I am afraid we are derailing from the main topic but I am glad to see that Montreal is blessed with open minded gentlemen
I was also stunned reading the linked thesis at how clearly superior the college attending Sugar Babies felt in comparison to ladies who do not attend college. Society has raised a generation or two of young people who view educational attainment as an inappropriate measure of success and social class separation.
It amazes me how SB seem to think they are better than escorts and talk themselves into that they are not screwing for money..
Sometimes the arrangement is called "marriage." The only difference is that the sugar baby doesn't have bitching rights.To all sugar babies out there who take money out of arrangement please stop fooling yourself and accept the fact.
Sometimes the arrangement is called "marriage." The only difference is that the sugar baby doesn't have bitching rights.
Get real you are still getting fucked for money, you don’t need a survey or a law degree to figure that out.
Got to be careful with this statement. SESTA/FOSTA will shut down the websites. The US is on a moral war to prohibit all sex in exchange for money.
Get real you still getting fucked for money, you don’t need a survey or a law degree to figure that out.
Really,!!, You think the politicians that implemented SESTA/FOSTA haven’t figured that out, more than likely a good number of them have SB and they don’t want to fuck it up and get caught.
The so called use of coded language is bullshit. Most savvy users of SA use messaging to get to know someone, not to discuss transactional stuff. Numbers are exchanged and transactions happen off the website on text messaging apps.
There are many advantages to using SBs and I have spelled them out. If there weren’t people here wouldn’t be seeing them.
Exactly. It all must be done on the low and never ever on the website.
The website to a large disclaimer stating that the SB site is not for escorts and is not a site for prostitution. Read again. All this means everything has to be done on the low. Ask some Merbites what happened to them when they were too direct to asking for sex for money. Politicians do it all for show they want to make sure to get the social conservative and Evangelical votes.