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Malaysia airlines flight 370

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I suspect that the jumbo jet was actually abducted by aliens. It wouldn't surprise me if Maylasian Airlines flight 370 reappeared on radar in 50 years or so and make a landing in China. Stranger things have happened, you know.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I heard that all the Toronto Leaf players were on board...


New Member
May 31, 2008
Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, author and radio host from Madison, about the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Press TV: Well Dr. Barrett, let’s look at it from a technical perspective. Do you think it is possible for no radar system to have picked up this airplane, even as it allegedly went way off course for hundreds of kilometers?

Barrett: No, that is not possible. In fact this aircraft cannot be just lost. It cannot have just disappeared. This makes no sense.

There is military radar and satellite coverage of that area. The CIA base in Alice Springs Australia knows precisely what happened to that plane. And it is interesting the Malaysian government has asked them and they are not getting any response.

Yes there may not be any new information in the sense of we got something today that is going to tell us what happened to the plane but what we do know is that this story that it just disappeared and presumably crashed is impossible.

It takes only a second or two to squawk an emergency code. If it is a hijacking there is a hijack code - it is I think three digits - it is just tap, tap, tap and it is done. So there is no way that a plane is going to start having problems that are going to lead to a crash and it is not going to squawk that code.

The plane tuned and flew in a westerly direction and must have been under some kind of control and yet there was no emergency code, there was no hijack code, nothing like that. This is very, very strange.

The Malaysian government was searching for the wreckage of the plane in a place where it already knew it could not be and did not tell us for a couple of days. This makes no sense. There are so many of these anomalies. Passengers’ cellphones were ringing out days after the plane disappeared, meaning that they were not under water and they were powered on.

Again there is something very odd happened to that plane. We do not know precisely what it was but we can guess and the single most important clue to what may have happened to this plane in my opinion is the fact that the two alleged Iranian passengers who were supposedly travelling with stolen passports were photoshopped. The security pictures we see of these Iranians supposedly boarding this plane were photoshopped. Their legs are exactly identical. There is no question about that. The London Daily Mail reported it and nobody has even tried to debunk it.

Why are they giving us photoshopped pictures of Iranian passengers? Obviously there was some kind of a setup to try to blame this on Iran. Precisely what that is we do not know but the Israelis have been using their assets including the head of ... security who is a 9/11 suspect lives in New Jersey. I forget the gentleman’s name. He and other Israelis have been putting out as much media propaganda as they can trying to blame this on Iran saying that it is a waste of time to look anywhere other than for this is being an Iranian hijacking.

Well Christopher Bollyn just found that there is an identical clone to this plane. It has been sitting in a hanger in Tel Aviv, Israel for the past couple of months and there was a show game play with his aircraft, it was in Southern France, they moved it down to Israel and speculation is that there was some sort of false flag plan at foot, perhaps another [plane] into buildings deception like 9/11.

We have so many parallels between this event and 9/11 which planes just disappearing, transponders going off for no reason, no hijack codes, no emergency codes being squawked, and cell phones anomalies. So a lot of people are speculating that there was a 9/11-style plan and it may not have gone right.

Press TV: Well what about that Dr. Barrett? I mean some of our viewers are saying this is like another false flag. And at 9/11 of course we were dealing with this subject. Let me say especially here at Press TV we take it very seriously and trying to deal with it, the sensitivity of this subject especially for the families of those who were on that plane. It is a very difficult time for them, we understand that.

However looking at this situation, how likely is this some type of setup and if so what could it be? What could be the goal of this situation like this?

Barrett: Well you are right. It has been very hard on the families and they have been protesting because they know they are being lied to, just like the 9/11 families. We would not have a 9/11 commission unless the family members hadn’t been protesting and basically camping out on the White House lawn for months and months and over a year until finally they were able to get that commission which turned out to be whitewash and likewise the Malaysian family members are putting pressure on the Malaysian government and they are not getting anywhere. They know that there is some huge deception going on here.
Planes cannot just disappear like that. There are all sorts of reasons to believe that something strange has happened with this plane. I suggested one scenario earlier which is the possibility that this plane was going to be, well, either blown up and this would be blamed on Iranian guys who were photoshopped into being patsies boarding the plane or maybe it was going to be taken somewhere and then flown into a building somewhere in a 9/11-style false flag event and it is possible that all the publicity in which the mainstream media at this time has actually been asking questions about what happened to this plane unlike 9/11 when nobody was asking any questions because they were still in shock.

So that is one angle, the possibility that this was going to be used in some kind of false flag like 9/11 and there are plenty of indications pointing at that but there is also another angle which is that there were 20 employees of a Semiconductor firm on board, Free-scale Semiconductors who this company had just patented the most advanced computer chip available and with many, many military applications, a very, very important piece of an electro property they were heading for Beijing and it is possible that somebody did not want them to get there.

These were Chinese nationals working for an Houston, Texas based firm and there have been some unconfirmed reports - at least I can tell if there are confirmed - that say that I believe four of these passengers were Patent holders for this chip and the fifth Patent holder is the company and the company actually turns out to be owned by Jacob Rothschild to shell entities.

So they are pointing out that possibly this Patent may now belong to Jacob Rothschild and that this would be a motivation for taking over this plane and there are indications the plane may have flown towards Diego Garcia which is a rendition site. The fishermen spotted this plane and accurately described its colors without even knowing what color the Airline was. So we have eyewitness reports that the plane was heading for Diego Garcia which is a black military rendition site run by the British and the Americans.

Press TV: Dr. Barrett, looking at this, Mr. Peterson [the other guest of the program] talked about the lack of technology or technology advance but we know even there are internet sites that actually you can follow planes and the flights that planes are taking real time for any novice who can just get on a site.

Again going back to this, why do you think that we are not hearing basically all of a sudden the Malaysian government said they have changed the path of the aircraft two weeks into this? Why now? What exactly do you think is going on? Is there a cover-up that the Malaysian government and others may be involved in?

Barrett: Well there is obviously a cover-up. It is simply unthinkable that this plane would simply turn, fly off in the wrong direction, be spotted over the Maldives Islands heading for Diego Garcia and just disappear. And all of these other indications, these cell phones ringing out and so on, suggest the same thing.

It is something very strange happened to this plane. That is really the only explanation for the fact that the government of Malaysia lied to the world and to the families of these victims for so long.

They essentially gave the wrong story and searched in the wrong place when they knew that this plane was not in the place where they were looking. Why was that?

You know I appreciate the other guest perspective in terms of saying that we should not be leaping to conclusions and say that we know for sure what we think happens based on our preconceptions, based on past experience.

I do think that you do have to apply context though and we do know that false flag events are extremely common. Turkey just got caught planning to attack its own country. It fired missiles from Syria into Turkey. It happens all the time. Israel has a long history of false flags.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I like Aliens. I have a few friends that are Aliens, but I don't think they would abduct this plane when their technology is far superior.

Hello Jayknowsbest,

You're right. As one of the aliens I can tell you the technology of a whatchamacallit..."an airplane" as far beneath us as the paramecium is below you. of our passions is the study of life on other planets. We would have considered Earth far too primitive for a look-see, but we stumbled onto images of Marylin Monroe and had to investigate further. We love your chicks. Too bad they only have one set of lips, but we can live with that. So we decided to stop by and have some fun with you. Our kids needed some toys. Thanks for the "plane".

BTW...Putin is one of us. You see we have assholes too. Don't worry. We'll fix the bastard soon.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

They still haven't found the plane. However, they've found huge amounts of garbage (unrelated to the plane) in the Indian Ocean.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Tough year for Malaysia Airlines. 534 dead in 2 MA flights in the span of 4 months.

Why fly over a war zone where military planes have been getting shot down for months by trigger-happy nutcases? Why?


Mar 31, 2006
I'm going to go with most direct and pre-established airline route from Amsterdam to Malaysia. Deviations from the standard traffic route to the south would send it over the middle east where it is also a war zone. I think the only country not at "war" in this particular area is Somalia where we haven't heard from in a while in relation to airplanes, not counting hijackings that is..

Perhaps they could have gone west from Amsterdam over the US.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Tough year for Malaysia Airlines. 534 dead in 2 MA flights in the span of 4 months.

Why fly over a war zone where military planes have been getting shot down for months by trigger-happy nutcases? Why?

To some of these 2nd and 3rd world countries passenger safety is not a top priority. Responsible countries such as the United State, Canada, and Europe all stopped flying over this area soon after the conflict began. Malaysia airlines in my opinion continued to take the direct route as a cost saving measure just hoping something like this would not happen.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Malaysia airlines in my opinion continued to take the direct route as a cost saving measure just hoping something like this would not happen. JJ

Just like they hoped that Flight 370 would fly to China instead of the bottom of the Indian Ocean? I am not sure if "hope" is a real good business plan as opposed to taking control of the situation like the other responsible airlines did in not flying over Ukraine. What they basically did was gamble with the lives of 295 people on board that flight. They gambled that a trigger happy nut would not shoot an STA missile at the plane, and they lost the bet. This is no different than Joe T's hockey bets, except that lives rather than $ were gambled.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why fly over a war zone where military planes have been getting shot down for months by trigger-happy nutcases? Why?

They were saying on CNN yesterday that the plane wasn't flying within that 'war zone' that airlines had been warned about. They were flying through a supposed safer zone.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They were flying through a supposed safer zone.

I heard on CNN that the plane was shot down 18 miles from the Russia-Ukraine border- not sure how much supposedly safer this zone would be. They were in Ukrainian air space and my understanding was the other airlines had stopped overflying Ukrainian air space after that large military plane was shot down killing about 50 on June 13:

CNN also is reporting that one Igor Strelkov had posted a warning on twitter to the airlines not to overfly Ukrainian airspace, and that the warning was taken down after the incident occurred.

Malaysia Airlines had all this info, but as suggested by JJ they decided to roll the dice with overflights to save a few bucks.


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
Tough year for Malaysia Airlines. 534 dead in 2 MA flights in the span of 4 months.

Why fly over a war zone where military planes have been getting shot down for months by trigger-happy nutcases? Why?

You are absolutely right! What the hell is this? Flying commercial flights over the war zone with active antiaircraft systems that downed at least 15 aircraft for the last 2 months just to save a few dollars on fuel? Sooner or later this was going to happen… Ukraine actually closed this part of its aerospace to own commercial flights on June 6 so rebels naturally assumed it was military transport plane…

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
I just hope these types of weapons don't ever fall into the hands of jihadist religious fundamentalists or commercial planes will start falling from the sky. I'm surprised it hasn't happened more often. Very scary out there, real glad I live in Canada.
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