You know, Marty, from my extensive experience with the Mall that is Florida, as a) a graduate student in Gainesville b) a businessperson working in and around the Convention Center in the hellhole that is Orlando and c) the son of a Gold Coast retiree, I'm aware that the population of Florida falls into the following categories:
a) Latinos and African Americans
b) Retirees
c) Shitkickers
d) Crackers
e) Cowards afraid of a little cold weather
Now, I know that you're not a or b as most of those in those categories are considerably more politically astute than you are. I'd always thought that you fell into category c, but now that I see you extolling the virtues of the hideous, toxic petroleum stench of the Daytona Speedway, it's now obvious that you're a cracker...and possibly a coward afraid of a little cold weather.
And this is not horribly racist how? On second thought... don't answer.