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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections


Sep 24, 2009
Syria was a Democratic country. Western Democratic countries have only had public education since the late industrial revolution and even then, it's still pretty basic. Also, Slavery and other nasty things took place under "Democracy." (Democracy btw just means you get to vote - that's ALL it means. It doesn't mean a right to education, gender equality or anything else.)

It's [Democracy] probably the most bloody war-mongering system of Government ever devised and always ends in Dictatorship (as Plato observed in his Republic).

As for food. Really? Voting changes the fertility of the soil? Really?


Sep 24, 2009
Democracy also meant only the rich and land owners could vote - poll tax.

Democracy was not open to Women for a good 350 years before present.

Suffragettes anyone? Now, Compare the rights of Women in early modern Democracies to those of Women during Fascist Rome. Yeah.


User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
I really hope that the people of Quebec do not fall for all the BS Pauline claims will happen " If " a separation occurs. Recently claims that Quebec would use the Canadian dollar,[...].

Ok. So the currency of the new republic of Québec will be adorned by the Queen of England at the rear???

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In the Alberta political news our shitty premier just resigned. Lots of happy faces in Alberta today.


Sep 24, 2009
Key word in your first sentence: was. Key word in response to the rest of your post and the one after that: 2014 (sorry, key year).

You know, democracy today (<< note the key word in italics) is kind of intrinsically linked to such concepts as equality and freedom of speech. Also, ever heard about "checks against power"? Nifty democratic device to ensure democracies don't sour into dictatorships. Sorry Plato didn't live a couple more millennia to discover the Westminster model. Oh, that's right, it wouldn't have made a difference because democracy hasn't evolved one bit since the time that "the rule of the people" meant "everyone" could vote in Greece except slaves, women and the barbarians. Kinda like the invention of the telephone in the 19th century totally means cordless phones and cellphones don't actually exist.

And yeah, I really pointed out somewhere that "voting changes the fertility of the soil". Go read over my unicorn comment. It's written in really, really fine white font next to it.

What? The Westminster system does not have much separation of powers, in fact one of the main criticisms of the Westminster system is that it unifies or fuses the legislative and executive functions; contrary to the principals of most "presidential democracies."

No, it doesn't make a difference because people haven't changed much since Plato's time. It's still easy to make people do and vote how you want; use fear, and a foreign enemy. Pretty simple really.

You said Dictatorships usually include food rationing as if Democracies never experience food shortages (which they have many times).

A vote changes nothing.


User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
Anyone watching the debates on Radio-Canada tonight?
It might be too much to hope for Marois to receive a knock-out blow... but anything is possible.


Sep 19, 2005
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Democracy is a retarded system.

Democracy is not perfect, though I would not go that far and call the whole system retarded. I agree with you on the fact that the voting system is flawed. Media can manipulate opinions, candidates that have more funds to conduct a "loud" campaign have higher chances to get elected...In some poor countries it takes just a few pounds of flour and a bottle of soja oil to buy a vote, in others a handshake in a market or a gentle pat on the shoulder will do.

It is frustrating when democratic elections lead to presidents like G. W. Bush or allow some terrorist movements to get access to power. In those dark moments, I wished that those nations had a merciless dictator instead. Though, time proved that I was wrong. Better candidates end up being elected in these countries. You cannot fool all the people all the time in a democratic system, that's the beauty of it.

At one point, I was thinking of a weighted voting system, similar to those used in condo buildings. Though, such system is discriminatory. On which criteria will those weights be assigned : education, political awareness, will you have citizens write political awareness tests...?

There is this anecdote about the famous logician and mathematician Kurt Godel. While preparing for his citizenship exam, Godel found a loophole in the constitution of the United States that allowed someone to set a dictatorship in the U.S. without violating any of the constitution's acts. Godel was so excited about his finding and tried naively to share it with the immigration officer. Fortunately, his friend Einstein ushered him out of the examination room. Bottom line, no democracy is perfect.

Democracy comes with many goodies though. As Sidney mentioned above, it comes with freedom of speech and this is crucial. It is true that people may be manipulated by mainstream media. Though, it is harder and harder now to manipulate the masses as social networks took over mainstream media. Information flows more freely in this digital age and cannot be controlled as easily as it used to. So I am optimistic and convinced that this will prevent more and more undeserving candidates from getting access to governance.

Finally, I will take Democracy (despite its flaws) over Dictatorship any day of the week.


Sep 19, 2005
Anyone watching the debates on Radio-Canada tonight?
It might be too much to hope for Marois to receive a knock-out blow... but anything is possible.

Sure, I'll do. It is starting in 30 minutes on RDI. I am anticipating to watch a very agressive Marois given the recent poll results. I am curious also about PQ's political program du jour: will they stick to economy, back to charter of values? I hope I will not be running out of popcorn this evening.


Sep 24, 2009
I said dictatorships usually include food rationing? Please point me to that post.

Also, call me when you're all over your oh-my-gods of the truths of Politics you're learning right now in your Poli Sci BA. Reading Plato's Republic for the first time tends to do that for 20 year olds.

The alternative "nothing to do with democracy" is just so, so fun. Rationed food, not having access to education (etc)

It's about a page or two back.


Sep 19, 2005
I did watch the debate. I was expecting more action though. Candidates just kept repeating what they have been saying recently. We know at least that Mme Marois will hold a referendum only when Quebecers are ready (read, only when she senses that she has a chance to win it), who have guessed that!

Legault kept bragging that he is the founder of Transat. I checked the Transat article on Wikipedia and his name is not mentioned. P. Couillard seems to be the winner of this debate according to CBC.


Sep 19, 2005
Legault? Legault? You mean this guy?

Lol. J 'aurais dû créer une page semblable sur les robes de Madame Legault. Elle porte une robe différente par jour, quoique j'ai eu l'impression la voir porter le tailleur rouge bourgogne hier avant le débat, un tailleur qu'elle a déjà porté auparavant cette semaine. La question qui brûle les lèvres de tout Québécois et de toute Québécoise n'est pas qui sera le prochain premier ministre du Québec, mais de combien de robes dispose Mme Legault? Tout un mystère...


Sep 19, 2005
Pas un seul coiffeur, mais une trentaine de coiffeurs à travers le Québec!!! Et puis ses adversaires ont osé hier l'accuser de ne pas avoir crée des emplois pendant son mandat, quelle mauvaise foi :mad:

Voilà, en exclusivité, le bilan économique du PQ au cours des 18 derniers mois: création de cent emplois au Québec, à savoir:

* 30 coiffeurs
* 20 couturières
* 27 manucures
* 13 chefs cuisiniers
* 10 sommeliers


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
LOL :thumb::lol:

Pour une sociale démocrate,elle est des femmes politique les plus riche meme si elle et son mari ont toujours étés des fonctionnaires si on peux dire.C 'est vraiment le bout que je comprends pas,
ils possédaient une maison d'une valeur de plus de 6 millions et elle nous parle de justice sociale.!!!!

Tigers' WOOD!

Jan 26, 2011
PKP infected Marois like the necrotizing fasciitis ( flesh eating disease ) that he is and has taken a huge chunk out of her., and now Marois is warning the Coalition Avenir Québec and Québec Solidaire to back off. Marois has exposed her vulnerabilities. Now the two lesser parties will go after her like piranhas devouring a capybara ( a South American rodent the size of a Saint Bernard dog ) in the Amazon river. The Coalition Avenir Québec and Québec Solidaire will split the vote for Marois like the Union Nationale split the vote for the Liberals in 1976.
François Legault wants to be the opposition, the way he can do that is to stick a red hot piece of iron up Marois ass hole and watch her scream.


Sep 19, 2005
Per Legault, PQ is not in the race anymore and he is targeting Couillard now. Next thursday s debate will be less polite than the first one I guess. Marois will have no choice but to resign if she looses these elections. She will have no credibility afterwards, and PKP will be the new figure of separatism in Quebec, crazy times.
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