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Most Beautiful SPs that do not mind being with older guys


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
Justforfun said:
To share companionship with a nice and intelligent women is not only pleasurable but gratifying at the same time. Intimacy for me, starts with the atmosphere created that both brings to the encounter, nice surroundings, interesting vibe and conversation that will lead naturally to the more intimate part of of the rendez-vous.

Justforfun said:
I believe its important for this group, or me, that the lady companion enjoys herself has much as I, hopefully. I guess I see it has a symbiosis between 2 persons.

Well, your 2 cents is mine too. I could not have spelled it out better. If you ever want to form the "Hobbyists that seeks to share pleasurable moments with a lady companion" club, I am your first member. Cheers to you.


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Well Maria and CafeLatte it is great to hear your take on it. Do you feel that most sp's would agree with you?

I don't think it is in the interest of SPs or MPs to share their preference publicly. Let's just state that the odds for mature, class act gentlemen who treat them well are much higher. And, as far as I am concerned, this is an understatement.

Cheers to you.


Jul 25, 2003
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Justforfun said:
Without pretending understanding the wants, motivations and psyche of the first group I can attest to the second group to which I'm part of.

To share companionship with a nice and intelligent women is not only pleasurable but gratifying at the same time.

I believe its important for this group, or me, that the lady companion enjoys herself has much as I

I totally agree with you on this. I don't know if I can generalise that this is the difference between a man in his 50's and one in his 20's, although it is one of the differences between how I am today and what I was interested in 30 years ago. I can only be thankful that there are women who also want and need the same things in an encounter.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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voyageur said:
I totally agree with you on this. I don't know if I can generalise that this is the difference between a man in his 50's and one in his 20's, although it is one of the differences between how I am today and what I was interested in 30 years ago. I can only be thankful that there are women who also want and need the same things in an encounter.
How would you know?, you weren't even born yet 30 years ago.:)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
How would you know?, you weren't even born yet 30 years ago.:)
Way are you even looking at this thread, Joe? Shouldn't you be looking at "Most beautiful SPs that do not mind being with moronic Yankee fans?"
Apr 16, 2005
Athana's take on it!

Athana, just ran across some wonderful candid comments by you from another thread directly related to you. Hope you don't mind if I quote them here:

For you gentlemen that think that just because I swirt, it does not mean, that I'm a machine. You have to keep in mind, that I'm a woman and that just maybe some guys get me horny more than others.......A woman can be horny and hot, but if the man doesn't know what to do with her, she will never be what he's expecting out of please gentlemen, this is not a contest.....Thank you!

I only stated that some guys are not respectfull with SP's. The way I see this, it's not a question of who's fault is it, but better a question of's obvious that I can not please every man and the same goes the other way around.

the fact that I told you that I was tired and that I was finished for the night, it just shows you my honesty for not taking anymore appointments, because I feel that I will not be providing a good service......if I was only all for the money (which I'm not), I would still go on even if I would be tired and not care about the next date.

Now guys this is from a lady who is truly out to give the best experience. She is honest about the realities of the "date". Now you just have to know that Athana is all about a true GFE if you bring a true BFE. Makes sense to me. Now if only they were all like this.............
Apr 16, 2005
Beyond the superficial

I don't think preferences sexually are ever 100%. Some women care more about brains, some care more about brawn, some care more about wallet size, some more about penis size. There are tendencies but no absolutes.

You might be able to lump all of this together into "more successful men". It may be that women gravitate more naturally toward potential providers. Could it be hard wired in? There is a theory that says men are attracted to hips because they are unconsciously checking child bearing potential.

They surely prefer more attractive and more muscular men.

This might fit in with the above.

That said, SPs may have better experiences on the whole with significantly older men as clients.......they are probably more likely to be respectful, skilled in bed, interesting to talk to and have the's quite feasible that a 20-year old SP's favorite client could be 55, especially if he's handsome and keeps in shape.........It might be "more pleasant" but it is still "work" rather than "play".

Just guessing here but perhaps, in one sense, for sp's it is all work. Sometimes a client may show interest and turn into a love interest. Now that is a horse of a different colour. This is what makes the issue so complex and interesting for me. There are guys on this board who are married. They enjoy the sexual experience with an sp but have a deeper attachment to their significant others. Can sp's compartmentalize like that? Maybe they do not want or cannot handle a relationship so get the ingredients from the men who they see. It may be that some enjoy men and enjoy having sex with them. In that case is it still work rather than play? What are the ingredients for them to make the experience a rewarding one.

I really prefer men to boys...It's totally logical...Spiritely, Emotionely and Physicaly, i can have a connection with men and that will guaranty my own expectations and my own needs when i meet a man....

When Maria Divina makes this statement I think she is going beyond the superficial of "more attractive and muscular men". Her needs are much more complex than that.

Now if you are referring to the teenagers in the business (And I think that's what you meant). Yes, they do tend (IMHO) to be more apt to lend weight to the more superficial. Until, that is, they get it knocked out of them by some of the demanding, boorish or selfish behaviour that often goes along with the young and/or attractive male. Again this is not a hard and fast rule.
Apr 16, 2005
Younger girls I don't think tend to put nearly as much weight on personality as you would think from listening to them talk. Both older and younger women IMHO VASTLY overstate how important it is to them and understate how important physical qualities and financial success and social status are to them. I think women are often ashamed to admit this.

You may be on to something here. Would love to hear from some of the sp's if they think this might be true

In both cases though, some focus on personality evolves because, as you say, the most physically or financially desirable specimens often treat others like shit because, well, because they are still considered desirable! Bad news for beautiful girls who develop shitty personalities though : once the beauty fades, the shitty personality often remains. Occasionally you get a guy who wasn't "desirable" when he was younger and doesn't turn into a loser once he's developed a fabulous physique and landed a six-figure income. But, this doesn't always hold either.

And here is where the plastic approach of the superficial gives way to the wisdom of age. Sometimes too late for some. And maybe this is what makes for the most desirable sp's. Perhaps why some guys prefer the older sp's.
Apr 16, 2005
In both cases though, some focus on personality evolves because, as you say, the most physically or financially desirable specimens often treat others like shit because, well, because they are still considered desirable!

Where men are concerned this may be so. Some may have a bit too much testosterone or be too full of themselves to the point of being rude or abusive. On the other hand, in the land of the professional and the CEO, traits of compassion, empathy and generosity of spirit are as prized as business acumen and astuteness. They tend to be regarded as attributes of greatness.

Bad news for beautiful girls who develop shitty personalities though : once the beauty fades, the shitty personality often remains.

My brother often used to say that some extremely attractive girls never had to develop a personality because they didn't need it. Being constantly slobbered over by the guys looking for the trophy girlfriend/wife has made them extremely self-centered. The exceptions tend to be those with brothers. Brothers have an uncanny knack of knocking that out of them.:D Of course in all fairness this is not a hard and fast rule.

And, to tell you the truth, I have known very beautiful girls who were hit on SO much that it's easy to understand them developing a certain's the only way to get the message through some times! It takes a beautiful girl with a strong character not to take this easy way!

It may be true that it can be difficult to discourage some guys bent on conquest. If they can do it with class they should. There is an old saying that "there is no excuse for bad manners." However if a guy does not get the hint then for me it is imperative for her to run like hell. Obsession can be pathological and develop into an abusive situation with potentially fatal results. Rudeness, however is unacceptable when a first or even second overture is made.

In any event the mods may begin to feel we are getting a bit off topic. In defense of our discussion here one could say that perhaps the behaviours we have been bandying around here do in fact relate to how and why sp's may also enjoy their older clients or , dare I say it, prefer them:)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
In any event the mods may begin to feel we are getting a bit off topic. In defense of our discussion here one could say that perhaps the behaviours we have been bandying around here do in fact relate to how and why sp's may also enjoy their older clients or , dare I say it, prefer them:)

Actually RG annd SCR I truly enjoyed your discussion, you have covered many theories and aspects in a very interesting way. Keep on with it!

My brother often used to say that some extremely attractive girls never had to develop a personality because they didn't need it. Being constantly slobbered over by the guys looking for the trophy girlfriend/wife has made them extremely self-centered.

And the reverse is also true. Girls (or guys) with so-so looks had to work on their personality to get accepted otherwise. I remember when youger, one of us would have a date with a girl and, when asked about how she was, if one were to respond: "She is very nice" this would automatically mean she was not so hot... Whereas now, this is a much more important apsect (as long as she meets a minimum in the looks department). How cruel youth is...
Apr 16, 2005
To take it further............

And the reverse is also true. Girls (or guys) with so-so looks had to work on their personality to get accepted otherwise. I remember when youger, one of us would have a date with a girl and, when asked about how she was, if one were to respond: "She is very nice" this would automatically mean she was not so hot... Whereas now, this is a much more important apsect (as long as she meets a minimum in the looks department). How cruel youth is...

Interesting observation! I would think that the superficiality of youth is born of a lack of experience and the resulting lack of wisdom that follows. Yet some have wisdom beyond their years. Perhaps due to a great upbringing. To see it first hand as I have done for many years there are some constants. The not so physically attractive girl latches onto the attractive hoping to enjoy the spinoffs of her sphere of influence. The guy who is not the BMOC tries to be the "nice guy." And so it goes. It can be brutal and quite primitive at times.

But getting back to sp's then it must take quite an effort of imagination for the eighteen year olds, when breaking into the game, to put things into the right perspective. For the extremely attractive like Karyna of Eleganza (on my to see list :) ) and Rachel of Devilish it was interesting to read the reviews and comments. (Actually Karyna is a bit older.) These girls were literally swamped as a result of being extremely blessed in the looks department. Perhaps in real life they would have only the very attractive and successful males to contend with - a kind of soap opera existence. The reality of being an sp was not all it was cracked up to be (all ages and shapes and sizes), I suspect, for Rachel at least. She has restricted her dance card for Saturdays only. So what do the very attractive ones see to keep them going. And maybe that is where, as you say, being nice and meeting the minimum in the looks department is how they take the measure for what they can get aroused by (if they actually do:rolleyes: ) You could go on and on. There is a regular plethora of issues I (and I would bet many others) pertinent to how sp's view their clients and helpful to answer the question of this thread.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Ziggy Montana said:
If I'm wrong, where are all the SP's proclaiming their profound preference for younger guys?

That would be in their choice of actual, you know, boyfriends.

Ziggy Montana said:
Anyway old, young, if the dude shows up with unwashed feet and looking like he's been shot in the face, what difference doest it make? And who gives a toss, really, as long as they're treated right and paid?

There's this wonderful unstated theme of young guys being all Fratboys, and older 'gentlemen' being nec-plus-ultra coiffed, sophisticated, mustacio'ed Bryan Ferry/James Bond types. Which, of course, is ever so true.

Treated right? Generally not, from what I hear, and that from a year of having hung out with about a dozen or so SPs.

No lower on the scale of snake belly than those members of this board who threaten SPs with bad reviews if they don't agreed to deep discounts, and to performing all the client's sick perversions. And that happens with shocking frequency.

(Yet another thing the girls don't want to talk about publicly, because they are afraid it will hurt their business.)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
YouVantOption said:
There's this wonderful unstated theme of young guys being all Fratboys, and older 'gentlemen' being nec-plus-ultra coiffed, sophisticated, mustacio'ed Bryan Ferry/James Bond types. Which, of course, is ever so true.

Treated right? Generally not, from what I hear, and that from a year of having hung out with about a dozen or so SPs.

No lower on the scale of snake belly than those members of this board who threaten SPs with bad reviews if they don't agreed to deep discounts, and to performing all the client's sick perversions. And that happens with shocking frequency.

(Yet another thing the girls don't want to talk about publicly, because they are afraid it will hurt their business.)
Curious to know what special interest you have in hanging out specifically with SP's but I guess that's none of my business.

Therefore I'll leave it at that.

On the issue of how clients/members of this (as well as the other) board, one doesn't necessarily need intimate knowledge of the business to figure out what goes on. As far as I'm concerned, I've lived long enough to know the drill.

That drill, btw and to get back to the subject, is not the exclusive privilege of a specific segment of clients. "Young", "old", you find discount chasers and perverts in every age group.

You also find worse.
Apr 16, 2005
Dark side?

There's this wonderful unstated theme of young guys being all Fratboys, and older 'gentlemen' being nec-plus-ultra coiffed, sophisticated, mustacio'ed Bryan Ferry/James Bond types. Which, of course, is ever so true.

Treated right? Generally not, from what I hear, and that from a year of having hung out with about a dozen or so SPs.

Well it seems there is no escaping it so let's acknowledge it. Yes there is a dark side to this hobby. Yes there are those clients of the lowlife variety. Do they mistreat the girls? I am sure it happens. Are there sp's who hate men but love the money enough to keep it under control? To keep their thoughts to themselves unless with the privileged few friends (like yourself). Oh yes. There are streetwalkers who scam. There are strippers who are hostile. And there are sp's who belong to unsavoury agencies and are themselves just this side of psychopathic.

But when I read the reviews here I see more positive reviews than negative. When I read and contribute to this board and hobby, the thought is always with me that this board is all about improving the hobby. To screen out the undesireables whether they be sp's with terrible attitudes or jerks we'd all like to see just take a hike. We support the reputable agencies and indys and make it clear to the unsavoury clients who try to post here that they wont get support here. Now call me crazy but I think this board actually helps to promote a safer environment and experience for all. And I have and always will be positive in my approach and posts. I do understand the realities and I thank you for pointing them out.

(Actually I do have a moustache and if I turn just so I just might cut a dashing figure - James Bond? Naw!)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Now call me crazy but I think this board actually helps to promote a safer environment and experience for all.
That's because the environment you are referring to is relatively safe to begin with. If you care to look down the food chain, where the self-proclaimed bottom feeders bury themselves, you might get that impression of dealing with a bunch of lowlifes whereas, in reality, you have there the creme de la creme of street aficionados.

The streets extend way farther than the point where some of use decide to take a 180 deg. turn.

The most debilitated, they're too severed to even connect to the internet, let alone to plead their cases on discussion boards.
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Apr 16, 2005
On a scale of 1 to 10

That's because the environment you are referring to is relatively safe to begin with.

Okay I can go along with the "relative" part. But I'll give you one example of why I brought up the issue of safety. Was talking to a young attractive stripper at the Hilltop the other day. She mentioned that she got out of escorting for a couple of reasons. One of them was safety. She seemed quite bitter when relating that when abuse happens, "The driver doesn't give a damn! He wont do anything!" Is she an isolated case? I don't know. There do seem to be tense moments for clients as well. How often have we read reviews where one of the clients here relates a story of dealing with a less than reputable agency and gets ripped off and/or intimidated into the bargain. Now I know that is probably not your experience as you are a big guy and can be aggressive if the occasion demands and probably choose your agencies and indys carefully to begin with but it has happened to others.

If you care to look down the food chain, where the self-proclaimed bottom feeders bury themselves, you might get that impression of dealing with a bunch of lowlifes whereas, in reality, you have there the creme de la creme of street aficionados.

Well I don't look at it as looking down the food chain. There are two schools of thought on this board. One is the "let's get down and dirty and get at it - I don't care what she's thinking. I'm not paying for that" bunch. The other is made up of those who combine the sexual experience with the social aspects to create a context for the act. Now I am not knocking either though I happen to believe the second is more rewarding. I am sure the guys from the first school are not abusive - they simply take a pragmatic approach. As for street aficionados, are you referring to the fact that context is rarely an issue for the act itself (the nearest back alley or doorway)? That may be so. But I would find it hard to lump them all into one group. There are guys like Olie who have a soft spot for the street action and, I believe, the girls who may be found there. But it can be a brutal environment. And nobody understands this better than he does.

The streets extend way farther than the point where some of use decide to take a 180 deg. turn.

You'll have to elaborate on this one for me. Not quite sure of "180 deg. turn." (I think you mean we tend to stick to Incall and Outcall.) If you are suggesting that what many of us are all engaging in here (outcall in the pleasant environment of a quality establishment) is less marginalized by society than at the street level. Okay. Not sure if I got that right.

The most debilitated, they're too severed to even connect to the internet, let alone to plead their cases on discussion boards.

Quite true! This is part of the dark side of the hobby and you are right. They don't have the resources or the wherewithal to post here and if on drugs and dealing with exposure to the elements, being debilitated is a factor. Olie did a wonderful job of educating us on that aspect with photos and commentary some time back. Thing is though, he did it on this board and many here followed it. So we can't say we weren't educated as to the aspects of the street side of it all. Not sure what case they might plead. That it is not as bad on the streets as we might paint it? Or that it is and we should count our blessings to have such a great thing going?
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Apr 16, 2005
Just a final point. It may be true that for the target audience for this board, the hobby is a relatively safe one it still needs this board. Being an activity which is technically illegal things could go south real quick were there no forum to organize and promote good policies. Several agencies (and we all know the reputable ones) have realized that customer satisfaction as expressed on this board is just sound business practice. This board also involves itself with health issues and scam warnings. So is the board redundant or is the hobby that much safer due to the workings of this and its sister boards?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
That's because the environment you are referring to is relatively safe to begin with.

The most debilitated, they're too severed to even connect to the internet, let alone to plead their cases on discussion boards.

Ziggy, I am not sure I fully understand you... True the most debilitated can't connect to the net, nor to the same agencies we "connect" to either.
But there are plenty of internet savvy weirdos, maniacs, obsessed or just plain frustrated people, who though they might not participate in our exchanges here, can still pose a risk...

And to try to link this to the initial topic, I am not sure age has anything to do with this "danger" aspect. OK maybe rudeness gets weeded out with age (by learning, hopefully), but not "sickness".


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
YouVantOption said:
That would be in their choice of actual, you know, boyfriends.
How many escorts boyfriends have you met? How do you know that they're not all going out with 60 year old men, searching for their fathers.
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