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Long term arrangements

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
According to my calculations, that would get you about 146 hours. My girl and I spent 160 waking hours in Berlin last November. We spend 6-8 hours together per week. And we'll spend 64 waking hours in New York City between now and this coming Thursday. I'm afraid you're not getting much for your 30K, Sol.

To each their own but in my case I would not pay someone just to be with me, for a dinner date with sex after would be max. If a session is over early I usually just clean up and leave and not hang around just to kill the clock, could never figure out the cuddling some do after. Second, now I see someone only twice a month max so the 30K would not come into effect. I commend you for assisting the young lady in her venture, not hard to tell she is pleased.
Looks like you are enjoying yourself and know what you are into, have fun.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Sounds to me like the only thing of interest to you is dispensing your precious bodily fluids. You are aware, I presume, that there are much more cost effective ways. :D For my part, every minute I spend with this younger woman is a joy to me. That I can share my good fortune with her to improve her quality of life just makes it even better.

Well, I understand good feeling in assisting yang lady but this can be transformed in instant into regrets if the relations get sour.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For my part, every minute I spend with this younger woman is a joy to me. That I can share my good fortune with her to improve her quality of life just makes it even better.

I have two great kids to do that with. As stated, I see escorts for sex not a relationship, real or not.
Just to add, you are in love with this girl, it shows.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I have two great kids to do that with. As stated, I see escorts for sex not a relationship, real or not.
Just to add, you are in love with this girl, it shows.

You nailed it on this one and this is the third time we agree. It is clear he is buying affection or a relationship to fill a void probably left by failed marriages or something else. Either way me personally I do not pay for social time or anything. I pay for sex nothing more. If we have a good time and want to do social activities I am all open for that but not in exchange for money. I have done that with many strippers no money or arrangements. And I agree he is in love just as Starry is.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
To some people, there is more to sex than spilling seed. A lot more. You're missing out on an awful lot, Sol.

Really? I am not missing out, you are confused. Having sex and making love are two different tbings, I pay for sex, not for love. I am not missing out, just know what I am doing.


Jul 31, 2013
There is many kind and length of love...loves take many shape,.

Best date scenario is: a little chat,main event,chat and laughter while cuddling,an encore and shower...

I agree with Lily also. Note to SP's: Getting up and dressed after the main event applies to you as well.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Really? I am not missing out, you are confused. Having sex and making love are two different tbings, I pay for sex, not for love. I am not missing out, just know what I am doing.

I am in similar situation as STN. Now what is first for me is my kids, the rest is for fun.

To re-phrase STN, I would say, having sex and fantasy and making love are two different things.

It's funny I say that now because only very recently I met a girl for which I could have fallen into some king of arrangement as we both like each other a lot. Since she is moving away to live a few hours from me, the case is now settled. Will see her whenever I can as I know she will bright up my soul while we take care of each others body!

In the meantime, I will have some fun here and there ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Lily, Just my opinion and even though I have not met you but you seem to be different from the majority of the escorts here, in a good way, I put Maria on that same list. I do not just get up, shower and leave, it is a slow process and I do chat during the cleanup, in my mind if I leave early ( up to 20 min but mostly 10 min ) I am giving the SP a little more alone time which I am guessing many appreciate. At the beginning of a session I never just jump in the shower get out and begin the action. There is always talking before the session, some even remind me that I should shower so we have enough time ( I am only a one sog guy for a hour and I am good for only 30 min now a days :( , I have my time management figured out ) and I have had many thank me for the chat time at the beginning, even get extras for free for that simple act. With the ex and past girlfriends I could spend hours in bed, can not seem to do it with an escort, dinner before or after is fine just not cuddling.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I can understand how it is more satisfying to develop a chemistry with someone, I am meeting few people from my start, 9-10 years ago, from time to time. That's always a big joy, it is like a very special event, lots of happiness in the preparation and thinking that we will meet again soon.

I adore to meet with someone with whom we developed deeper connections, could this connections being called "love"? I do care for this particular friendship even if this is with benefices, and/but I learned that it is without any string. I had lived sadness sometimes when someone stop to meet together and even, I still think about some and wonder what happens in their lives, and if they are happy, and hope just the best.

But to my eyes, to be totally 100% just seeing one person is a kind of a dangerous bet. I imagine that a Sugar Baby should have few Sugar Daddies, logically, to feel secure. In fact, one of my goal is still is to have just regular few particular friends. In my mind, that has never been a goal to have the most partners in life possible, but to have less but opting for more quality time & exchanges. I am not a machine, I am made of flesh & emotions and I want to remain humain in my exchanges.

It makes me think of another anecdote: I decided to stay true to myself in my beginning when I realized that one of my co-worker in my first agency was, at it seems, having literally 2 personalities, even with us in private: she was a day the "street wise cat" talking and acting with the caracteristics of someone not educated, ruff..... and another day, she could be the "high class little princess", talking & acting preciously, with a different vocabulary and even her actions were all "gentlemanly". That was with this one that I had my first ever double encounter meeting with 2 guys and when we had the little chitchat at the beginning, she gladly said that all she was making was a comedy, nothing was real, that she was faking everything. I was surprised that this little one who was so very popular in the agency and always been booked very solid, had the guts to tell that in front of guys that we were about to have fun with. And they were so sympatic italian dudes, just wanted to have fun.... That time she broke the mood for the guy who decided to pick her because he told to "mine" who told me after that he was having a hard time getting hard... So seeing this girl being so affected by all faking in her occupation of escort made me believe that it should be best to remain myself and respect myself to stay sane in this field. And for the moment, I have a strong feeling that I did the right decision, apart that has been a solitary route for the majority of my escort life (I was exchanging on Merb to cut this also...), and mostly talking to my complices of encounters... Recently my family doctor find in me someone in good shape, mentally and physically. :) (I'm very lucky, probably good genes helped too)

But definitively, to return to the main subject, let's say that a sugar relation might be a one case by case to study to know if it could be good or not. It takes a bit more to be successful than just a regular escort session, if I may say.
Each parts might bring more qualities in the equation, giving clearly more of himself/herself in it.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

All my respect for you. You are always faithful to yourself...! A great example for young SP.

Thank you so much theyellowman for this extraordinary compliment. I feel that I don't deserve it totally because I think I made what I think I should do would be the best for me.
It appears that I begun I was over thirthy and that I had a life full of diverse experiments of works and relations before, I have a past in the health work also... so even if I am not a doctor, I can recognize some mental & physical illness signs.

When the girls/ladies are running like crazy and think to satisfy everything and everyone, that's when the problem can begin for them, if they go over their own real limits.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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But definitively, to return to the main subject, let's say that a sugar relation might be a one case by case to study to know if it could be good or not. It takes a bit more to be successful than just a regular escort session, if I may say. Each parts might bring more qualities in the equation, giving clearly more of himself/herself in it.

The fact that there is a relationship of some sort that is important for both also makes us want to protect that relationship. Just like with "normal" (meaning here it's the norm, the majority) men/women or with friendship, you don't want to necessarily hurt the other or hurt the relationship because there is a little thing happening or just because you feel bitchy one day. This is not the case in "one-off" relationships, like the one you may have with a random waitress in a restaurant or with the cashier at the bank where both protagonists are strangers to each other and the relationship is simply a transaction, buying a meal, depositing some money. That does not mean that waitresses or cashiers are mean, most of them are extremely pleasant. However, for the random day where they're not feeling in the mood to socialize, they may be more abrupt with you than they would be with someone whith whom they have a longer/more significant relationship with.

So, I feel the arrangement has some of the same attributes of the hobby, but the difference is in the relationship and its importance for both parties.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

You look to have been so hurt by an escort you met with this strong negative view generalizing too ALL the escorts. Sorry, but I have to tell you that's again, a case by case things how each person is seeing his/her complices of encounters.

Some do care more than others, and some care less than others. Simple.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Your view is rather harsh, but maybe justified by what you lived through and it's really saddening. But this is exactly what I meant.

With SP/client relationship it's hit and miss, and it depends a lot on the goodwill of the moment from both parties. Although on my side I would say the 2/3 of SP I met were immensely nice, above the call of duty, there is still that 1/3 that make us so angry and leave up empty (soul and pocket!).

Make no mistakes, in the Arrangement world, there are gold diggers and cold hearted ladies as well (just as I am sure there are cold hearted clients). However, you will spot them in no time. And once an arrangement is going, I feel it has the same types of incentive to maintain its quality than any relationships between people, business or not. And on my side, I appreciate that. Knowing that when I meet my babe, she's going to go out of her way to make me happy just like I will, weather it's for good sex or for a fun dinner and pool night in town! It takes away that 1/3 of rotten experiences and and warms your heart, makes you excited before every meeting. I mean, it gets as good as what you and her invest in. My darling gets much more than money from me, including mentorship, access to my professional network that opens doors for her and other help and support that she gets nowhere else, just like I get from her way more than good sex (but that also of course!). And we both wouldn't want to lose this over a stupid fight or a stupid bad day attitude.

Maria, you are right. Sugar relationships are not exclusive most of the time. The one I have right now is though, for many reasons, but it's really not the rule. Just as you have lived with your long-time clients, it's a no strings attached relationship that can develop into true caring if not friendship. It's not perfect by any mean, but at this point in my life this is what I need and appreciate of it.


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Make no mistakes, in the Arrangement world.............

I totally share your point of view. One of your sentences resumes it all: "I mean, it (the relationship) gets as good as what you and her invest in".

I kinda disagree on this one though: "Sugar relationships are not exclusive most of the time". If you filter out the golddiggers and escorts, in my short experience I'd say quite the contrary. Most women on SA are NOT looking for multiple guys, only ONE. Obviously it doesn't mean they are exclusive to you, as they may have a boy friend, or be having their fun in different other ways, but most often than not, you are the only one she'll be with, on an arrangement basis.

One MAIN difference I found between escorts and women looking for arrangements, is exactly this: They are looking for a man they will ENJOY being with, and it's NOT going to be their main source of revenue. The money aspect is of much less importance in this scenario, and some level of attraction or mutual interest MUST exist. I makes for a much more fulfilling relationship IMHO.



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I kinda disagree on this one though: "Sugar relationships are not exclusive most of the time". (...) Obviously it doesn't mean they are exclusive to you, as they may have a boy friend, or be having their fun in different other ways.

That's what I meant by not exclusive. You may have your fun your way, same for her, no questions asked, no jealousy.

One MAIN difference I found between escorts and women looking for arrangements, is exactly this: They are looking for a man they will ENJOY being with, and it's NOT going to be their main source of revenue. The money aspect is of much less importance in this scenario, and some level of attraction or mutual interest MUST exist.

Right on CA, exactly. They need help and support but it's not their main occupation. And often the help and support they need is beyond financial.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I don’t understand why people are trying to argue with Rumple. Illusion or no illusion he is happy and this is the bottom line and therefore money are well spent. I wish him to enjoy it while it lasts. It is actually a good general rule in life which might be (sic!) terminated at any moment. “ People die all the time, just like that. Why, you could wake up dead tomorrow...” Homer Simpson :)


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
A short term arrangment in Hong Kong Part I

I've never had a long term arrangement but I've had several relationships with escorts that went beyond the typical encounter of an hour or two. Each one was unique in terms of how long it lasted, how much I paid (or didn't pay) and what activities we enjoyed together beyond the realm of sex. Here's a story of one such short term "arrangement."

Hong Kong is a crowded, confusing and chaotic city. It is also beautiful, dynamic and fascinating. It's one of my favorite cities. Including my 2016 five-day stopover in Hong Kong, I have been there twice and I would gladly return.

Though modern-day communist Mandarins in Beijing now exercise ultimate authority over the city and there is no real political freedom for the residents, a visitor to Hong Kong can still feel like he is in a relatively free place. Police presence is minimal, commerce proceeds all day and night at a lively pace and some bars stay open all night (I don't think there is a legally required closing time).

Another realm of life in Hong Kong where a significant degree of liberty has always flourished is the sex business. Prostitution is legal in Hong, though there are restrictions on soliciting, "living off the avails" and brothels. Based on the current legal regime, tradition and the tolerance limits of the authorities and the public, these days there are three main kinds of venues where a gentleman can satisfy his feelings of lust in the city known as "the pearl of the Orient." These are: massage parlors that offer both happy endings and full service; the walk-up apartment buildings full of one-woman brothels and the "nightclubs" (what I would call "takeout" bars) located mainly in the Wan Chai district of Hong Kong Island.

Thanks to the very helpful reports posted on ISG by both residents and visitors (Un grand Merci a vous!), I arrived in Hong Kong armed with excellent intelligence about the local scene. I decided to focus my efforts on the bars of Wan Chai, a location made famous by the book and movie "The World of Suzie Wong." On my previous trip to Hong Kong in 1998, I had visited this district and found that it was an enjoyable place for a single man to pass the time. However, due to various circumstances, I never took advantage of any of the ladies who plied their trade there. I was determined that on my return to Hong Kong, I would do so.

I landed in Hong Kong's very modern and efficient airport in mid-morning and rode the express train into the city. I jumped in a taxi at the Hong Kong station and after a short ride I was dropped off at my hotel, the OZO Wesley, a comfortable mid-range hotel that is a short walk from the Wan Chai "nightclub" district. I got settled in my room and went out for a walk and to a late lunch. By late afternoon I was tired from my trip and walking around so I wasn't sure whether I would go out the first night. But it was Friday and I knew that I would have to go out to at least scout out the scene. So after resting a bit and getting some dinner I headed out. However, I didn't want to have a late night because I had planned some things for Saturday. I wasn't intent on bringing anyone back to the hotel that first night but I was open to the possibility.

In all there are about a dozen takeout nightclubs in a compact two by three block area. Sprinkled among these clubs are some regular bars and clubs that cater to a regular crowd of guys and girls not involved in the sex business. Even the business of the takeout nightclubs doesn't seem to depend solely on the presence of working girls. I think the working girls and their potential clients take over certain clubs at most times but not always. According to what I have read and seen, it's an ever-changing scene.

According to some guys who have frequented these clubs over a long time, the Wan Chai nightclub scene has been in decline for a long time. Maybe so. It's true that clubs have come and gone over the years and the area does seem to be becoming more gentrified, but my impression was that the scene is still thriving. It might be better or worse depending on the time of year, the day of the week and lots of other factors, but on the nights that I visited the clubs, there seemed to be no shortage of either working girls or potential clients.

Most of the clubs have certain features in common, such as a basement location, a dark interior, a big bar, a small dance floor and a Filipino rock cover band whose musicians and female singer may or may not be talented. Some clubs are dominated by girls from a certain ethnic groups such as Filipinas, Vietnamese, Thais, Chinese or Indonesians. Some clubs may have a mix of girls from two or more groups. A lot of the potential clients are Western men but there are Asians too.

My first stop was the current incarnation of the famous Neptune Club, Neptune III ( If I recall correctly, I visited the original Neptune (also Joe Banana's) on my previous visit. I also stopped in to Escape and New Makati. On entering each club I was not asked to pay a cover charge or told that there was a drink minimum. I purchased bottled water in two of the three clubs but nothing in New Makati. I talked briefly with a few girls in each of the clubs but things never progressed to the point of negotiating a deal. As it turned out, I was just too tired from my travels and I decided that the wise course of action was to use the first night as a scouting trip and make a tactical retreat back to my nearby hotel room to get a good night's sleep.

Nevertheless I decided that I liked the Wan Chai nightclub business model. As in a German FKK, you can spend time scoping out the scene, chatting with girls and trying to find one that pleases you in looks and personality. All the girls speak English to one degree or another, at least enough to negotiate a business deal. As a group, the Filipina girls are easily the most fluent English speakers and other than them it depends on the individual girl. Unlike the girls in a German FKK, the girls are of course wearing clothes, usually something sexy but tasteful. They don't necessarily look like working girls, just girls out on the town for the evening.

I spent the next day exploring the city and doing a little shopping. If you're interested in watches, you should visit Hong Kong because it is the world retail capital of watches-not fake ones but the real thing. No other city has so many watch stores offering such a variety of brands, type and price levels. But I got back to my hotel in mid afternoon and relaxed for a while in preparation for another evening in Wan Chai.

I had some plans for the next day so I didn't want to spend much time in the bars that night. I wanted to find a woman who suited my tastes and take her back to the hotel at a reasonable hour.

I decided to head first to a recommended club that I had not checked out the night before, Hong Kong Cafe.

I was feeling more rested than the previous night so I was determined that I would do my best to find a lady to take back to my hotel. I sat down by myself at on corner of the bar away from the band and ordered my usual bottle of water. I sat there for a short time watching the passing parade of girls but none of them really caught my eye. I was looking in the direction of the band and I didn't notice at first that someone had sat down to my right. I turned to look at who was there and I saw a woman with a very attractive face wearing a tight fitting long dress with a plunging neckline that revealed her ample cleavage. She had long beautiful black hair with golden brown highlights. Her makeup was expertly applied and nicely highlighted her attractive features. She was obviously older than many of the girls in the bar, but I loved her look right away-a beautiful, voluptuous Asian MILF.

I smiled at her and introduced myself. She called herself "Bee" and told me she was from Thailand, a fact that I had already guessed by her look. We chatted for a few minutes and I offered to buy her a drink. She ordered some mixed drink and I noticed the bartender marked down something on a sheet of paper. As I had read, part of the game in these bars is for the ladies to get guys to buy them a drink. I didn't mind because the drink cost about only about HK$80 (about US$10). I wanted to get to know her and show my interest in her so buying her a drink only seemed fair. If you're going to go to these clubs, you have to play by the rules.

I hadn't entered the club looking for a certain type of woman but as soon as I found Bee, I knew that she was the one that I wanted to take back to my hotel. Bee told me she was 37 and later when I got to know her better she confessed that she was really 42. I didn't care-I was attracted to her and I thought her maturity could be an asset. And I can't resist a women with a pretty face and ample cleavage no matter what her age. If she has the right look and she is also closer in age to me then her maturity is usually an asset because there is a better chance that I will connect with her on more than just a sexual level.

I wanted to make it an early night and it was already past 10PM so I suggested that we talk business. Bee's English is good but not perfect so she apparently wasn't sure of my intentions. She responded to my suggestion that we "talk business" by asking me if I understood clearly what she was doing here that night. Hmm, did I look so naive to her that I didn't understand the nature of the business being carried on in the Hong Kong Cafe? I found her response endearing and a possible indication that she was not a full-time pro. It turned out she really wasn't-at least I don't think so, but I don't know for sure. As she later explained, she was on a two-week trip from her native Thailand to HK . I assumed that her mission was to make some easy money (significantly more than she could make in Thailand as a working girl of her age) and spend some of it in the shopping mecca of Hong Kong.

Anyway, once we both understood clearly what our intentions were, I offered her HK$1000 (US$130) to go back to my room with me. She countered with $1500 (US$195) and I proposed that I could pay that much if she would stay with me at least two hours. She agreed and so we headed out. It was a short walk to my hotel but in hindsight maybe we should have taken a cab because she was wearing a pretty silky looking dress and heels that weren't at all suited to negotiating the busy sidewalks and streets of Wan Chai. But it was a pleasure to walk such a sexy, well dressed woman back to my hotel. It was also nice to be in a place where we didn't attract stares from disapproving strangers. In that part of Hong Kong, we were a perfectly normal couple.

Once back at my room Dee proceeded to confirm the good feelings that I had felt about her when I first met her. She has all the good traits that make Thai women among the most desirable in the world. She has a sweet, gentle easy-going personality but she became a tigress once we became intimate with each other. She kissed enthusiastically, made love energetically and gave me a nice massage after we had expended our sexual energy. After the massage she lay next to me and we talked for quite a while and got to know each other. Her English was good enough that we could have a nice conversation. She stayed well beyond our agreed upon two hour date and I finally had to reluctantly suggest that it was time for me to get some sleep, since I had some plans for the next day.

She said that she would like to see me again and I felt the same towards her. We exchanged contact info on WhatsApp and I asked her about the possibility of an overnight stay. She said she would be happy to do so. I wasn't sure what to offer her but I had the feeling that she found my hotel room, bed and company to be preferable to whatever temporary living arrangements she had during her sojourn in Hong Kong. I proposed HK$2000 (about $260 US) and she said OK. The price was a bargain compared to what I had just paid her for about 3 hours of her time. She probably would have stayed over that night but I needed to get up early the next morning. We agreed to get in touch with each other on the day after tomorrow.
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