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Long term arrangements


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...Although I do admit that most Hollywood tough guys are Republicans... there are some like Tommy Lee Jones who are Democrats. I cannot ever visualize Tommy Lee Jones as a feminist ... haha. He’d probably annihilate anyone who called him a feminist... haha ...

Really? Let's hear what Tommy said about himself a few years ago.

The truth is that he just has a hard time accepting the label "feminist," but he knows that it is in his self-interest to proclaim himself a feminist. EG, sorry to shatter your illusions.

I do think that he's a great actor and I don't really care that much about his political beliefs. I judge artists based on their artistic abilities and not their politics.

BTW, just for the record, I'm not a feminist...or a Democrat or a Liberal or a Conservative or a Republican. :D

I'm a feminist, says Tommy Lee Jones at Homesman premiere
12 Nov. 2014

The actor and director says he is a 'humanist and feminist' as he unveils his new film Homesman, starring Hilary Swank

Tommy Lee Jones has said the "dilemmas" faced by his grandmother and his daughter have not changed over the last century.

Declaring himself a humanist and a feminist at the premiere of his latest film Homesman, the 68-year-old actor said he was "concerned" about women's rights.

"As it turns out my grandmother, my mother, my wife and my daughter are all women and I like those people," he said.

"I'm concerned about the issues that they face in their lives. So I'm a feminist, but that's not all I am."

Tommy Lee Jones-"I don't think there's a woman who hasn't been objectified or trivialised because of her gender'
16 Nov 2014

[FONT=&amp]...There is a sandblasted rawness few others match because Jones is that rare thing, an authentic loner. His intensity imbues roles with a moral compass even when playing the bad guy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]None of which really prepares you for his latest incarnation: the quasi-feminist. Jones has directed, co-written and stars in a subversive western, The Homesman, which explores the female condition in the frontier harshness of 1850s Nebraska. Hilary Swank plays a resilient, lonely singleton who enlists Jones’s crabby claims jumper to help her escort three mentally ill women back to civilisation. “Our film is the inverse of the conventional western,” says Jones. “It’s about women, not men; it’s about lunatics, not heroes; they’re travelling east, not west; and we have a different perspective on what has come to be called manifest destiny.”

...In The Homesman, based on Glendon Swarthout’s novel, he has put female suffering and fortitude at the heart of a quintessentially masculine genre.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]...Sexist injustice, he says, continues to this day. “I don’t think there’s a woman in the readership of the Guardian, not one, who hasn’t been objectified or trivialised because of her gender at one time or another. And that’s really what our movie is about.”[/FONT]
So is it a feminist movie? A pause. He chooses his words carefully. “It would not be unfair to call it that but I’m not looking for labels.” It seems he will elaborate but doesn’t...[/FONT]

Tommy Lee Jones


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...As for SA and discussing $$ there, dunno. I haven't looked at it in almost two years, but the last time I did, the girls did clearly state the dollar level at which they'd like to be rewarded. Has that changed? The boys, of course, just post their income. Certainly, at this point, were I to have the need to go there again, I'd keep that conversation off site.

So to return to the topic of the thread...

Yes, the girls state their desired dollar level and nothing has changed about that. But the preset categories are all monthly amounts except for the first category ("negotiable."). Even with negotiable, the implication is that it's a negotiable monthly amount. Nevertheless, in the case of the three women whom I have met via SA, all were willing to meet on a per-encounter basis. Maybe they would prefer a set monthly "budget" but they were willing to compromise. Even women who set a desired budget above "negotiable" may be willing to consider pay-per-meet arrangements.

NEGOTIABLEI don't have a set budget
MINIMALUp to $ 1,000 monthly
PRACTICALUp to $ 3,000 monthly
MODERATEUp to $ 5,000 monthly
SUBSTANTIALUp to $ 10,000 monthly
HIGHMore than $ 10,000 monthly


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I wonder when the feds and feminists will target Seekingarrangement with bogus claims of sex trafficking and try to shut it down?

Many websites that facilitated business deals between men and women have already been shut down or intimidated into closing so it may be only a matter of time.

The only ones you got to worry about are the ultra conservatives and the Evangelicals. Feminists play a very small part of it. The ultimate in feminism is legalized prostitution. Her body her choice. But the right-wing conservatives put women down as second class citizens... There are more laws on a woman's uterus then on guns. Guns is a right but not healthcare. The conservatives will never allow any prostitution since it goes against their backwards rightist religious principals. Theocracy above all else. This was never about trafficking this is just a charade to show to the public. So long as Seeking Arrangement remains as a sugar daddy website they will leave it alone since sex for money is against the bible. But having a relationship and offering money for other things besides sex is not against the bible. The only thing I fear is all those escorts with no place to advertise will pollute the Seeking Arrangement sites trying to solicit sexual services. Seeking Arrangement best monitor those accounts and shut them down.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well said EasyGoing. That is all typical conservative talk. I am a liberal but am no feminist. I in fact hate feminism.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well said EasyGoing. That is all typical conservative talk. I am a liberal but am no feminist. I in fact hate feminism.

Me too. In fact I hate all kind of extremist. Left or right. Feminist or misogynist... Any kind. For me an extremist is just like a drug addict or an alcoholic, something blinds him to see reality.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The issue with many Liberals is that they think every Conservative is an extremist.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Let's get this thread back to the topic. If we can't do that, then I will suggest to the mods to clean it up or close it. If you want to debate feminism more, we can start a thread about it in the Politics forum. I will be glad to participate.

Though I think we already all agree. :D feminist. I in fact hate feminism.

OK, back to the topic of "arrangements."

Jalimon, Cloud 500, EG, STN, have you tried Seeking Arrangement? If so, what was your experience? If not, why not?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
OK, back to the topic of "arrangements."

Jalimon, Cloud 500, EG, STN, have you tried Seeking Arrangement? If so, what was your experience? If not, why not?

I opened up an account as a trial. Lots of beautiful girls and is very different then regular dating sites as it is the girls making the first move and sending many messages. I like the racial search function as I am interested in Black or Latina girls only. I saw many strippers that I know on that website. I found it interesting. For the moment I have no need for that as I already have an arrangement with a girl I meet at a stripclub over two years ago. Whenever she decides to leave my next move will be on SA. Escorts really does not in me at all maybe once in a while for variety. I call that the pizza delivery experience and that is not my cup of tea at all and neither is the whole pure all business interaction.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have no reason to use SA, do not need to buy a friend or long term fuck buddy. Just my opinion.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yep good idea Capt. I have yet to make a arrangements. But it is most probably a next step of mine.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I have no reason to use SA, do not need to buy a friend or long term fuck buddy...

Fair enough, but don't you live in a place where there is not much of an escort scene? Trying the arrangement route expands the supply of available women, some of whom are both more desirable and less expensive than professional escorts.

Admittedly though, it is more work to identify and connect with the right woman. But to me that is part of the fun.

There are a lot of pros and cons and it's not for everyone. But it has worked for me. I recently had my fifth (or was it sixth?) encounter (since November) with my Latina single mom friend. Given the current uncertainty surrounding the escort business, I'm glad that I already have a good relationship with her and I hope to keep it going.

Jalimon, C500, I have browsed the listings on SA for Montreal and I can see that you guys have access to a veritable gold mine of desirable women there. It's just a matter of finding the right one, which can take a few tries. But when I search the listings for Montreal, I wish that I lived there. Who knows, maybe someday I will. ;)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I just want to bust a nut once in awhile, very thankful towards escorts. I have a regular I see that suits my needs. When I am in Quebec I would like to experience more fine dining but will not pay to have someone eat with me, did it a few times in the past but lost the urge.
I am out west more often now, hit the pubs with live entertainment and found a coiple of ladies closer to my age bracket that I have invited for dinners ( free is much better ). There is an escort here ( Taylor Sweet ) that does the trick for me to bust a nut with.
Paying for a friend, even a friend that fucks you on occasion is not what I am looking for.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Their marketing pisses me off.

They call $1,000 minimal... the company itself and its marketing that acts like everyone makes as much as a Manhattan investment banker irritates me.

You have to ignore all that stuff. You're not negotiating with SA-you're negotiating with an individual woman that you happened to meet on SA. As with the escort business, markets determine actual prices, not sellers or buyers (or government :D).

I have had encounters ("arrangements") with three different women (2 of them more than once). In each case, it was fairly easy for me to reach an agreement about a price per encounter that was approximately equivalent to the going hourly rate for a good escort in the area where I live. However, each one of my encounters lasted at least 2 hours (and as much as 3 hours) and included some social time and some intimate fun time.

Also, there are plenty of escorts who have what I would consider to be unreasonably high prices. That doesn't bother me and it doesn't make me condemn escorts as a group. You just have to find the one that's right for you in price, looks and service. It's the same on SA.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
. When I am in Quebec I would like to experience more fine dining but will not pay to have someone eat with me, ...( free is much better )...

None of the women that I have met on SA charged me for social time (lunch in my case). We agree on a set price for social time and fun time that lasts a combined 2 hours or more. With my current SB, I am getting more and paying less than I would with a comparable escort for the same amount of time.

My impression is that you should always include social time in the negotiation. SBs don't want to think of themselves as escorts for hire by the hour. The social time allows them to think of their encounters as something other than that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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1000$ is barely enough to rent a decent apartment, in a decent neighborhood in Montreal, with maybe extra cash for grocery and hydro bill... Having a roof over my head is the very minimum I need to be safe, warm, comfortable and have privacy.

I recognize where you are coming from Mocha, looking at what your needs are and what you need to do to support them. But you must also recognize that most students (many of these SB are!) working 15h/week in a, let's say, $15/h job if they're lucky wouldn't make even that $1000. The SB accepting this amount would make it in a few hours with a SD that she chooses (she can be more selective than escorts) and even hope to have a good time compared to working that shitty student job. The SD himself, even if he's a well paid professional, would likely need to work more hours than his SB to earn that $1000 he's giving her (remember that $1000 is after taxes so he has to earn $2000 to give her $1000 cash). If he make a very decent $200,000/year salary, it is roughly $110/hour, and then take half away in income taxes so about $60/hour in his pockets. And don't forget he's likely also paying restaurants, activities, hotels, travels and gifts.

That is not to say that students should live miserably and also that those salaries paid are fair. But just looking at the hard facts, if a student in our environment decides to add being an SB to her activities, it's a good sideline. If that is the only thing she does to make a living and decides to live on that budget the SD will provide, well that is something else. But even in that case, she would have to work a couple hours a week to make a living... not too shabby!

I am not saying she is not worth it, I am not saying it's not up to him to agree or disagree. In the end, it's an arrangement (exactly!) between two human beings. However, it's easy to look at money as a numbers and loose sight of what it represent. I like my SB to recognize that what I give her is not monopoly money, it's my sweat and blood at work; just like she appreciates that I recognize the effort she makes in being sexy for me and making sure I have a good moment in her company. Mutual respect is what keeps us together.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
Mocha, I guess in comes down to how both parties view the arrangement on those sites. If the arrangement if is "support me completely, in exchange for x number of hour/days/dates", then I could see how $1000 monthly would seem minimal. From what some here have posted, however, the arrangements usually don't involve the SD completely supporting the SB. If the SD is only contributing to certain expenses, then $1000 monthly seems like quite a high amount.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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And I suspect the possibility of SA becoming more of a lower-end transactional place is something that is going to be an issue very soon..

I have been on SA as a paid customer for around 4 years and I don’t agree. There have always been low end providers on SA. It’s not like they will wake up tomorrow and suddenly realize SA is an alternate venue. Unlike Backpage, SA enables messaging and exchanging of photos which irrevocably distinguishes it from other advertising venues.

There have always been low end on SA because a certain segment of clients have money but don’t want to pay a lot for sex. The guy who introduced me to SA is an attorney friend of mine who comes from the Oliver Kloseoff school of thought that if you can get a blow job for $10 and a half eaten Mars bar, that’s a good deal, regardless of whether the SP has any teeth. He actually got robbed on a SA date a few years ago by two low end inner city girls (his type), and when he reported the robbery to police he was essentially laughed out of the station.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What some people who are not on SA do not realize is that everything is on there. Girls who want online relationships or sexy pics for money exchanges. Girls who want platonic or eye candy only relationships. Girls who want friends or someone to chat with. Semipros, who will Fuck for money but only if they see your pics, you are not old and disgusting and the price is right. And there are a lot who will have sex for money but only after you take them out 3-4 times and prove that you are willing to invest in something more than a one night stand. And of course there are straight pros who will do the one night stand. Based on my experiences on SA any attempt to categorize it as any one thing fails. There is something on there for everyone if you look and use the search function. It’s all negotiable but as a general rule, the hot 18-21 year olds who are college girl nonpros are not on there to do one night stands. You have to take them out a few times at least, give them an allowance and then sex is achievable.

I have done pay-per-meets that resulted in sex by the 4th date more than a few times. You just have to be upfront and say that you want intimacy but not right away. That’s what they want to hear because for an 18-21 year old with a guy in his 40s and up she wants to be made to feel comfortable around you before things get intimate. And know that you are for real and not a guy just looking for quick and dirty sex. Again, I am talking about the nonpro college girls on the site.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Some ladies I paid nothing for platonic dates and then paid once things got intimate, others I paid $100-$150 for platonic dinner dates and then more when things got intimate. Most of the hotter, in demand ladies expect money, otherwise it’s hard to get their attention. Of late I have dated mostly black or mixed women because due to racism and other factors beyond the scope of this thread, it’s easier and more cost effective to get dates with very hot black/mixed women than very hot or mixed Caucasians. And if race doesn’t matter as in my case it’s a no brainer. I have seemingly had very good success of late and my success rate went up dramatically increased when I focused on very hot, young (18-22) mixed and black women. My theory is that the demand is lower for reasons mentioned above. Another friend of mine who dates black Women and is on SA has a theory that most open minded white guys don’t know what to do or what they have on their hands with a hot black woman who can be feistier and more independent minded than white girls of the same bracket.
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