Montreal Escorts

Long term arrangements


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud 500, you (and Sam) are wrong, or at least are wrong in generalizing your conclusions. Sure some young ladies who enter into arrangements are just goldiggers. Some sugar dadies are suckers who can't see straight. Doesn't mean they all are.
Oh and before I forget, the normal one or two hour session is more likely to be the fantasy than the long term arrangement, though of course they can both be that.

You are really delusional. I read your posts in the To be or Not To be GFE thread. I think you need to look upon yourself. I cannot say exactly what it is as I do not know you but their is something lacking within you to be holding onto a delusion. Sugar Baby or a SP it is all a fantasy world. Having a sugar baby is a rental relationship nothing more. The both of you probably have nothing in common... Money brought the two of you together. The relationship is so superficial.


Oct 21, 2016
Well at least you acknowledge that what I and others are saying can be true. And yes of course it is the exception and not the norm. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that what clients generally want (and clients drive any service industry) is the norm. They are for a host of reasons, some of them doubtless valid, not interested in pursuing the exception. So the truth is that the ladies are somewhat relegated at worst to the status of temporary sex toys (maybe a little harsh but not far off the mark), a role that they willingly and professionally accept. But they are also people, like us, their clients, and there is of course a whole lot more to them than that (though they will not often show it because that is not what the client is paying for and they cannot in any event share that in any meaningful way with 200 guys a year day in and day out). Getting to know them is not easy but not impossible if one is so inclined. There can be unique relationship problems that are specific to any genuinely friendly relationship with a girl in the biz as well. There can be real questions surrounding their suitability for a truly affective attachment based on their experience of being in the business. Some posters on this board are from personal (and perhaps bitter or sad) experience acutely aware of this.
I had a feeling frankly that your reactions were being somewhat conditioned by a desire to distinguish any of the sorts of relationship/connections that are described on the pages of this board from your very successful "conventional" relationship. Bear in mind that the kind of relationship that you had with your wife is also pretty rare and indeed it is probably in many ways also different than what we are discussing, but perhaps not entirely than the ways that you first thought.


Oct 21, 2016
You are really delusional. I read your posts in the To be or Not To be GFE thread. I think you need to look upon yourself. I cannot say exactly what it is as I do not know you but their is something lacking within you to be holding onto a delusion. Sugar Baby or a SP it is all a fantasy world. Having a sugar baby is a rental relationship nothing more. The both of you probably have nothing in common... Money brought the two of you together. The relationship is so superficial.

We have lots in common, like basic human fellow feeling for example, something that you are probably too narrow minded and cynical to understand. And I really wish I was capable of experiencing the deep relationships that you evidently enjoy as you peruse the pages of an adult website lol.
Look I tried to help you out with a little knowledge. Didn't work. Have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
We have lots in common, like basic human fellow feeling for example, something that you are probably too narrow minded and cynical to understand. And I really wish I was capable of experiencing the deep relationships that you evidently enjoy as you peruse the pages of an adult website lol.

If that is true take away the money and see if she still sticks around. Yes they do have feelings but certainly not for you. You are a tool to a means. Nothing more nothing less. And I think that is probably the issue you probably never experienced a deep relationship outside of paying for it so you compensate by buying an illusion. But you know what it is your life.


Oct 21, 2016
If that is true take away the money and see if she still sticks around. Yes they do have feelings but certainly not for you. You are a tool to a means. Nothing more nothing less. And I think that is probably the issue you probably never experienced a deep relationship outside of paying for it so you compensate by buying an illusion. But you know what it is your life.

Dude you're the tool. Adios.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just finished reading the last couple of pages, Jalimon has it correct, this is a fantasy, nothing more. I see many reviews where clients say they clicked very well, cuddled after. Fine, as long as you know it is business only. As Cloud stated, try seeing the SP if she knew the money train stopped, you will see how much you clicked. As for long term, not for me, if I am done early in a session ( even 20 min ) I usually just leave. I see escorts for sex.


Oct 21, 2016
You're wasting your breath Rumple. They don't get it and it sounds like they never will. Its not all just about dollars and cents (my lady could better turn her time to account if thats what she really wanted to do) nor about a phoney and patronizing (pun intended) concern for some poor old fat guy sleeping on a park bench because a vixen has cleaned out his bank account lol. Unless you are an idiot you risk manage your situation, you examine her motivations and feelings, you get to know her heart and earn her trust and affection. At least that is the objective. And sometimes it works out.
And how dare you suggest that she has genuine feelings for you. Dont you know thats impossible and that you are really just deluding yourself lol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Unfortunately most women are attracted to jerks/douche bags and will not give a genetleman the time of day. Some of them do end up growing out of this phase but some inevitably are stuck in it and will always complain about never being able to find a good guy when she's been shooting them down all her life in favor of the asshole that treats her like shit. It's hard to say but the saying "nice guys finish last" is definitely true.

The biggest problem with nice guys is that first they are too eager, a bit needy, too available, and maybe even a bit clingy. All turn offs to women.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Just curious. Where did you gain your expertise on the SD/SB experience?

Just my guess, but I would hazard that the original poster was looking for feedback from people who have actually experienced this rather than from self-proclaimed expert on something they've never done.

One does not need to be in it to understand the dynamics of it. I mean look the guys in it are too delusional. I am not saying all of them but a lot of them are. But here is a question that I know you will not be able to answer. Why not cut the money supply to your so called sugar baby and see if she still sticks around with you and gives you BBBJs? If there are genuine feelings as Starry says there are she will stick around no?

Well, it’s been nine months now and it just gets better and better. We see each other at least once a week for “playtime” and more often than not we’ll have brunch or dinner between these dates. We go to concerts, we spent 10 days in Europe in the fall, we’re going to New York shortly, and are talking about Hawaii just before winter sets in next year. Not counting the money I spend in restaurants and our travel expenses, I figure she’s costing me about 20,000$ per year, the actual cash that I give her. (God Save the Exchange Rate)

$20,000 is a lot of money that equals to about $1666 which is about a pay rate of $15/hr working full time. I mean if this is what you want go for it. But genuine feelings? Nah.

We only met twice at my place before she ended the affair. Her reason was that she was too busy, but I really think it was more than that. My sense is that she was uncomfortable with the very notion of sex for money or the age gap was a bit much for her. Her profile is still on the site, but the picture is gone and she hasn’t logged in since removing it. This affair set met back some 2000$, but it was well worth it. She was fun.

Here is more money down the drain and you got nothing to show for it. But again it is your life. She got your money and you got nothing. Did you even get to have sex with her? So I go back to my original statement. This is guys trying to rent a relationship. Trying to find love or to fill a void within themselves. I just cannot imagine why anyone would want to live in this kind of fantasy. But it is your life. Do whatever you want. I figure that $20,000 you spent could have been better invested in stocks or even on your children.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I applaud your post #114. Exactly my thoughts. :clap2:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Rump, $20,000.00 cash a year plus meals plus vacations plus whatever trinkets you buy her, no wonder she likes you.
If you told her you lost everything and could not pay her anymore do you think she would see you again? Just a question.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
How many wives have left husbands who could no longer support them? What does that make them?

I'd call her a lot smarter than someone who works in a retail shop for $12/hour to pay for school.

For the first part, gold digging skanks. For the second part, good for her.
As long as you know she is only there for the money and you are fine with it good for you, but you can not say that there is a connection if you acknowledge that she would drop you if the money ran out.
$20 k plus meals and trips must come close to $35 K a year, whole lot of escorts.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. If there were no connection, she would not engage in this for any amount of money..

Is this not the same as a wife who sticks around with a rich guy, there for the money but as soon as the money is gone she splits, guessing she also told him he was the one before the money ran out. Now do not get me wrong, she may actually enjoy being with you and you have common interests and I like the way you assist her to finish school, but to me it is like buying a friend who fucks you.
This is just my opinon, if it works for you great.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I realize once again that posting on this board is, as often as not, quite like beating your head against the wall. I'm out again.

It is just peoples opinions, if everyone thought the same life would be boring.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just out of curiosity, how many SB/SD relationships have you had to prove your theory?.

Again, just my opinion only.... I do not need to fall off a cliff to know it will really hurt. " For me " I can not see paying someone to be my friend and have sex with them long term.
Now for you to be able to do this, great.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
After reading all the posts, and exchange in private, my conclusion about SB/SD is still the same.

Yes, in common with escorting: money exchanged for companionship. That's an agreement.

But it is requiring much more personal involvement and, as an escort/companion/courtesan point of view, who wants to remain independent of mind, of her choices in her life, is also having a regular life to take care, having goals... The idea to have someone almost full time in your life to take care and entertain is really time consuming and maybe too, too much intimate, and for less pay at the end for the time involved. You let someone completely enter your life, and plus, very dangerous, your "income" are all based on uniquely one provenance. So this could be a trap, "un couteau à 2 tranchants"... You can be stuck with someone the time you find another one... Of course, anyone who is really in need of money will take very good care of the unique source. This said, I know personally the grey zone, don't worry! That doesn't imply because money is involved, that necessarily that she hates/dislikes you, but that doesn't imply also that she is really in love with you also. And from the part of a SDaddy, I feel like the desire to "pet" someone much more on a long run for his own benefice and inner peace of mind. (sorry if "pet" is a wrong translation, but you get the idea...)

And don't forget everyone that in business (we can call it business because money is involved...), everybody are interchangeable. Yes, soft human relationships can be build in those agreements, I know! We can really care for each others! But that's still an agreement. Yes, with SB/SD agreement, you go further and are "in the life of each others more" but it is still what it is, an agreement.

What I heard from the moment, from some gentlemen and even previously by some fellow escorts friends, is the Sugar Baby route is a cheaper route for everything. I mean that you generally won't have the "level of quality" looked for both sides of the fence. In fact, what I understand of those agreement is that for a gentleman, you have to have the need to be involve to help/save/improve lives, and be able to give your advices and change for the best the life of your escort/companion/courtesan/sugar baby. (I wrote it like that because they are all in the same spectrum at a different place, and well, I see I put them in order of personal involvement....) and from the part of the Sbaby, you just need someone to take care of the regular steady expenses of life, and giving a bit of spoiling, in exchange of a lot of dedication/attention and a bit of intimacy.

And for what I heard also, in Quebec, gentlemen are more of the type "Spenda Daddy" than "Sugar Daddy", that's mean on the more cheap side and a lots of guys are just trying to find cheap escorts services. But girls are also on internet and are well informed generally speaking. They know the prices of an escort by hour.....
When I began, some hunting bargain guys tried with me to have deals, and they are still a bunge of those trying with the new women as well in our days. Those guys try to have deal with new indies as well, don't forget, as also new ladies in agencies escorts, giving their personal phone to skip the agencies fees after... All the way to pay the less. I don't blame, I can understand to have a limited budget OR to want to have the most for the less (and even much more when you are a sex addict) and instead to pay for only one encounter, being able to have 2 encounters with the same cash.

So for me, at first, that's a no-no that kind of agreement, I don't want to become the "pet" of someone unique and depend on only his good will on me.
But, if someone is really generous by recognizing my talents to their right values & not trying to deal, I could be open to some personal agreement of exclusivity, of course. But this has a prize. Some ladies companion are already offering it on their website, I did not check lately, but by example, Monica Del Fiore used to offer that on hers.

In fact, I imagine that they are as many difference between the kind of Sugar Babies than can exist as for escorts, companions, courtesans...

So, happy encountering everyone!

MD xox


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
This discussion is quite interresting, as we all have different points of view on this.

Mine, based on experiences I have had with sugar babies (I hate that naming!) and also with escorts in the past, is that it's two different beasts: Escorts do that for a living, Sugar babies do that for multiple reasons, and although money is always in the picture, it's not always the ONLY reason. Think of it as "additional" income, not as the "only" source of income. For some sugar women, money is just a way of drawing a line, but they don't need it. The women I have met on SeekingArrangement ALL had a real job. Some were getting more from their job than others, and therefore were less in need of money, but none of them viewed SeekingArrangement as their only source of revenue.

Comparing SD/SB with SP/clients is like comparing a Formula ONE to a Mercedes. Both are cars, but they don't go on the same roads. Would you take a formula ONE (escort) to go from Montreal to Quebec (have a long term relationship with). No. For one thing it will cost you a fortune, but you also will never have the same comfort (intimacy other than physical). The same way as you wouldn't use a Mercedes (Sugar baby) on a race track (one night stand). It's just not compatible.

On seeking arrangement, I filtered my searches on women aged from 28 to 40, so if you say I don't have a full picture, I'll have to agree with you. And my opinion is only based on the women I really met or had long exchanges with, and I rejected quite a few who were in fact escorts trying to make a quick buck. So I may be biased a little.

Bottom line, I still think escorting and seeking arrangements are two completely different things.

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