's more embarrassing than anything else."
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Football Culture


The comments by Lawrence Taylor reflect the football culture. More than 40 years ago as a 16 year old playing junior FB (16-21 year olds) everyone was considered equal and off age. Groupies were all considered adults and treated accordingly.

This was also true in the USA. Visiting former teammates on FB scholarships in various parts of the USA saw the same attitude prevail.

Like some former NFL players, LT has had issues making the transition from the field to everyday life. This is rather evident from his post NFL history. Do not see the purpose of a detailed study.

Bottom line = no excuses. Every choice carries a price and/or consequence.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Age Of Consent

Of course in the eyes of the law, there are no excuses. A belief that someone is over the age of 17 is not a defense to statutory rape if the age of consent is 17. In New York, the age of consent is 17. That means that a 16 year old girl cannot consent to having sex, period.

LT rolled the dice when he asked that girl her age and accepted her answer of being 19. He knew she looked young. In this case he rolled the dice and lost.
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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
What possibly occurred to Lawrence Taylor has also likely occurred to many 'johns' in Mtl over the past decade or so. Where the 'johns' thought they were seeing a girl 18 & over, when in fact she was underaged. It's somewhat rare, but not uncommon. Anyone remember an agency called "First Time"? They were very popular 10 years ago. The pimp eventually was convicted for employing (knowingly) minors. It's amazing how some 'johns' could easily get fooled into thinking they were seeing an 18 to 21 year old girl when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Same thing with some other then-popular agencies that got busted for the same thing....and other agencies who haven't been busted.

One of my former ATF's, whom i saw when she was 21, told me at the time that she had been escorting for nearly 5 years. I've also heard stories from sp's (regulars) over the years who knew about some of their 'colleagues' working even though they weren't 18. What disgusted me is that there were occasions when their 'bosses' were aware of it. Of course, there were also occasions when the agency owners were also fooled when the girls would show them very good fake i.d's when they'd show up for an interview.
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Nov 12, 2007
It is complete bullshit that you can go to jail for fucking someone who claims and can pass for being 18 and is under age whatever the age of concent happens to be.
Really, do you have to ask for photo ID, a birth certificate, and get them authenticated anytime you fuck someone without wrinkles.

If I were a well developed 15 year old I'd be tempted to start hooking, and start a nice blackmail business.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Wasis, it might be bullshit but it's the law. In doubt, yes, you should card them. It's not a comfortable situation but, if the girl refuses, it's up to you to decide if it's worth the risk. She can hide the name, as long as you see the picture and DOB.

Some 15yo, even 14yo can easily pass for over 18. Usually, you will not know until you start having a discussion with them and see the immaturity. That isn't foolproof either since some 25yo speak like they were 12 so... Carding and/or refusing are the only options to be 100% safe.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If I were a well developed 15 year old I'd be tempted to start hooking, and start a nice blackmail business.

It happens all the time in the Latin American countries, but usually it is the brother or sister or the uncle who sets up the scam. Once you get hooked, the brother barges in, calls the police, you get arrested and thrown in jail, and there you stay until you come up with about $3,000, which is likely to be split between the local police and the girl's family. I am surprised you were not aware of this business.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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It is complete bullshit that you can go to jail for fucking someone who claims and can pass for being 18 and is under age whatever the age of concent happens to be.
Really, do you have to ask for photo ID, a birth certificate, and get them authenticated anytime you fuck someone without wrinkles.

If I were a well developed 15 year old I'd be tempted to start hooking, and start a nice blackmail business.

Remember Tracy Lords? She fooled the entire porn industry. She was 15 and looked like she was 20, 21 equipped with 36D-23-35 body. You can't tell with some overly developed teenagers.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

The comments by Lawrence Taylor reflect the football culture. More than 40 years ago as a 16 year old playing junior FB (16-21 year olds) everyone was considered equal and off age. Groupies were all considered adults and treated accordingly.

This was also true in the USA. Visiting former teammates on FB scholarships in various parts of the USA saw the same attitude prevail.

Like some former NFL players, LT has had issues making the transition from the field to everyday life. This is rather evident from his post NFL history. Do not see the purpose of a detailed study.

Bottom line = no excuses. Every choice carries a price and/or consequence.


What??? So Roman Polanski was an NFL player? Errol Flynn was an NFL player? Jerry Lee Lewis was an NFL player? David Koresh was an NFL player, Warren Jeffs (Mormon) was an NFL player. Chuck Berry, Joey Buttafuoco, Rob Lowe, Sergei Federov, Don Johnson were all NFL players?

Chuck Berry - In 1961, the great songwriter was convicted in St. Louis of transporting a 14-year-old
girl across a state line. He ended up in jail for a year-and-a-half.

Joey Buttafuoco - 1993 Nov 15, A judge in Mineola, N.Y., sentenced Joey Buttafuoco to six months in jail for the statutory rape of 16-year-old Amy Fisher, who shot and wounded Buttafuoco's wife, Mary

Sergei Federov - Red Wings star with 16-year-old sweetheart, tennis player Anna Kournikova.

Errol Flynn - Film star in of the 30's, 40's and 50's. Was acquitted for statutory rape charges involving two teenage girls in 1942, but the scandal only increased his popularity. "In like Flynn" became the
phrase young men used when their chances of scoring a babe (and getting away with it) were high.

Don Johnson - At 14, Melanie Griffith left home to move in with the actor who was then twenty-two. Johnson has never voiced any concern about the wisdom of having an affair with such a young girl. In fact, Johnson claims that Melanie was the aggressor in the relationship. " She pursued me", he told Entertainment Weekly.

Michael Kennedy - Bobby Kennedy's son, recently exposed for statutorily raping his children's underage baby-sitter, and then attempting to destroy her when word got out.

Jerry Lee Lewis - In 1958, it came out that piano madman Jerry Lee Lewis had married his 14-year-old cousin, Myra Brown. Even though there were wedding bands involved, the revelation virtually
destroyed Lewis' young career.

Rob Lowe - TV and film star. Former brat packer. Back in 1988, during the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Lowe taped himself in compromising positions with a 16-year-old girl and a young woman. Lowe agreed to perform 20 hours of community service to avoid criminal charges.

Roman Polanski - The director fled the country in 1979 rather than face sentencing for the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. The Polish auteur went to a more understanding Europe, where he promptly established a relationship with the then 15-year-old Nastassja Kinski. Polanski can't return to the
States for fear of arrest.

It's about a perverse sense of entitlement, invulnerability, or unorthodox often self-serving beliefs.[/I]

According to Lawrence Taylor if he doesn't pick up some girl off a bus or playground any girl coming to his room posing as a prostitute, who is a "working girl" is fair game. In a longer recording I heard on WEEI he infers that because prostitution is the oldest profession and "everyone does it" he is not responsible for who comes to his room. "How did it happen that you solicited her services", Taylor was asked? "Well, it happens"...I had been on the road for 10, 11 days...I made a phone call to a friend of mine...he made a phone call. It's a world of never know what you're gonna get...IT'S ALL CLEAN...everybody does it". The "I Don't Card Them " statement says it all...he didn't care who was sent to his room.


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

My comment was specific to the NFL / FB culture and in no way approved or endorsed what Lawrence Taylor did.

The examples you cite outside the NFL are "entitlement" issues as opposed to egalitarian views in a locker room.

The Kornikova / Fedorov situation is rather unique - according to Russian Law, age of consent is 16 they were onside.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello EE,

I never thought you were endorsing Taylor's act. I wouldn't think it. But your blanket inferences about the NFL players are both unfair as to how deep your inference runs, and in singling out the NFL players as if such attitudes that may be present there aren't just as common in any other sport or calling such as film stars and politicians who develop certain feelings of omnipotence, entitlement, or just have abnormal views regarding the under-aged. In other words, you are over-generalizing a stereotype. It's not football, it's the attitude that can happen anywhere.


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Not Exactly

Lawrence Taylor was an NFL player, perhaps the greatest linebacker ever. As such the comparison was made within the context of the NFL culture.

Upon retirement most NFL players are able to make the transition from the NFL culture to the everyday norms of society and move on with life. Sadly some - Lawrence Taylor being the prime example cannot make such a transition.

The attitude that can happen anywhere. I take this to mean the "entitlement" attitude evidenced by people such as movie, recording stars, off spring of the famous, and the select group that simply does not care.

Team sports are somewhat different. It is very common for 16 - 22 year olds to play together or against each other. Junior hockey, football, baseball in Canada, University sports in the USA and elsewhere.

Basically you have adults and minors playing together as equals. This creates a distinct problem - at times they cannot separate the athletic equality from the social inequality that exists outside the arena. Very evident in examples of hazing or underage drinking and it also tends to drift into sexual areas.

Fortunately most athletes make the necessary social adjustments. A few like Lawrence Taylor never do with the results and consequences we see today.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Age of consent is irrelevant when it comes to prostitution. Pay a girl who is under the age of 18 for sex and if you get caught you're toast. As for checking a SP's ID for her isn't difficult to get fake ID that would fool anyone who doesn't have the required computer access to verify it's authenticity. So basically if you aren't a cop, checking her ID is useless for anything other than soothing your conscience. If you get busted and she turns out to be under 18, you're still toast.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Age of consent is irrelevant when it comes to prostitution.

Actually it is the other way around, prostitution is irrelevant to the age of consent. The crime charged is statutory rape and all that matters is whether there was sex and whether she was under the legal age of consent. That was the point that was being made with the age of consent being brought up. Taylor's claim was he thought she was 19, but this is not a defense to the crime of statutory rape of a 16 year old girl in a jurisdiction in which the age of consent is 17. If she was a 17 year old hooker then Taylor would not have been charged with 3rd degree statutory rape in the State of New York. He could be charged with other crimes, of course.

Taylor was charged with 3rd degree statutory rape (a felony in New York) but worked out a deal to plead guilty to misdemeanors including patronizing a prostitute. As a matter of interest, the girl denied she was a hooker. Her status as hooker or not was totally irrelevant to this prosecution of the felony charge.

A more interesting issue is that Taylor reportedly came on her tits (jacking himself off as she received the semen on her tits). The defense elected not to argue at trial that this act does not amount to sex. I personally question whether Taylor jacking off on her tits meets the definition of sex, but undoubtedly a jury would have bent over backwards to convict him depending on the instruction.

I just re-read the definition of sex under the New York Statute and what LT did is not sex. Sex is:

1. Intercourse (penis fucking vagina)
2. Oral sex (sucking penis or licking vagina)
3. Anal sex (insertion of dick in ass)

What LT did was none of the above.
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Nov 12, 2007
Wasis, it might be bullshit but it's the law. In doubt, yes, you should card them. It's not a comfortable situation but, if the girl refuses, it's up to you to decide if it's worth the risk. She can hide the name, as long as you see the picture and DOB.

Some 15yo, even 14yo can easily pass for over 18. Usually, you will not know until you start having a discussion with them and see the immaturity. That isn't foolproof either since some 25yo speak like they were 12 so... Carding and/or refusing are the only options to be 100% safe.

But you can't card an escort, I'd assume for privacy issues you would never get ID. Does anybody in the real world ask for ID before having sex EVERY time.

Pick up a girl at a bar, get a girl who works for an agency, and go to jail because you have been lied to. It makes just about all sex a risk for prison ass fucking. You can't do much to protect yourself from it. Might as well just make sex outside of marriage illegal and be done with it.

I've known too many 20 and 30 sometimes who were basically children with tits.

I'll say it again, the law is bullshit. It is not just. Not that I expect much better from the world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
EB, there are extinuating circumstances here. The consent age is 17 in New York but when a girl is turning a dozen tricks per week for the past 6 months...isn't this a mitigating circumstance? Come on. What should the consent age be for a girl that has been turning tricks for the past 6 months? LT did not believe that a 16 Y.O. girl was going to show up at his room. It is not as if he knowingly lured in an underage virgin by seducing her on a social network.

I would do anything to avoid an underage SP but Wasinaname is correct. In this case, the law is an ass!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
... A more interesting issue is that Taylor reportedly came on her tits (jacking himself off as she received the semen on her tits). The defense elected not to argue at trial that this act does not amount to sex. I personally question whether Taylor jacking off on her tits meets the definition of sex...
All that embarrassment + media coverage for blowin' a load on a girl's chest. Geeez, really LT?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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EB, there are extinuating circumstances here. The consent age is 17 in New York but when a girl is turning a dozen tricks per week for the past 6 months...isn't this a mitigating circumstance? Come on. What should the consent age be for a girl that has been turning tricks for the past 6 months? LT did not believe that a 16 Y.O. girl was going to show up at his room. It is not as if he knowingly lured in an underage virgin by seducing her on a social network.

I would do anything to avoid an underage SP but Wasinaname is correct. In this case, the law is an ass!

Where do you get she turned a dozen tricks in the past 6 months? I read LT was her first experience as a SP. That is why she freaked out. The pimp threatened her if she backed out.

LT's problem was he dealt with a low-life pimp. Any jury would not have any sympathy for him because he was dealing with prostitution, which is unlawful in NY and it was his dumb luck that the girl was 16 and she felt dirty afterwards, prompting her to tell her family and ultimately LE.

EagerrBeaver has a point if LT only did masterbated on her and she would have testified to that in a trial. If the Judge did instruct the jury as to what the law actually said, he may have been able to beat the rap.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Where do you get she turned a dozen tricks in the past 6 months? I read LT was her first experience as a SP. That is why she freaked out. The pimp threatened her if she backed out.

LT's problem was he dealt with a low-life pimp. Any jury would not have any sympathy for him because he was dealing with prostitution, which is unlawful in NY and it was his dumb luck that the girl was 16 and she felt dirty afterwards, prompting her to tell her family and ultimately LE.

EagerrBeaver has a point if LT only did masterbated on her and she would have testified to that in a trial. If the Judge did instruct the jury as to what the law actually said, he may have been able to beat the rap.

This is also what I read. Shortly after the arrest the reports were that both LT and the girl denied sexual intercourse. It was then reported he masturbated and ejaculated on her tits. It was also reported that the girl was new to the business and apparently coerced by the pimp, and LT was in fact dealing with a very small time low-life pimp.

I had thought about this avenue of defense - negating the element of sex. I am sure Taylor's attorneys discussed it with him. In the end a plea deal and probation with no jail time probably cost LT less in attorney's fees and it would also spare all those involved the stress and drama of a trial in which the jury likely would have been instructed as to the elements of the statutory rape charge, and even if he beat that charge, he may have been convicted of the misdemeanors and not only ended up with a worse deal and jail time, but also the local media would have had a field day with that trial and his embarassment would have gone up exponentially.

I personally think LT would have beaten the felony charge at trial, but the result he reached with the plea deal may have been the best result for him financially, emotionally, and in terms of eliminating any further publicity.
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