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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I understand there is no intention to lower the tax as they can not afford to but this whole election is nothing but mud slinging. Never is it heard about a party will do something to bring employment or business into Quebec ( 1 way to get businesses to open up here is to vote the PQ out ). Added note: The Liberals must win by a majority or the PQ will drag them down with every proposal they make. The PQ is not for Quebeckers but for separation.


Sep 24, 2009
Bah, they're all the same party with "minor" cosmetic differences. I will not vote, but I will take my 3 hours (or is it 4?) of paid time off from work to "vote." The day we have real leaders running for election I will vote again, but, real leaders today are called "extremists" or "protectionists" haha.


Sep 19, 2005
Bah, they're all the same party with "minor" cosmetic differences. I will not vote, but I will take my 3 hours (or is it 4?) of paid time off from work to "vote." The day we have real leaders running for election I will vote again, but, real leaders today are called "extremists" or "protectionists" haha.

I guess you will never vote in Canada then as I don't think we are going to see those "great" leaders soon. Though, you can always move to Russia or to Northern Korea, you will feel at home there :)


Sep 19, 2005
The best gift that a citizen could offer to Madame Marois now is to vote for CAQ instead of PLQ, that's the only chance for PQ to win these elections and I reckon that many separatists already know this. PLQ is the less evil option and voting for CAQ will only result in a wasted vote (except for PQ), CAQ has zero chances to win these elections and Legault is planning to quit politics if he loses. So, even if CAQ becomes the official opposition, then I doubt that anything will come out of this. Besides, who are the other CAQ candidates and what are their qualifications (save the guy who posted a triumphant picture of himself naked on a toilet bowl). This reminds of the elections when ADQ became the official opposition and look what did they accomplish and look what has Mario Dumont become.

I am glad that this pathetic show, also known as the 2014 Quebec elections is coming to an end. C'est assez.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
I can not vote PlQ and PQ,too much corruption.WE will have finaly the truth with the commission Charboneau.CAq for me is the best option for this election,we all need a change.


Sep 19, 2005
The problem Simon is that CAQ has no chances to win these elections. You are not giving the party a chance and by voting for CAQ you are only voting for Legault because you think, I guess, that he is a charismatic leader. Legault is a good communicator, I do not doubt that. I see him more like a good performer, cutting a credit card with scissors in order to send a message to Quebecers? Come on. Good communicators do not necessarily make good leaders, and Sarkozy comes to mind here.
I don't like PLQ at all, though I am still going to vote for this party. I voted for Mélanie Joly in the municipal elections and now I regret my vote. My decision was motivated by the fact that Joly was cool and I wanted to give her a chance, even though, her team had no experience in politics. The result of all this : Coderre was elected, Joly dispersed the vote while still not making it and Richard Bergeron did not. Bergeron announced that he was going to retire afterwards. Despite being a bit lunatic, I still believe that Bergeron is better than Joly.


Sep 19, 2005
With the PLQ back in power, we may again hear of higher tuition costs, and,

99% of escorts are in school. Known Fact.

Marois said no increase in tuition fees, then she said that she was going to increase those fees providing some inflation blablaba to justify her increase. Let's face it, Marois should bow down and lick the feet of the students who went demontrating on the streets and got her elected. She is in power just because people wanted to get rid of the severely deaf Jean Charest.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Agreed. The CAQ would sell out the moment anyone even pretended to throw money their way, but they haven't had the chance to.
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